protected void report_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oUAProfile.GetMSISDN()) || oUAProfile.GetMSISDN().StartsWith("Error")) { throw new Exception(); } else { sMsisdn = oUAProfile.GetMSISDN(); } } catch //(Exception ex) { sMsisdn = "Wifi"; } MSISDN = "8801622595292"; // objCDA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC Partner_API.dbo.spSendSMS '" + MSISDN + "', '404 Error BDTube from User " + sMsisdn + " , Need To check BDTube portal urgently!!!'", "WAPDB"); MSISDN = "8801913828774"; objCDA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC Partner_API.dbo.spSendSMS '" + MSISDN + "', '404 Error BDTube" + sMsisdn + " , Need To check BDTube portal urgently!!!'", "WAPDB"); MSISDN = "8801814652539"; objCDA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC Partner_API.dbo.spSendSMS '" + MSISDN + "', '404 Error BDTube'" + sMsisdn + " , Need To check BDTube portal urgently!!!'", "WAPDB"); thnks.Visible = true; }
protected void addButton_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { addC = "2nd"; #region "MSISDN" try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oUAProfile.GetMSISDN()) || oUAProfile.GetMSISDN().StartsWith("Error")) { throw new Exception(); } else { sMsisdn = oUAProfile.GetMSISDN(); } } catch //(Exception ex) { sMsisdn = string.Empty; } #endregion "MSISDN" string UAPROF_URL = oUAProfile.GetUserAgent(); try { //SOURCE_URL = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; //HSProfiling.Service Profile = new HSProfiling.Service(); //var HSProfiling = Profile.HansetDetection(UAPROF_URL, oUAProfile.GetUAProfileXWap()); //HS_MANUFAC = HSProfiling.Manufacturer; //HS_MOD = HSProfiling.Model; //HS_DIM = HSProfiling.Dimension; //HS_OS = HSProfiling.OS; //UAPROF_URL = HSProfiling.UAXML; } catch { } string AccessId = string.Empty; string key = string.Empty; if (Session["AccessID"] != null) { AccessId = Session["AccessID"].ToString(); } if (Session["key"] != null) { key = Session["key"].ToString(); //oCDA.ExecuteNonQuery("Exec spGET_OA_SUCCESS '" + SOURCE_URL + "','BDTube','" + sMsisdn + "','" + HS_MANUFAC + "','" + HS_MOD + "','" + HS_DIM + "','" + APN + "','VDOPortal','" + key + "','" + HS_OS + "','" + AccessId + "','" + UAPROF_URL + "',''", "WAPDB"); CA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC [spGET_OA_ACCESS_SECOND_PAGE] '" + SOURCE_URL + "','BDTube','" + sMsisdn + "','" + HS_MANUFAC + "','" + HS_MOD + "','" + HS_DIM + "','" + APN + "','VDOPortal','" + key + "','" + HS_OS + "','" + AccessId + "','" + UAPROF_URL + "',''", "WAPDB"); } if (!sMsisdn.StartsWith("88018")) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", " function callFunction() { $('#myModal').modal('hide');$('#myModal2').modal('show'); $('#myModal3').modal('hide'); }", true); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region "MSISDN" try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oUAProfile.GetMSISDN()) || oUAProfile.GetMSISDN().StartsWith("Error")) { throw new Exception(); } else { sMsisdn = oUAProfile.GetMSISDN(); } } catch //(Exception ex) { sMsisdn = string.Empty; } #endregion "MSISDN" if (sMsisdn.StartsWith("88018") || sMsisdn.StartsWith("88016")) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds = oCDA.GetDataSet("Exec [FitnessPortal].dbo.spChkTypeStatus '" + sMsisdn + "'", "WAPDB"); if (ds != null) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Type"].ToString() == "DA") { oCDA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC Robi_SDP.dbo.spInsertSubscriptionQ_To_SDP_channelID_1 '" + sMsisdn + "','0303900076','0300407908','Deletion'", "ROBI"); } else if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Type"].ToString() == "WA") { oCDA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC Robi_SDP.dbo.spInsertSubscriptionQ_To_SDP_channelID_1 '" + sMsisdn + "','0303900076','0300407910','Deletion'", "ROBI"); } else if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Type"].ToString() == "DNA") { oCDA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC Robi_SDP.dbo.spInsertSubscriptionQ_To_SDP_channelID_1 '" + sMsisdn + "','0303900077','0300407912','Deletion'", "ROBI"); } else if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Type"].ToString() == "WNA") { oCDA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC Robi_SDP.dbo.spInsertSubscriptionQ_To_SDP_channelID_1 '" + sMsisdn + "','0303900077','0300407914','Deletion'", "ROBI"); } else if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Type"].ToString() == "Not") { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } } //oCDA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC [Robi_SDP].[dbo].[spDeactivate_CZ_SB] '" + sMsisdn + "','BdTube'", "ROBI"); ////EXEC Robi_SDP.dbo.spDeactivate_CZ_SB '8801814652546','BdTube' //oCDA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC [Partner_Basket].[dbo].[sp_setActiveDeactiveBdtube] '" + sMsisdn + "','0'", "BUDDY"); // oCDA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC [FitnessPortal].[dbo].[sp_setActiveDeactiveFitnessPortal] '" + sMsisdn + "','0'", "BUDDY"); } else { oCDA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC [FitnessPortal].[dbo].[sp_setActiveDeactiveFitnessPortal] '" + sMsisdn + "','0'", "BUDDY"); if (sMsisdn.StartsWith("88016")) { /*try * { * ATASE.Service objATASAE = new ATASE.Service(); * objATASAE.ASESubscribe(sMsisdn, "vubdtube", "Deletion"); * } * catch * { * } */ string offMSG = "Your Fitness service has been Stopped. To START send START Fitness to 6624 or visit Help : 01674985965"; oCDA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC Partner_API.dbo.spSendSMS '" + sMsisdn + "','" + offMSG + "'", "WAPDB"); } else { string offMSG = "Fitness service is off now. To restart START Fitness and send to 6624."; //string offMSG = "Your BdTube service has been Stopped. To START send START BDTUBE to 6624 or visit Help : 01674985965"; oCDA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC Partner_API.dbo.spSendSMS '" + sMsisdn + "','" + offMSG + "'", "WAPDB"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { userInfo(); try { number = ms.GetMSISDN(); } catch { } option = Request.QueryString["op"]; if (option == "setLike") { string flag = Request.QueryString["flag"]; string catid = Request.QueryString["categorycode"]; if (flag == "y") { DataSet ds = null; string likecount = String.Empty; if ((catid == "01A332B2-A207-44B9-9D3C-F85A1563571A") || (catid == "873E3EA9-3A28-484B-B74B-68C107DDD800")) { ds = db.GetDataSet("Exec [FitnessPortal].[dbo].sp_UpdateLikeCountByContentFitnessPortal '" + Request.QueryString["contentId"] + "','" + 2 + "'", "WAPDB2"); } else { ds = db.GetDataSet("Exec [FitnessPortal].[dbo].sp_UpdateLikeCountByContentFitnessPortal '" + Request.QueryString["contentId"] + "','" + 2 + "'", "WAPDB"); } // DataSet ds = db.GetDataSet("Exec [FitnessPortal].[dbo].sp_UpdateLikeCountByContentFitnessPortal '" + Request.QueryString["contentId"] + "','" + 2 + "'", "WAPDB"); if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { likecount = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); } Response.Write(likecount); } } else if (option == "setView") { string flag = Request.QueryString["flag"]; string msisdn = Request.QueryString["msisdn"]; string categorycode = Request.QueryString["categorycode"]; string contentcode = Request.QueryString["contentId"]; string sMaster = Request.QueryString["sMasterCat"];//from here string contetntTitle = Request.QueryString["ContentTitle"]; string contentType = Request.QueryString["ContentType"]; string zid = Request.QueryString["ZedID"]; DataSet ds1 = db.GetDataSet("Exec [Sp_insert_View] '" + contentcode + "','Buddy'", "WapPortal"); //if (categorycode.Equals("413623EB-E3BF-4494-8BB8-0302473A91A1")) //{ // type = "Zumba"; //} //else if (categorycode.Equals("44EAE2BC-F85F-483E-9C8E-B76D84114C00")) //{ // type = "Yoga"; //} //else if (categorycode.Equals("E0AEF450-099B-495F-B056-8AED4B95F00A")) //{ // type = "Easy Workout"; //} //else if (categorycode.Equals("A2106AB1-A41B-41C4-96FC-42971B8F84C5")) //{ // type = "Fitness Secrets"; //} //else //{ // type = "New"; //} //if (categorycode.Equals("E564F048-1AD7-450A-BA81-47409FC58BFE") || categorycode.Equals("7E8B1C80-EB99-402C-BE1E-00E7F7C99A3F") && isSubscribe(msisdn)) //{ // string PortalCode_Port_VU = "EE9D65C0-A155-464C-A41F-D6FAF01D4B88"; // string ContentCode = contentcode; // //string PortalCategoryCode = sMasterCat; // if (isSubscribe(msisdn)) // { // string response = CGW(number, "", PortalCode_Port_VU, contentcode, ""); // if (response.StartsWith("su")) // { // Response.Write("success"); // if (msisdn.StartsWith("88017")) // { // db.ExecuteNonQuery("Exec [FitnessPortal].[dbo].[sp_SetPortalSuccess] '" + sMsisdn + "','" + contentcode + "',N'" + contetntTitle + "','" + sMaster + "','" + contentType + "','" + zid + "','" + UAPROF_URL + "','" + HS_MANUFAC + "','" + HS_MOD + "','" + HS_DIM + "','" + HS_OS + "','" + OPERATOR + "','" + categorycode + "','','1','194','12.18','0'", "WAPDB"); // } // else // { // db.ExecuteNonQuery("Exec [FitnessPortal].[dbo].[sp_SetPortalSuccess] '" + sMsisdn + "','" + contentcode + "',N'" + contetntTitle + "','" + sMaster + "','" + contentType + "','" + zid + "','" + UAPROF_URL + "','" + HS_MANUFAC + "','" + HS_MOD + "','" + HS_DIM + "','" + HS_OS + "','" + OPERATOR + "','" + categorycode + "','','1','194','24.35','0'", "WAPDB"); // } // } // else // { // Response.Write("notSubscribe"); // } // } // else // { // Response.Write("notSubscribe"); // } //} //else //{ // string obj = String.Empty; // string catid = Request.QueryString["categorycode"]; // if (flag == "y" && isSubscribe(msisdn)) // { // string chargepervideo = ""; // DataSet ds = null; // DataSet ds1 = null; // if ((catid == "01A332B2-A207-44B9-9D3C-F85A1563571A") || (catid == "873E3EA9-3A28-484B-B74B-68C107DDD800")) // {//pavel // //ds = // // db.GetDataSet( // // "Exec [FitnessPortal].[dbo].sp_UpdateLikeCountByContentFitnessPortal '" + Request.QueryString["contentId"] + "','" + 1 + // // "'", "WAPDB2"); // //ds1 = db.GetDataSet("Exec [FitnessPortal].[dbo].sp_ViewCountByMsisdn '" + msisdn + "'", "WAPDB2"); // } // else // { // //pavel // //ds = // // db.GetDataSet( // // "Exec [FitnessPortal].[dbo].sp_UpdateLikeCountByContentFitnessPortal '" + Request.QueryString["contentId"] + "','" + 1 + // // "'", "WAPDB"); // //ds1 = db.GetDataSet("Exec [FitnessPortal].[dbo].sp_ViewCountByMsisdn '" + msisdn + "'", "WAPDB"); // } // // obj = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); // obj= "1"; // if (obj == "1" || obj == "5") // { // //pavel db.ExecuteNonQuery("Exec [FitnessPortal].[dbo].[sp_SetPortalSuccess] '" + msisdn + "','" + contentcode + "',N'" + contetntTitle + "','" + type + "','" + contentType + "','" + zid + "','" + UAPROF_URL + "','" + HS_MANUFAC + "','" + HS_MOD + "','" + HS_DIM + "','" + HS_OS + "','" + OPERATOR + "','" + categorycode + "','','','194','" + chargepervideo + "','1'", "WAPDB"); // } // //#region 5 video seen msg // //if (obj == "5") // //{ // // string MSG = null; // // if (number.StartsWith("88019")) // // { // // MSG = // // "Dear subscriber you assumed your daily free limits. You will be charge Taka 2(+VAT,SD and SC) for next five views except full movie. Help:01992303765"; // // } // // else if (number.StartsWith("88015")) // // { // // MSG = // // "Dear subscriber you assumed your daily free limits. You will be charge Taka 2(+VAT,SD and SC) for next five views except full movie. Help:01534524714"; // // } // // else if (number.StartsWith("88016")) // // { // // MSG = // // "Dear subscriber you assumed your daily free limits. You will be charge Taka 2(+VAT,SD and SC) for next five views except full movie. Help:01674985965"; // // } // // else if (number.StartsWith("88018")) // // { // // MSG = // // "Dear subscriber you assumed your daily free limits. You will be charge Taka 2(+VAT,SD and SC) for next five views . Help:8801814426426"; // // } // // db.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC Partner_API.dbo.spSendSMS '" + number + "','" + MSG + "'", "WAPDB"); // //} // //#endregion 5 video seen msg // Response.Write("1"); // } // else // { // Response.Write("1"); // } //} } else if (option == "setFav") { string flag = Request.QueryString["flag"]; string msisdn = Request.QueryString["msisdn"]; if (flag == "y") { DataSet ds = db.GetDataSet("Exec [FitnessPortal].[dbo].sp_UpdateLikeCountByContentFitnessPortal '" + Request.QueryString["contentId"] + "','" + 3 + "','" + msisdn + "'", "WAPDB"); Response.Write("s"); } } else if (option == "agrohi") { string flag = Request.QueryString["flag"]; string number = Request.QueryString["msisdn"]; string HS_MANUFAC = Request.QueryString["manu"]; string HS_MOD = Request.QueryString["mod"]; string HS_DIM = Request.QueryString["dim"]; string HS_OS = Request.QueryString["os"]; if (flag == "y") { DataSet dsWord = db.GetDataSet("EXEC [FitnessPortal].[dbo].[sp_getHistory_AgrohiCheck] '" + number + "'", "WAPDB"); string check = dsWord.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Content_Title"].ToString(); if (check == "Renew") { ag = true; } else { ag = false; } if (!ag) { string ChargingReply = CGW(number); if (ChargingReply == "success") { string MSG = String.Empty; if (number.StartsWith("88019")) { MSG = "You have successfully charged Tk.2.44 for next 5 videos. To cancel SMS STOP FC to 6624. Help: 01992303765"; } else if (number.StartsWith("88015")) { MSG = "You have successfully charged Tk.2.44 for next 5 videos. To cancel SMS STOP FC to 6624. Help: 01534524714"; } else if (number.StartsWith("88016")) { MSG = "You have successfully charged Tk.2.44 for next 5 videos. To cancel SMS STOP FC to 6624. Help: 01674985965"; } else if (number.StartsWith("88018")) { MSG = "You have successfully charged Tk.2(+VAT+SD+SC) for next 5 videos . Help: 8801814426426"; } //ag = true; db.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC Partner_API.dbo.spSendSMS '" + number + "','" + MSG + "'", "WAPDB"); db.ExecuteNonQuery("Exec [FitnessPortal].[dbo].[sp_SetPortalSuccess] '" + number + "','Renew','Renew','Renew','Renew','Renew','Renew','" + HS_MANUFAC + "','" + HS_MOD + "','" + HS_DIM + "','" + HS_OS + "','','Renew','','1','194','2.44','1'", "WAPDB"); //string MSG = "Welcome to BDTube service. Visit to watch latest and exclusive videos. Cost:TK.2 daily. SMS STOP BDTUBE to 6624 to cancel."; DataSet ds = db.GetDataSet("Exec FitnessPortal.dbo.[sp_ViewCountByMsisdn] '" + number + "','" + 1 + "'", "WAPDB"); Response.Write(ds); } else { Response.Write("error"); } } else { Response.Write("error"); } } } }
protected void btnAdd_OnClick(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { string number = ms.GetMSISDN(); string flag = "y"; if (flag == "y") { DataSet dsWord = db.GetDataSet("EXEC [FitnessPortal].[dbo].[sp_getHistory_AgrohiCheck] '" + number + "'", "WAPDB"); string check = dsWord.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Content_Title"].ToString(); if (check == "Renew") { ag = true; } else { ag = false; } if (!ag) { string ChargingReply = CGW(number); if (ChargingReply == "success") { string MSG = String.Empty; if (number.StartsWith("88019")) { MSG = "You have successfully charged Tk.2.44 for next 5 videos. To cancel SMS STOP FC to 6624. Help: 01992303765"; } else if (number.StartsWith("88015")) { MSG = "You have successfully charged Tk.2.44 for next 5 videos. To cancel SMS STOP FC to 6624. Help: 01534524714"; } else if (number.StartsWith("88016")) { MSG = "You have successfully charged Tk.2.44 for next 5 videos. To cancel SMS STOP FC to 6624. Help: 01674985965"; } else if (number.StartsWith("88018")) { MSG = "You have successfully charged Tk.2(+VAT+SD+SC) for next 5 videos . Help: 8801814426426"; } //ag = true; db.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC Partner_API.dbo.spSendSMS '" + number + "','" + MSG + "'", "WAPDB"); db.ExecuteNonQuery( "Exec [FitnessPortal].[dbo].[sp_SetPortalSuccess] '" + number + "','Renew','Renew','Renew','Renew','Renew','Renew','" + HS_MANUFAC + "','" + HS_MOD + "','" + HS_DIM + "','" + HS_OS + "','','Renew','','1','194','2.44','1'", "WAPDB"); //string MSG = "Welcome to BDTube service. Visit to watch latest and exclusive videos. Cost:TK.2 daily. SMS STOP BDTUBE to 6624 to cancel."; DataSet ds = db.GetDataSet("Exec FitnessPortal.dbo.[sp_ViewCountByMsisdn] '" + number + "','" + 1 + "'", "WAPDB"); Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { Response.Write("error"); } } else { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { #region "MSISDN" try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oUAProfile.GetMSISDN()) || oUAProfile.GetMSISDN().StartsWith("Error")) { throw new Exception(); } else { sMsisdn = oUAProfile.GetMSISDN(); subSmsisdn = sMsisdn.Substring(0, 5); ViewState["msisdn"] = sMsisdn; } } catch //(Exception ex) { sMsisdn = string.Empty; subSmsisdn = string.Empty; } //sMsisdn = "8801955279938"; #endregion "MSISDN" string UAPROF_URL = Request.UserAgent; try { HSProfiling.Service test = new HSProfiling.Service(); UAProfile ua = new UAProfile(); var HSProfiling = test.HansetDetection(UAPROF_URL, ua.GetUAProfileXWap()); HS_MANUFAC = HSProfiling.Manufacturer; HS_MOD = HSProfiling.Model; HS_DIM = HSProfiling.Dimension; HS_OS = HSProfiling.OS; UAPROF_URL = HSProfiling.UAXML; Session["HSOS"] = HS_OS; } catch { } string scriptForBl = @" $(document).ready(function() { $('.robititle').css('background-color','#F16521'); });"; string scriptForTT = @" $(document).ready(function() { $('.robititle').css('background-color','#71BD44'); });"; if (sMsisdn.StartsWith("88015")) { cssTemplate.Attributes.Add("href", "~/Css/StyleSheetTT.css"); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "myScriptName", scriptForTT, true); } else if (sMsisdn.StartsWith("88019")) { cssTemplate.Attributes.Add("href", "~/Css/StyleSheetBL.css"); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "myScriptName", scriptForBl, true); if (isSubscribe(sMsisdn)) { cancelSubscriptionBlink.Visible = true; } } else if (sMsisdn.StartsWith("88016")) { cssTemplate.Attributes.Add("href", "~/Css/StyleSheet.css"); // ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "myScriptName", scriptForBl, true); } else if (sMsisdn.StartsWith("88018")) { Response.Redirect("Restricted.aspx"); } else { cssTemplate.Attributes.Add("href", "~/Css/StyleSheetBL.css"); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "myScriptName", scriptForBl, true); } string key = String.Empty; if (Request.Params["key"] != null) { key = Request.Params["key"].ToString(); Session["KEY"] = key; } string flagAccess = "0"; if (Session["flagAccess"] != null) { flagAccess = Session["flagAccess"].ToString(); } CA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC [Partner_Basket].[dbo].[sp_SetPortalAccess]'" + SOURCE_URL + "','" + sMsisdn + "','" + HS_MANUFAC + "','" + HS_MOD + "','" + HS_DIM + "','" + APN + "','VDOPortal','','" + oUAProfile.GetUserIP() + "','" + HS_OS + "'", "WAPDB"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(key) && flagAccess == "0") { string accessKey = CA.getSingleValue("Exec spGET_OA_ACCESS'" + SOURCE_URL + "','BDTube','" + sMsisdn + "','" + HS_MANUFAC + "','" + HS_MOD + "','" + HS_DIM + "','" + APN + "','VDOPortal','" + key + "','" + oUAProfile.GetUserIP() + "','" + HS_OS + "'", "WAPDB").ToString(); Session["Accesskey"] = accessKey; Session["flagAccess"] = "1"; } Slider(); Fullvideo(); Shortvideo(); Fullmovie(); Newvideo(); BanglaNatok(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((sMsisdn))) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", " function callFunction() { $('#myModal').modal('hide');$('#myModal2').modal('hide'); $('#myModal3').modal('show'); }", true); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty((sMsisdn))) { lblNumber.Text = sMsisdn; lblNumber.Visible = true; lblNumber2.Visible = true; lblNumber2.Text = sMsisdn; } } //Session.Clear(); // Session.RemoveAll(); //Session.Abandon(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string msisdn = ms.GetMSISDN(); if (!msisdn.StartsWith("8801")) { // Response.Redirect("CheckOperator.aspx"); } #region "MSISDN" if (Session["MSISDN"] == null) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oUAProfile.GetMSISDN()) || oUAProfile.GetMSISDN().StartsWith("Error")) { throw new Exception(); } else { sMsisdn = oUAProfile.GetMSISDN(); } } catch //(Exception ex) { sMsisdn = string.Empty; } } else { sMsisdn = Session["MSISDN"].ToString(); } #endregion "MSISDN" #region Profiling if (Session["HSOS"] == null) { HS_OS = "Android"; //pavel //string UAPROF_URL = oUAProfile.GetUserAgent(); //HSProfiling.Service profile = new HSProfiling.Service(); //var HSProfiling = profile.HansetDetection(UAPROF_URL, oUAProfile.GetUAProfileXWap()); //HS_OS = HSProfiling.OS; //UAPROF_URL = HSProfiling.UAXML; //pavel } else { HS_OS = Session["HSOS"].ToString(); } #endregion Profiling if (!isSubscribe(sMsisdn) && !sMsisdn.StartsWith("88018")) { //pavel Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else if (!isSubscribe(sMsisdn) && sMsisdn.StartsWith("88018")) { //pavel Response.Redirect("~/Confirmation.aspx"); } if (HS_OS == "iOS") { smartphone = true; } else if (HS_OS == "Firefox") { smartphone = true; } else if (HS_OS == "Android") { smartphone = true; } else if (HS_OS == "Windows Phone") { smartphone = true; } else if (HS_OS == "Desktop") { smartphone = true; } if (smartphone) { } else { smartphone1.Style.Add("display", "none"); fphone.Style.Add("display", "block"); } string scriptForBl = @" $(document).ready(function() { $('.vdtitle').css('background-color','#58c1e6'); });"; cssTemplate.Attributes.Add("href", "~/Css/StyleSheetBL.css"); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "myScriptName", scriptForBl, true); imgMore.ImageUrl = "~/images/more.png"; CategoryCode = Request.QueryString["CategoryCode"].ToString().Trim(); if (CategoryCode.Equals("E564F048-1AD7-450A-BA81-47409FC58BFE") || CategoryCode.Equals("7E8B1C80-EB99-402C-BE1E-00E7F7C99A3F")) { lblten.Visible = true; if (sMsisdn.StartsWith("88019") || sMsisdn.StartsWith("88016")) { lblten.Text = "<b>Price:</b> Tk 20(+VAT, SD and SC)"; } else { lblten.Text = "<b>Price:</b> Tk 10(+VAT, SD and SC)"; } lblten.ForeColor = Color.Red; } if ((Request.QueryString["CategoryCode"].ToString() == "01A332B2-A207-44B9-9D3C-F85A1563571A") || (Request.QueryString["CategoryCode"].ToString() == "873E3EA9-3A28-484B-B74B-68C107DDD800")) { imgMore.Visible = false; } if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["endUserId"] != null) { sMsisdn = Session["endUserId"].ToString(); } GpSubUnsubConfig(); Loadcontent(); //pavel loadAudioInfo(); LoadRelatedvideo(); sMobNo = ms.GetMSISDN(); bool subs = isSubscribe(sMobNo); cancelSubscriptionBlink.Visible = subs; // HS_MANUFAC = Session["HS_MANUFAC"].ToString(); //HS_MOD = Session["HS_MOD"].ToString(); //HS_DIM = Session["HS_DIM"].ToString(); //HS_OS = Session["HS_OS"].ToString(); //SOURCE_URL = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; //UAPROF_URL = Session["UAPROF_URL"].ToString(); string PORTAL_N_SHORT = "JossBody/JB"; CA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC [AurkoCRM].[dbo].[spInsertPortalVisitLog]'" + SOURCE_URL + "','" + "JossBody:Home" + "','" + oUAProfile.Decode(sMsisdn) + "','" + HS_MANUFAC + "','" + HS_MOD + "','" + HS_DIM + "','" + APN + "','" + PORTAL_N_SHORT + "','" + HS_OS + "','" + Request.UserAgent + "','" + oUAProfile.GetUserIP() + "','13'", "Aurko"); } }
private string SubscriberStatus(string MSISDN) { MSISDN = oUAProfile.Decode(MSISDN); string Status = string.Empty; //STEP2: Subscriber Exist or not object IsUser = CA.getSingleValue("Select RegDate from [DPDP].[dbo].[tblBase] where MSISDN= '" + MSISDN + "' AND RegStatus!=0 AND serviceID=13", "DPDP"); if (IsUser != null) //If Subscriber Exist { DateTime LastChg_dt = Convert.ToDateTime(IsUser); DateTime CurrentDate = System.DateTime.Now.Date; DateTime NextDate = CurrentDate.AddHours(-24); if (LastChg_dt.Date < NextDate) //Chk 48 Hr Charging Status { //IF:NO CHARGING STAUS FOUND:Charging Here Then Display the Content //string ReplyCGW = CGW(MSISDN); //STEP3: CHARGING; MACHANISM string ReplyCGW = "SUCCESSFUL"; //STEP3: CHARGING; MACHANISM if (ReplyCGW == "SUCCESSFUL") { Status = "Y"; if (sMsisdn.StartsWith("88017")) { CA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC [Partner_API].[dbo].[spProcessRequestOnlineAdvertisement] '" + sMsisdn + "','SB'", "WAPDB"); } else { CA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC Sp_UPDATE_SUBSCRIBER_STATUS_BY_ONLINE_CHARGING '" + MSISDN + "'", "SBDB"); } } else { Status = "Y"; //lblMsg.ForeColor = Color.Red; //lblMsg.Text = "Your registration is temporayly block.Please top up your account & visit again."; } } else //SUBSCRIPTION CHARGING OCCURED & SUBSCRIBER LIVE FOR GET CONTENT { Status = "Y"; } } else //FOR NEW SUBSCRIBER { if (MSISDN.StartsWith("88017")) { Status = "Y"; } try { string GPBC = Request.QueryString["source"].ToString(); if (GPBC == "GP") { GPURL = "&source=GP"; } } catch { } //string ReplyCGW = CGW(MSISDN); //if (ReplyCGW == "SUCCESSFUL") //{ // Status = "Y"; // oCDA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC ShaboxBuddy.dbo.spInsertSubscriberBuddy 1"+",'"+sMsisdn+"','"+HS_MANUFAC+"','"+HS_MOD+"','"+ "WAP"+"','1','"+"1"+"','"+System.DateTime.Now+"'", "SBDB"); //} //else // ENTRY SUBSCRIBER WHITHOUT CHARGING BUT WILL TRY TO CHARGE NEXT DAY / NEXT VISIT //{ // Status = "N"; // oCDA.ExecuteNonQuery("EXEC ShaboxBuddy.dbo.spInsertSubscriberBuddy 1" + ",'" + sMsisdn + "','" + HS_MANUFAC + "','" + HS_MOD + "','" + "WAP" + "','-1','" + "0" + "','" + System.DateTime.Now + "'", "SBDB"); //} // Charging & Insert Into Subscriber Table. } return(Status); }