Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert platform and game data from JSON file into the database.
        /// NOTE: Any existing data in the Game and Platform tables will be deleted
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if in 'verify' mode or on conversion success, false on any error during verification/conversion</returns>
        public bool ConvertData()
            bool success = true;

            // Open/create database and clear the Game/Platform tables
            if (Mode == ConvertMode.cModeApply)
                success = CSqlDB.Instance.Open(true) == SQLiteErrorCode.Ok;
                if (!success)
                    CInputOutput.Log("ERROR: Could not open or create the database.");
                success = CSqlDB.Instance.Execute("DELETE FROM Game; DELETE FROM Platform") == SQLiteErrorCode.Ok; // Delete existing platforms and games
                if (!success)
                    CInputOutput.Log("ERROR: Could not prepare the Platform and Game tables");

            // Load and log all platforms and games from JSON
            success = CJsonWrapper.ImportFromJSON(new CPlatform(), out List <CGameData.CMatch> matches);
            if (!success)
                CInputOutput.Log("ERROR: Could not load games from the JSON file");
            Dictionary <string, int>  jsonPlatforms = CGameData.GetPlatforms();
            HashSet <CGameData.CGame> jsonAllGames  = CGameData.GetPlatformGameList(CGameData.GamePlatform.All);

            CInputOutput.LogGameData(jsonPlatforms, jsonAllGames);

            // Begin migration here
            if (Mode == ConvertMode.cModeApply)
                // Add platforms to the database
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> platform in jsonPlatforms)
                    if (platform.Key != "All games" &&
                        platform.Key != "Search results" &&
                        platform.Key != "Favourites" &&
                        platform.Key != "New games" &&
                        platform.Key != "Hidden games" &&
                        platform.Key != "Not installed")
                        CPlatform.InsertPlatform(platform.Key, "");

                // Get the platforms from the DB (we need the PK)
                Dictionary <string, CPlatform.PlatformObject> dbPlatforms = CPlatform.GetPlatforms();

                // Add the games to the database
                foreach (CGameData.CGame game in jsonAllGames)
                    int        platformFK = (dbPlatforms.ContainsKey(game.PlatformString)) ? dbPlatforms[game.PlatformString].PlatformID : 0;
                    GameObject tmp        = new(platformFK, game.ID, game.Title, game.Alias, game.Launch, game.Uninstaller);
                HashSet <CGame.GameObject> dbGames = CGame.GetAllGames();
                success = (success && jsonAllGames.Count == dbGames.Count);
                if (!success)
                    CInputOutput.Log("ERROR: Not all games were migrated to the database");

                CInputOutput.Log((success) ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE");
                CInputOutput.Log("Game data migration finished");
                CInputOutput.Log(dbPlatforms.Count + " Platforms added");
                CInputOutput.Log(dbGames.Count + " Games added");
                CInputOutput.Log("Mode is 'verify' - no changes have been made");
                CInputOutput.Log("In order to perform conversion, run the program in 'apply' mode");
            CInputOutput.Log("**** END ****");