void SetID(int ID) { this.ID = ID; CBUG.Do("Recording ID " + ID + " with Gamemaster."); CBUG.Do("Character is: " + gameObject.name); GameManager.AddPlayer(ID, gameObject); }
private void startMatch() { CBUG.Do("WAIT UI STARTING MATCH!"); //j.GameStarted(N.GetSlotNum(PhotonNetwork.player.ID)); transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(false); PlayerHead.sprite = getImage(getImageNum()); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!DoneInstantiating) { if (_cityData != null && _stateData != null && dataLoaded) { DoneInstantiating = true; } if (_cityData == null && _cityData.Length > 0) { CBUG.Do("City Data not yet loaded."); } else { string temp = "Sampling CSV Data: " + _cityData[0].City + " in " + _cityData[0].State; CBUG.Do(temp); } if (_stateData == null && _stateData.Length > 0) { CBUG.Do("State Data not yet loaded."); } else { string temp2 = "Sampling CSV Data: " + _stateData[0].State + " is " + _stateData[0].StateAbbreviation; CBUG.Do(temp2); } } }
private void makeCityList() { while (!dataLoaded) { currentCity++; cityDataByState[currentState].Add( new City( _cityData[currentCity].CriteriaID, _stateData[currentState].ID, _cityData[currentCity].City, _cityData[currentCity].State, _stateData[currentState].StateAbbreviation ) ); if (_cityData[currentCity].State != _stateData[currentState].State) { StateNameToID.Add(_stateData[currentState].State, _stateData[currentState].ID); StateNameToID.Add(_stateData[currentState].StateAbbreviation, _stateData[currentState].ID); currentState++; } if (currentState >= TotalStates || currentCity >= _cityData.Length - 1) { dataLoaded = true; CBUG.Do("Data Loaded!"); } } }
public static void GameMusic() { CBUG.Do("Game Music!"); FindObjectOfType <MusicManager>().MySource.Stop(); FindObjectOfType <MusicManager>().MySource.clip = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <MusicManager>().GameClip; FindObjectOfType <MusicManager>().MySource.Play(); }
private void _RecordDeath(int killer, int killed, bool isDisconnect) { /* * Players know when they've killed someone, but they think they * suicided when someone kills them. */ //Not sure if above is still issue. if (isDisconnect) { killer = -1; CBUG.Do("Player " + killed + " disconnected midgame!"); playerLives[killed] = 0; } else { //Note: Killer=-1 means player suicided. if (killer != -1) { killsMatrix[killer, killed]++; CBUG.Do("Player " + (killer + 1) + " knocked out Player " + (killed + 1)); } else { CBUG.Do("Player " + (killed + 1) + " Suicided!"); } playerLives[killed]--; } }
void SetSlotNum(int SlotNUm) { this.SlotNum = SlotNUm; CBUG.Do("Recording ID " + SlotNUm + " with Gamemaster."); CBUG.Do("Character is: " + gameObject.name); GameManager.AddPlayer(SlotNUm, gameObject); }
public static void ElevatorMusic() { CBUG.Do("Elevator Music!"); FindObjectOfType <MusicManager>().MySource.Stop(); FindObjectOfType <MusicManager>().MySource.clip = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <MusicManager>().ElevatorClip; FindObjectOfType <MusicManager>().MySource.Play(); }
void Start() { showAnyway = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("CBUG_ON", 0) == 1); if (showAnyway) { CBUG.Do("CBUG ENABLED MANUALLY!"); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { x += RotSpeed; y += RotSpeed; myRotation.Set(x, y, 0f); gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(myRotation); //Rotate(myRotation); CBUG.Do("ROTATING"); }
// private void UpdateHurt() // { // if(invincibilityCount>=0) // invincibilityCount--; // } // private void updateSpecials() // { // if (Input.GetButtonDown("Special") && invincibilityCount < 0) // { // _PhotonView.RPC("SpecialActivate", PhotonTargets.All); // PauseMvmnt(); // } // } private void updateJumping() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") == true && jumpsRemaining > 0) { applyJumpPhysics = true; CBUG.Do("Jumped is true!"); jumpsRemaining -= 1; } }
void Update() { if (ObjectPlace.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().enabled&& !finishedAlready) { finishedAlready = true; CBUG.Do("Level Victory! From: " + player); gameManager.GetComponent <PhotonView>().RPC("PlayerMoveToNextFloor", RpcTarget.All, player); //gameManager.PlayerMoveToNextFloor(player); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { CBUG.Do("Online Character Spawned!"); _PM = PhotonArenaManager.Instance; if (GetComponent <PhotonView>().IsMine == false) { Destroy(GetComponentInChildren <Camera>().gameObject); } }
/// <summary> /// Goes from MAX_CARDS -> 0 /// </summary> public static void RoleUp() { CBUG.Do("Activated Up!"); if (currentNum - 1 < 0) //==1 because we never move up last card { return; } currentNum--; currentPage = _Pages[currentNum]; currentPage.GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("IsIn", false); }
/// <summary> /// Goes from 0 -> MAX_CARDS /// </summary> public static void RoleDown() { CBUG.Do("Activated Down!"); if (currentNum + 1 > _Pages.Length) { return; } currentPage.GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("IsIn", true); currentNum++; currentPage = _Pages[currentNum >= _Pages.Length ? _Pages.Length - 1 : currentNum]; }
private IEnumerator loadStateDataWeb(string path) { CBUG.Do("State Path is: " + path); WWW www = new WWW(path); yield return(www); stateCSVWeb = www.text; _stateData = engine_StateData.ReadString(stateCSVWeb); makeCityList(); }
private void updateJumpingPhysics() { if (applyJumpPhysics) { CBUG.Do("JUMP!"); CBUG.Do("JUMP!"); applyJumpPhysics = false; _Rigibody3D.isKinematic = true; _Rigibody3D.position += new Vector3(0f, 500f, 0f); _Rigibody3D.isKinematic = false; } }
void Pickup(int itemId, PhotonMessageInfo info) { cItem = neighbourhoodMan.allItems[itemId] = detector.closeObj; CBUG.Do("MY PHOTRON ID IS " + photonView.ViewID); charAnim.SetBool("Packing", true); cItem.transform.parent = holdPos; cItem.transform.localPosition = cItem.localPos; cItem.transform.localEulerAngles = cItem.localErot; cItem.collido.enabled = false; cItem.rby.isKinematic = true; if (photonView.IsMine) { canAttack = true; hudMan.SetInstructionText(1); playerState = PlayerState.Holding; bool pos = false; for (int i = 0; i < cItem.traits.Count; i++) { if (cItem.traits[i] == myPersonality) { pos = true; } } if (pos == true) { positiveObj.SetActive(true); Invoke("TurnOffParticleFx", 1.5f); } else { bool neg = false; for (int i = 0; i < cItem.negativeTraits.Count; i++) { if (cItem.negativeTraits[i] == myPersonality) { neg = true; } } if (neg == true) { negativeObj.SetActive(true); Invoke("TurnOffParticleFx", 1.5f); } } } }
private IEnumerator StartBoilBuffer() { CBUG.Do("STARTING BOIL!!"); isBuffered = true; yield return(boilBuffer); if (CanBoil && !GameControls.IsQuizTime()) { IsBoiling = true; Tips.Spawn(0); } isBuffered = false; }
public override void OnConnectedToMaster() { base.OnConnectedToMaster(); CBUG.Do("Connected To Master! Joining Lobby ..."); TypedLobby sqlLobby = new TypedLobby("Lobby", LobbyType.SqlLobby); bool success = PhotonNetwork.JoinLobby(sqlLobby); if (!success) { CBUG.Do("PunCockpit: Could not join Lobby ..."); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!testRan && TestInRelease && ParseManager.DoneInstantiating && URLLoader.DoneInstatiating) { if (!Application.isEditor && !TestInRelease) { return; } testRan = true; URLLoader.BuildURL(URLLoader.GetDataFrom(TestURL + "?" + TestCode).ToArray()); CBUG.Do("Retrieved URL: " + URLLoader.URL); } }
//[PunRPC] private void netDie() { CBUG.Do("DIED!"); dieSound.Play(); isDead = true; ArmLeft.transform.SetParent(null); ArmLeft.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false; ArmLeft.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().isTrigger = false; ArmRight.transform.SetParent(null); ArmRight.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().isTrigger = false; ArmRight.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false; Body.transform.SetParent(null); Body.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false; Head.transform.SetParent(null); Head.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false; }
private void updateJumping() { //bool K = (); CBUG.Do(Input.GetAxisRaw("Jump") + ""); if ((Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") == true || _MobileInput.GetButtonDown("Jump") || Input.GetAxisRaw("Jump") > 0f) && jumpsRemaining > 0 && totalJumpFrames < 0) { jumped = true; //CBUG.Log("Jumped is true!"); jumpsRemaining -= 1; totalJumpFrames = jumpLag; } totalJumpFrames -= 1; }
public IEnumerator LerpVolume2(float from, float to) { bool lerpUp = false; if (from < to) { lerpUp = true; } CBUG.Do("Lerping 2"); float startTime = Time.time; if (lerpUp) { CBUG.Do("LERP UP"); while (MusicBox2.volume <= to - 0.01f) { MusicBox2.volume = Mathf.Lerp(from, to, (Time.time - startTime) / fadeLength); //CBUG.Do("Lerp in Vol2: " + MusicBox2.volume); yield return(null); } } else { CBUG.Do("LERP DOWN"); CBUG.Do("Playing down to " + to + " and currentVol for 2 is: " + MusicBox2.volume); while (MusicBox2.volume >= to + 0.01f) { MusicBox2.volume = Mathf.Lerp(from, to, (Time.time - startTime) / fadeLength); //CBUG.Do("Lerp in Vol2: " + MusicBox2.volume); yield return(null); } } isSwitching = false; CBUG.Do("IsSwitching IS OFF in 2"); //NOT Only on LerpVolume1 ...?? if (nextSongNum != -1) { SwitchSong(nextSongNum); } }
// Just for reloading the scene! You can delete this function entirely if you want to void Update() { if (reloadSceneButton) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) { SceneManager.LoadScene("Menu"); } } if (PhotonArenaManager.Instance.CurrentServerUserDepth == PhotonArenaManager.ServerDepthLevel.InRoom) { if (PhotonArenaManager.Instance.GetRoom().PlayerCount > 1) { // Has game already started? var gameStartData = PhotonArenaManager.Instance.GetData("GameStartTime"); if (gameStartData == null) { PhotonArenaManager.Instance.SaveData("GameStartTime", PhotonArenaManager.Instance.GetClock()); } else { int gameStartTime = (int)gameStartData; CBUG.Do("start time is " + gameStartTime); if ((PhotonArenaManager.Instance.GetClock() - gameStartTime) / 1000 < quizTimeLength) { SceneManager.LoadScene("PersonalitySelection"); SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync("Menu"); } else { foreach (var photonObj in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("LocalPlayer")) { PhotonNetwork.LocalCleanPhotonView(photonObj.GetComponent <PhotonView>()); } PhotonArenaManager.Instance.NewRoom(); } } } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!gameStarted || IsLocalGame || gameEnded) { return; } if (startingPlayers - 1 <= totalGhosts || Time.time > startTime + gameLength) { //END GAME SEQUENCE endGame(); } if (CBUG.DEBUG_ON && ((int)(Time.time)) % 20 == 0) { CBUG.Do("Time Remaining: " + (int)(startTime + gameLength - Time.time)); } }
private IEnumerator loadCityDataWeb(string path) { CBUG.Do("City Path is: " + path); WWW www = new WWW(path); yield return(www); cityCSVWeb = www.text; CBUG.Do("CityScript is: "); CBUG.Do(cityCSVWeb.Substring(0, 20)); _cityData = engine_CityData.ReadString(cityCSVWeb); if (_cityData == null) { CBUG.Do("OUR LIBRARY DOESN'T WORK"); } else { CBUG.Do("City DATA_LENGTH: " + _cityData.Length); } }
public void ConnectAndJoinRoom(string username, string[] singletons) { if (CurrentServerUserDepth != ServerDepthLevel.Offline) { CBUG.Do("Redundant connect call! Already at " + CurrentServerUserDepth.ToString()); return; } CBUG.Do("Connecting!"); PhotonNetwork.GameVersion = "HotelGame"; PhotonNetwork.NetworkingClient.AppId = PhotonNetwork.PhotonServerSettings.AppSettings.AppIdRealtime; PhotonNetwork.AuthValues = new AuthenticationValues(); PhotonNetwork.AuthValues.UserId = username + "_" + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 9999); string region = "us"; bool _result = PhotonNetwork.ConnectToRegion(region); CBUG.Log("PunCockpit:ConnectToRegion(" + region + ") -> " + _result); }
void Awake() { version = Application.version; CBUG.Do("Application Version is: " + version + "."); currentMenu = Menu.main; currentMap = Map.pillar; rmAction = RoomAction.unset; stageName = "Pillar"; isEast = true; bool tempControlsShown = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("isControlsShown", 1) == 1 ? true : false; isControlsShown = tempControlsShown; myMusicAudio = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); mySFXAudio = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <AudioSource>(); PlayMSX(3); NameStrengthDict = new Dictionary <string, float>(); foreach (NameToStrength character in StrengthsList) { NameStrengthDict.Add(character.Name, character.Power); } //DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); Disabling, we never leave the scene Master is born in. AssignPlayerCharacter(0); //Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Confined; //Cursor.visible = false; stageNames = new string[totalUniqueStages] { "Pillar", "Void", "Lair" }; if (IsOfflineMode) { return; } VersionUI.text = "BETA " + Application.version; N = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Networking").GetComponent <NetworkManager>(); }
public void SwitchSong(int SongNum) { CBUG.Do("Switch"); if (isSwitching || currentSongNum == SongNum) { nextSongNum = SongNum; return; } CBUG.Do("Switch"); currentSongNum = SongNum; isSwitching = true; nextSongNum = -1; if (musicBox1IsActive) { CBUG.Do("Fading out 1"); musicBox1IsActive = false; fadeLength = TransitionLength[SongNum]; MusicBox1.time = TransitionPos[SongNum]; MusicBox2.Stop(); MusicBox2.clip = Songs[SongNum]; MusicBox2.Play(); StartCoroutine(LerpVolume1(1f, 0.0f)); StartCoroutine(LerpVolume2(0f, 1.0f)); } else { CBUG.Do("Fading out 2"); musicBox1IsActive = true; fadeLength = TransitionLength[SongNum]; MusicBox2.time = TransitionPos[SongNum]; MusicBox1.Stop(); MusicBox1.clip = Songs[SongNum]; MusicBox1.Play(); StartCoroutine(LerpVolume1(0f, 1.0f)); StartCoroutine(LerpVolume2(1f, 0.0f)); } }