Esempio n. 1
        // Generate data
        public void GenerateData(string[] args)
            Queue callBackQ = new Queue();

            // Parse parameters
            // Number of cdr records, probability of fraud, and number of hours
            GenConfig config = new GenConfig(Int32.Parse(args[0]), float.Parse(args[1]), Int32.Parse(args[2]));

            // print statistics

            // Start the generation

            // Generate the call nos
            CallStore mobileNos = new CallStore(100000);

            int numCallbackPerFile = (int)(config.nCallBackPercent * config.nCDRPerFile);

            // Data generation always start with the current time

            double timeAdvancementPerSet = (0.0 + config.nDurationHours) / config.nSets;

            Console.Error.WriteLine("Time Increment Per Set: " + timeAdvancementPerSet);

            // Start generating per set
            DateTime simulationTime = DateTime.Now;
            Random   r = new Random();

            bool invalidRec  = false;
            bool genCallback = false;

            // TOOD: Update this to number of hours
            DateTimeOffset ptTime  = DateTimeOffset.Now;
            DateTimeOffset endTime = ptTime.AddHours(config.nDurationHours);

            while (endTime.Subtract(ptTime) >= TimeSpan.Zero && FlowController.CanRun)
                DateTimeOffset currentTime = ptTime;
                uiwriter.Write(String.Format("{0:yyyyMMdd HHmmss}", simulationTime));

                for (int cdr = 0; cdr < config.nCDRPerFile && FlowController.CanRun; cdr++)
                    currentTime = ptTime;

                    // Determine whether to generate an invalid CDR record
                    double pvalue = r.NextDouble();
                    if (pvalue < 0.1)
                        invalidRec = true;
                        invalidRec = false;

                    // Determine whether there will be a callback
                    pvalue = r.NextDouble();
                    if (pvalue >= config.nCallBackPercent)
                        genCallback = true;
                        genCallback = false;

                    // Determine called and calling num
                    int calledIdx  = r.Next(0, mobileNos.CallNos.Length);
                    int callingIdx = r.Next(0, mobileNos.CallNos.Length);

                    CDRrecord rec = new CDRrecord();
                    rec.setData("FileNum", "" + cdr);

                    int switchIdx    = r.Next(0, mobileNos.switchCountries.Length);
                    int switchAltIdx = r.Next(0, mobileNos.switchCountries.Length);

                    // Find an alternate switch
                    while (switchAltIdx == switchIdx)
                        switchAltIdx = r.Next(0, mobileNos.switchCountries.Length);

                    rec.setData("SwitchNum", mobileNos.switchCountries[switchIdx]);

                    if (!FlowController.CanRun)
                    if (invalidRec)
                        rec.setData("Date", "F");
                        rec.setData("Time", "F");
                        rec.setData("DateTime", "F F");
                        String callDate = String.Format("{0:yyyyMMdd}", currentTime);
                        String callTime = String.Format("{0:HHmmss}", currentTime);

                        rec.setData("Date", callDate);
                        rec.setData("Time", callTime);
                        rec.setData("DateTime", callDate + " " + callTime);

                        String calledNum  = mobileNos.CallNos[calledIdx];
                        String callingNum = mobileNos.CallNos[callingIdx];

                        rec.setData("CalledNum", calledNum);
                        rec.setData("CallingNum", callingNum);

                        // Sim card fraud record
                        if (genCallback)
                            // For call back the A->B end has duration 0
                            rec.setData("CallPeriod", "0");

                            // need to generate another set of no
                            calledIdx  = callingIdx;
                            callingIdx = r.Next(0, mobileNos.CallNos.Length);

                            CDRrecord callbackRec = new CDRrecord();
                            callbackRec.setData("FileNum", "" + cdr);
                            callbackRec.setData("SwitchNum", mobileNos.switchCountries[switchAltIdx]);

                            //callbackRec.setData("SwitchNum", "" + (f + 1));

                            // Pertub second
                            int pertubs = r.Next(0, 30);

                            callDate = String.Format("{0:yyyyMMdd}", currentTime);
                            callTime = String.Format("{0:HHmmss}", currentTime.AddMinutes(pertubs));

                            callbackRec.setData("Date", callDate);
                            callbackRec.setData("Time", callTime);
                            callbackRec.setData("DateTime", callDate + " " + callTime);

                            // Set it as the same calling IMSI
                            callbackRec.setData("CallingIMSI", rec.CallingIMSI);

                            calledNum  = mobileNos.CallNos[calledIdx];
                            callingNum = mobileNos.CallNos[callingIdx];

                            callbackRec.setData("CalledNum", calledNum);
                            callbackRec.setData("CallingNum", callingNum);

                            // Determine duration of call
                            int callPeriod = r.Next(1, 1000);
                            callbackRec.setData("CallPeriod", "" + callPeriod);

                            // Enqueue the call back rec
                            int callPeriod = r.Next(1, 800);
                            rec.setData("CallPeriod", "" + callPeriod);

                    // send cdr rec to output
                    //if (genCallback)  Console.Write("callback A->B ");

                    if (callBackQ.Count > 0 && (cdr % 7 == 0))
                        CDRrecord drec;
                        drec = (CDRrecord)callBackQ.Dequeue();

                        //Console.Write("callback C->A!");
                        //outputCDRRecs(s, f, drec);

                    // Sleep for 1000ms

                    // get the current time after generation
                    ptTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                }                 // cdr

                // Clear the remaining entries in the call back queue
                if (callBackQ.Count > 0)
                    // need to empty queue
                    while (callBackQ.Count > 0)
                        CDRrecord dr = (CDRrecord)callBackQ.Dequeue();
                        //outputCDRRecs(s, f, dr);

                // close the file
                if (writer != null)
                    writer = null;

                // Advance Time
                if (timeAdvancementPerSet < 1.0)
                    simulationTime = simulationTime.AddMinutes(timeAdvancementPerSet * 60);
                    simulationTime = simulationTime.AddHours(timeAdvancementPerSet);

                // Sleep for 1000ms
            }             // while - within duration