Esempio n. 1
 internal void RemovePrim(PhysxPrim prim)
Esempio n. 2
		public void CheckNestedTypes( )
			string xml = String.Format(
				@"<?xml version='1.0'?>" +
				@"<Obfuscator>" +
				@"<Var name='InPath' value='{0}' />" +
				@"<Var name='OutPath' value='{1}' />" +
				@"<Module file='$(InPath)\AssemblyWithNestedTypes.dll'>" +
				@"<SkipType name='TestClasses.ClassA/NestedClassA' />" +
				@"</Module>" +
				@"</Obfuscator>", TestHelper.InputPath, TestHelper.OutputPath );

			TestHelper.BuildAndObfuscate( "AssemblyWithNestedTypes", string.Empty, xml );

			C5.HashSet<string> typesToFind = new C5.HashSet<string>( );
			typesToFind.Add( "A.A" );
			typesToFind.Add( "A.A/a" );
			typesToFind.Add( "A.A/NestedClassA" );

			AssemblyHelper.CheckAssembly( "AssemblyWithNestedTypes", 3,
				delegate( TypeDefinition typeDef ) { return true; },
				delegate( TypeDefinition typeDef )
					Assert.IsTrue( typesToFind.Contains( typeDef.ToString( ) ), "Type {0} not expected.", typeDef.ToString( ) );
					typesToFind.Remove( typeDef.ToString( ) );
				} );
			Assert.IsTrue( typesToFind.Count == 0, "Not all types found." );
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 ///     Unsubscribe from receiving notification when the transaction ends.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="subscriber">
 ///     The subscriber not to be notified when the transaction ends.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 ///     <see langword="true"/> the subscriber was successfully unsubscribed
 ///     <see langword="false"/> the subscriber was not subscribed
 /// </returns>
 /// <remarks>
 ///     The subscription is OK to handle large number of subscribers.
 /// </remarks>
 public bool Unsubscribe(ITransactionNotification subscriber)
     lock (_watchers)
        public void CheckNestedTypes()
            string xml = String.Format(
                @"<?xml version='1.0'?>" +
                @"<Obfuscator>" +
                @"<Var name='InPath' value='{0}' />" +
                @"<Var name='OutPath' value='{1}' />" +
                @"<Module file='$(InPath)\AssemblyWithNestedTypes.dll'>" +
                @"<SkipType name='TestClasses.ClassA/NestedClassA' />" +
                @"</Module>" +
                @"</Obfuscator>", TestHelper.InputPath, TestHelper.OutputPath);

            TestHelper.BuildAndObfuscate("AssemblyWithNestedTypes", string.Empty, xml);

            C5.HashSet <string> typesToFind = new C5.HashSet <string> ();

            AssemblyHelper.CheckAssembly("AssemblyWithNestedTypes", 1,
                                         delegate(TypeDefinition typeDef) {
                                         delegate(TypeDefinition typeDef) {
                Assert.IsTrue(typesToFind.Contains(typeDef.ToString()), "Type {0} not expected.", typeDef.ToString());
            Assert.IsTrue(typesToFind.Count == 0, "Not all types found.");
Esempio n. 5
        public static void CheckAssembly(string name, int expectedTypes, string[] expectedMethods, string[] notExpectedMethods,
                                         Predicate <TypeDefinition> isType, Action <TypeDefinition> checkType)
            C5.HashSet <string> methodsToFind = new C5.HashSet <string>( );
            C5.HashSet <string> methodsNotToFind = new C5.HashSet <string>( );

            CheckAssembly(name, expectedTypes, isType,
                          delegate(TypeDefinition typeDef)
                // make sure we have enough methods...
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedMethods.Length + notExpectedMethods.Length, typeDef.Methods.Count,
                                "Some of the methods for the type are missing.");

                foreach (MethodDefinition method in typeDef.Methods)
                    Assert.IsFalse(methodsNotToFind.Contains(method.Name), String.Format(
                                       "Did not expect to find method '{0}'.", method.Name));


                if (checkType != null)

            Assert.IsFalse(methodsToFind.Count > 0, "Failed to find all expected methods.");
Esempio n. 6
        protected void CheckEnums(string name, int expectedTypes, string[] expected, string[] notExpected)
            C5.HashSet <string> valsToFind = new C5.HashSet <string>( );
            C5.HashSet <string> valsNotToFind = new C5.HashSet <string>( );

            AssemblyHelper.CheckAssembly(name, expectedTypes,
                                         delegate(TypeDefinition typeDef) { return(typeDef.BaseType.FullName == "System.Enum"); },
                                         delegate(TypeDefinition typeDef)
                // num expected + num unexpected + field storage
                int totalValues = expected.Length + notExpected.Length + 1;
                Assert.AreEqual(totalValues, typeDef.Fields.Count,
                                String.Format("Type should have {0} values.", totalValues));

                foreach (FieldDefinition field in typeDef.Fields)
                    Assert.IsFalse(valsNotToFind.Contains(field.Name), String.Format(
                                       "Did not expect to find event '{0}'.", field.Name));


                Assert.IsFalse(valsToFind.Count > 0, "Failed to find all expected values.");
Esempio n. 7
		protected void CheckEnums( string name, int expectedTypes, string[] expected, string[] notExpected )
			C5.HashSet<string> valsToFind = new C5.HashSet<string>( );
			valsToFind.AddAll( expected );
			C5.HashSet<string> valsNotToFind = new C5.HashSet<string>( );
			valsNotToFind.AddAll( notExpected );

			AssemblyHelper.CheckAssembly( name, expectedTypes,
				delegate( TypeDefinition typeDef ) { return typeDef.BaseType.FullName == "System.Enum"; },
				delegate( TypeDefinition typeDef )
					// num expected + num unexpected + field storage
					int totalValues = expected.Length + notExpected.Length + 1;
					Assert.AreEqual( totalValues, typeDef.Fields.Count,
						String.Format( "Type should have {0} values.", totalValues ) );

					foreach ( FieldDefinition field in typeDef.Fields )
						Assert.IsFalse( valsNotToFind.Contains( field.Name ), String.Format(
							"Did not expect to find event '{0}'.", field.Name ) );

						valsToFind.Remove( field.Name );

					Assert.IsFalse( valsToFind.Count > 0, "Failed to find all expected values." );
				} );
Esempio n. 8
		public static void CheckAssembly( string name, int expectedTypes, string[] expectedMethods, string[] notExpectedMethods,
			Predicate<TypeDefinition> isType, Action<TypeDefinition> checkType )
			C5.HashSet<string> methodsToFind = new C5.HashSet<string>( );
			methodsToFind.AddAll( expectedMethods );
			C5.HashSet<string> methodsNotToFind = new C5.HashSet<string>( );
			methodsNotToFind.AddAll( notExpectedMethods );

			CheckAssembly( name, expectedTypes, isType,
				delegate( TypeDefinition typeDef )
					// make sure we have enough methods...
					Assert.AreEqual( expectedMethods.Length + notExpectedMethods.Length, typeDef.Methods.Count,
						"Some of the methods for the type are missing." );

					foreach ( MethodDefinition method in typeDef.Methods )
						Assert.IsFalse( methodsNotToFind.Contains( method.Name ), String.Format(
							"Did not expect to find method '{0}'.", method.Name ) );

						methodsToFind.Remove( method.Name );

					if ( checkType != null )
						checkType( typeDef );
				} );

			Assert.IsFalse( methodsToFind.Count > 0, "Failed to find all expected methods." );
Esempio n. 9
 public override void RemoveAvatar(PhysicsActor actor)
     BasicActor act = (BasicActor)actor;
     if (_actors.Contains(act))
Esempio n. 10
        public SceneObjectPart Dequeue()
            SceneObjectPart part = null;

            lock (m_syncObject)
                if (m_queue.Count > 0)
                    part = m_queue.Dequeue();

Esempio n. 11
        public bool TryEnqueue(uint ack)
            lock (m_hashSet)
                if (m_hashSet.Add(ack))
                    m_items[m_next] = ack;
                    m_next          = (m_next + 1) % m_capacity;
                    if (m_next == m_first)
                        m_first = (m_first + 1) % m_capacity;


Esempio n. 12
        protected void CheckProperties(string name, int expectedTypes, string[] expected, string[] notExpected)
            C5.HashSet <string> propsToFind = new C5.HashSet <string> ();
            C5.HashSet <string> propsNotToFind = new C5.HashSet <string> ();

            string[] expectedMethods = new string[expected.Length * 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++)
                expectedMethods [i * 2 + 0] = "get_" + expected [i];
                expectedMethods [i * 2 + 1] = "set_" + expected [i];

            string[] notExpectedMethods = new string[notExpected.Length * 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < notExpected.Length; i++)
                notExpectedMethods [i * 2 + 0] = "get_" + notExpected [i];
                notExpectedMethods [i * 2 + 1] = "set_" + notExpected [i];

            AssemblyHelper.CheckAssembly(name, expectedTypes, expectedMethods, notExpectedMethods,
                                         delegate(TypeDefinition typeDef) {
                                         delegate(TypeDefinition typeDef) {
                Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, typeDef.Properties.Count,
                                expected.Length == 1 ? "Type should have 1 property (others dropped by default)." :
                                String.Format("Type should have {0} properties (others dropped by default).", expected.Length));

                foreach (PropertyDefinition prop in typeDef.Properties)
                    Assert.IsFalse(propsNotToFind.Contains(prop.Name), String.Format(
                                       "Did not expect to find property '{0}'.", prop.Name));


                Assert.IsFalse(propsToFind.Count > 0, "Failed to find all expected properties.");
Esempio n. 13
		protected void CheckProperties( string name, int expectedTypes, string[] expected, string[] notExpected )
			C5.HashSet<string> propsToFind = new C5.HashSet<string>( );
			propsToFind.AddAll( expected );
			C5.HashSet<string> propsNotToFind = new C5.HashSet<string>( );
			propsNotToFind.AddAll( notExpected );

			string[] expectedMethods = new string[expected.Length * 2];
			for ( int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i ++ )
				expectedMethods[i * 2 + 0] = "get_" + expected[i];
				expectedMethods[i * 2 + 1] = "set_" + expected[i];

			string[] notExpectedMethods = new string[notExpected.Length * 2];
			for ( int i = 0; i < notExpected.Length; i ++ )
				notExpectedMethods[i * 2 + 0] = "get_" + notExpected[i];
				notExpectedMethods[i * 2 + 1] = "set_" + notExpected[i];

			AssemblyHelper.CheckAssembly( name, expectedTypes, expectedMethods, notExpectedMethods,
				delegate( TypeDefinition typeDef ) { return true; },
				delegate( TypeDefinition typeDef )
					Assert.AreEqual( expected.Length, typeDef.Properties.Count,
						expected.Length == 1 ? "Type should have 1 property (others dropped by default)." :
						String.Format( "Type should have {0} properties (others dropped by default).", expected.Length ) );

					foreach ( PropertyDefinition prop in typeDef.Properties )
						Assert.IsFalse( propsNotToFind.Contains( prop.Name ), String.Format(
							"Did not expect to find property '{0}'.", prop.Name ) );

						propsToFind.Remove( prop.Name );

					Assert.IsFalse( propsToFind.Count > 0, "Failed to find all expected properties." );
				} );
Esempio n. 14
 internal void RemoveCharacterSync(PhysxCharacter physxCharacter)
Esempio n. 15
 public void Remove(T result)
Esempio n. 16
 internal void PrimMadeStaticKinematic(PhysxPrim actor)
Esempio n. 17
		protected void CheckEvents( string name, int expectedTypes, string[] expected, string[] notExpected )
			C5.HashSet<string> eventsToFind = new C5.HashSet<string>( );
			eventsToFind.AddAll( expected );
			C5.HashSet<string> eventsNotToFind = new C5.HashSet<string>( );
			eventsNotToFind.AddAll( notExpected );

			C5.HashSet<string> methodsToFind = new C5.HashSet<string>( );
			for ( int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++ )
				methodsToFind.Add( "add_" + expected[i] );
				methodsToFind.Add( "remove_" + expected[i] );

			C5.HashSet<string> methodsNotToFind = new C5.HashSet<string>( );
			for ( int i = 0; i < notExpected.Length; i++ )
				methodsNotToFind.Add( "add_" + notExpected[i] );
				methodsNotToFind.Add( "remove_" + notExpected[i] );

			bool foundDelType = false;

			AssemblyHelper.CheckAssembly( name, expectedTypes,
				delegate( TypeDefinition typeDef )
					if ( typeDef.BaseType.FullName == "System.MulticastDelegate" )
						foundDelType = true;
						return false;
						return true;
				delegate( TypeDefinition typeDef )
					// make sure we have enough methods...
					// 2 methods / event + a method to fire them
					Assert.AreEqual( methodsToFind.Count + methodsNotToFind.Count + 1, typeDef.Methods.Count,
						"Some of the methods for the type are missing." );

					foreach ( MethodDefinition method in typeDef.Methods )
						Assert.IsFalse( methodsNotToFind.Contains( method.Name ), String.Format(
							"Did not expect to find method '{0}'.", method.Name ) );

						methodsToFind.Remove( method.Name );

					Assert.AreEqual( expected.Length, typeDef.Events.Count,
						expected.Length == 1 ? "Type should have 1 event (others dropped by default)." :
						String.Format( "Type should have {0} events (others dropped by default).", expected.Length ) );

					foreach ( EventDefinition evt in typeDef.Events )
						Assert.IsFalse( eventsNotToFind.Contains( evt.Name ), String.Format(
							"Did not expect to find event '{0}'.", evt.Name ) );

						eventsToFind.Remove( evt.Name );

					Assert.IsFalse( methodsToFind.Count > 0, "Failed to find all expected methods." );
					Assert.IsFalse( eventsToFind.Count > 0, "Failed to find all expected events." );
				} );

			Assert.IsTrue( foundDelType, "Should have found the delegate type." );
Esempio n. 18
 public void Remove(string name)
Esempio n. 19
        protected void CheckEvents(string name, int expectedTypes, string[] expected, string[] notExpected)
            C5.HashSet <string> eventsToFind = new C5.HashSet <string>( );
            C5.HashSet <string> eventsNotToFind = new C5.HashSet <string>( );

            C5.HashSet <string> methodsToFind = new C5.HashSet <string>( );
            for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++)
                methodsToFind.Add("add_" + expected[i]);
                methodsToFind.Add("remove_" + expected[i]);

            C5.HashSet <string> methodsNotToFind = new C5.HashSet <string>( );
            for (int i = 0; i < notExpected.Length; i++)
                methodsNotToFind.Add("add_" + notExpected[i]);
                methodsNotToFind.Add("remove_" + notExpected[i]);

            bool foundDelType = false;

            AssemblyHelper.CheckAssembly(name, expectedTypes,
                                         delegate(TypeDefinition typeDef)
                if (typeDef.BaseType.FullName == "System.MulticastDelegate")
                    foundDelType = true;
                                         delegate(TypeDefinition typeDef)
                // make sure we have enough methods...
                // 2 methods / event + a method to fire them
                Assert.AreEqual(methodsToFind.Count + methodsNotToFind.Count + 1, typeDef.Methods.Count,
                                "Some of the methods for the type are missing.");

                foreach (MethodDefinition method in typeDef.Methods)
                    Assert.IsFalse(methodsNotToFind.Contains(method.Name), String.Format(
                                       "Did not expect to find method '{0}'.", method.Name));


                Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, typeDef.Events.Count,
                                expected.Length == 1 ? "Type should have 1 event (others dropped by default)." :
                                String.Format("Type should have {0} events (others dropped by default).", expected.Length));

                foreach (EventDefinition evt in typeDef.Events)
                    Assert.IsFalse(eventsNotToFind.Contains(evt.Name), String.Format(
                                       "Did not expect to find event '{0}'.", evt.Name));


                Assert.IsFalse(methodsToFind.Count > 0, "Failed to find all expected methods.");
                Assert.IsFalse(eventsToFind.Count > 0, "Failed to find all expected events.");

            Assert.IsTrue(foundDelType, "Should have found the delegate type.");