public void Update([CanBeNull] Overlaps newOverlaps)

            if (newOverlaps == null)

            foreach (var overlapsBySourceRef in newOverlaps.OverlapGeometries)
                IList <Geometry> overlapGeometries = overlapsBySourceRef.Value;

                if (overlapGeometries.Count == 0)

                Geometry overlaps = GeometryEngine.Instance.Union(overlapsBySourceRef.Value);

                CIMSymbol symbol = overlaps is Polygon
                                                           ? _overlapPolygonSymbol
                                                           : (CIMSymbol)_overlapLineSymbol;

                var addedOverlay =
                    MapView.Active.AddOverlay(overlaps, symbol.MakeSymbolReference());

 private void Reset()
     _featureOID = -1;
     _name       = "";
     _symbol     = null;
     _msg        = "";
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a SymbolStyleItem from a symbol
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol"></param>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Task <SymbolStyleItem> CreateSymbolStyleItem(CIMSymbol symbol, string data)
            var symbolStyleItem = QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                SymbolStyleItem sItem = null;
                    sItem = new SymbolStyleItem() //define the symbol
                        Symbol   = symbol,
                        ItemType = styleItemType,
                        //Category = "Shapes",
                        Name = data,
                        Key  = data,
                        Tags = data,
                catch (Exception)

        //Create a CIMSymbol from style item selected in the results gallery list box and
        //apply this newly created symbol to the feature layer currently selected in Contents pane
        private async void ApplyTheSelectedSymbol(StyleItem selectedStyleItemToApply)
            if (selectedStyleItemToApply == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedStyleItemToApply.Key))

            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                //Get the feature layer currently selected in the Contents pane
                FeatureLayer ftrLayer = MappingModule.ActiveTOC.MostRecentlySelectedLayer as FeatureLayer;

                if (ftrLayer == null)

                //Create symbol from style item.
                CIMSymbol symbolFromStyleItem = selectedStyleItemToApply.GetObject() as CIMSymbol;

                //Set real world setting for created symbol = feature layer's setting
                //so that there isn't a mismatch between symbol and feature layer
                SymbolBuilder.SetRealWorldUnits(symbolFromStyleItem, ftrLayer.UsesRealWorldSymbolSizes);

                //Get simple renderer from feature layer
                CIMSimpleRenderer currentRenderer = ftrLayer.GetRenderer() as CIMSimpleRenderer;

                //Set current renderer's symbol reference = symbol reference of the newly created symbol
                currentRenderer.Symbol = SymbolBuilder.MakeSymbolReference(symbolFromStyleItem);

                //Update feature layer renderer with new symbol
        public Task SetFeatureLayerSymbolFromStyleItemAsync(FeatureLayer ftrLayer, SymbolStyleItem symbolItem)
            if (ftrLayer == null || symbolItem == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException();

            return(QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                //Get simple renderer from the feature layer
                CIMSimpleRenderer currentRenderer = ftrLayer.GetRenderer() as CIMSimpleRenderer;
                if (currentRenderer == null)
                //Get symbol from the SymbolStyleItem
                CIMSymbol symbol = symbolItem.Symbol;

                //Set symbol's real world setting to be the same as that of the feature layer

                //Update the symbol of the current simple renderer
                currentRenderer.Symbol = symbol.MakeSymbolReference();
                //Update the feature layer renderer
        // Map Authoring Snippet
        private Task ApplySymbolToFeatureLayerAsync(FeatureLayer featureLayer, string symbolName)
            return(QueuedTask.Run(async() =>
                //Get the ArcGIS 2D System style from the Project
                var arcGIS3DStyle = Project.Current.GetItems <StyleProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == "Sample 3D Models");

                //Search for the symbolName style items within the ArcGIS 2D style project item.
                var items = await QueuedTask.Run(() => arcGIS3DStyle.SearchSymbols(StyleItemType.PointSymbol, symbolName));

                //Gets the CIMSymbol
                CIMSymbol symbol = items.FirstOrDefault().Symbol;

                //Get the renderer of the point feature layer
                CIMSimpleRenderer renderer = featureLayer.GetRenderer() as CIMSimpleRenderer;

                //Set symbol's real world setting to be the same as that of the feature layer

                //Apply the symbol to the feature layer's current renderer
                renderer.Symbol = symbol.MakeSymbolReference();
                    //Appy the renderer to the feature layer
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("Error in ApplySymbolToFeatureLayerAsync:  " + ex.ToString(), "Error");
        private void SetXmlText(CIMSymbol symbol)
            var xml = symbol?.ToXml() ?? "";

            this.AvalonTextEditor.Text = FormatXml(xml);
            this._xmlFolding.UpdateFoldings(this._foldingManager, this.AvalonTextEditor.Document);
Esempio n. 8
 public SelectedSymbolChangedEventArgs(CIMSymbol symbol, string featureLayer, long oid, string msg)
     SelectedSymbol       = symbol;
     SelectedFeatureLayer = featureLayer;
     SelectedOID          = oid;
     Message = msg;
Esempio n. 9
        private void AddOverlay(Geometry polyline, CIMSymbol symbol)
            var addedOverlay = MapView.Active.AddOverlay(polyline,

Esempio n. 10
        private void AddOverlay(Geometry geometry,
                                CIMSymbol symbol)
            IDisposable addedOverlay =
                MapView.Active.AddOverlay(geometry, symbol.MakeSymbolReference());

Esempio n. 11
 public void SetSelectedSymbol(CIMSymbol symbol, string featureLayer, long oid, string msg)
     _selectedSymbol = symbol;
     _featureLayer   = featureLayer;
     _oid            = oid;
     _msg            = msg;
         new SelectedSymbolChangedEventArgs(symbol, featureLayer, oid, msg));
 private void RefreshSymbol(CIMSymbol symbol, string msg, bool forceMsg = false)
     _img = GenerateBitmapImageAsync(symbol).Result;            //block
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg) || forceMsg)
         _msg = msg;
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Get SymbolStyleItem for a given Symbol ...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private SymbolStyleItem GetSymbolStyleItem(CIMSymbol symbol)
            var si = new SymbolStyleItem()
                Symbol      = symbol,
                PatchHeight = 32,
                PatchWidth  = 32

Esempio n. 14
        // What is called a Primitive Override in CIM is called
        // a "symbol property connection" or an "attribute mapping"
        // in the user interface. Overrides live on the SymbolReference,
        // not on the Symbol. They refer to properties of geometric
        // effects, symbol layers, and marker placements by means
        // of a PrimitiveName and the PropertyName. The PrimitiveName
        // is set to a GUID on both the primitive and the override.
        // Overrides are "typically set by renderers at draw time".
        // The name "override" is unfortunate because it collides
        // with a C# keyword; here we use the name "mapping" instead.

        public static CIMSymbolReference CreateReference(this CIMSymbol symbol)
            if (symbol == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(symbol));

            return(new CIMSymbolReference {
                Symbol = symbol
Esempio n. 15
        private static IDisposable AddOverlay([CanBeNull] Geometry geometry,
                                              [NotNull] CIMSymbol cimSymbol)
            if (geometry == null || geometry.IsEmpty)

            IDisposable result = MapView.Active.AddOverlay(
                geometry, cimSymbol.MakeSymbolReference());

 private static Task getSwatch(CIMSymbol symbol)
     return(QueuedTask.Run(() => {
         //CIMSymbol symbol = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPointSymbol(ColorFactory.Instance.GreenRGB, 1.0, SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle);
         //You can generate a swatch for a text symbols also.
         var si = new SymbolStyleItem()
             Symbol = symbol,
             PatchHeight = 64,
             PatchWidth = 64
         return si.PreviewImage;
 protected override Task InitializeAsync()
     SelectedSymbolChangedEvent.Subscribe((args) =>
         _selectedSymbol = args.SelectedSymbol;
         string msg      = "";
         if (args.SelectedOID >= 0)
             msg = $"{args.SelectedFeatureLayer}: {args.SelectedOID}";
         RefreshSymbol(_selectedSymbol, msg, true);
        private Task <ImageSource> GenerateBitmapImageAsync(Dictionary <string, object> attributes)
            return(QueuedTask.Run(() => {
                CIMSymbol symbol = ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.SymbolFactory.Instance.GetDictionarySymbol("mil2525d", attributes);

                //At 1.3, 64 is the max pixel size we can scale to. This will be enhanced at 1.4 to support
                //scaling (eg up to 256, the preferred review size for military symbols)
                var si = new SymbolStyleItem()
                    Symbol = symbol,
                    PatchHeight = 64,
                    PatchWidth = 64
                return si.PreviewImage;
Esempio n. 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Test if the feature layer's geometry type matches the symbol type.
 /// </summary>
 private bool IsMatchingShapeType(FeatureLayer layer, CIMSymbol symbol)
     if (symbol is CIMPointSymbol && layer.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)
     if (symbol is CIMLineSymbol && layer.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline)
     if (symbol is CIMPolygonSymbol && layer.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon)
        public FeatureItem(FeatureLayer featureLayer, long oid, CIMSymbol cimSymbol)
            _featureLayer = featureLayer;
            _layerName    = featureLayer.Name;
            _oid          = oid.ToString();
            _cimSymbol    = cimSymbol;
            var si = new SymbolStyleItem()
                Symbol      = cimSymbol,
                PatchHeight = 32,
                PatchWidth  = 32
            var bm = si.PreviewImage as BitmapSource;

            _symbolImageSource = bm;
        private ImageSource SavePicturetoFile4(CIMSymbol cimSymbol, string fname)
            var si1 = new SymbolStyleItem()
                Symbol      = cimSymbol,
                PatchHeight = 32,
                PatchWidth  = 32
            ImageSource _symbolPicture = si1.PreviewImage;

            FileStream fs      = new FileStream(fname, FileMode.Create);
            var        encoder = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.PngBitmapEncoder();

            encoder.Frames.Add(System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapFrame.Create(_symbolPicture as System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource));
Esempio n. 22
        private static Task CreateSymbolSwatch()
            return(QueuedTask.Run(() => {
                #region Create a Swatch for a given symbol

                //Note: call within QueuedTask.Run()
                CIMSymbol symbol = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPointSymbol(ColorFactory.Instance.GreenRGB, 1.0, SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle);
                //You can generate a swatch for a text symbols also.
                var si = new SymbolStyleItem()
                    Symbol = symbol,
                    PatchHeight = 64,
                    PatchWidth = 64
                return si.PreviewImage;

 private Task <ImageSource> GenerateBitmapImageAsync(CIMSymbol symbol)
     return(QueuedTask.Run(() => {
         if (symbol == null)
             return null;
         var si = new SymbolStyleItem()
             Symbol = symbol,
             PatchHeight = 64,
             PatchWidth = 64
         var bm = si.PreviewImage as BitmapSource;
         return (ImageSource)bm;
         //var bm = new TransformedBitmap((BitmapSource)si.PreviewImage, new ScaleTransform(2,2));
         //return (ImageSource)bm;
        public async Task <string> GenerateGmlAsync()
            MapView            mapView       = MapView.Active;
            Map                map           = mapView?.Map;
            SpatialReference   mapSpatRef    = map?.SpatialReference;
            MySpatialReference myCyclSpatRef = _settings.CycloramaViewerCoordinateSystem;

            SpatialReference cyclSpatRef = (myCyclSpatRef == null)
        ? mapSpatRef
        : (myCyclSpatRef.ArcGisSpatialReference ?? (await myCyclSpatRef.CreateArcGisSpatialReferenceAsync()));

            Unit   unit   = cyclSpatRef?.Unit;
            double factor = unit?.ConversionFactor ?? 1;
            Color  color  = Color.White;
            string result =
                "<wfs:FeatureCollection xmlns:xs=\"\" xmlns:wfs=\"\" xmlns:gml=\"\">";

            await QueuedTask.Run(async() =>
                SpatialReference layerSpatRef       = Layer.GetSpatialReference();
                IList <IList <Segment> > geometries = new List <IList <Segment> >();
                ICollection <Viewer> viewers        = _viewerList.Viewers;

                foreach (var viewer in viewers)
                    double distance = viewer.OverlayDrawDistance;
                    RecordingLocation recordingLocation = viewer.Location;

                    if (recordingLocation != null)
                        if (cyclSpatRef?.IsGeographic ?? true)
                            distance = distance * factor;
                            distance = distance / factor;

                        double x    = recordingLocation.X;
                        double y    = recordingLocation.Y;
                        double xMin = x - distance;
                        double xMax = x + distance;
                        double yMin = y - distance;
                        double yMax = y + distance;

                        Envelope envelope     = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, cyclSpatRef);
                        Envelope copyEnvelope = envelope;

                        if (layerSpatRef.Wkid != 0)
                            ProjectionTransformation projection = ProjectionTransformation.Create(cyclSpatRef, layerSpatRef);
                            copyEnvelope = GeometryEngine.Instance.ProjectEx(envelope, projection) as Envelope;

                        Polygon copyPolygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(copyEnvelope, layerSpatRef);
                        ReadOnlyPartCollection polygonParts = copyPolygon.Parts;
                        IEnumerator <ReadOnlySegmentCollection> polygonSegments = polygonParts.GetEnumerator();
                        IList <Segment> segments = new List <Segment>();

                        while (polygonSegments.MoveNext())
                            ReadOnlySegmentCollection polygonSegment = polygonSegments.Current;

                            foreach (Segment segment in polygonSegment)


                Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(geometries, layerSpatRef);

                using (FeatureClass featureClass = Layer?.GetFeatureClass())
                    string uri = Layer?.URI;

                    SpatialQueryFilter spatialFilter = new SpatialQueryFilter
                        FilterGeometry      = polygon,
                        SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Intersects,
                        SubFields           = "*"

                    using (RowCursor existsResult = featureClass?.Search(spatialFilter, false))
                        while (existsResult?.MoveNext() ?? false)
                            Row row       = existsResult.Current;
                            long objectId = row.GetObjectID();

                            if ((_selection == null) || (!_selection.Contains(objectId)))
                                Feature feature = row as Feature;
                                var fieldvalues = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                                    { FieldUri, uri }, { FieldObjectId, objectId.ToString() }

                                Geometry geometry         = feature?.GetShape();
                                GeometryType geometryType = geometry?.GeometryType ?? GeometryType.Unknown;
                                Geometry copyGeometry     = geometry;

                                if ((geometry != null) && (layerSpatRef.Wkid != 0))
                                    ProjectionTransformation projection = ProjectionTransformation.Create(layerSpatRef, cyclSpatRef);
                                    copyGeometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.ProjectEx(geometry, projection);

                                if (copyGeometry != null)
                                    string gml = string.Empty;

                                    switch (geometryType)
                                    case GeometryType.Envelope:

                                    case GeometryType.Multipatch:

                                    case GeometryType.Multipoint:

                                    case GeometryType.Point:
                                        MapPoint point = copyGeometry as MapPoint;

                                        if (point != null)
                                            gml =
                                                $"<gml:Point {GmlDimension(copyGeometry)}><gml:coordinates>{await GmlPointAsync(point)}</gml:coordinates></gml:Point>";


                                    case GeometryType.Polygon:
                                        Polygon polygonGml = copyGeometry as Polygon;

                                        if (polygonGml != null)
                                            ReadOnlyPartCollection polygonParts = polygonGml.Parts;
                                            IEnumerator <ReadOnlySegmentCollection> polygonSegments = polygonParts.GetEnumerator();

                                            while (polygonSegments.MoveNext())
                                                ReadOnlySegmentCollection segments = polygonSegments.Current;

                                                gml =
                                                    $"{gml}<gml:MultiPolygon><gml:PolygonMember><gml:Polygon {GmlDimension(copyGeometry)}><gml:outerBoundaryIs><gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates>";

                                                for (int i = 0; i < segments.Count; i++)
                                                    if (segments[i].SegmentType == SegmentType.Line)
                                                        MapPoint polygonPoint = segments[i].StartPoint;
                                                        gml = $"{gml}{((i == 0) ? string.Empty : " ")}{await GmlPointAsync(polygonPoint)}";

                                                        if (i == (segments.Count - 1))
                                                            polygonPoint = segments[i].EndPoint;
                                                            gml          = $"{gml} {await GmlPointAsync(polygonPoint)}";

                                                gml =

                                    case GeometryType.Polyline:
                                        Polyline polylineGml = copyGeometry as Polyline;

                                        if (polylineGml != null)
                                            ReadOnlyPartCollection polylineParts = polylineGml.Parts;
                                            IEnumerator <ReadOnlySegmentCollection> polylineSegments = polylineParts.GetEnumerator();

                                            while (polylineSegments.MoveNext())
                                                ReadOnlySegmentCollection segments = polylineSegments.Current;
                                                gml =
                                                    $"{gml}<gml:MultiLineString><gml:LineStringMember><gml:LineString {GmlDimension(copyGeometry)}><gml:coordinates>";

                                                for (int i = 0; i < segments.Count; i++)
                                                    if (segments[i].SegmentType == SegmentType.Line)
                                                        MapPoint linePoint = segments[i].StartPoint;
                                                        gml = $"{gml}{((i == 0) ? string.Empty : " ")}{await GmlPointAsync(linePoint)}";

                                                        if (i == (segments.Count - 1))
                                                            linePoint = segments[i].EndPoint;
                                                            gml       = $"{gml} {await GmlPointAsync(linePoint)}";

                                                gml = $"{gml}</gml:coordinates></gml:LineString></gml:LineStringMember></gml:MultiLineString>";


                                    case GeometryType.Unknown:

                                    string fieldValueStr = fieldvalues.Aggregate(string.Empty,
                                                                                 (current, fieldvalue) =>
                                                                                 string.Format("{0}<{1}>{2}</{1}>", current, fieldvalue.Key, fieldvalue.Value));
                                    result =

                CIMRenderer renderer             = Layer.GetRenderer();
                CIMSimpleRenderer simpleRenderer = renderer as CIMSimpleRenderer;
                CIMUniqueValueRenderer uniqueValueRendererRenderer = renderer as CIMUniqueValueRenderer;
                CIMSymbolReference symbolRef = simpleRenderer?.Symbol ?? uniqueValueRendererRenderer?.DefaultSymbol;
                CIMSymbol symbol             = symbolRef?.Symbol;
                CIMColor cimColor            = symbol?.GetColor();
                double[] colorValues         = cimColor?.Values;

                int red   = ((colorValues != null) && (colorValues.Length >= 1)) ? ((int)colorValues[0]) : 255;
                int green = ((colorValues != null) && (colorValues.Length >= 2)) ? ((int)colorValues[1]) : 255;
                int blue  = ((colorValues != null) && (colorValues.Length >= 3)) ? ((int)colorValues[2]) : 255;
                int alpha = ((colorValues != null) && (colorValues.Length >= 4)) ? ((int)colorValues[3]) : 255;
                color     = Color.FromArgb(alpha, red, green, blue);

            GmlChanged = (Color != color);
            Color      = color;
            string newGml = $"{result}</wfs:FeatureCollection>";

            GmlChanged = ((newGml != Gml) || GmlChanged);
            return(Gml = newGml);
Esempio n. 25
        public async void Examples()
            #region Get symbol from SymbolStyleItem
            SymbolStyleItem symbolItem = null;
            CIMSymbol       symbol     = await QueuedTask.Run <CIMSymbol>(() =>


            #region Get color from ColorStyleItem
            ColorStyleItem colorItem = null;
            CIMColor       color     = await QueuedTask.Run <CIMColor>(() =>


            #region Get color ramp from ColorRampStyleItem
            ColorRampStyleItem colorRampItem = null;
            CIMColorRamp       colorRamp     = await QueuedTask.Run <CIMColorRamp>(() =>


            #region Get north arrow from NorthArrowStyleItem
            NorthArrowStyleItem northArrowItem = null;
            CIMNorthArrow       northArrow     = await QueuedTask.Run <CIMNorthArrow>(() =>


            #region Get scale bar from ScaleBarStyleItem
            ScaleBarStyleItem scaleBarItem = null;
            CIMScaleBar       scaleBar     = await QueuedTask.Run <CIMScaleBar>(() =>


            #region Get label placement from LabelPlacementStyleItem
            LabelPlacementStyleItem     labelPlacementItem = null;
            CIMLabelPlacementProperties labelPlacement     = await QueuedTask.Run <CIMLabelPlacementProperties>(() =>


            #region Get grid from GridStyleItem
            GridStyleItem gridItem = null;
            CIMMapGrid    grid     = await QueuedTask.Run <CIMMapGrid>(() =>


            #region Get legend from LegendStyleItem
            LegendStyleItem legendItem = null;
            CIMLegend       legend     = await QueuedTask.Run <CIMLegend>(() =>


            #region Get table frame from TableFrameStyleItem
            TableFrameStyleItem tableFrameItem = null;
            CIMTableFrame       tableFrame     = await QueuedTask.Run <CIMTableFrame>(() =>


            #region Get map surround from MapSurroundStyleItem
            MapSurroundStyleItem mapSurroundItem = null;
            CIMMapSurround       mapSurround     = await QueuedTask.Run <CIMMapSurround>(() =>

        //Create a CIMSymbol from style item selected in the results gallery list box and
        //apply this newly created symbol to the feature layer currently selected in Contents pane
        private async void ApplyTheSelectedSymbol(SymbolStyleItem selectedStyleItemToApply)
            if (selectedStyleItemToApply == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedStyleItemToApply.Key))

            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                //Get the feature layer currently selected in the Contents pane
                var selectedLayers = MapView.Active.GetSelectedLayers();

                //Only one feature layer should be selected in the Contents pane
                if (selectedLayers.Count != 1)
                    ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("Select the feature layer to which you want to apply the selected symbol. Only one feature layer should be selected.");
                    //Clear the current selection in gallery
                    _selectedStyleItem = null;
                    NotifyPropertyChanged(() => SelectedStyleItem);

                FeatureLayer ftrLayer = selectedLayers[0] as FeatureLayer;

                //The selected layer should be a feature layer
                if (ftrLayer == null)

                //Get symbol from symbol style item.
                CIMSymbol symbolFromStyleItem = selectedStyleItemToApply.Symbol;

                //Make sure there isn't a mismatch between the type of selected symbol in gallery and feature layer geometry type
                if ((symbolFromStyleItem is CIMPointSymbol && ftrLayer.ShapeType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint) ||
                    (symbolFromStyleItem is CIMLineSymbol && ftrLayer.ShapeType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) ||
                    (symbolFromStyleItem is CIMPolygonSymbol && ftrLayer.ShapeType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon && ftrLayer.ShapeType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryMultiPatch))
                    ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("There is a mismatch between symbol type and feature layer geometry type.");
                    //Clear the current selection in gallery
                    _selectedStyleItem = null;
                    NotifyPropertyChanged(() => SelectedStyleItem);

                //Get simple renderer from feature layer
                CIMSimpleRenderer currentRenderer = ftrLayer.GetRenderer() as CIMSimpleRenderer;

                if (currentRenderer == null)
                    ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("Select a feature layer symbolized with a simple renderer.");
                    //Clear the current selection in gallery
                    _selectedStyleItem = null;
                    NotifyPropertyChanged(() => SelectedStyleItem);

                //Set real world setting for created symbol = feature layer's setting
                //so that there isn't a mismatch between symbol and feature layer
                SymbolFactory.SetRealWorldUnits(symbolFromStyleItem, ftrLayer.UsesRealWorldSymbolSizes);

                //Set current renderer's symbol reference = symbol reference of the newly created symbol
                currentRenderer.Symbol = SymbolFactory.MakeSymbolReference(symbolFromStyleItem);

                //Update feature layer renderer with new symbol
        private Task SetFeatureLayerSymbolAsync(FeatureLayer ftrLayer, CIMSymbol symbolToApply)
            if (ftrLayer == null || symbolToApply == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException();

            return QueuedTask.Run(() => {

                //Get simple renderer from the feature layer
                CIMSimpleRenderer currentRenderer = ftrLayer.GetRenderer() as CIMSimpleRenderer;
                if (currentRenderer == null)

                //Set symbol's real world setting to be the same as that of the feature layer

                //Update the symbol of the current simple renderer
                currentRenderer.Symbol = symbolToApply.MakeSymbolReference();
                //Update the feature layer renderer
Esempio n. 28
        public static T FindPrimitive <T>(CIMSymbol symbol, Guid label) where T : CIMObject
            // TextSymbol has no PrimitiveName; all other symbols derive from MultiLayerSymbol
            if (!(symbol is CIMMultiLayerSymbol multiLayerSymbol))

            string primitiveName = FormatGuid(label);

            if (multiLayerSymbol.Effects != null)
                foreach (var effect in multiLayerSymbol.Effects)
                    if (string.Equals(effect.PrimitiveName, primitiveName))
                        if (effect is T found)

            if (multiLayerSymbol.SymbolLayers != null)
                foreach (var layer in multiLayerSymbol.SymbolLayers)
                    if (string.Equals(layer.PrimitiveName, primitiveName))
                        if (layer is T found)

                    if (layer is CIMMarker marker)
                        var placement = marker.MarkerPlacement;
                        if (placement != null && string.Equals(placement.PrimitiveName, primitiveName))
                            if (placement is T found)

                        if (layer is CIMVectorMarker vectorMarker)
                            var graphics = vectorMarker.MarkerGraphics;
                            if (graphics != null)
                                foreach (var graphic in graphics)
                                    if (string.Equals(graphic.PrimitiveName, primitiveName))
                                        if (graphic is T found)

                    if (layer.Effects != null)
                        foreach (var effect in layer.Effects)
                            if (string.Equals(effect.PrimitiveName, primitiveName))
                                if (effect is T found)

            return(null);            // not found
        protected async override Task <bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(Geometry geometry)
            if (MapView.Active.Map.IsScene)

            var         mv          = MapView.Active;
            Geometry    sel_geom    = null;
            IDisposable sel_graphic = null;

            //Flash the selection geometry so we can see where we clicked
            QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                sel_geom    = GeometryEngine.Instance.Buffer(geometry, _bufferDist) as Polygon;
                sel_graphic = mv.AddOverlay(sel_geom, _polyOutline);

            await QueuedTask.Run(() => {
                var result = MapView.Active.SelectFeatures(
                    sel_geom, SelectionCombinationMethod.New, false, false);
                var result2 = MapView.Active.SelectElements(
                    sel_geom, SelectionCombinationMethod.New, false);

                _msg = "No basic feature layers or graphics layers selected";

                //first anno layer (if there is one)
                var annoLayer = result.Keys.OfType <AnnotationLayer>().FirstOrDefault();

                //get the first feature layer that supports symbol lookup
                var symbolLayer = result.Keys.FirstOrDefault(layer =>
                    if (layer is FeatureLayer featureLayer)
                        //Test whether symbol lookup is supported with CanLookupSymbol()
                }) as FeatureLayer;


                //Graphics Layer takes precedence...
                if (result2.Count > 0)
                    var elem    = result2.First() as GraphicElement;
                    _symbol     = elem.GetGraphic().Symbol.Symbol;
                    _name       = ((GraphicsLayer)elem.GetParent()).Name;
                    _featureOID = -1;
                    _msg        = $"Graphic element {elem.Name}";
                //Then Annotation...
                else if (annoLayer != null)
                    _name       = annoLayer.Name;
                    _featureOID = result[annoLayer][0];
                    _msg        = $"anno feature {_featureOID}";
                    var qf      = new QueryFilter()
                        ObjectIDs = new List <long> {

                    var rowcursor = annoLayer.GetSelection().Search(qf);
                    if (rowcursor.MoveNext())
                        var af      = rowcursor.Current as AnnotationFeature;
                        var graphic = af.GetGraphic() as CIMTextGraphic;
                        _symbol     = graphic.Symbol.Symbol;
                //Then anything else...
                else if (symbolLayer != null)
                    _name       = symbolLayer.Name;
                    _featureOID = result[symbolLayer][0];
                    _msg        = $"feature {_featureOID}";
                    _symbol     = symbolLayer.LookupSymbol(_featureOID, MapView.Active);

            Module1.Current.SetSelectedSymbol(_symbol, _name, _featureOID, _msg);
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Find and return the "primitive" (that is, symbol layer, geometric effect,
        /// or marker placement) at the specified location within the given symbol.
        /// Location specification is one of:
        /// <list type="bullet">
        /// <item>effect N</item>
        /// <item>layer N</item>
        /// <item>layer N placement</item>
        /// <item>layer N graphic M</item>
        /// <item>layer N effect M</item>
        /// </list>
        /// where N and M are non-negative integers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Typically one of CIMGeometricEffect or CIMSymbolLayer
        /// or CIMMarkerPlacement or a subtype of these.</typeparam>
        /// <returns>The primitive found, or <c>null</c> if not found</returns>
        public static T FindPrimitive <T>(CIMSymbol symbol, string spec) where T : CIMObject
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(spec))
            if (!(symbol is CIMMultiLayerSymbol multiLayerSymbol))

            const char blank = ' ';
            const char tab   = '\t';
            var        parts = spec.Split(new[] { blank, tab }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            if (parts.Length < 2 || parts.Length > 4)
                throw InvalidPrimitiveSpec(spec);

            if (!TryParseIndex(parts[1], out int index) || index < 0)
                throw InvalidPrimitiveSpec(spec);

            int localIndex = -1;

            if (parts.Length == 4 && (!TryParseIndex(parts[3], out localIndex) || localIndex < 0))
                throw InvalidPrimitiveSpec(spec);

            string root   = parts[0].Trim();
            string suffix = parts.Length >= 3 ? parts[2].Trim() : null;

            if (string.Equals(root, "effect", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                var effects = multiLayerSymbol.Effects;
                var effect  = effects != null && index < effects.Length ? effects[index] : null;
                return(string.IsNullOrEmpty(suffix) ? effect as T : null);

            if (string.Equals(root, "layer", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                var layers = multiLayerSymbol.SymbolLayers;
                var layer  = layers != null && index < layers.Length ? layers[index] : null;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(suffix))
                    return(layer as T);

                if (string.Equals(suffix, "placement", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    return(layer is CIMMarker marker ? marker.MarkerPlacement as T : null);

                if (string.Equals(suffix, "effect", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    var effects = layer?.Effects;
                    var effect  = effects != null && localIndex < effects.Length
                                                             ? effects[localIndex]
                                                             : null;
                    return(effect as T);

                if (string.Equals(suffix, "graphic", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    var graphics = (layer as CIMVectorMarker)?.MarkerGraphics;
                    var graphic  = graphics != null && localIndex < graphics.Length
                                                              ? graphics[localIndex]
                                                              : null;
                    return(graphic as T);

                    // TODO MarkerGraphic has a PrimitiveName, but no suitable properties for mapping; instead, recurse on graphic.Symbol

                throw InvalidPrimitiveSpec(spec);

            throw InvalidPrimitiveSpec(spec);