Esempio n. 1
        public ImagePanScrollBarView(RectangleF frame, UIEdgeInsets edgeInsets)
            : base(frame)
            var scrollbarPath = UIBezierPath.Create ();
            scrollbarPath.MoveTo (new PointF (edgeInsets.Left, Bounds.Height - edgeInsets.Bottom));
            scrollbarPath.AddLineTo (new PointF (Bounds.Width - edgeInsets.Right, Bounds.Height - edgeInsets.Bottom));

            var backgroundLayer = new CAShapeLayer () {
                Path = scrollbarPath.CGPath,
                LineWidth = 1,
                StrokeColor = UIColor.White.ColorWithAlpha (.1f).CGColor,
                FillColor = UIColor.Clear.CGColor

            scrollbarLayer = new CAShapeLayer () {
                Path = scrollbarPath.CGPath,
                LineWidth = 1,
                StrokeColor = UIColor.White.CGColor,
                FillColor = UIColor.Clear.CGColor,
                Actions = new NSDictionary ("strokeStart", NSNull.Null, "strokeEnd", NSNull.Null)

            Layer.AddSublayer (backgroundLayer);
            Layer.AddSublayer (scrollbarLayer);
		CAShapeLayer GetMaskShape (ViewMaskerType maskType, Xamarin.Forms.Size size)
			var layer = new CAShapeLayer ();
			layer.FillColor = UIColor.White.CGColor;
			layer.StrokeColor = UIColor.White.CGColor;
			layer.LineWidth = 0;
			UIBezierPath path = null;
			var bounds = new CGRect (0, 0, size.Width, size.Height);

			switch (maskType) {
			case ViewMaskerType.Circle:
				path = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect (bounds, (nfloat)Math.Max (size.Width, size.Height));
			case ViewMaskerType.Triangle:
				var point1 = new CGPoint (0, size.Height);
				var point2 = new CGPoint (size.Width, size.Height);
				var point3 = new CGPoint (size.Width / 2, 0);
				path = new UIBezierPath ();
				path.MoveTo (point1);
				path.AddLineTo (point2);
				path.AddLineTo (point3);
				path.AddLineTo (point1);
				path.ClosePath ();
				path.Fill ();
			case ViewMaskerType.Square:
				var smallRectangle = UIBezierPath.FromRect (bounds.Inset (50, 50));
				path = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect (bounds, 20);
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ();
			layer.Path = path.CGPath;
			return layer;
        public override void LayoutSubviews()
            var rectShape = new CAShapeLayer();
            rectShape.Bounds = Control.Bounds;
            rectShape.Position = Control.Center;

            UIRectCorner rectCorner;
            switch (_cornerSide)
                case CornerSide.LeftSide:
                    rectCorner = UIRectCorner.BottomLeft | UIRectCorner.TopLeft;
                case CornerSide.RightSide:
                    rectCorner = UIRectCorner.BottomRight | UIRectCorner.TopRight; 
                default :
                    rectCorner = UIRectCorner.AllCorners;

            rectShape.Path = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(Control.Bounds,
                new CGSize(_cornerRadius, _cornerRadius)).CGPath;
            Control.Layer.Mask = rectShape;
            Control.Layer.MasksToBounds = true;

Esempio n. 4
        private void Initialize()
            TintColor = UIColor.White;
			Layer.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear.CGColor;

            float radius = Bounds.Width / 2;
            _layerCircle = new CAShapeLayer();
            _layerCircle.AllowsEdgeAntialiasing = true;
            _layerCircle.Bounds = Bounds;
            _layerCircle.Path = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(new RectangleF(0, 0, 2f * radius, 2f * radius), radius).CGPath;
            _layerCircle.Position = new PointF(Bounds.Width / 2, Bounds.Height / 2);
			_layerCircle.FillColor = FillColor.CGColor;
			_layerCircle.StrokeColor = StrokeColor.CGColor;
            _layerCircle.LineWidth = 1f;

            GlyphImageView = new UIImageView();
            GlyphImageView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
            GlyphImageView.Layer.AnchorPoint = new PointF(0.5f, 0.5f);
            GlyphImageView.Frame = new RectangleF((Frame.Width - 50) / 2, (Frame.Height - 50) / 2, 50, 50);
			GlyphImageView.Alpha = GlyphAlpha;

            TitleLabel.Alpha = 0;
            TitleLabel.Hidden = true;
            TitleLabel.Text = string.Empty;

Esempio n. 5
        private static CALayer CreateSymbolFromVectorStyle(VectorStyle style)
            const int defaultWidth = 32;
            const int defaultHeight = 32;

            var symbol = new CAShapeLayer();

            if (style.Fill != null && style.Fill.Color != null)
                symbol.FillColor = style.Fill.Color.ToCG();
                symbol.BackgroundColor = new CGColor(0, 0, 0, 0);

            if (style.Outline != null)
                symbol.LineWidth = (float)style.Outline.Width;
                symbol.StrokeColor = style.Outline.Color.ToCG();

            var frame = new CGRect(-defaultWidth * 0.5f, -defaultHeight * 0.5f, defaultWidth, defaultHeight);
            symbol.Path = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect((CGRect)frame, (nfloat)frame.Width / 2).CGPath;

            return symbol;
		public override void AnimateTransition (IUIViewControllerContextTransitioning transitionContext)
			_transitionContext = transitionContext;

			var containerView = transitionContext.ContainerView;

			FlashCardViewController toViewController;
			UIViewController fromViewController;

			if (Presenting) {
				fromViewController = transitionContext.GetViewControllerForKey (UITransitionContext.FromViewControllerKey) as UIViewController;
				toViewController = transitionContext.GetViewControllerForKey (UITransitionContext.ToViewControllerKey) as FlashCardViewController;
			} else {
				toViewController = transitionContext.GetViewControllerForKey (UITransitionContext.FromViewControllerKey) as FlashCardViewController;
				fromViewController = transitionContext.GetViewControllerForKey (UITransitionContext.ToViewControllerKey) as UIViewController;


			var originRect = toViewController.SourceFrame;

			var circleRect = new CGRect (originRect.GetMidX(), originRect.GetMidY(), 10, 10);

			var circleMaskPathInitial = UIBezierPath.FromOval(circleRect); //(ovalInRect: button.frame);
			var extremePoint = new CGPoint(circleRect.X - toViewController.View.Bounds.Width, circleRect.Y - toViewController.View.Bounds.Height ); //CGRect.GetHeight (toViewController.view.bounds));
			var radius = (float)Math.Sqrt((extremePoint.X * extremePoint.X) + (extremePoint.Y * extremePoint.Y));
			var largeCircleRect = circleRect.Inset (-radius, -radius);
			var circleMaskPathFinal = UIBezierPath.FromOval (largeCircleRect);

			CGPath fromPath;
			CGPath toPath;

			if (Presenting) {
				fromPath = circleMaskPathInitial.CGPath;
				toPath = circleMaskPathFinal.CGPath;
			} else {
				var path = new CGPath ();
				fromPath = circleMaskPathFinal.CGPath;
				toPath = circleMaskPathInitial.CGPath;

			var maskLayer = new CAShapeLayer();
			maskLayer.Path = fromPath;
			if (Presenting) {
				toViewController.View.Layer.Mask = maskLayer;
			} else {
				toViewController.View.Layer.Mask = maskLayer;

			var maskLayerAnimation = CABasicAnimation.FromKeyPath("path");
			maskLayerAnimation.From = ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(fromPath.Handle);
			maskLayerAnimation.To = ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(toPath.Handle);
			maskLayerAnimation.Duration = this.TransitionDuration(transitionContext);
			_animDoneDelegate = new AnimDoneDelegate (transitionContext);
			maskLayerAnimation.Delegate = _animDoneDelegate;
			maskLayer.AddAnimation(maskLayerAnimation, "path");

Esempio n. 7
    public void Start ()
      waveBoundaryPath = new UIBezierPath ();

      waveLayer = new CAShapeLayer ();
      waveLayer.FillColor = new CGColor (0, 0, 0, 1);
      Layer.AddSublayer (waveLayer);
      waveDisplaylink = CADisplayLink.Create (() => GetCurrentWave (waveDisplaylink));
	  waveDisplaylink.AddToRunLoop (NSRunLoop.Main, NSRunLoop.NSDefaultRunLoopMode);
Esempio n. 8
		private void setLayerCustom (UIView view)
			UIBezierPath maskPath = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect ( view.Bounds, (UIRectCorner.BottomRight | UIRectCorner.BottomLeft), new CGSize(6.0f, 6.0f));

			CAShapeLayer maskLayer = new CAShapeLayer ();
			maskLayer.Frame = view.Bounds;
			maskLayer.Path = maskPath.CGPath;

			view.Layer.Mask = maskLayer;
Esempio n. 9
		/// <summary>
		/// Updates the layer's mask. On iOS there are no springs/struts (no auto resizing) on CALayers. Therefore the mask has to be adjusted whenever the
		/// UIView's properties are changed.
		/// </summary>
		/// </summary>
		private void UpdateMask()
			// Add a layer that holds the rounded corners.
			UIBezierPath oMaskPath = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect (this.Bounds, this.eRoundedCorners, new SizeF (this.fCornerRadius, this.fCornerRadius));
			CAShapeLayer oMaskLayer = new CAShapeLayer ();
			oMaskLayer.Frame = this.Bounds;
			oMaskLayer.Path = oMaskPath.CGPath;
			// Set the newly created shape layer as the mask for the image view's layer
			this.Layer.Mask = oMaskLayer;
Esempio n. 10
        public override void Reset()
            if (ListOfView.Count > 0)

            if (_ds != null)
                _ds             = null;
                _node           = null;
                _backgrundLayer = null;
Esempio n. 11
        public UISingleDayView()
            _title = new UILabel()
                Font = UIFont.PreferredBody

            _buttonExpand = new UIButton(UIButtonType.System);
            _buttonExpand.SetImage(UIImage.FromBundle("ToolbarDown").ImageWithRenderingMode(UIImageRenderingMode.AlwaysTemplate), UIControlState.Normal);
            nfloat radians180 = unchecked ((nfloat)Math.PI); // 180 degrees is exactly PI in radians

            _buttonExpand.Transform      = CGAffineTransform.MakeRotation(radians180);
            _buttonExpand.TouchUpInside += _buttonExpand_TouchUpInside;

            _nothingDueText = new UILabel()
                Font          = UIFont.PreferredBody,
                Text          = PowerPlannerResources.GetString("String_NothingDue"),
                TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center,
                TextColor     = UIColor.LightGray

            _line = new CAShapeLayer()
                FillColor = UIColor.LightGray.CGColor

            _items = new UITableView()
                SeparatorInset = UIEdgeInsets.Zero
            if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(9, 0))
                // Stretch to full width even on iPad
                _items.CellLayoutMarginsFollowReadableWidth = false;
            _scheduleSnapshot = new UIDayScheduleSnapshot();
            _scheduleSnapshot.OnRequestViewClass += new WeakEventHandler <ViewItemClass>(_scheduleSnapshot_OnRequestViewClass).Handler;
            _items.TableFooterView = _scheduleSnapshot;

            MainScreenViewController.ListenToTabBarHeightChanged(ref _tabBarHeightListener, delegate
                _items.ContentInset = new UIEdgeInsets(0, 0, MainScreenViewController.TAB_BAR_HEIGHT, 0);
        public override void Draw(CoreGraphics.CGRect rect)

            var          control      = (RoundedCornerView)Element;
            UIRectCorner uIRectCorner = 0;

            if (control != null)
                if (control.TopLeft)
                    uIRectCorner |= UIRectCorner.TopLeft;
                if (control.TopRight)
                    uIRectCorner |= UIRectCorner.TopRight;
                if (control.BottomLeft)
                    uIRectCorner |= UIRectCorner.BottomRight;
                if (control.BottomRight)
                    uIRectCorner |= UIRectCorner.BottomLeft;

                if (!control.BottomLeft && !control.BottomRight && !control.TopLeft && !control.TopRight)
                    uIRectCorner = UIRectCorner.AllCorners;

                nfloat radius            = control.CornerRadius;
                var    maskingShapeLayer = new CAShapeLayer
                    Path = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(Bounds, uIRectCorner, new CGSize(radius, radius)).CGPath
                Layer.Mask = maskingShapeLayer;

                this.ClipsToBounds       = true;
                this.Layer.MasksToBounds = true;
                this.Layer.BorderWidth   = control.BorderWidth;

                if (control.BorderWidth > 0)
                    control.Padding        = new Thickness(control.BorderWidth);
                    this.Layer.BorderColor = control.BorderColor.ToCGColor();
Esempio n. 13
		public static void Draw(CALayer target, IViewport viewport, IStyle style, IFeature feature)
			var lineString = ((LineString) feature.Geometry).Vertices;
			var path = ((LineString) feature.Geometry).Vertices.ToUIKit(viewport);
			var vectorStyle = (style as VectorStyle) ?? new VectorStyle();

			var shape = new CAShapeLayer
				StrokeColor = vectorStyle.Line.Color.ToCG(),
				LineWidth = (float)vectorStyle.Line.Width,
				Path = path.CGPath
			target.AddSublayer (shape);
Esempio n. 14
        private void UpdateMask()
            // Add a layer that holds the rounded corners.
            UIBezierPath maskPath = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(this.Bounds, roundedCorners,
                                                                 new SizeF(cornerRadius, cornerRadius));

            var maskLayer = new CAShapeLayer();

            maskLayer.Frame = this.Bounds;
            maskLayer.Path  = maskPath.CGPath;

            // Set the newly created shape layer as the mask for the image view's layer
            this.Layer.Mask = maskLayer;
Esempio n. 15
        private void Setup(PancakeView pancake)
            // Create the border layer
            if (pancake.BorderThickness > 0)
                if (_borderLayer == null)
                    _borderLayer = new CAShapeLayer();

                // Set the border color to clear if it's not set.
                if (pancake.BorderColor == Xamarin.Forms.Color.Default)
                    _borderLayer.StrokeColor = UIColor.Clear.CGColor;
                    _borderLayer.StrokeColor = pancake.BorderColor.ToCGColor();

                _borderLayer.FillColor = null;
                _borderLayer.LineWidth = pancake.BorderThickness * 2;

                // There's no border layer yet, insert it.
                if (Layer.Sublayers == null || (Layer.Sublayers != null && !Layer.Sublayers.Any(x => x.GetType() == typeof(CAShapeLayer))))
                    Layer.InsertSublayer(_borderLayer, 0);

            if (pancake.HasShadow)
                // TODO: Ideally we want to extract these to shadows.
                // However, we're very limited when it comes to shadows on Droid :(
                Layer.ShadowRadius  = 10;
                Layer.ShadowColor   = UIColor.Black.CGColor;
                Layer.ShadowOpacity = 0.4f;
                Layer.ShadowOffset  = new SizeF();
                Layer.MasksToBounds = false;
                Layer.ShadowOpacity = 0;
                Layer.MasksToBounds = true;

            // Set the rasterization for performance optimization.
            Layer.RasterizationScale = UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale;
            Layer.ShouldRasterize    = true;
Esempio n. 16
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            LocationEnabled = true;


            //adds a stationary circle around phone
            CAShapeLayer first = new CAShapeLayer();

            first.Bounds      = new CGRect(0, 0, PhoneImageView.Frame.Width, PhoneImageView.Frame.Height);
            first.Position    = new CGPoint(PhoneImageView.Frame.Width / 2, PhoneImageView.Frame.Height / 2);
            first.Path        = UIBezierPath.FromOval(PhoneImageView.Bounds).CGPath;
            first.StrokeColor = UIColor.White.CGColor;
            first.LineWidth   = (nfloat)1;
            first.FillColor   = UIColor.Clear.CGColor;

            //Wire up events
            DemoCardView = new UIView();
            DemoCardView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;

            DemoCardSuperviewHeightConstraint.Constant = CardViewController.GetCalculatedHeight();
            DemoCardSuperview.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;

            StatusButton.Hidden = true;
            StatusButton.TitleLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center;
            StatusButton.TitleLabel.LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap;
            StatusButton.TitleLabel.Lines         = 2;

            RightArrowImageView.Transform = CGAffineTransform.MakeScale(-1, 1);


            //clear notifications
            var persistantStorageService = ServiceLocator.Instance.Resolve <IPersistantStorage>();


            if (IsSufficentPermissionGranted())
                var service = ServiceRunner.SharedInstance.FetchService <GeolocatorService>();

        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs <XFCircleProgress> e)

            indicatorFontSize = Element.TextSize;

            backgroundCircle = new CAShapeLayer();



Esempio n. 18
        private void DrawBar(CGPoint initialPoint, nfloat width, nfloat height, UIColor color)
            var path = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(new CGRect(initialPoint.X, initialPoint.Y - height, width, height), UIRectCorner.AllCorners, new CGSize(barsCornerRadius, barsCornerRadius));

            var rectLayer = new CAShapeLayer
                Path                   = path.CGPath,
                FillColor              = color.CGColor,
                ContentsScale          = UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale,
                AllowsEdgeAntialiasing = true

        // Shared initialization code
        void Initialize()
            WantsLayer = true;

            var center = new CGPoint(Frame.Width / 2, Frame.Height / 2);

            outerCircleLayer = new CAShapeLayer();

            var    path  = new CGPath();
            nfloat radis = (Frame.Width - 2) / 2;

            path.AddArc(center.X, center.Y, radis, 0, (float)(2 * Math.PI), true);

            outerCircleLayer.Path        = path;
            outerCircleLayer.FillColor   = NSColor.Clear.CGColor;
            outerCircleLayer.LineWidth   = 1.0f;
            outerCircleLayer.StrokeColor = NSColor.White.CGColor;
            outerCircleLayer.StrokeStart = 0.0f;
            outerCircleLayer.StrokeEnd   = 1.0f;


            progressLayer = new CAShapeLayer();

            var progressPath = new CGPath();

            float start = (float)(Math.PI / 2);
            float end   = (float)(-3 * Math.PI / 2);

            radis = (Frame.Width - 6) / 2;

            progressPath.AddArc(center.X, center.Y, radis, start, end, true);

            progressLayer.Path        = progressPath;
            progressLayer.FillColor   = NSColor.Clear.CGColor;
            progressLayer.LineWidth   = 3.0f;
            progressLayer.StrokeColor = NSColor.White.CGColor;
            progressLayer.StrokeStart = 0;
            progressLayer.StrokeEnd   = 0.0f;

            //Circle progress view center
            var centerRectLayer = new CAShapeLayer();

            centerRectLayer.Bounds          = new CGRect(0, 0, 8, 8);
            centerRectLayer.Position        = center;
            centerRectLayer.FillColor       = NSColor.White.CGColor;
            centerRectLayer.BackgroundColor = NSColor.White.CGColor;
Esempio n. 20
        // this is because of UIStackView is a non-drawing view, meaning that drawRect() is never called and its background color is ignored

        public override void LayoutSubviews()
            var layer = new CAShapeLayer
                Path      = CGPath.FromRect(this.Bounds),
                FillColor = BackgroundColor?.CGColor

            //if (Layer.Sublayers == null)
            Layer.InsertSublayer(layer, 0);
            //    Layer.ReplaceSublayer(Layer.Sublayers[0], layer);
Esempio n. 21
 public void SetColorBinding(CAShapeLayer layer, string propertyPath)
     SetBinding <byte[]>(propertyPath, colorArray =>
         if (colorArray != null)
             layer.FillColor = BareUIHelper.ToCGColor(colorArray);
             layer.FillColor = null;
Esempio n. 22
        CAShapeLayer CreateRingLayer(PointF center, float radius, float lineWidth, UIColor color)
            var smoothedPath = CreateCirclePath(center, radius, 72);
            var slice        = new CAShapeLayer();

            slice.Frame       = new RectangleF(center.X - radius, center.Y - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2);
            slice.FillColor   = UIColor.Clear.CGColor;
            slice.StrokeColor = color.CGColor;
            slice.LineWidth   = lineWidth;
            slice.LineCap     = CAShapeLayer.JoinBevel;
            slice.LineJoin    = CAShapeLayer.JoinBevel;
            slice.Path        = smoothedPath.CGPath;
        // this will draw background and circular border then it will cut the image to a circle inside the border and padding
        protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
            // the control as it exists in the protable project
            formControl = (SelectImageButton)sender;
            // the click events form the forms control to be added to the end of the long click
            buttonevents = formControl.ClickEvents;
            // setting the colors for use in ther renderer outside of the property changed event
            iosBackgroundColor     = formControl.BackgroundColor.ToCGColor();
            iosBorderColor         = formControl.BorderColor.ToCGColor();
            iosBorderWidth         = formControl.BorderWidth;
            iosHoldBackgroundColor = formControl.HoldBackgroundColor.ToCGColor();
            iosHoldBorderColor     = formControl.HoldBorderColor.ToCGColor();
            iosHoldBorderWidth     = formControl.HoldBorderWidth;
            // background
            Xamarin.Forms.Color bgcolor = formControl.BackgroundColor;
            Layer.BackgroundColor = bgcolor.ToCGColor();
            // border
            Layer.BorderColor = formControl.BorderColor.ToCGColor();
            Layer.BorderWidth = formControl.BorderWidth;

            Layer.CornerRadius = (float)formControl.Width / 2;
            // setup for a long press gesture
            UILongPressGestureRecognizer holdGesture = new UILongPressGestureRecognizer(holdPress);

            holdGesture.MinimumPressDuration = 0.0;
            // this need to check that the control is actually loaded as it can call this method without the control present
            if (formControl != null)
                // a top left and bottom right adjustment for the clipping border
                float TLborderControl = 0;
                float BRborderControl = formControl.BorderWidth;

                // a rectangle made usiing the bounds and borders of the control that we will use the cut an elipse with
                CGRect clipRect = new CGRect();

                clipRect.X      = (float)0 + TLborderControl;
                clipRect.Y      = (float)0 + TLborderControl;
                clipRect.Width  = (float)Element.Bounds.Width;
                clipRect.Height = (float)Element.Bounds.Height;

                CAShapeLayer clipShapeLayer = new CAShapeLayer();
                CGPath       clipPath       = new CGPath();

                clipShapeLayer.Path = clipPath;
                Layer.Mask          = clipShapeLayer;
Esempio n. 24
        async void StartSearching()
            if (Searching)
            Searching           = true;
            ShouldStopSearching = false;

            if (!IsSufficentPermissionGranted())
                StatusButton.Hidden = false;
                StatusButton.SetTitle("Location Permission Necessary. \n Go to Settings", new UIControlState());

            shape             = new CAShapeLayer();
            shape.Bounds      = new CGRect(0, 0, PhoneImageView.Frame.Width, PhoneImageView.Frame.Height);
            shape.Position    = new CGPoint(PhoneImageView.Frame.Width / 2, PhoneImageView.Frame.Height / 2);
            shape.Path        = UIBezierPath.FromOval(PhoneImageView.Bounds).CGPath;
            shape.StrokeColor = UIColor.White.CGColor;
            shape.LineWidth   = (nfloat).5;
            shape.FillColor   = UIColor.Clear.CGColor;

            CABasicAnimation grow = CABasicAnimation.FromKeyPath("transform.scale");

            grow.From                = NSObject.FromObject(20);
            grow.Duration            = 2;
            grow.To                  = NSObject.FromObject(1);
            grow.FillMode            = CAFillMode.Forwards;
            grow.RepeatCount         = 10000;
            grow.RemovedOnCompletion = false;
            shape.AddAnimation(grow, "grow");

            StatusButton.Hidden = false;
            StatusButton.SetTitle("Searching for people \n sharing nearby", new UIControlState());

            while (!ShouldStopSearching && View.Window != null)
                await Shared.GetNearbyTransactions();


                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

Esempio n. 25
        private void AddCornerRadius(PancakeView pancake)
            if (pancake.CornerRadii.BottomLeft + pancake.CornerRadii.BottomRight + pancake.CornerRadii.TopLeft + pancake.CornerRadii.TopRight > 0)
                var maskLayer = new CAShapeLayer
                    Frame = Bounds,
                    Path  = this.CreateCornerPath(pancake, false),

                Layer.Mask          = maskLayer;
                Layer.MasksToBounds = true;
        MDCInkView(NSCoder aDecoder) : base(aDecoder)
            if (aDecoder.ContainsKey(MDCInkViewAnimationDelegateKey))
                AnimationDelegate = aDecoder.DecodeObject(MDCInkViewAnimationDelegateKey);
            if (aDecoder.ContainsKey(MDCInkViewMaskLayerKey))
                MaskLayer          = (CAShapeLayer)aDecoder.DecodeObject(MDCInkViewMaskLayerKey);
                MaskLayer.Delegate = this;
                MaskLayer          = new CAShapeLayer();
                MaskLayer.Delegate = this;

            if (aDecoder.ContainsKey(MDCInkViewUsesLegacyInkRippleKey))
                UsesLegacyInkRipple = aDecoder.DecodeBool(MDCInkViewUsesLegacyInkRippleKey);
                UsesLegacyInkRipple = true;

            if (aDecoder.ContainsKey(MDCInkViewInkStyleKey))
                InkStyle = (MDCInkStyle)aDecoder.DecodeInt(MDCInkViewInkStyleKey);

            // The following are derived properties, but `layer` may not have been encoded
            if (aDecoder.ContainsKey(MDCInkViewUsesCustomInkCenterKey))
                UsesCustomInkCenter = aDecoder.DecodeBool(MDCInkViewUsesCustomInkCenterKey);
            if (aDecoder.ContainsKey(MDCInkViewCustomInkCenterKey))
                CustomInkCenter = aDecoder.DecodeCGPoint(MDCInkViewCustomInkCenterKey);
            if (aDecoder.ContainsKey(MDCInkViewMaxRippleRadiusKey))
                MaxRippleRadius = (nfloat)aDecoder.DecodeDouble(MDCInkViewMaxRippleRadiusKey);
            if (aDecoder.ContainsKey(MDCInkViewInkColorKey))
                InkColor = (UIColor)aDecoder.DecodeObject(MDCInkViewInkColorKey);
Esempio n. 27
        public SelectionView(Terminal terminal, SelectionService selection, CGRect rect, CGRect typgographicalBounds) : base(rect)
            this.terminal  = terminal;
            this.selection = selection;

            selection.SelectionChanged += HandleSelectionChanged;

            rowHeight = (int)typgographicalBounds.Height;
            colWidth  = typgographicalBounds.Width;
            rowDelta  = typgographicalBounds.Y;

            WantsLayer = true;
            maskLayer  = new CAShapeLayer();
            Layer.Mask = maskLayer;
Esempio n. 28
        public static Task <bool> BasicAnimationAsync(
            CAShapeLayer layer,
            string path,
            float duration,
            float from,
            float to,
            NSString timingFunction = null,
            string animationName    = null
            var nsFrom = new NSNumber(@from);
            var nsTo   = new NSNumber(to);

            return(BasicAnimationAsync(layer, path, duration, nsFrom, nsTo, timingFunction, animationName));
Esempio n. 29
		public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			base.ViewDidLoad ();
			strategist = new GKMinMaxStrategist {
				MaxLookAheadDepth = 7,
				RandomSource = new GKARC4RandomSource ()

			var columns = new CAShapeLayer[Board.Width][];
			for (int column = 0; column < Board.Width; column++)
				columns [column] = new CAShapeLayer[Board.Height];

			chipLayers = columns;
			ResetBoard ();
        public void DefineStyleForBottomCell()
            // Round only bottom of view, this is to simulate round style in sections of TableView (group style of iOS 6)

            // Is necessary set the size manually because the constraints values haven't been setted yet
            // 40 it's the margin left and right of content view
            CGRect contentSize = new CGRect(0, 0, Frame.Size.Width - 40, Frame.Size.Height);

            UIBezierPath mPath     = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(contentSize, (UIRectCorner.BottomRight | UIRectCorner.BottomLeft), new CGSize(width: 5, height: 5));
            CAShapeLayer maskLayer = new CAShapeLayer();

            maskLayer.Frame          = contentSize;
            maskLayer.Path           = mPath.CGPath;
            containerView.Layer.Mask = maskLayer;
Esempio n. 31
 public override void AwakeFromNib()
     _ol_sortButton.Create(SortedViewPopupString.Name | SortedViewPopupString.Size);
     _ol_infoSwitcherView.WantsLayer = true;
     _backgrundLayer = new  CAShapeLayer
         CornerRadius    = InfoSwitcherFloats.CornerRadius.AsResourceFloat(),
         BorderColor     = InfoSwitcherColors.BorderColor.AsResourceCgColor(),
         BackgroundColor = SortedViewColor.HeaderColor.AsResourceCgColor(),
         BorderWidth     = InfoSwitcherFloats.BorderWidth.AsResourceFloat()
     _ol_infoSwitcherView.Layer = _backgrundLayer;
Esempio n. 32
        private void AddLineLayer(PointF start, PointF end)
            var layer = new CAShapeLayer();

            layer.Frame       = Frame;
            layer.LineWidth   = 0.5f;
            layer.StrokeColor = UIColor.Black.CGColor;
            var path = new UIBezierPath();

            path.LineWidth = 0.5f;
            layer.Path = path.CGPath;
Esempio n. 33
        CAShapeLayer SetupProgressLayer()
            _progressLayer = new CAShapeLayer
                ShadowOpacity = ProgressButtonFloats.ProgressLayerShadowOpacity.AsResourceFloat(),
                FillColor     = ProgressButtonColors.FillProgressColor.AsResourceCgColor()
            _progressLayer.Bind("path", _progressButtonLayer, "curPath", null);
            var checkMarkLayer = new CALayer();

            checkMarkLayer.Frame = ProgressButtonRects.CheckMarkFrame.AsRect();
            checkMarkLayer.Bind("contents", _progressButtonLayer, "curImage", null);
Esempio n. 34
        public static void Draw(CALayer target, IViewport viewport, IStyle style, IFeature feature)
            var lineString  = ((LineString)feature.Geometry).Vertices;
            var path        = ((LineString)feature.Geometry).Vertices.ToUIKit(viewport);
            var vectorStyle = (style as VectorStyle) ?? new VectorStyle();

            var shape = new CAShapeLayer
                StrokeColor = vectorStyle.Line.Color.ToCG(),
                LineWidth   = (float)vectorStyle.Line.Width,
                Path        = path.CGPath

Esempio n. 35
        private CAShapeLayer CreateCircleShapeLayer(float radius, float lineW)
            var path = UIBezierPath.FromArc(CGPoint.Empty,
                                            radius - lineW / 2,
                                            (nfloat)(2 * Math.PI), true);
            var layer = new CAShapeLayer();

            layer.Path        = path.CGPath;
            layer.LineWidth   = lineW;
            layer.StrokeColor = itemColor.CGColor;
            layer.FillColor   = UIColor.Clear.CGColor;

Esempio n. 36
        private CALayer createMinuteSegment(CGRect rect, CGColor color, nfloat distanceFromcenter, nfloat angle)
            var layer = new CAShapeLayer();

            var rotation    = CGAffineTransform.MakeRotation(angle);
            var translation = CreateTranslationTransform(distanceFromcenter, angle);
            var transform   = rotation * translation;

            var path = CGPath.FromRect(rect, transform);

            layer.Path      = path;
            layer.FillColor = color;

        void DrawQuadrangle(CGPoint p0, CGPoint p1, CGPoint p2, CGPoint p3, CALayer layer, RTRResultStabilityStatus progress)
            var area = new CAShapeLayer();
            var recognizedAreaPath = new UIBezierPath();

            area.Path        = recognizedAreaPath.CGPath;
            area.StrokeColor = ProgressColor(progress).CGColor;
            area.FillColor   = UIColor.Clear.CGColor;
Esempio n. 38
        private protected void Render(CGPath path, FillRule fillRule = FillRule.EvenOdd)
            // Remove the old layer if any

            // Well ... nothing to do !
            if (path == null)
                _shapeLayer = null;

            _shapeLayer = CreateLayer(path, fillRule);
        public ODRefreshControl(UIScrollView scrollView, UIActivityIndicatorView activity)
            : base(new RectangleF(0, -1 * (kTotalViewHeight + scrollView.ContentInset.Top), scrollView.Frame.Size.Width, kTotalViewHeight))
            this.scrollView = scrollView;
            this.originalContentInset = this.scrollView.ContentInset;

            this.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth;
            this.scrollView.AddObserver(this, new NSString("contentOffset"), NSKeyValueObservingOptions.New, IntPtr.Zero);
            this.scrollView.AddObserver(this, new NSString("contentInset"), NSKeyValueObservingOptions.New, IntPtr.Zero);

            if (activity == null)
                activity = new UIActivityIndicatorView(UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle.Gray);
            this.activity = activity;
            this.activity.Center = new PointF((float)Math.Floor(this.Frame.Size.Width / 2), (float)Math.Floor(this.Frame.Size.Height / 2));
            this.activity.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleLeftMargin | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleRightMargin;
            this.activity.Alpha = 0;

            _refreshing = false;
            _canRefresh = true;
            _ignoreInset = false;
            _ignoreOffset = false;
            _didSetInset = false;
            _hasSectionHeaders = false;
            TintColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(155 / 255, 162 / 255, 172 / 255, 1.0f);

            _shapeLayer = new CAShapeLayer();
            _shapeLayer.FillColor = TintColor.CGColor;
            _shapeLayer.StrokeColor = UIColor.DarkGray.ColorWithAlpha(0.5f).CGColor;
            _shapeLayer.LineWidth = 0.5f;
            _shapeLayer.ShadowColor = UIColor.Black.CGColor;
            _shapeLayer.ShadowOffset = new SizeF(0, 1);
            _shapeLayer.ShadowOpacity = 0.4f;
            _shapeLayer.ShadowRadius = 0.5f;

            _arrowLayer = new CAShapeLayer();
            _arrowLayer.StrokeColor = UIColor.DarkGray.ColorWithAlpha(0.5f).CGColor;
            _arrowLayer.LineWidth = 0.5f;
            _arrowLayer.FillColor = UIColor.White.CGColor;

            _highlightLayer = new CAShapeLayer();
            _highlightLayer.FillColor = UIColor.White.ColorWithAlpha(0.2f).CGColor;
Esempio n. 40
        public override void AnimateTransition(IUIViewControllerContextTransitioning transitionContext)
            _transitionContext = transitionContext;

            var containerView      = _transitionContext.ContainerView;
            var fromViewController = _transitionContext.GetViewControllerForKey(UITransitionContext.FromViewControllerKey) as OnboardingController;
            var toViewController   = _transitionContext.GetViewControllerForKey(UITransitionContext.ToViewControllerKey) as ContainerController;
            var fromRect           = fromViewController.NavigationRect;
            var toRect             = new CGRect(-toViewController.View.Bounds.Width / 2, -toViewController.View.Bounds.Height / 2, toViewController.View.Bounds.Width * 2, toViewController.View.Bounds.Height * 2);


            var circleMaskPathInitial = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(fromRect, fromRect.Height / 2);

            var circleMaskPathFinal = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(toRect, toRect.Height / 2);

            var maskLayer = new CAShapeLayer();

            maskLayer.Path = circleMaskPathFinal.CGPath;
            toViewController.View.Layer.Mask = maskLayer;

            var maskLayerAnimation = CABasicAnimation.FromKeyPath("path");

            maskLayerAnimation.Duration       = TransitionDuration(_transitionContext);
            maskLayerAnimation.TimingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction.FromName(CAMediaTimingFunction.EaseIn);

            maskLayerAnimation.AnimationStopped += (object sender, CAAnimationStateEventArgs e) => {
                if (_transitionContext != null)
                    var controller = _transitionContext.GetViewControllerForKey(UITransitionContext.FromViewControllerKey);
                    if (controller != null)
                        controller.View.Layer.Mask = null;

            maskLayer.AddAnimation(maskLayerAnimation, "path");
Esempio n. 41
        private void layoutSwitch()
            if (TrackLayer == null)
                TrackLayer = new CAShapeLayer();
            if (Button == null)
                Button = new FabButton();

            nfloat w = 0;

            switch (SwitchSize)
            case SwitchSize.Small:
                w = 30;

            case SwitchSize.Default:
                w = 40;

            case SwitchSize.Large:
                w = 50;

            nfloat px = (this.Width() - w) / 2f;

            TrackLayer.Frame        = new CGRect(px, (this.Height() - trackThickness) / 2f, w, trackThickness);
            TrackLayer.CornerRadius = NMath.Min(TrackLayer.Frame.Height, TrackLayer.Frame.Width) / 2f;

            Button.Frame = new CGRect(px, (this.Height() - buttonDiameter) / 2f, buttonDiameter, buttonDiameter);
            onPosition   = this.Width() - px - buttonDiameter;
            offPosition  = px;

            if (internalSwitchState == SwitchState.On)
        public override void LayoutSubviews()

            // Adjust frame size to make it perfectly square
            Control.Layer.Frame      = new CGRect(0, 0, elementHeight, elementHeight);
            Control.Superview.Bounds = Control.Layer.Frame;

            // Align Control in Superview
            //Control.VerticalAlignment = UIControlContentVerticalAlignment.Center;
            //Control.HorizontalAlignment = UIControlContentHorizontalAlignment.Center;

            // Make longer labels break on to multiple lines
            Control.TitleLabel.LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap;
            Control.TitleLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center;

            // Provide some padding
            Control.TitleEdgeInsets = new UIEdgeInsets(5, 5, 5, 5);

            //Control.Layer.BackgroundColor = new CGColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.2f);

            if (circleLayer == null)
                // Create inner circle
                circleLayer = new CAShapeLayer
                    Path =
                        UIBezierPath.FromOval(new CGRect(3, 3, Control.Layer.Frame.Width - 6,
                                                         Control.Layer.Frame.Height - 6))
                    FillColor = backgroundColor.CGColor,
                    Position  = new CGPoint(0, 0)

                Control.Layer.InsertSublayer(circleLayer, 0);

                // Creater static outer circle
                var staticCircleLayer = createOuterCircle(Control.Layer.Frame, backgroundColor);

                staticCircleLayer.Opacity = 1;

                Control.Layer.InsertSublayer(staticCircleLayer, 0);
Esempio n. 43
		public CustomLayerBasedView (CGRect rect) : base (rect)
			WantsLayer = true;

			CAShapeLayer shapeLayer = new CAShapeLayer ();
			// Create a circle path
			CGPath path = new CGPath ();
			path.AddArc (rect.Width / 2, rect.Height / 2, (rect.Height / 2) - 10, (float)(-(Math.PI / 2)), (float)(3 * Math.PI / 2), false);
			shapeLayer.Path = path;
			shapeLayer.Position = new CGPoint (Bounds.Width / 2, Bounds.Height / 2);
			shapeLayer.FillColor = NSColor.LightGray.CGColor;
			shapeLayer.StrokeColor = NSColor.Blue.CGColor;
			shapeLayer.LineWidth = 2;
			Layer = shapeLayer;
        /// <summary>
        /// Redraws the progress circle. If the circle is already on the screen, it removes that one and creates a new one using the 
        /// current properties of the view
        /// </summary>
        void RedrawCircle()
            if (_progressCircle != null && _progressCircle.SuperLayer != null) {
                _progressCircle.RemoveFromSuperLayer ();

            var centerPoint = new PointF (this.Bounds.Width / 2, this.Bounds.Height / 2);
            UIBezierPath circlePath = UIBezierPath.FromArc (centerPoint, this.Bounds.Width * .7f, (float)(-.5 * Math.PI), (float)(1.5 * Math.PI), true);

            _progressCircle = new CAShapeLayer ();
            _progressCircle.Path = circlePath.CGPath;
            _progressCircle.StrokeColor = UIColor.Green.CGColor;
            _progressCircle.FillColor = UIColor.Clear.CGColor;
            _progressCircle.LineWidth = 1.5f;
            _progressCircle.StrokeStart = 0f;
            _progressCircle.StrokeEnd = 0f;

            this.Layer.AddSublayer (_progressCircle);
Esempio n. 45
        private static CALayer RenderImage(MultiPolygon multiPolygon, IStyle style, IViewport viewport)
            var geom = new CAShapeLayer();

            if (!(style is VectorStyle)) throw new ArgumentException("Style is not of type VectorStyle");
            var vectorStyle = style as VectorStyle;

            float strokeAlpha = (float)vectorStyle.Outline.Color.A / 255;
            float fillAlpha = (float)vectorStyle.Fill.Color.A / 255;
            var strokeColor = new CGColor(new CGColor(vectorStyle.Outline.Color.R, vectorStyle.Outline.Color.G,
                                                      vectorStyle.Outline.Color.B), strokeAlpha);
            var fillColor = new CGColor(new CGColor(vectorStyle.Fill.Color.R, vectorStyle.Fill.Color.G,
                                                    vectorStyle.Fill.Color.B), fillAlpha);

            geom.StrokeColor = strokeColor;
            geom.FillColor = fillColor;
            geom.LineWidth = (float)vectorStyle.Outline.Width;

            var bbRect = GeometryRenderer.ConvertBoundingBox(multiPolygon.GetBoundingBox(), viewport);
            var offset = new CoreGraphics.CGPoint((int)bbRect.GetMinX(), (int)bbRect.GetMinY());

            GeometryExtension.OffSet = offset;

            var path = multiPolygon.ToUIKit(viewport);
            var frame = new CGRect(0, 0, (int)((float)bbRect.GetMaxX() - (float)bbRect.GetMinX()), (int)((float)bbRect.GetMaxY() - (float)bbRect.GetMinY()));
            var size = frame.Size;

            geom.Path = path.CGPath;


            var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();


            var image = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
            var imageTile = new CALayer { Contents = image.CGImage, Frame = frame };

            return imageTile;
        /// <summary>
        /// Replays the recorded gestures animated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coll">gesture collection to replay</param>
        /// <param name="duration">Duration in seconds.</param>
        /// <param name="color">Color.</param>
        public void Replay(float duration, UIColor color)
            CAShapeLayer pathLayer = new CAShapeLayer ();
            pathLayer.Frame = this.PictureLoginView.DrawingAreaView.Bounds;
            pathLayer.GeometryFlipped = false;
            pathLayer.Path = this.PictureLoginView.DrawingAreaView.GesturePath;
            pathLayer.StrokeColor = color.CGColor;
            pathLayer.LineWidth = 5f;
            pathLayer.FillColor =  UIColor.Clear.CGColor;

            CABasicAnimation pathAnimation = CABasicAnimation.FromKeyPath("strokeEnd");
            pathAnimation.Duration = duration;
            pathAnimation.From = new NSNumber(0f);
            pathAnimation.To = new NSNumber(1f);
            pathAnimation.AnimationStopped += (object sender, CAAnimationStateEventArgs e) => {
            pathLayer.AddAnimation (pathAnimation, "strokeEndAnimation");
            this.PictureLoginView.DrawingAreaView.Layer.AddSublayer (pathLayer);
Esempio n. 47
        public void NullableProperties()
            var sl = new CAShapeLayer ();
            Assert.NotNull (sl.FillColor, "FillColor");
            sl.FillColor = null;
            Assert.Null (sl.Path, "Path");
            sl.Path = null;
            Assert.Null (sl.LineDashPattern, "LineDashPattern");
            sl.LineDashPattern = null;
            Assert.Null (sl.StrokeColor, "StrokeColor");
            sl.StrokeColor = null;

            sl.FillColor = UIColor.Black.CGColor;
            Assert.NotNull (sl.FillColor, "FillColor");
            sl.Path = new CGPath ();
            Assert.NotNull (sl.Path, "Path");
            sl.LineDashPattern = new [] { new NSNumber (5), new NSNumber (10) };
            Assert.NotNull (sl.LineDashPattern, "LineDashPattern");
            sl.StrokeColor = UIColor.White.CGColor;
            Assert.NotNull (sl.StrokeColor, "StrokeColor");
Esempio n. 48
        public static CALayer RenderPolygonOnLayer(Polygon polygon, IStyle style, IViewport viewport)
            var tile = new CAShapeLayer();

            if (!(style is VectorStyle)) throw new ArgumentException("Style is not of type VectorStyle");
            var vectorStyle = style as VectorStyle;

            var strokeAlpha = (float)vectorStyle.Outline.Color.A / 255;
            var fillAlpha = (float)vectorStyle.Fill.Color.A / 255;

            var strokeColor = new CGColor(new CGColor(vectorStyle.Outline.Color.R, vectorStyle.Outline.Color.G,
                vectorStyle.Outline.Color.B), strokeAlpha);
            var fillColor = new CGColor(new CGColor(vectorStyle.Fill.Color.R, vectorStyle.Fill.Color.G,
                vectorStyle.Fill.Color.B), fillAlpha);

            tile.StrokeColor = strokeColor;
            tile.FillColor = fillColor;
            tile.LineWidth = (float)vectorStyle.Outline.Width;
            tile.Path = polygon.ToUIKit(viewport).CGPath;

            return tile;
Esempio n. 49
        public static CAShapeLayer RoundedMask(RectangleF frame, UIRectCorner corners, float radius)
            UIBezierPath path = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(frame, corners, new SizeF(radius, radius));
            CAShapeLayer layer = new CAShapeLayer();
            layer.Frame = frame;
            layer.Path = path.CGPath;

            return layer;
Esempio n. 50
 CAShapeLayer CreateRingLayer(PointF center, float radius, float lineWidth, UIColor color)
     var smoothedPath = CreateCirclePath (center, radius, 72);
     var slice = new CAShapeLayer ();
     slice.Frame = new RectangleF (center.X - radius, center.Y - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2);
     slice.FillColor = UIColor.Clear.CGColor;
     slice.StrokeColor = color.CGColor;
     slice.LineWidth = lineWidth;
     slice.LineCap = CAShapeLayer.JoinBevel;
     slice.LineJoin = CAShapeLayer.JoinBevel;
     slice.Path = smoothedPath.CGPath;
     return slice;
		private void DrawMarker (CGRect rowRect, float position)
			if (Layer.Sublayers != null) {
				Layer.Sublayers = new CALayer[0];

			var visibleRect = Layer.Bounds;
			var currentTimeRect = visibleRect;

			// The red band of the timeMaker will be 7 pixels wide
			currentTimeRect.X = 0f;
			currentTimeRect.Width = 7f;

			var timeMarkerRedBandLayer = new CAShapeLayer ();
			timeMarkerRedBandLayer.Frame = currentTimeRect;
			timeMarkerRedBandLayer.Position = new CGPoint (rowRect.X, Bounds.Height / 2f);

			var linePath = CGPath.FromRect (currentTimeRect);
			timeMarkerRedBandLayer.FillColor = UIColor.FromRGBA (1.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.50f).CGColor;

			timeMarkerRedBandLayer.Path = linePath;

			currentTimeRect.X = 0f;
			currentTimeRect.Width = 1f;

			CAShapeLayer timeMarkerWhiteLineLayer = new CAShapeLayer ();
			timeMarkerWhiteLineLayer.Frame = currentTimeRect;
			timeMarkerWhiteLineLayer.Position = new CGPoint (3f, Bounds.Height / 2f);

			CGPath whiteLinePath = CGPath.FromRect (currentTimeRect);
			timeMarkerWhiteLineLayer.FillColor = UIColor.FromRGBA (1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f).CGColor;
			timeMarkerWhiteLineLayer.Path = whiteLinePath;

			timeMarkerRedBandLayer.AddSublayer (timeMarkerWhiteLineLayer);
			CABasicAnimation scrubbingAnimation = new CABasicAnimation ();
			scrubbingAnimation.KeyPath = "position.x";

			scrubbingAnimation.From = new NSNumber (HorizontalPositionForTime (CMTime.Zero));
			scrubbingAnimation.To = new NSNumber (HorizontalPositionForTime (duration));
			scrubbingAnimation.RemovedOnCompletion = false;
			scrubbingAnimation.BeginTime = 0.000000001;
			scrubbingAnimation.Duration = duration.Seconds;
			scrubbingAnimation.FillMode = CAFillMode.Both;
			timeMarkerRedBandLayer.AddAnimation (scrubbingAnimation, null);
			if (Player != null) {
				Console.WriteLine ("Duration in  seconds - " + Player.CurrentItem.Asset.Duration.Seconds);
				var syncLayer = new AVSynchronizedLayer () {
					PlayerItem = Player.CurrentItem,
				syncLayer.AddSublayer (timeMarkerRedBandLayer);
				Layer.AddSublayer (syncLayer);
Esempio n. 52
		public override void AnimateTransition (IUIViewControllerContextTransitioning transitionContext)
			_transitionContext = transitionContext;

			var containerView = _transitionContext.ContainerView;
			var fromViewController = _transitionContext.GetViewControllerForKey (UITransitionContext.FromViewControllerKey) as OnboardingController;
			var toViewController = _transitionContext.GetViewControllerForKey (UITransitionContext.ToViewControllerKey) as ContainerController;
			var fromRect = fromViewController.NavigationRect;
			var toRect = new CGRect (-toViewController.View.Bounds.Width / 2, -toViewController.View.Bounds.Height / 2, toViewController.View.Bounds.Width * 2, toViewController.View.Bounds.Height * 2);


			var circleMaskPathInitial = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(fromRect, fromRect.Height/2);

			var circleMaskPathFinal = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect (toRect, toRect.Height/2);

			var maskLayer = new CAShapeLayer();
			maskLayer.Path = circleMaskPathFinal.CGPath;
			toViewController.View.Layer.Mask = maskLayer;

			var maskLayerAnimation = CABasicAnimation.FromKeyPath("path");
			maskLayerAnimation.Duration =  TransitionDuration(_transitionContext);
			maskLayerAnimation.TimingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction.FromName (CAMediaTimingFunction.EaseIn);

			maskLayerAnimation.AnimationStopped += (object sender, CAAnimationStateEventArgs e) => {
				if(_transitionContext != null) {
					_transitionContext.CompleteTransition (!_transitionContext.TransitionWasCancelled);
					var controller = _transitionContext.GetViewControllerForKey (UITransitionContext.FromViewControllerKey);
					if(controller != null) {
						controller.View.Layer.Mask = null;	

			maskLayer.AddAnimation (maskLayerAnimation, "path");
    public ODRefreshControl (UIScrollView scrollView, ODRefreshControlLayout layout = ODRefreshControlLayout.Vertical, UIView activity = null)
        : base (
            (layout == ODRefreshControlLayout.Vertical)
            ? new RectangleF (0, (-TotalViewHeight - scrollView.ContentInset.Top), scrollView.Bounds.Width, TotalViewHeight)
            : new RectangleF ((-TotalViewHeight - scrollView.ContentInset.Left), 0, TotalViewHeight, scrollView.Bounds.Height)
        ScrollView = scrollView;
        OriginalContentInset = scrollView.ContentInset;

        _vertical = (layout == ODRefreshControlLayout.Vertical);

        AutoresizingMask = (_vertical)
            ? UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth
            : UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight;
        ScrollView.AddSubview (this);
        ScrollView.AddObserver (this, new NSString ("contentOffset"), NSKeyValueObservingOptions.New, IntPtr.Zero);
        ScrollView.AddObserver (this, new NSString ("contentInset"), NSKeyValueObservingOptions.New, IntPtr.Zero);
        _activity = activity ?? new UIActivityIndicatorView (UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle.Gray);
        _activity.Center = new PointF ((float) Math.Floor (Bounds.Width / 2.0f), (float) Math.Floor (Bounds.Height / 2.0f));
        _activity.AutoresizingMask = (_vertical)
            ? UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleLeftMargin | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleRightMargin
            : UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleTopMargin | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleBottomMargin;
        _activity.Alpha = 1;
        if (_activity is UIActivityIndicatorView) {
            ((UIActivityIndicatorView) _activity).StartAnimating ();
        AddSubview (_activity);
        _refreshing = false;
        _canRefresh = true;
        _ignoreInset = false;
        _ignoreOffset = false;
        _didSetInset = false;
        _hasSectionHeaders = false;

        _tintColor = UIColor.FromRGB (155, 162, 172);
        _shadowColor = UIColor.Black;
        _highlightColor = UIColor.White.ColorWithAlpha (.2f);

        _shapeLayer = new CAShapeLayer {
            FillColor = _tintColor.CGColor,
            StrokeColor = UIColor.DarkGray.ColorWithAlpha (.5f).CGColor,
            LineWidth = .5f,
            ShadowColor = _shadowColor.CGColor,
            ShadowOffset = new SizeF (0, 1),
            ShadowOpacity = .4f,
            ShadowRadius = .5f
        Layer.AddSublayer (_shapeLayer);
        _arrowLayer = new CAShapeLayer {
            StrokeColor = UIColor.DarkGray.ColorWithAlpha (.5f).CGColor,
            LineWidth = .5f,
            FillColor = UIColor.White.CGColor
        _shapeLayer.AddSublayer (_arrowLayer);

        _highlightLayer = new CAShapeLayer {
            FillColor = _highlightColor.CGColor

        _shapeLayer.AddSublayer (_highlightLayer);

        if (!_vertical) {
            // Highlight layer is currently not shown in horizontal mode
            // because it has a wrong path.

            // It should instead be drawn all the way from left to right circle.
            // Feel free to work on it!

            _highlightLayer.RemoveFromSuperLayer ();
        /** Forces a redraw of the entire check box.
         * The current value of On is kept.
        public void Reload()
            if (_offBoxLayer != null)
            _offBoxLayer = null;

            if (_onBoxLayer != null)
            _onBoxLayer = null;

            if (_checkMarkLayer != null)
            _checkMarkLayer = null;

 private void DrawCheckMark()
     if (_checkMarkLayer != null)
     _checkMarkLayer = new CAShapeLayer
         Frame = Bounds,
         Path = _pathManager.PathForCheckMark().CGPath,
         FillColor = UIColor.Clear.CGColor,
         StrokeColor = _checkColor.CGColor,
         LineWidth = _lineWidth,
         LineCap = new NSString("kCALineCapRound"),
         LineJoin = new NSString("kCALineJoinRound"),
         RasterizationScale = 2 * UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale,
         ShouldRasterize = true
Esempio n. 56
        void SetupPhotos()
            nfloat height = this.Frame.Size.Height;
            nfloat width = this.Frame.Size.Width;
            cp_mask = new UIView(new CGRect(0, 0, width, height * Constants.CP_RATIO));
            pp_mask = new UIView(new CGRect(width * Constants.PP_X_RATIO, height * Constants.PP_Y_RATIO, height * Constants.PP_RATIO, height * Constants.PP_RATIO));
            pp_circle = new UIView(new CGRect(pp_mask.Frame.Location.X - Constants.PP_BUFF, pp_mask.Frame.Location.Y - Constants.PP_BUFF, pp_mask.Frame.Size.Width + 2 * Constants.PP_BUFF, pp_mask.Frame.Size.Height + 2 * Constants.PP_BUFF));
            pp_circle.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;
            pp_circle.Layer.CornerRadius = pp_circle.Frame.Size.Height / 2;
            pp_mask.Layer.CornerRadius = pp_mask.Frame.Size.Height / 2;
            cp_mask.BackgroundColor = new UIColor(0.98f, 0.98f, 0.98f, 1);

            nfloat cornerRadius = this.Layer.CornerRadius;
            UIBezierPath maskPath = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(cp_mask.Bounds, UIRectCorner.TopLeft | UIRectCorner.TopRight, new CGSize(cornerRadius, cornerRadius));
            CAShapeLayer maskLayer = new CAShapeLayer();
            maskLayer.Frame = cp_mask.Bounds;
            maskLayer.Path = maskPath.CGPath;
            cp_mask.Layer.Mask = maskLayer;

            UIBlurEffect blurEffect = UIBlurEffect.FromStyle(UIBlurEffectStyle.Light);
            visualEffectView = new UIVisualEffectView(blurEffect);
            visualEffectView.Frame = cp_mask.Frame;
            visualEffectView.Alpha = 0;

            profileImageView = new UIImageView();
            profileImageView.Frame = new CGRect(0, 0, pp_mask.Frame.Size.Width, pp_mask.Frame.Size.Height);
            coverImageView = new UIImageView();
            coverImageView.Frame = cp_mask.Frame;
            coverImageView.ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFill;

            cp_mask.ClipsToBounds = true;
            pp_mask.ClipsToBounds = true;

            // setup the label
            nfloat titleLabelX = pp_circle.Frame.Location.X + pp_circle.Frame.Size.Width;
            titleLabel = new UILabel(new CGRect(titleLabelX, cp_mask.Frame.Size.Height + 7, this.Frame.Size.Width - titleLabelX, 26));
            titleLabel.AdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = false;
            titleLabel.LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.Clip;
            titleLabel.Font = UIFont.FromName("HelveticaNeue-Light", 20);
            titleLabel.TextColor = new UIColor(0, 0, 0, 0.8f);
            titleLabel.Text = "Title Label";
            titleLabel.UserInteractionEnabled = true;
            UITapGestureRecognizer tapGesture = new UITapGestureRecognizer(this.TitleLabelTap);
            coverImageView.UserInteractionEnabled = true;
            UITapGestureRecognizer tapGestureCover = new UITapGestureRecognizer(this.CoverPhotoTap);
            profileImageView.UserInteractionEnabled = true;
            UITapGestureRecognizer tapGestureProfile = new UITapGestureRecognizer(this.ProfilePhotoTap);
 private void DrawOnBox()
     if (_onBoxLayer != null)
     _onBoxLayer = new CAShapeLayer
         Frame = Bounds,
         Path = _pathManager.PathForBox().CGPath,
         FillColor = _fillColor.CGColor,
         StrokeColor = _ontintColor.CGColor,
         LineWidth = _lineWidth,
         RasterizationScale = 2 * UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale,
         ShouldRasterize = true
Esempio n. 58
		public void SetMagnitudes (double [] magnitudeData)
			if (curveLayer == null) {
				curveLayer = new CAShapeLayer ();
				curveLayer.FillColor = UIColor.FromRGBA (0.31f, 0.37f, 0.73f, 0.8f).CGColor;
				graphLayer.AddSublayer (curveLayer);

			var bezierPath = new CGPath ();
			var width = graphLayer.Bounds.Width;
			bezierPath.MoveToPoint (leftMargin, graphLayer.Frame.Height + bottomMargin);

			float lastDbPos = 0f;
			float location = leftMargin;
			var frequencyCount = frequencies?.Count ?? 0;
			var pixelRatio = (int)(Math.Ceiling (width / frequencyCount));

			for (int i = 0; i < frequencyCount; i++) {
				var dbValue = 20 * Math.Log10 (magnitudeData [i]);
				float dbPos;

				if (dbValue < -defaultGain)
					dbPos = GetLocationForDbValue (-defaultGain);
				else if (dbValue > defaultGain)
					dbPos = GetLocationForDbValue (defaultGain);
					dbPos = GetLocationForDbValue ((float)dbValue);

				if (Math.Abs (lastDbPos - dbPos) >= 0.1)
					bezierPath.AddLineToPoint (location, dbPos);

				lastDbPos = dbPos;
				location += pixelRatio;

				if (location > width + graphLayer.Frame.X) {
					location = (float)width + (float)graphLayer.Frame.X;

			bezierPath.AddLineToPoint (location, graphLayer.Frame.Y + graphLayer.Frame.Height + bottomMargin);
			bezierPath.CloseSubpath ();

			CATransaction.Begin ();
			CATransaction.DisableActions = true;
			curveLayer.Path = bezierPath;
			CATransaction.Commit ();

			UpdateControls (true);
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            base.ViewDidLoad ();

            // Create active region rectangle
            _rectLayer = new CAShapeLayer ();
            _rectLayer.FillColor = UIColor.FromRGBA (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.2f).CGColor;
            _rectLayer.StrokeColor = UIColor.White.CGColor;
            _rectLayer.LineWidth = 3;
            _rectLayer.AnchorPoint = PointF.Empty;
            this.View.Layer.AddSublayer (_rectLayer);

            // get is device silent flag
            _isSilent = NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.BoolForKey("silent_pref");

            // set camera view
            //parentPicker.CameraView = cameraView;
Esempio n. 60
		private void OnRequestHeaderImages (List<string> images)
			var defaultImage = UIImage.FromFile (ViewModel.DefaultAccountImageName);

			AccountImageView.Hidden = images.Count == 0;

			// clear all existing entries before beginning
			foreach (UIView view in AccountsView.Subviews) {
				if(!view.Equals(AccountImageView)) {
					AccountsView.RemoveConstraints (view.Constraints);
					view.RemoveFromSuperview ();

			if(images.Count > 0) 
				// proceed and add the new ones
				var prevImageView = AccountImageView;
				var prevTrailingConstraint = AccountImageViewTrailingConstraint;
				var rect = CGRect.FromLTRB (prevImageView.Frame.X + 2, prevImageView.Frame.Y + 2, prevImageView.Frame.Width - 4, prevImageView.Frame.Height - 4);
				var path = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect (rect, prevImageView.Frame.Height / 2);
				var prevMaskLayer = new CAShapeLayer ();

					AccountsView.AddConstraint (AccountImageViewTrailingConstraint);

				prevMaskLayer.Path = path.CGPath;
				prevMaskLayer.ShadowColor = UIColor.Black.CGColor;
				prevMaskLayer.ShadowOpacity = 0.35f;
				prevMaskLayer.ShadowOffset = new CGSize (0, 1);
				prevMaskLayer.ShadowRadius = 2;
				prevMaskLayer.ShadowPath = path.CGPath;

				prevImageView.ClipsToBounds = false;
				prevImageView.Layer.Mask = prevMaskLayer;
				prevImageView.Layer.MasksToBounds = false;
				prevImageView.SetImage (new NSUrl(images [0]), defaultImage);	

				images.RemoveAt (0);
				AccountsView.Layer.MasksToBounds = false;
				AccountsView.ClipsToBounds = false;

				foreach (string imageUrl in images)
					var imageView = new UIImageView ();
					var maskLayer = new CAShapeLayer ();

					maskLayer.Path = path.CGPath;
					maskLayer.ShadowColor = prevMaskLayer.ShadowColor;
					maskLayer.ShadowOpacity = prevMaskLayer.ShadowOpacity;
					maskLayer.ShadowOffset = prevMaskLayer.ShadowOffset;
					maskLayer.ShadowRadius = prevMaskLayer.ShadowRadius;
					maskLayer.ShadowPath = prevMaskLayer.ShadowPath;

					imageView.ClipsToBounds = prevImageView.ClipsToBounds;
					imageView.Layer.Mask = maskLayer;
					imageView.Layer.MasksToBounds = prevImageView.Layer.MasksToBounds;
					imageView.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;

					imageView.SetImage (new NSUrl (imageUrl), defaultImage);

					var heightConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint.Create (imageView, NSLayoutAttribute.Height, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, null, NSLayoutAttribute.NoAttribute, 1, prevImageView.Frame.Height);
					var widthConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint.Create (imageView, NSLayoutAttribute.Width, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, null, NSLayoutAttribute.NoAttribute, 1, prevImageView.Frame.Width);
					var leadingConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint.Create (imageView, NSLayoutAttribute.Leading, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, prevImageView, NSLayoutAttribute.Trailing, 1, -prevImageView.Frame.Width/2);
					var centerYConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint.Create (imageView, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterY, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, AccountsView, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterY, 1, 0);
					var trailingConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint.Create (imageView, NSLayoutAttribute.Trailing, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, AccountsView, NSLayoutAttribute.Trailing, 1, 0);	

					AccountsView.AddSubview (imageView);
					AccountsView.SendSubviewToBack (imageView);

					AccountsView.RemoveConstraint (prevTrailingConstraint);
					AccountsView.AddConstraint (heightConstraint);
					AccountsView.AddConstraint (widthConstraint);
					AccountsView.AddConstraint (leadingConstraint);
					AccountsView.AddConstraint (centerYConstraint);
					AccountsView.AddConstraint (trailingConstraint);

					prevMaskLayer = maskLayer;
					prevImageView = imageView;
					prevTrailingConstraint = trailingConstraint;
				AccountsView.LayoutIfNeeded ();