public void PerformNCCalc(CGSize newSize) { //FIXME! Should not reference Win32 variant here or NEED to do so. var ncp = new XplatUIWin32.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS(); ncp.rgrc1 = new XplatUIWin32.RECT(0, 0, (int)newSize.Width, (int)newSize.Height); IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(ncp)); Marshal.StructureToPtr(ncp, ptr, true); NativeWindow.WndProc(Handle, Msg.WM_NCCALCSIZE, (IntPtr)1, ptr); ncp = (XplatUIWin32.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(XplatUIWin32.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS)); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr); var savedBounds = ClientBounds; ClientBounds = CGRect.FromLTRB(ncp.rgrc1.left,, ncp.rgrc1.right, ncp.rgrc1.bottom); // Update subview locations var offset = new CGPoint(ClientBounds.X - savedBounds.X, ClientBounds.Y - savedBounds.Y); if (offset.X != 0 || offset.Y != 0) { foreach (var subView in Subviews) { subView.SetFrameOrigin(subView.Frame.Location.Move(offset.X, offset.Y)); } } }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); this.Title = LangUtil.Get("SettingsViewController.Coordinates.Format.Title"); View.BackgroundColor = ColorHelper.FromType(ColorType.SystemGroupedBackground); table.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear; table.RowHeight = UITableView.AutomaticDimension; table.EstimatedRowHeight = 70; var footer = new UIView(CGRect.FromLTRB(0, 0, View.Frame.Width, 1)); footer.BackgroundColor = ColorHelper.FromType(ColorType.Separator); table.TableFooterView = footer; labHeader.TextColor = ColorHelper.FromType(ColorType.Label); labHeader.Font = FontConst.fontMediumRegular; labHeader.Text = LangUtil.Get("SettingsViewController.Coordinates.Format.Header"); settingsCoordinateFormatTableViewSource = new SettingsCoordinateFormatTableViewSource(this); table.Source = settingsCoordinateFormatTableViewSource; SetupData(); }
bool IsGrayScale(UIImage sourceBitmap) { var source = sourceBitmap.CGImage; var width = source.Width; var height = source.Height; var imageData = new byte[width * height * 4]; var bytesPerPixel = 4; var bytesPerRow = bytesPerPixel * width; var bitsPerComponent = 8; var imageContext = new CGBitmapContext(imageData, width, height, bitsPerComponent, bytesPerRow, source.ColorSpace, CGImageAlphaInfo.PremultipliedLast); imageContext.SetBlendMode(CGBlendMode.Copy); imageContext.DrawImage(CGRect.FromLTRB(0, 0, width, height), source); imageContext.Dispose(); int byteIndex = 0; bool imageIsGrayscale = true; for (; byteIndex < width * height * 4; byteIndex += 4) { var red = imageData[byteIndex] / 255.0f; var green = imageData[byteIndex + 1] / 255.0f; var blue = imageData[byteIndex + 2] / 255.0f; var alpha = imageData[byteIndex + 3] / 255.0f; if (alpha == 1 && (red != green || red != blue || green != blue)) { imageIsGrayscale = false; break; } } return(imageIsGrayscale); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. var backImage = UIImage.FromBundle("Background"); this.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromPatternImage(backImage); // Put the image onto the screen var cow = new CowImageView(); cow.Frame = CGRect.FromLTRB(50, 50, 50 + cow.Image.Size.Width, 50 + cow.Image.Size.Height); cow.UserInteractionEnabled = true; this.View.AddSubview(cow); // Grab the observable (what we want "pushed" to us) var moveObservable = cow.MovementObservable; // Apply any operations var moveStream = moveObservable .Select(imd => new { X = imd.ParentCoordinate.X, Y = imd.ParentCoordinate.Y }) .Where(l => l.X < this.View.Frame.Width / 2) .Where(l => l.Y < this.View.Frame.Height / 2); // Subscribe to the stream - nothing happens until we subscribe moveStream.Subscribe(l => cow.Frame = CGRect.FromLTRB( l.X, l.Y, l.X + cow.Image.Size.Width, l.Y + cow.Image.Size.Height )); }
public AppLoadingHUD(UIViewController controller) { UIView view = UIViewControllersUtils.GetPresentedViewController().View; view.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Black; _hud = new MTMBProgressHUD(view) { RemoveFromSuperViewOnHide = true, BackgroundColor = UIColor.Black.ColorWithAlpha((float)0.7) }; _hud.Mode = MBProgressHUDMode.CustomView; _hud.DimBackground = false; _hud.Square = true; _hud.LabelText = @""; _hud.Color = UIColor.Clear; _hud.LabelColor = UIColor.Clear; view.AddSubview(_hud); UIImageView imageView = new UIImageView(CGRect.FromLTRB(0, 0, 45, 45)); var url = NSBundle.MainBundle.GetUrlForResource("loading", "gif", "Loading"); imageView.ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFit; imageView.SetImage(url); _hud.CustomView = imageView; _hud.Show(animated: true); }
public static CGRect ToRect(this Xamarin.Forms.Rectangle rectangle) { return(CGRect.FromLTRB( (nfloat)rectangle.Left, (nfloat)rectangle.Top, (nfloat)rectangle.Right, (nfloat)rectangle.Bottom )); }
public static CGRect ToRect(this CGPoint tl, CGPoint rb) { return(CGRect.FromLTRB( tl.X, tl.Y, rb.X, rb.Y )); }
public static CGRect ToRect(this CGPoint pos, nfloat radius) { return(CGRect.FromLTRB( pos.X - radius, pos.Y - radius, pos.X + radius, pos.Y + radius )); }
public override void DrawLayer(CALayer layer, CGContext context) { var radius = (float)FormsButton.WidthRequest / 2; var offset = BorderThickness / 2; float angle = (FormsButton.Completion + .75f) * 2 * (float)Math.PI; context.AddEllipseInRect(CGRect.FromLTRB(offset, offset, (float)FormsButton.WidthRequest - offset, (float)FormsButton.HeightRequest - offset)); context.SetStrokeColor(UIColor.White.CGColor); context.SetLineWidth(BorderThickness); context.StrokePath(); context.SetStrokeColor(UIColor.Red.CGColor); context.AddArc(radius, radius, radius - offset, 1.5f * (float)Math.PI, angle, false); context.StrokePath(); }
void ReloadData() { if (EmptyViewShown) { RemovePages(1); EmptyViewShown = false; } var count = ViewModel.Dates.Value.Count; var diff = count - ChildViewControllers.Length; if (diff > 0) { AddPages(diff, "VplanDayViewController"); } if (diff < 0) { if (PageControl.CurrentPage > ViewModel.Dates.Value.Count) { ScrollView.ScrollRectToVisible(CGRect.FromLTRB(0, 0, 0, 0), true); } RemovePages(Math.Abs(diff)); } PageControl.Pages = count > 1 ? count : 0; if (count > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var viewController = ChildViewControllers[i] as VplanDayViewController; viewController.ViewModel = ViewModel.Dates.Value[i]; } } else { EmptyViewShown = true; AddPages(1, "EmptyVplanViewController"); var viewController = ChildViewControllers[0] as EmptyVplanViewController; viewController.ViewModel = ViewModel; } }
CGRect BuildRect(CGPoint startPoint, CGPoint endPoint) { var x1 = startPoint.X; var x2 = endPoint.X; if (x2 < x1) { x1 = x2; x2 = startPoint.X; } var y1 = startPoint.Y; var y2 = endPoint.Y; if (y2 < y1) { y1 = y2; y2 = startPoint.Y; } return(CGRect.FromLTRB(x1, y1, x2, y2)); }
public override void LayoutSubviews() { base.LayoutSubviews(); const int across = 4; const int down = 5; var sizeX = (Bounds.Width - (buttonMargin + (across - 1) * buttonPadding + buttonMargin)) / across; var sizeY = (Bounds.Height - (buttonMargin + (down + 1 - 1) * buttonPadding + buttonMargin)) / (down + 1); for (int y = 0; y < down; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < across; x++) { var pos = new CGPoint(buttonMargin + x * (sizeX + buttonPadding), buttonMargin + (y + 1) * (sizeY + buttonPadding)); buttons[(across * y) + x].Frame = new CGRect(pos, new CGSize(sizeX, sizeY)); } } displayContainer.Frame = new CGRect(buttonMargin, buttonMargin, Bounds.Width - buttonMargin - buttonMargin, sizeY); display.Frame = CGRect.FromLTRB(buttonPadding, buttonPadding, displayContainer.Bounds.Width - buttonPadding, displayContainer.Bounds.Height - buttonPadding); }
//Crops an image to even width and height private static UIImage CenterCrop(UIImage originalImage) { // Use smallest side length as crop square length double squareLength = Math.Min(originalImage.Size.Width, originalImage.Size.Height); nfloat x, y; x = ( nfloat )((originalImage.Size.Width - squareLength) / 2.0); y = ( nfloat )((originalImage.Size.Height - squareLength) / 2.0); //This Rect defines the coordinates to be used for the crop CGRect croppedRect = CGRect.FromLTRB(x, y, x + ( nfloat )squareLength, y + ( nfloat )squareLength); // Center-Crop the image UIGraphics.BeginImageContextWithOptions(croppedRect.Size, false, originalImage.CurrentScale); originalImage.Draw(new CGPoint(-croppedRect.X, -croppedRect.Y)); UIImage croppedImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); return(croppedImage); }
void DrawFaceRects(UIImage oldImage, Face[] faces) { if (faces == null || faces.Length == 0) { return; } UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(oldImage.Size); oldImage.Draw(new CGPoint(0, 0)); var ctx = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext(); ctx.SetLineWidth(10); foreach (var face in faces) { var rectColor = UIColor.Red.CGColor; ctx.SetStrokeColor(rectColor); var right = (nfloat)(face.FaceRectangle.Left + face.FaceRectangle.Width); var bottom = (nfloat)(face.FaceRectangle.Top + face.FaceRectangle.Height); var left = (nfloat)face.FaceRectangle.Left; var top = (nfloat)face.FaceRectangle.Top; var factRect = CGRect.FromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom); ctx.StrokeRect(factRect); } var newImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); thePhoto.Image = newImage; }
void DrawEmotionsOnImage(UIImage theImage, List <Emotion> allEmotions) { if (allEmotions == null) { return; } UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(theImage.Size); theImage.Draw(new CGPoint(0, 0)); var ctx = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext(); ctx.SetLineWidth(10); foreach (var emotion in allEmotions) { var emotionColor = GetColorBasedOnEmotion(emotion.GetMainEmotion()); ctx.SetStrokeColor(emotionColor); var right = (nfloat)(emotion.FaceRectangle.Left + emotion.FaceRectangle.Width); var bottom = (nfloat)(emotion.FaceRectangle.Top + emotion.FaceRectangle.Height); var left = (nfloat)emotion.FaceRectangle.Left; var top = (nfloat)emotion.FaceRectangle.Top; var factRect = CGRect.FromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom); ctx.StrokeRect(factRect); } var newImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); personPhoto.Image = newImage; }
public void SetUp() { window = new TestWindow( CGRect.FromLTRB(0, 0, 400, 400) ); viewA = new TestView(); window.AddSubview(viewA); viewB = new TestView(); window.AddSubview(viewB); viewC = new TestView(); window.AddSubview(viewC); Constrain(viewA, (a) => { a.Width.Equal(100); a.Height.Equal(200); a.Top.Equal(a.Superview.Top + 10); a.Left.Equal(a.Superview.Left + 10); }); }
public override void DrawRect(CGRect dirtyRect) { if (!drawInit) { this.Window.Title = "PixelFarm"; drawInit = true; destImg = new ActualImage(destImgW, destImgH, PixelFarm.Agg.PixelFormat.ARGB32); imgGfx2d = new ImageGraphics2D(destImg); //no platform p = new AggCanvasPainter(imgGfx2d); stride = destImg.Stride; LoadGlyphs(); } //base.Draw(rect); base.DrawRect(dirtyRect); p.Clear(Color.Yellow); p.FillColor = Color.Black; p.Fill(vxs); var data = Foundation.NSData.FromArray(ActualImage.GetBuffer(destImg)); CGDataProvider provider = new CGDataProvider(data); using (var myImg2 = new CGImage( destImgW, destImgH, 8, 32, stride, CGColorSpace.CreateGenericRgb(), CGBitmapFlags.PremultipliedLast, provider, null, true, CGColorRenderingIntent.AbsoluteColorimetric)) using (var nsGraphics = AppKit.NSGraphicsContext.CurrentContext) { CGContext g = nsGraphics.CGContext; CGColor color0 = new CGColor(1, 1, 1, 1); g.SetFillColor(color0); //g.ClearRect(new CGRect(0, 0, 800, 600)); //---------- CGColor color1 = new CGColor(1, 0, 0, 1); g.SetFillColor(color1); CGRect s1 = CGRect.FromLTRB(0, 0, 50, 50); CGPath gpath = new CGPath(); gpath.AddRect(CGAffineTransform.MakeTranslation(20, 20), s1); g.AddPath(gpath); g.FillPath(); CGRect s2 = new CGRect(50, 50, destImgW, destImgH); g.DrawImage(s2, myImg2); // //g.FillRect(s1); CGColor color2 = new CGColor(0, 0, 1, 1); g.SetFillColor(color2); g.TranslateCTM(30, 30); var strAttr = new CTStringAttributes { ForegroundColorFromContext = true, Font = new CTFont("Arial", 24) }; g.ScaleCTM(1, -1); //flip NSAttributedString a_str = new NSAttributedString("abcd", strAttr); using (CTLine line = new CTLine(a_str)) { line.Draw(g); } ////if (chkBorder.Checked) ////{ //// //5.4 //// p.StrokeColor = PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Green; //// //user can specific border width here... //// //p.StrokeWidth = 2; //// //5.5 //// p.Draw(vxs); ////} ////6. use this util to copy image from Agg actual image to System.Drawing.Bitmap //BitmapHelper.CopyToWindowsBitmap(destImg, winBmp, new RectInt(0, 0, 300, 300)); ////--------------- ////7. just render our bitmap //g.ClearRect(rect); //g.DrawImage(winBmp, new Point(10, 0)); } //// scale and translate the CTM so the image appears upright //g.ScaleCTM (1, -1); //g.TranslateCTM (0, -Bounds.Height); //g.DrawImage (rect, UIImage.FromFile ("MyImage.png").CGImage); //// translate the CTM by the font size so it displays on screen //float fontSize = 35f; //g.TranslateCTM (0, fontSize); //// set general-purpose graphics state //g.SetLineWidth (1.0f); //g.SetStrokeColor (UIColor.Yellow.CGColor); //g.SetFillColor (UIColor.Red.CGColor); //g.SetShadow (new CGSize (5, 5), 0, UIColor.Blue.CGColor); //// set text specific graphics state //g.SetTextDrawingMode (CGTextDrawingMode.FillStroke); //g.SelectFont ("Helvetica", fontSize, CGTextEncoding.MacRoman); //// show the text //g.ShowText ("Hello Core Graphics"); }
// Only override drawRect: if you perform custom drawing. // An empty implementation adversely affects performance during animation. public override void Draw(CGRect rect) { if (barRect == null || barRect.Capacity == 0) { return; } try { int padding = 0; int contentWidth = int.Parse(rect.Size.Width.ToString()) - padding * 2; int contentHeight = int.Parse(rect.Size.Height.ToString()) - padding * 2; float boxHeight = 0; int noOfBars = barcolors.Count; int textWidth = 20; //get the height dynamically int textHeight = 0; //get the height dynamically float fcontentWidth = contentWidth - textWidth; float fcontentHeight = contentHeight - textHeight * 2; float left = padding + textWidth * 2; float top = padding * 2 + textHeight + (circleRadius * 3) + 5; float right = fcontentWidth - left; float bottom = fcontentHeight - top; right = fcontentWidth; //bottom = fcontentHeight; CGRect rectGraph = CGRect.FromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom); CGContext context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext(); context.SetFillColor(UIColor.Green.CGColor); context.FillRect(rectGraph); noOfBars = barcolors.Count; float prevVal = baseValue; float diffVal = float.Parse(yValues[noOfBars - 1]) - prevVal; float boxHeight1 = 0; barRect.Clear(); linesPoint.Clear(); // draw bars/Strips for (int i = 0; i < noOfBars; i++) { float cVal = float.Parse(yValues[i]) - prevVal; boxHeight = (cVal * 100) / diffVal; boxHeight = (float.Parse(rectGraph.Size.Height.ToString()) * boxHeight) / 100; prevVal = float.Parse(yValues[i]); context.SetFillColor(this.colorWithHexString(barcolors[i]).CGColor); CGRect tempBarRect = new CGRect(rectGraph.X, (rectGraph.Y + rectGraph.Size.Height) - boxHeight1 - boxHeight, rectGraph.Size.Width, boxHeight); barRect.Add(tempBarRect); context.FillRect(tempBarRect); string text1 = barText[i]; CGSize size1 = text1.StringSize(font1); CGRect r1 = new CGRect(tempBarRect.X + 10, tempBarRect.Y + tempBarRect.Size.Height / 2 - size1.Height / 2, size1.Width, size1.Height); context.SetFillColor(UIColor.White.CGColor); text1.DrawString(r1, font1, UILineBreakMode.Clip, UITextAlignment.Left); r1 = new CGRect(tempBarRect.X, tempBarRect.Y, tempBarRect.Size.Width, 2); context.FillRect(r1); //Draw y values text1 = yValues[i]; size1 = text1.StringSize(font1); r1 = new CGRect(tempBarRect.X - size1.Width - 5, tempBarRect.Y - size1.Height / 2, size1.Width, size1.Height); context.SetFillColor(UIColor.Black.CGColor); text1.DrawString(r1, font1, UILineBreakMode.Clip, UITextAlignment.Right); boxHeight1 += boxHeight; } //Draw bottom text string text = baseValue.ToString(); CGSize size = text.StringSize(font1); CGRect r = new CGRect(rectGraph.X - size.Width - 5, rectGraph.Y + rectGraph.Size.Height - size.Height, size.Width, size.Height); text.DrawString(r, font1, UILineBreakMode.Clip, UITextAlignment.Right); //Draw x & y axis border r = new CGRect(rectGraph.X, rectGraph.Y, 2, rectGraph.Size.Height); context.FillRect(r); r = new CGRect(rectGraph.X, rectGraph.Y + rectGraph.Size.Height - 2, rectGraph.Size.Width, 2); context.FillRect(r); int horizontalpadding = 20; int pointdistance = (int)(rectGraph.Size.Width - horizontalpadding * 2) / (xValues.Count + 1); CGPoint lastPoint = new CGPoint(); linesRect.Clear(); var drawLines = new List <CGPoint>(); // draw Line and x axis for (int i = 0; i < xValues.Count; i++) { context.SetFillColor(UIColor.Black.CGColor); float currentValue = float.Parse(xValues[i]); int quadrant = this.getQuadrant(currentValue); float tempvalue = 0; int percentage = 0; float difference = 0; if (quadrant > 0) { tempvalue = currentValue - float.Parse(yValues[quadrant - 1]); difference = float.Parse(yValues[quadrant]) - float.Parse(yValues[quadrant - 1]); percentage = (int)((tempvalue * 100) / difference); } else { tempvalue = currentValue - baseValue; difference = float.Parse(yValues[quadrant]) - baseValue; percentage = (int)((tempvalue * 100) / difference); } if (percentage > 100) { percentage = 100 + circleRadius; } float ycenterpoint = (boxHeight * percentage) / 100; CGRect someRect = new CGRect(barRect[quadrant].X, barRect[quadrant].Y, barRect[quadrant].Width, barRect[quadrant].Height); r = new CGRect(pointdistance * (i + 2), someRect.Y + someRect.Size.Height - ycenterpoint, 2, ycenterpoint); context.SetFillColor(UIColor.LightGray.CGColor); context.SetStrokeColor(0, 0, 0, 0.5f); context.SetLineWidth(1); context.BeginPath(); context.MoveTo(pointdistance * (i + 2), someRect.Y + someRect.Size.Height - ycenterpoint); context.AddLineToPoint(pointdistance * (i + 2), rectGraph.Y + rectGraph.Size.Height); context.StrokePath(); if (i == 0) { lastPoint = new CGPoint(pointdistance * (i + 2), someRect.Y + someRect.Size.Height - ycenterpoint); } else { context.SetStrokeColor(UIColor.White.CGColor); context.SetFillColor(UIColor.White.CGColor); context.BeginPath(); context.MoveTo(lastPoint.X, lastPoint.Y); context.AddLineToPoint(pointdistance * (i + 2), someRect.Y + someRect.Size.Height - ycenterpoint); context.StrokePath(); lastPoint = new CGPoint(pointdistance * (i + 2), someRect.Y + someRect.Size.Height - ycenterpoint); } linesPoint.Add(lastPoint); linesRect.Add(new CGRect(pointdistance * (i + 2) - circleRadius / 2, someRect.Y + someRect.Size.Height - ycenterpoint - circleRadius / 2, circleRadius, circleRadius)); } // draw legend context.BeginPath(); context.SetFillColor(colorWithHexString("#409bd6").CGColor); context.SetLineWidth(2); context.SetStrokeColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); for (int i = 0; i < xValues.Count; i++) { CGRect someRect = linesRect[i]; context.FillEllipseInRect(someRect); context.StrokeEllipseInRect(someRect); } context.StrokePath(); context.SetFillColor(UIColor.Black.CGColor); context.FillRect(new CGRect(rectGraph.X, rectGraph.Y + 2, 2, rectGraph.Size.Height - 2)); context.FillRect(new CGRect(rectGraph.X, rectGraph.Y + rectGraph.Size.Height - 2, rectGraph.Size.Width, 2)); context.SetFillColor(UIColor.Black.CGColor); // Draw X values for (int i = 0; i < xValues.Count; i++) { context.SetFillColor(UIColor.White.CGColor); CGRect rect1 = linesRect[i]; string text1 = xValues[i]; CGSize size1 = text1.StringSize(font2); CGRect r1 = new CGRect(rect1.X, rect1.Y + (rect1.Size.Height - size1.Height) / 2, rect1.Size.Width, size1.Height); text1.DrawString(r1, font2, UILineBreakMode.Clip, UITextAlignment.Center); text1 = legends[i]; size1 = text1.StringSize(font1); r1 = new CGRect((rect1.X + circleRadius / 2) - size1.Width / 2, rectGraph.Y + rectGraph.Size.Height, size1.Width, size1.Height); context.SetFillColor(UIColor.Black.CGColor); text1.DrawString(r1, font1, UILineBreakMode.Clip, UITextAlignment.Center); } } catch (System.Exception e) { throw new System.Exception("Draw failed", e); } }
private void OnRequestHeaderImages(List <string> images) { var defaultImage = UIImage.FromFile(ViewModel.DefaultAccountImageName); AccountImageView.Hidden = images.Count == 0; // clear all existing entries before beginning foreach (UIView view in AccountsView.Subviews) { if (!view.Equals(AccountImageView)) { AccountsView.RemoveConstraints(view.Constraints); view.RemoveFromSuperview(); } } if (images.Count > 0) { // proceed and add the new ones var prevImageView = AccountImageView; var prevTrailingConstraint = AccountImageViewTrailingConstraint; var rect = CGRect.FromLTRB(prevImageView.Frame.X + 2, prevImageView.Frame.Y + 2, prevImageView.Frame.Width - 4, prevImageView.Frame.Height - 4); var path = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(rect, prevImageView.Frame.Height / 2); var prevMaskLayer = new CAShapeLayer(); if (!AccountsView.Constraints.Contains(AccountImageViewTrailingConstraint)) { AccountsView.AddConstraint(AccountImageViewTrailingConstraint); } prevMaskLayer.Path = path.CGPath; prevMaskLayer.ShadowColor = UIColor.Black.CGColor; prevMaskLayer.ShadowOpacity = 0.35f; prevMaskLayer.ShadowOffset = new CGSize(0, 1); prevMaskLayer.ShadowRadius = 2; prevMaskLayer.ShadowPath = path.CGPath; prevImageView.ClipsToBounds = false; prevImageView.Layer.Mask = prevMaskLayer; prevImageView.Layer.MasksToBounds = false; prevImageView.SetImage(new NSUrl(images [0]), defaultImage); images.RemoveAt(0); AccountsView.Layer.MasksToBounds = false; AccountsView.ClipsToBounds = false; foreach (string imageUrl in images) { var imageView = new UIImageView(); var maskLayer = new CAShapeLayer(); maskLayer.Path = path.CGPath; maskLayer.ShadowColor = prevMaskLayer.ShadowColor; maskLayer.ShadowOpacity = prevMaskLayer.ShadowOpacity; maskLayer.ShadowOffset = prevMaskLayer.ShadowOffset; maskLayer.ShadowRadius = prevMaskLayer.ShadowRadius; maskLayer.ShadowPath = prevMaskLayer.ShadowPath; imageView.ClipsToBounds = prevImageView.ClipsToBounds; imageView.Layer.Mask = maskLayer; imageView.Layer.MasksToBounds = prevImageView.Layer.MasksToBounds; imageView.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; imageView.SetImage(new NSUrl(imageUrl), defaultImage); var heightConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint.Create(imageView, NSLayoutAttribute.Height, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, null, NSLayoutAttribute.NoAttribute, 1, prevImageView.Frame.Height); var widthConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint.Create(imageView, NSLayoutAttribute.Width, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, null, NSLayoutAttribute.NoAttribute, 1, prevImageView.Frame.Width); var leadingConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint.Create(imageView, NSLayoutAttribute.Leading, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, prevImageView, NSLayoutAttribute.Trailing, 1, -prevImageView.Frame.Width / 2); var centerYConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint.Create(imageView, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterY, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, AccountsView, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterY, 1, 0); var trailingConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint.Create(imageView, NSLayoutAttribute.Trailing, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, AccountsView, NSLayoutAttribute.Trailing, 1, 0); AccountsView.AddSubview(imageView); AccountsView.SendSubviewToBack(imageView); AccountsView.RemoveConstraint(prevTrailingConstraint); AccountsView.AddConstraint(heightConstraint); AccountsView.AddConstraint(widthConstraint); AccountsView.AddConstraint(leadingConstraint); AccountsView.AddConstraint(centerYConstraint); AccountsView.AddConstraint(trailingConstraint); prevMaskLayer = maskLayer; prevImageView = imageView; prevTrailingConstraint = trailingConstraint; } AccountsView.LayoutIfNeeded(); } }