/// <summary>
    /// Sets the application connection string and initializes the application.
    /// </summary>
    private void SetAppConnectionString()
        ConnectionHelper.ConnectionString = ConnectionString;

        // Init core
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes CMS context.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CMSInit()
            // Initialize path of application
            SystemContext.WebApplicationPhysicalPath = Application.StartupPath;

        public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)
            var _loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory();
            var logger         = _loggerFactory.CreateLogger("Startup");

                // Loads kentico libraries into the app domain

                // Loads custom libraries into the app domain

                // Prinit types

                // Declare any Interfaces here, note you do not need to add any interfaces that are automatically implemented through Xperience's IoC attributes such as ProviderInterface
                //builder.Services.AddTransient<ICustomRepository, CustomRepository>();

                // Merge kentico services into the builder services

                var    Config          = builder.GetContext().Configuration;
                string EnvironmentName = builder.GetContext().EnvironmentName;

                // Wait for database to be ready since this is a external service
                CMSApplication.WaitForDatabaseAvailable.Value = true;

                string ConnectionString;
                if (EnvironmentName.Equals("Development", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    // Setup connection string (manually or read frOm key/vault, settings file etc.)  This will read from local.settings.json -> ConnectionStrings.CMSConnectionString
                    ConnectionString = Config.GetSection("ConnectionStrings").GetSection("CMSConnectionString").Value;
                    // In Azure Functions, will be grabbing just the CMSConnectionString from the Azure Functio -> Configuration -> Application Settings
                    ConnectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CMSConnectionString", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);

                // Set connection string
                ConnectionHelper.ConnectionString = ConnectionString;

                // Init database
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.LogError(ex, "An error occurred during startup");
Esempio n. 4
        protected override void ApplicationStartup(TinyIoCContainer container, IPipelines pipelines)
            base.ApplicationStartup(container, pipelines);
            TypeAdapterConfig <DataClassInfo, BridgeClassInfo> .NewConfig()
            .Ignore(dest => dest.AssignedSites)
            .Ignore(dest => dest.AllowedChildTypes)

            var userValidator = container.Resolve <IUserValidator>();

            pipelines.EnableBasicAuthentication(new BasicAuthenticationConfiguration(userValidator, "BridgeRealm"));
        static void Main(string[] args)

            new ObjectQuery <UserSettingsInfo>()
            .From(new QuerySource(new QuerySourceTable("CMS_UserSettings", "US")))
            .Source(s => s.Join(new QuerySourceTable(
                                    "CMS_User", "U"),
            .WhereLike("Email", "*****@*****.**")
            .DebugQuery("Like Email")
            .DebugQuery("User Enabled");
Esempio n. 6
        public static async Task <int> Main(string[] args)

            // Connect to external database
            var connString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CMSConnectionString");

            ConnectionHelper.ConnectionString = connString;

            return(await Bootstrapper
                   .AddPipeline <RatingPipeline>()
                   .AddPipeline <BookPipeline>()
                   .AddPipeline <AuthorPipeline>()
                   .AddPipeline <ContactPipeline>()
                   .AddPipeline("Assets", outputModules: new IModule[] { new CopyFiles("assets/**") })
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize Kentico CMS Application using the supplied parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="siteLocation">The directory where the Kentico site resides.</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string to use for initializing the CMS Application.</param>
        /// <param name="writeDebug">A delegate for writing to the debug stream.</param>
        /// <param name="writeVerbose">A delegate for writing to the verbose stream.</param>
        public void Initialize(DirectoryInfo siteLocation, string connectionString, Action <string> writeDebug = null, Action <string> writeVerbose = null)
            // We don't need to do anything if the application is already initialized.
            if (this.InitializationState != InitializationState.Uninitialized)

            DataConnectionFactory.ConnectionString = connectionString;

            // This is how Kentico recommends working with their API.
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete

            SystemContext.WebApplicationPhysicalPath = siteLocation.FullName;

            if (!CMSApplication.Init())
                throw new Exception("CMS Application initialization failed.");
        private void HandleBeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)

            var application      = (HttpApplication)sender;
            var context          = application.Context;
            var relativeFilePath = context.Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath.TrimStart('~');

            // Check whether the current request URL contains information about a preview mode
            if (VirtualContext.HandleVirtualContext(ref relativeFilePath))
                // Validate integrity of preview information (including the unique identifier generated by Kentico) in the current request URL
                if (!VirtualContext.ValidatePreviewHash(relativeFilePath) || !ValidatePreviewGuid(VirtualContext.GetItem(VirtualContext.PARAM_WF_GUID)))
                    throw new HttpException(404, "The preview link is not valid.");

                // Disable same origin policy for a preview mode as Kentico displays preview in a frame
                AntiForgeryConfig.SuppressXFrameOptionsHeader = true;

                // Do not cache response in a preview mode, it has to contain current data

                // Remove preview mode information from the request URL
                context.RewritePath("~" + relativeFilePath, context.Request.PathInfo, context.Request.Url.Query.TrimStart('?'));
                // Add validation callback for the output cache item to ignore it in a preview mode
                context.Response.Cache.AddValidationCallback(ValidateCacheItem, null);

            var previewFeature = new PreviewFeature();

            context.Kentico().SetFeature <IPreviewFeature>(previewFeature);
Esempio n. 9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string packagePath     = args[0] ?? "";
            string userName        = args[1] ?? "";
            string applicationPath = args[2] ?? "";
            bool   moduleExport    = false;
            string moduleName      = "";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packagePath))
                Console.Error.WriteLine("No package path provided");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(applicationPath))
                Console.Error.WriteLine("No main application path provided");

            //Initialize Kentico API for external application

            SystemContext.WebApplicationPhysicalPath = applicationPath;

            ImportModule(packagePath, userName);

            ImportObject(packagePath, userName);

            string objectType = "";
            int    objectID   = 0;

            SiteExportSettings siteExportSettings = new SiteExportSettings(UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(userName))
                WebsitePath        = SystemContext.WebApplicationPhysicalPath,
                TargetPath         = packagePath + "Export",
                CreatePackage      = true,
                TargetFileName     = $"ExportPackage_{DateTime.Now.ToString()}",
                TemporaryFilesPath = "/path",
            //switch on one object vs global object selection
            var selectedObjects = ObjectSelections(objectType);

            if (objectID > 0)
                var singleObject = SingleObjectSelection(objectID, selectedObjects);
                siteExportSettings.Select(singleObject.TypeInfo.ObjectType, singleObject.TypeInfo.ObjectClassName, singleObject.TypeInfo.IsSiteObject);

            if (moduleExport)
                siteExportSettings.SetInfo(ImportExportHelper.MODULE_NAME, moduleName);

            siteExportSettings.Select(selectedObjects.TypeInfo.ObjectType, selectedObjects.TypeInfo.ObjectClassName, selectedObjects.TypeInfo.IsSiteObject);

            //Preset for global object selection
            siteExportSettings.SelectGlobalObjects(new List <string>(), "");

            // Make sure no data is in temp folder (possibly from previous unsuccessful export)
            ExportProvider.DeleteTemporaryFiles(siteExportSettings, true);
            ExportManager exportManager = new ExportManager(siteExportSettings);


            ExportProvider.DeleteTemporaryFiles(siteExportSettings, true);

Esempio n. 10
 private void HandleBeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void Extract(IConsole console, ExtractorSettings settings)
            var redirects = new List <(string, string)>();

            // Create the output directories if needed
            if (!DryRun)

            //Doc to save the actual content as xml
            var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
            var parentElem  = xmlDocument.CreateNode("element", settings.PageType.Replace(".", "-") + "s", "");

            //Fire up our Kentico Xperience instance
            ConnectionHelper.ConnectionString = settings.ConnectionString;
            ValidationHelper.HashStringSalt   = settings.HashStringSalt;

            // Gets an object representing a specific Kentico user
            UserInfo user = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(settings.XperienceUser);

            // Sets the context of the user
            using (new CMSActionContext(user))
                var wc = new WebClient();

                //Get me all published pages of the specified page type on the site
                var posts = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments(settings.PageType)
                            .Path(settings.RootNodeAliasPath, PathTypeEnum.Children)

                console.WriteLine($"{posts.Count} nodes found.");
                console.WriteLine("Exporting node data...");

                int nodeOrder = 1;
                foreach (TreeNode post in posts)
                    //Create a new AgilityPack doc for working with the page
                    HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
                    doc.OptionOutputAsXml = false; //if true adds a weird span tag

                    doc.DocumentNode.AppendChild(HtmlNode.CreateNode("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"));

                    string nodeAliasPath = post.NodeAliasPath;

                    nodeAliasPath = nodeAliasPath.Split('/').Last();   //clean it up to just the slug

                    // Add redirect to the list
                    redirects.Add((post.NodeAliasPath, nodeAliasPath));

                    // TODO: use FormInfo to determine "DocumentName" field
                    string nodeTitle = post.DocumentName;

                    //Create a parent folder path in the data directory to store all xml about this node in a structured way on the file system
                    string nodeDirPath = Path.Combine(settings.ObjectDirectory, settings.PageType, nodeAliasPath.Replace("/", "-"));
                    if (!Directory.Exists(nodeDirPath))

                    //Create root xml Element of the pageTypeName ex. <cms-blogpost>
                    // and start saving fields as attributes and child elements in this xml structure
                    var rootNode = HtmlNode.CreateNode($"<{settings.PageType.Replace( ".", "-" )} />");
                    rootNode.SetAttributeValue("originalAliasPath", post.NodeAliasPath);

                    var aliasNode = HtmlNode.CreateNode($"<newaliaspath/>");
                    aliasNode.InnerHtml = nodeAliasPath;

                    var orderNode = HtmlNode.CreateNode($"<newnodeorder/>");
                    orderNode.InnerHtml = nodeOrder.ToString();

                    //Kentico dynamic properties or "With the Coupled Columns of the page type"
                    //Iterate through all of the fields of a document in order to serialize them to xml
                    foreach (var dprop in post.Properties)
                        if (Array.IndexOf(settings.PageTypeColumns, dprop) > 0)
                            //Create xml Element that represents each field ex. <blogpostsummary>data</blogpostsummary>
                            var node = HtmlNode.CreateNode($"<{dprop} />");
                            var data = post.GetValue(dprop, "");

                            //Special stuff for Mcbeev Blog Post Summary (can be ignored for others)
                            if (dprop.ToLower().Contains("summary"))
                                //Remove wrapped p tag on Mcbeev Blog Post Summary
                                HtmlDocument docSummary = new HtmlDocument();
                                var newSummaryNode = HtmlNode.CreateNode($"<newblogpostsummary/>");
                                    if (docSummary.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//p") != null)
                                        newSummaryNode.InnerHtml = docSummary.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//p").InnerText;
                                        newSummaryNode.InnerHtml = docSummary.DocumentNode.InnerText;
                                catch (Exception ex)


                            //This is WYSIWYG content field most likely so try to resolve things as Kentico would
                            if (dprop.ToLower().Contains("title") || dprop.ToLower().Contains("body") || dprop.ToLower().Contains("content") || dprop.ToLower().Contains("summary"))
                                //Macro resolve inside of the content (handle K# macros in the text)
                                data = MacroResolver.Resolve(data);

                                //Url resolve inside of the content (handle relative urls into absolute urls) important!

                                data = HTMLHelper.ResolveUrls(data, settings.AbsoluteSiteName, true);

                                //Widget identifier (try to save a list of all Portal Inline Widgets that no longer work in MVC)
                                if (data.Contains("CMSInlineControl"))
                                    console.WriteLine("Found a widget in this content.");
                                    // TODO Make this a real log
                                    // //Render the value as html to HP NodedataRootDirectoryName
                                    // HtmlDocument docWidget = new HtmlDocument();
                                    // docWidget.LoadHtml(data);
                                    // var widgets = docWidget.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//object[contains(@type, 'Widget')]");

                                    // foreach (var w in widgets)
                                    // {
                                    //     console.WriteLine(w.OuterHtml);
                                    // }

                                //Media library identifier
                                if (data.Contains("<img "))
                                    HtmlDocument docImg = new HtmlDocument();
                                    var ImageURLs = docImg.DocumentNode.Descendants("img")
                                                    .Select(e => e.GetAttributeValue("src", null))
                                                    .Where(s => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(s));

                                    foreach (var oldImageURL in ImageURLs)
                                        //Skip mp3s for now
                                        if (oldImageURL.EndsWith(".mp3") || oldImageURL.Contains(".mp3?"))

                                        console.WriteLine($"trying to save {oldImageURL} ...");
                                        var safeName = oldImageURL.Split(new char[] { '?' })[0];
                                        safeName = safeName.Replace(".aspx", "");

                                        //Save the images locally if we can download from the "real" running site
                                            wc.DownloadFile(oldImageURL, Path.Combine(nodeDirPath, Path.GetFileName(safeName)));
                                        catch (Exception ex)

                                        //rewrite the image path back in the data node
                                        // TODO - make this a config parameter and not hard coded to Mcbeev.com
                                        data = data.Replace(oldImageURL, "/MBV/media/blog/" + nodeAliasPath.Replace("/", "-") + "/" + oldImageURL.Split(new char[] { '/' }).Last());

                                        //replace the odd .png.aspx thing
                                        data = data.Replace(".png.aspx", ".png");

                                //Use HTMLAgility Pack to fix non closed image tags
                                HtmlNode.ElementsFlags["img"] = HtmlElementFlag.Closed;
                                HtmlDocument docContent = new HtmlDocument();

                                data = $"<![CDATA[{docContent.DocumentNode.OuterHtml}]]>";

                            //Most likely image only field and not a WYSIWYG field
                            // TODO - is there a better way to check for this?
                            if ((data.Length > 2) && (data.StartsWith("~/")))
                                data = data.Replace("~/", settings.AbsoluteSiteName);

                                console.WriteLine($"trying to save {data} ...");
                                var safeName = data.Split(new char[] { '?' })[0];
                                safeName = safeName.Replace(".aspx", "");
                                wc.DownloadFile(data, Path.Combine(nodeDirPath, Path.GetFileName(safeName)));

                                //rewrite the image path back in the data node
                                safeName = "/MBV/media/blog/" + nodeAliasPath.Replace("/", "-") + "/" + safeName.Split(new char[] { '/' }).Last();

                                data = $"<![CDATA[{safeName}]]>";


                    //Save the single node to its own XML document in its directory
                    doc.Save($@"{nodeDirPath}\{nodeAliasPath.Replace( "/", "-" )}.xml");

                    //Chop off the header to prepare for bundling

                    //add this node to all nodes in main XML doc
                    parentElem.InnerXml += doc.DocumentNode.OuterHtml;

                if (!DryRun)
                    WriteRedirects(redirects, settings);
                    xmlDocument.Save(Path.Combine(settings.ObjectDirectory, settings.PageType, settings.AllNodesFilename));

                    console.WriteLine($"Extraction to {settings.ObjectDirectory} succeeded");
                    console.WriteLine("Dry run succeeded");