MemoryStream.ReadLine has an interesting oddity: it doesn't always advance the stream's position by the correct amount: Solution? Custom line reader with the added benefit of not having to use streams at all.
Esempio n. 1
        protected override void ReadContent(ByteReader reader)
            this.Nodes = new Dictionary<ushort, IndexNode>(this.ItemCount);

            for (var i = 0; i < this.ItemCount; i++)
                var index = reader.ReadUInt16();
                var levels = reader.ReadByte();

                var node = new IndexNode(levels);

                node.Page = this;
                node.Position = new PageAddress(this.PageID, index);
                node.KeyLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
                node.Key = reader.ReadBsonValue(node.KeyLength);
                node.DataBlock = reader.ReadPageAddress();

                for (var j = 0; j < node.Prev.Length; j++)
                    node.Prev[j] = reader.ReadPageAddress();
                    node.Next[j] = reader.ReadPageAddress();

                this.Nodes.Add(node.Position.Index, node);
Esempio n. 2
 public void read(byte[] bytes, ByteReader byteReader = null)
     ByteReader reader = byteReader == null ? new ByteReader(bytes) : byteReader;
     key = reader.ReadString();
     value = reader.ReadString();
Esempio n. 3
        private static BoneMotion GetBoneMotion(ByteReader io)
            // ?
            var motion=new BoneMotion();


            var bezierParams=new byte[64];
            io.GetBytes(ref bezierParams);

            return motion;
Esempio n. 4
        public static Model loadFromPath(string path)
            var io=new ByteReader(File.ReadAllBytes(path));

            var model=new Model();


            int boneMotionCount=io.GetInt();
            model.BoneMotions=Enumerable.Range(1, boneMotionCount).Select(_

            return model;
Esempio n. 5
        public unsafe byte* Read(ByteReader r, HttpRawRequest request)
            // field-value = *( field-content / obs-fold )
            // field-content = field-vchar [ 1*( SP / HTAB ) field-vchar ]
            // field-vchar = VCHAR / obs-text
            // obs-fold = CRLF 1*( SP / HTAB )
            // obs-text = %x80-FF

            byte* pValueEnd = r.Position;
            while (r.Next().IsVcharOrObsTextOrSpaceOrTab())
                if (!r.Current.IsSpaceOrHtab())
                    pValueEnd = r.Position;

            byte c = r.Current;

            if (c == '\r' && r.Next() == '\n')
                return pValueEnd;
            throw new BadRequestException();
        private void Start()
            // Check for overridden localization data.
            var localizationFilePath = Application.persistentDataPath + "/Localization.txt";
            FileInfo localizationFile = new FileInfo(localizationFilePath);

            if (localizationFile.Exists)
                Debug.Log("Found localization file at " + localizationFilePath);

                using (var fileStream = localizationFile.OpenRead())
                    using (var binaryReader = new BinaryReader(fileStream))
                        var bytes = binaryReader.ReadBytes((int)localizationFile.Length);
                        var nguiByteReader = new ByteReader(bytes);
                        var localizationData = nguiByteReader.ReadDictionary();
                        Localization.Set("TestLanguage", localizationData);

            // Get current system language.
            SystemLanguage systemLanguage = Application.systemLanguage;
            Debug.Log(string.Format("System Language: {0}", systemLanguage));

            // Check if available, otherwise fallback to English.
            TextAsset textAsset = Resources.Load(systemLanguage.ToString(), typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
            if (textAsset == null)
                systemLanguage = SystemLanguage.English;
                Debug.Log(string.Format("Using fallback language: {0}", systemLanguage));

            Localization.language = systemLanguage.ToString();
Esempio n. 7
        protected override void ReadContent(ByteReader reader)
            this.DataBlocks = new Dictionary<ushort, DataBlock>(ItemCount);

            for (var i = 0; i < ItemCount; i++)
                var block = new DataBlock();

                block.Page = this;
                block.Position = new PageAddress(this.PageID, reader.ReadUInt16());
                block.ExtendPageID = reader.ReadUInt32();

                for (var j = 0; j < CollectionIndex.INDEX_PER_COLLECTION; j++)
                    block.IndexRef[j] = reader.ReadPageAddress();

                var size = reader.ReadUInt16();
                block.Data = reader.ReadBytes(size);

                this.DataBlocks.Add(block.Position.Index, block);
Esempio n. 8
        public XCCM(byte[] rawData) : base(rawData)
            var reader = new ByteReader();

            Climate = reader.ReadBytes <byte[]>(base.Data, base.Size);
Esempio n. 9
 private static bool LoadCSV(byte[] bytes, TextAsset asset, bool merge = false)
     if (bytes == null)
         return false;
     ByteReader byteReader = new ByteReader(bytes);
     BetterList<string> betterList = byteReader.ReadCSV();
     if (betterList.size < 2)
         return false;
     if (!merge || betterList.size - 1 != Localization.mLanguage.Length)
         merge = false;
     betterList[0] = "KEY";
     Localization.mLanguages = new string[betterList.size - 1];
     for (int i = 0; i < Localization.mLanguages.Length; i++)
         Localization.mLanguages[i] = betterList[i + 1];
     while (betterList != null)
         Localization.AddCSV(betterList, !merge);
         betterList = byteReader.ReadCSV();
     return true;
Esempio n. 10
 internal override void ReadBody(ByteReader reader)
     this.Slot         = reader.ReadByte();
     this.ItemsInSlot  = reader.ReadByte();
     this.SpellCharges = reader.ReadByte();
Esempio n. 11
        public void ProcessCurrentBuffer(byte[] currentBuffer, StateObject state)
            Socket clientSocket = state.ClientSocket;

            if (state.ConnectionBuffer.Length == 0)
                state.ConnectionBuffer = currentBuffer;
                byte[] oldConnectionBuffer = state.ConnectionBuffer;
                state.ConnectionBuffer = new byte[oldConnectionBuffer.Length + currentBuffer.Length];
                Array.Copy(oldConnectionBuffer, state.ConnectionBuffer, oldConnectionBuffer.Length);
                Array.Copy(currentBuffer, 0, state.ConnectionBuffer, oldConnectionBuffer.Length, currentBuffer.Length);

            // we now have all SMB message bytes received so far in state.ConnectionBuffer
            int bytesLeftInBuffer = state.ConnectionBuffer.Length;

            while (bytesLeftInBuffer >= 4)
                // The packet is either Direct TCP transport packet (which is an NBT Session Message
                // Packet) or an NBT packet.
                int  bufferOffset  = state.ConnectionBuffer.Length - bytesLeftInBuffer;
                byte flags         = ByteReader.ReadByte(state.ConnectionBuffer, bufferOffset + 1);
                int  trailerLength = (flags & 0x01) << 16 | BigEndianConverter.ToUInt16(state.ConnectionBuffer, bufferOffset + 2);
                int  packetLength  = 4 + trailerLength;

                if (flags > 0x01)
                    Log("[{0}] Invalid NBT flags", DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss:ffff"));

                if (packetLength > bytesLeftInBuffer)
                    byte[] packetBytes = new byte[packetLength];
                    Array.Copy(state.ConnectionBuffer, bufferOffset, packetBytes, 0, packetLength);
                    ProcessPacket(packetBytes, state);
                    bytesLeftInBuffer -= packetLength;
                    if (!clientSocket.Connected)
                        // Do not continue to process the buffer if the other side closed the connection

            if (bytesLeftInBuffer > 0)
                byte[] newReceiveBuffer = new byte[bytesLeftInBuffer];
                Array.Copy(state.ConnectionBuffer, state.ConnectionBuffer.Length - bytesLeftInBuffer, newReceiveBuffer, 0, bytesLeftInBuffer);
                state.ConnectionBuffer = newReceiveBuffer;
                state.ConnectionBuffer = new byte[0];
Esempio n. 12
	/// <summary>
	/// Load the specified CSV file.
	/// </summary>

	static bool LoadCSV (byte[] bytes, TextAsset asset, bool merge = false)
		if (bytes == null) return false;
		ByteReader reader = new ByteReader(bytes);

		// The first line should contain "KEY", followed by languages.
		BetterList<string> header = reader.ReadCSV();

		// There must be at least two columns in a valid CSV file
		if (header.size < 2) return false;

		string[] languagesToAdd = null;
		if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mLanguage)) localizationHasBeenSet = false;

		// Clear the dictionary
		if (!localizationHasBeenSet || (!merge && !mMerging) || mLanguages == null || mLanguages.Length == 0)
			mLanguages = new string[header.size];

			if (!localizationHasBeenSet)
				mLanguage = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Language", header[0]);
				localizationHasBeenSet = true;

			for (int i = 0; i < header.size; ++i)
				mLanguages[i] = header[i];
				if (mLanguages[i] == mLanguage)
					mLanguageIndex = i;
			languagesToAdd = new string[header.size];
			for (int i = 0; i < header.size; ++i) languagesToAdd[i] = header[i];

			// Automatically resize the existing languages and add the new language to the mix
			for (int i = 0; i < header.size; ++i)
				if (!HasLanguage(header[i]))
					int newSize = mLanguages.Length + 1;
					string[] temp = new string[newSize];
					for (int b = 0, bmax = arr.Length; b < bmax; ++b) temp[b] = mLanguages[b];
					mLanguages = temp;
					System.Array.Resize(ref mLanguages, newSize);
					mLanguages[newSize - 1] = header[i];

					Dictionary<string, string[]> newDict = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();

					foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string[]> pair in mDictionary)
						string[] arr = pair.Value;
						temp = new string[newSize];
						for (int b = 0, bmax = arr.Length; b < bmax; ++b) temp[b] = arr[b];
						arr = temp;
						System.Array.Resize(ref arr, newSize);
						arr[newSize - 1] = arr[0];
						newDict.Add(pair.Key, arr);
					mDictionary = newDict;

		Dictionary<string, int> languageIndices = new Dictionary<string, int>();
		for (int i = 0; i < mLanguages.Length; ++i)
			languageIndices.Add(mLanguages[i], i);

		// Read the entire CSV file into memory
		for (;;)
			BetterList<string> temp = reader.ReadCSV();
			if (temp == null || temp.size == 0) break;
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp[0])) continue;
			AddCSV(temp, languagesToAdd, languageIndices);

		if (!mMerging && onLocalize != null)
			mMerging = true;
			OnLocalizeNotification note = onLocalize;
			onLocalize = null;
			onLocalize = note;
			mMerging = false;
		return true;
Esempio n. 13
        protected override void ReadContent(ByteReader reader)
            var info = reader.ReadString(HEADER_INFO.Length);
            var ver = reader.ReadByte();

            if (info != HEADER_INFO) throw LiteException.InvalidDatabase();
            if (ver != FILE_VERSION) throw LiteException.InvalidDatabaseVersion(ver);

            this.ChangeID = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.FreeEmptyPageID = reader.ReadUInt32();
            this.LastPageID = reader.ReadUInt32();
            this.DbVersion = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.Password = reader.ReadBytes(this.Password.Length);

            // read page collections references (position on end of page)
            var cols = reader.ReadByte();
            for (var i = 0; i < cols; i++)
                this.CollectionPages.Add(reader.ReadString(), reader.ReadUInt32());
		internal ContentTypeReader[] LoadAssetReaders()
#pragma warning disable 0219, 0649
            // Trick to prevent the linker removing the code, but not actually execute the code
            if (falseflag)
                // Dummy variables required for it to work on iDevices ** DO NOT DELETE ** 
                // This forces the classes not to be optimized out when deploying to iDevices
                var hByteReader = new ByteReader();
                var hSByteReader = new SByteReader();
                var hDateTimeReader = new DateTimeReader();
                var hDecimalReader = new DecimalReader();
                var hBoundingSphereReader = new BoundingSphereReader();
                var hBoundingFrustumReader = new BoundingFrustumReader();
                var hRayReader = new RayReader();
                var hCharListReader = new ListReader<Char>();
                var hRectangleListReader = new ListReader<Rectangle>();
                var hRectangleArrayReader = new ArrayReader<Rectangle>();
                var hVector3ListReader = new ListReader<Vector3>();
                var hStringListReader = new ListReader<StringReader>();
				var hIntListReader = new ListReader<Int32>();
                var hSpriteFontReader = new SpriteFontReader();
                var hTexture2DReader = new Texture2DReader();
                var hCharReader = new CharReader();
                var hRectangleReader = new RectangleReader();
                var hStringReader = new StringReader();
                var hVector2Reader = new Vector2Reader();
                var hVector3Reader = new Vector3Reader();
                var hVector4Reader = new Vector4Reader();
                var hCurveReader = new CurveReader();
                var hIndexBufferReader = new IndexBufferReader();
                var hBoundingBoxReader = new BoundingBoxReader();
                var hMatrixReader = new MatrixReader();
                var hBasicEffectReader = new BasicEffectReader();
                var hVertexBufferReader = new VertexBufferReader();
                var hAlphaTestEffectReader = new AlphaTestEffectReader();
                var hEnumSpriteEffectsReader = new EnumReader<Graphics.SpriteEffects>();
                var hArrayFloatReader = new ArrayReader<float>();
                var hArrayVector2Reader = new ArrayReader<Vector2>();
                var hListVector2Reader = new ListReader<Vector2>();
                var hArrayMatrixReader = new ArrayReader<Matrix>();
                var hEnumBlendReader = new EnumReader<Graphics.Blend>();
                var hNullableRectReader = new NullableReader<Rectangle>();
				var hEffectMaterialReader = new EffectMaterialReader();
				var hExternalReferenceReader = new ExternalReferenceReader();
                var hSoundEffectReader = new SoundEffectReader();
                var hSongReader = new SongReader();
#pragma warning restore 0219, 0649

            int numberOfReaders;
            // The first content byte i read tells me the number of content readers in this XNB file
            numberOfReaders = _reader.Read7BitEncodedInt();
            contentReaders = new ContentTypeReader[numberOfReaders];
            // For each reader in the file, we read out the length of the string which contains the type of the reader,
            // then we read out the string. Finally we instantiate an instance of that reader using reflection
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfReaders; i++)
                // This string tells us what reader we need to decode the following data
                // string readerTypeString = reader.ReadString();
				string originalReaderTypeString = _reader.ReadString();

                Func<ContentTypeReader> readerFunc;
                if (typeCreators.TryGetValue(originalReaderTypeString, out readerFunc))
                    contentReaders[i] = readerFunc();

    				// Need to resolve namespace differences
    				string readerTypeString = originalReaderTypeString;

    				readerTypeString = PrepareType(readerTypeString);

    				var l_readerType = Type.GetType(readerTypeString);
                    if (l_readerType != null)
                            contentReaders[i] = l_readerType.GetDefaultConstructor().Invoke(null) as ContentTypeReader;
                        catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
                            // If you are getting here, the Mono runtime is most likely not able to JIT the type.
                            // In particular, MonoTouch needs help instantiating types that are only defined in strings in Xnb files. 
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                "Failed to get default constructor for ContentTypeReader. To work around, add a creation function to ContentTypeReaderManager.AddTypeCreator() " +
                                "with the following failed type string: " + originalReaderTypeString);
                        throw new ContentLoadException(
                                "Could not find ContentTypeReader Type. Please ensure the name of the Assembly that contains the Type matches the assembly in the full type name: " + 
                                originalReaderTypeString + " (" + readerTypeString + ")");

				// I think the next 4 bytes refer to the "Version" of the type reader,
                // although it always seems to be zero
                int typeReaderVersion = _reader.ReadInt32();

            return contentReaders;
Esempio n. 15
 public ConstructionJobInstance(IBlockJobSettings settings, Vector3Int position, ItemTypes.ItemType type, ByteReader reader) : base(settings, position, type, reader)
     StoredItemCount = reader.ReadVariableInt();
Esempio n. 16
    /// <summary>
    /// Load the specified CSV file.
    /// </summary>

    static bool LoadCSV(byte[] bytes, TextAsset asset, bool merge = false)
        if (bytes == null)
        ByteReader reader = new ByteReader(bytes);

        // The first line should contain "KEY", followed by languages.
        BetterList <string> header = reader.ReadCSV();

        // There must be at least two columns in a valid CSV file
        if (header.size < 2)

        string[] languagesToAdd = null;
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mLanguage))
            localizationHasBeenSet = false;

        // Clear the dictionary
        if (!localizationHasBeenSet || (!merge && !mMerging) || mLanguages == null || mLanguages.Length == 0)
            mLanguages = new string[header.size];

            if (!localizationHasBeenSet)
                mLanguage = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Language", header[0]);
                localizationHasBeenSet = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < header.size; ++i)
                mLanguages[i] = header[i];
                if (mLanguages[i] == mLanguage)
                    mLanguageIndex = i;
            languagesToAdd = new string[header.size];
            for (int i = 0; i < header.size; ++i)
                languagesToAdd[i] = header[i];

            // Automatically resize the existing languages and add the new language to the mix
            for (int i = 0; i < header.size; ++i)
                if (!HasLanguage(header[i]))
                    int newSize = mLanguages.Length + 1;
                    string[] temp = new string[newSize];
                    for (int b = 0, bmax = arr.Length; b < bmax; ++b)
                        temp[b] = mLanguages[b];
                    mLanguages = temp;
                    System.Array.Resize(ref mLanguages, newSize);
                    mLanguages[newSize - 1] = header[i];

                    Dictionary <string, string[]> newDict = new Dictionary <string, string[]>();

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string[]> pair in mDictionary)
                        string[] arr = pair.Value;
                        temp = new string[newSize];
                        for (int b = 0, bmax = arr.Length; b < bmax; ++b)
                            temp[b] = arr[b];
                        arr = temp;
                        System.Array.Resize(ref arr, newSize);
                        arr[newSize - 1] = arr[0];
                        newDict.Add(pair.Key, arr);
                    mDictionary = newDict;

        Dictionary <string, int> languageIndices = new Dictionary <string, int>();
        for (int i = 0; i < mLanguages.Length; ++i)
            languageIndices.Add(mLanguages[i], i);

        // Read the entire CSV file into memory
        for (;;)
            BetterList <string> temp = reader.ReadCSV();
            if (temp == null || temp.size == 0)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp[0]))
            AddCSV(temp, languagesToAdd, languageIndices);

        if (!mMerging && onLocalize != null)
            mMerging = true;
            OnLocalizeNotification note = onLocalize;
            onLocalize = null;
            onLocalize = note;
            mMerging   = false;
Esempio n. 17
    /// <summary>
    /// Set the localization data directly.
    /// </summary>

    static public void Set(string languageName, byte[] bytes)
        ByteReader reader = new ByteReader(bytes);

        Set(languageName, reader.ReadDictionary());
Esempio n. 18
    /// <summary>
    /// Load the specified asset and activate the localization.
    /// </summary>

    static public void Load(TextAsset asset)
        ByteReader reader = new ByteReader(asset);

        Set(, reader.ReadDictionary());
Esempio n. 19
        public AVFX(byte[] rawData) : base(rawData)
            var reader = new ByteReader();

            AreaVisual = reader.ReadBytes <string>(Data, Size);
Esempio n. 20
        public QueryFileAltNameInfo(byte[] buffer, int offset)
            uint fileNameLength = LittleEndianReader.ReadUInt32(buffer, ref offset);

            FileName = ByteReader.ReadUTF16String(buffer, ref offset, (int)(fileNameLength / 2));
Esempio n. 21
 public MachinistNight(IBlockJobSettings settings, Pipliz.Vector3Int position, ItemTypes.ItemType type, ByteReader reader) :
     base(settings, position, type, reader)
Esempio n. 22
 public override void DoRead(ByteReader BR)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 23
 public WrapperReader(ByteReader reader)
     theReader = reader;
Esempio n. 24
        public MAST(byte[] rawData) : base(rawData)
            var reader = new ByteReader();

            Filename = reader.ReadBytes <string>(base.Data, base.Size);
Esempio n. 25
		internal ContentTypeReader[] LoadAssetReaders()
#pragma warning disable 0219, 0649
            // Trick to prevent the linker removing the code, but not actually execute the code
            if (falseflag)
                // Dummy variables required for it to work on iDevices ** DO NOT DELETE ** 
                // This forces the classes not to be optimized out when deploying to iDevices
                var hByteReader = new ByteReader();
                var hSByteReader = new SByteReader();
                var hDateTimeReader = new DateTimeReader();
                var hDecimalReader = new DecimalReader();
                var hBoundingSphereReader = new BoundingSphereReader();
                var hBoundingFrustumReader = new BoundingFrustumReader();
                var hRayReader = new RayReader();
                var hCharListReader = new ListReader<Char>();
                var hRectangleListReader = new ListReader<Rectangle>();
                var hVector3ListReader = new ListReader<Vector3>();
                var hStringListReader = new ListReader<StringReader>();
                var hSpriteFontReader = new SpriteFontReader();
                var hTexture2DReader = new Texture2DReader();
                var hCharReader = new CharReader();
                var hRectangleReader = new RectangleReader();
                var hStringReader = new StringReader();
                var hVector2Reader = new Vector2Reader();
                var hVector3Reader = new Vector3Reader();
                var hVector4Reader = new Vector4Reader();
                var hCurveReader = new CurveReader();
                var hIndexBufferReader = new IndexBufferReader();
                var hBoundingBoxReader = new BoundingBoxReader();
                var hMatrixReader = new MatrixReader();
                var hBasicEffectReader = new BasicEffectReader();
                var hVertexBufferReader = new VertexBufferReader();
                var hAlphaTestEffectReader = new AlphaTestEffectReader();
#pragma warning restore 0219, 0649

            int numberOfReaders;
            // The first content byte i read tells me the number of content readers in this XNB file
            numberOfReaders = _reader.Read7BitEncodedInt();
            contentReaders = new ContentTypeReader[numberOfReaders];
            // For each reader in the file, we read out the length of the string which contains the type of the reader,
            // then we read out the string. Finally we instantiate an instance of that reader using reflection
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfReaders; i++)
                // This string tells us what reader we need to decode the following data
                // string readerTypeString = reader.ReadString();
				string originalReaderTypeString = _reader.ReadString();
				// Need to resolve namespace differences
				string readerTypeString = originalReaderTypeString;
				readerTypeString = PrepareType(readerTypeString);

				Type l_readerType = Type.GetType(readerTypeString);
            	if(l_readerType !=null)
					contentReaders[i] = (ContentTypeReader)Activator.CreateInstance(l_readerType,true);
					throw new ContentLoadException("Could not find matching content reader of type " + originalReaderTypeString + " (" + readerTypeString + ")");
				// I think the next 4 bytes refer to the "Version" of the type reader,
                // although it always seems to be zero
                int typeReaderVersion = _reader.ReadInt32();

            return contentReaders;
Esempio n. 26
        public override void Handle(ByteReader data)
            object target;

            if (targetTransformer != null)
                target = targetTransformer.Reader.DynamicInvoke(SyncSerialization.ReadSyncObject(data, targetTransformer.NetworkType));
                target = ReadTarget(data);

            if (targetType != null && target == null)
                MpLog.Debug($"SyncMethod {this} read target null");

            if (!instancePath.NullOrEmpty())
                target = target.GetPropertyOrField(instancePath);

            var args = new object[argTypes.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.Length; i++)
                if (argTransformers[i] == null)
                    args[i] = SyncSerialization.ReadSyncObject(data, argTypes[i]);

            for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.Length; i++)
                if (argTransformers[i] is { } trans)
                    args[i] = trans.Reader.DynamicInvoke(SyncSerialization.ReadSyncObject(data, trans.NetworkType));

            if (cancelIfAnyArgNull && args.Any(a => a == null))

            if (context.HasFlag(SyncContext.MapSelected) && cancelIfNoSelectedMapObjects && Find.Selector.selected.Count == 0)

            if (context.HasFlag(SyncContext.WorldSelected) && cancelIfNoSelectedWorldObjects && Find.WorldSelector.selected.Count == 0)

            beforeCall?.Invoke(target, args);

            MpLog.Debug($"Invoked {method} on {target} with {args.Length} params {args.ToStringSafeEnumerable()}");
            methodDelegate.Invoke(target, args);

            afterCall?.Invoke(target, args);
Esempio n. 27
	/// <summary>
	/// Reload the font data.
	/// </summary>

	static public void Load (BMFont font, string name, byte[] bytes)

		if (bytes != null)
			ByteReader reader = new ByteReader(bytes);
			char[] separator = new char[] { ' ' };

			while (reader.canRead)
				string line = reader.ReadLine();
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) break;
				string[] split = line.Split(separator, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
				int len = split.Length;

				if (split[0] == "char")
					// Expected data style:
					// char id=13 x=506 y=62 width=3 height=3 xoffset=-1 yoffset=50 xadvance=0 page=0 chnl=15

					int channel = (len > 10) ? GetInt(split[10]) : 15;

					if (len > 9 && GetInt(split[9]) > 0)
						Debug.LogError("Your font was exported with more than one texture. Only one texture is supported by NGUI.\n" +
							"You need to re-export your font, enlarging the texture's dimensions until everything fits into just one texture.");

					if (len > 8)
						int id = GetInt(split[1]);
						BMGlyph glyph = font.GetGlyph(id, true);

						if (glyph != null)
							glyph.x			= GetInt(split[2]);
							glyph.y			= GetInt(split[3]);
							glyph.width		= GetInt(split[4]);
							glyph.height	= GetInt(split[5]);
							glyph.offsetX	= GetInt(split[6]);
							glyph.offsetY	= GetInt(split[7]);
							glyph.advance	= GetInt(split[8]);	= channel;
						else Debug.Log("Char: " + split[1] + " (" + id + ") is NULL");
						Debug.LogError("Unexpected number of entries for the 'char' field (" + name + ", " + split.Length + "):\n" + line);
				else if (split[0] == "kerning")
					// Expected data style:
					// kerning first=84 second=244 amount=-5 

					if (len > 3)
						int first  = GetInt(split[1]);
						int second = GetInt(split[2]);
						int amount = GetInt(split[3]);

						BMGlyph glyph = font.GetGlyph(second, true);
						if (glyph != null) glyph.SetKerning(first, amount);
						Debug.LogError("Unexpected number of entries for the 'kerning' field (" +
							name + ", " + split.Length + "):\n" + line);
				else if (split[0] == "common")
					// Expected data style:
					// common lineHeight=64 base=51 scaleW=512 scaleH=512 pages=1 packed=0 alphaChnl=1 redChnl=4 greenChnl=4 blueChnl=4

					if (len > 5)
						font.charSize	= GetInt(split[1]);
						font.baseOffset = GetInt(split[2]);
						font.texWidth	= GetInt(split[3]);
						font.texHeight	= GetInt(split[4]);

						int pages = GetInt(split[5]);

						if (pages != 1)
							Debug.LogError("Font '" + name + "' must be created with only 1 texture, not " + pages);
						Debug.LogError("Unexpected number of entries for the 'common' field (" +
							name + ", " + split.Length + "):\n" + line);
				else if (split[0] == "page")
					// Expected data style:
					// page id=0 file="textureName.png"

					if (len > 2)
						font.spriteName = GetString(split[2]).Replace("\"", "");
						font.spriteName = font.spriteName.Replace(".png", "");
						font.spriteName = font.spriteName.Replace(".tga", "");
Esempio n. 28
        public void HasEnded_ReadsZeroBytes_NotEnded()
            ByteReader byteReader = new ByteReader(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }, 8, 8);

            Assert.AreEqual(false, byteReader.HasEnded());
	/// <summary>
	/// Load the specified asset and activate the localization.
	/// </summary>

	static public void Load (TextAsset asset)
		ByteReader reader = new ByteReader(asset);
		Set(, reader.ReadDictionary());
 internal override void ReadBody(ByteReader reader)
     this.Position = reader.ReadVector3();
Esempio n. 31
        private static Type ReadFieldOrPropType(Module context, ByteReader br)
            Universe u = context.universe;

            switch (br.ReadByte())
            case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN:

            case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_CHAR:

            case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_I1:

            case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_U1:

            case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_I2:

            case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_U2:

            case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_I4:

            case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_U4:

            case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_I8:

            case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_U8:

            case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_R4:

            case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_R8:

            case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING:

            case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY:
                return(ReadFieldOrPropType(context, br).MakeArrayType());

            case 0x55:
                return(ReadType(context, br));

            case 0x50:

            case 0x51:

                throw new BadImageFormatException();
Esempio n. 32
        private static CustomAttributeTypedArgument ReadFixedArg(Module context, ByteReader br, Type type)
            Universe u = context.universe;

            if (type == u.System_String)
                return(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadString()));
            else if (type == u.System_Boolean)
                return(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadByte() != 0));
            else if (type == u.System_Char)
                return(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadChar()));
            else if (type == u.System_Single)
                return(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadSingle()));
            else if (type == u.System_Double)
                return(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadDouble()));
            else if (type == u.System_SByte)
                return(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadSByte()));
            else if (type == u.System_Int16)
                return(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadInt16()));
            else if (type == u.System_Int32)
                return(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadInt32()));
            else if (type == u.System_Int64)
                return(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadInt64()));
            else if (type == u.System_Byte)
                return(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadByte()));
            else if (type == u.System_UInt16)
                return(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadUInt16()));
            else if (type == u.System_UInt32)
                return(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadUInt32()));
            else if (type == u.System_UInt64)
                return(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadUInt64()));
            else if (type == u.System_Type)
                return(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, ReadType(context, br)));
            else if (type == u.System_Object)
                return(ReadFixedArg(context, br, ReadFieldOrPropType(context, br)));
            else if (type.IsArray)
                int length = br.ReadInt32();
                if (length == -1)
                    return(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, null));
                Type elementType = type.GetElementType();
                CustomAttributeTypedArgument[] array = new CustomAttributeTypedArgument[length];
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    array[i] = ReadFixedArg(context, br, elementType);
                return(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, array));
            else if (type.IsEnum)
                return(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, ReadFixedArg(context, br, type.GetEnumUnderlyingTypeImpl()).Value));
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
Esempio n. 33
 public static void Set(string languageName, byte[] bytes)
     ByteReader byteReader = new ByteReader(bytes);
     Localization.Set(languageName, byteReader.ReadDictionary());
Esempio n. 34
        private static IList <CustomAttributeTypedArgument> ReadConstructorArguments(Module context, ByteReader br, ConstructorInfo constructor)
            MethodSignature sig   = constructor.MethodSignature;
            int             count = sig.GetParameterCount();
            List <CustomAttributeTypedArgument> list = new List <CustomAttributeTypedArgument>(count);

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                list.Add(ReadFixedArg(context, br, sig.GetParameterType(i)));
Esempio n. 35
	/// <summary>
	/// Load the specified asset and activate the localization.
	/// </summary>

	public void Load (TextAsset asset)
		ByteReader reader = new ByteReader(asset);
		Set(, reader.ReadDictionary());
Esempio n. 36
        public byte* Read(ByteReader r, HttpRawRequest request)
            // Transfer-Encoding = *( "," OWS ) transfer-coding *( OWS "," [ OWS transfer-coding ] )
            // transfer-coding = "chunked" / "compress" / "deflate" / "gzip" / transfer-extension
            // transfer-extension = token *( OWS ";" OWS transfer-parameter )
            // transfer-parameter = token BWS "=" BWS ( token / quoted-string )

            int hashCode = 0;
            byte c = r.Current;
            byte mappedC = c.MapTchar();
            if (mappedC != 0 || c == ',')
                while (true)
                    if (c == ',')
                        // skip '*( "," OWS )'
                            c = r.Next();
                        } while (c == ',' || c.IsSpaceOrHtab());

                        mappedC = c.MapTchar();

                    if (mappedC != c)
                        if (c == '\r')
                            if (r.Next() == '\n')
                                // TODO: return correct pointers
                                throw new NotImplementedException();
                            throw new BadRequestException();

                        if (mappedC == 0)
                            throw new BadRequestException();

                    // read 'token'
                    var tc = new TransferCoding();
                    tc.Name.Value.Start = r.Position;
                        hashCode = NativeByteArray.MixHash(hashCode, c = r.Next());
                    } while (c.IsTchar());

                    tc.Name.HashCode = hashCode;
                    tc.Name.Value.End = r.Position;

                    while (c.IsSpaceOrHtab())
                        c = r.Next();

                    if (c == '\r')
                        if (r.Next() == '\n')
                            // TODO: return correct pointers
                            throw new NotImplementedException();
                        throw new BadRequestException();

                    if (c == ';')
                            c = r.Next();
                        } while (c.IsSpaceOrHtab());

                            // TODO: read token
                            if (c.IsSpaceOrHtab())
                                    c = r.Next();
                                } while (c.IsSpaceOrHtab());
                            if (c != '=')
                                throw new BadRequestException();
                                c = r.Next();
                            } while (c.IsSpaceOrHtab());
                            // TODO: read token or quoted-string
                            if (c.IsSpaceOrHtab())
                                // TODO: save off pPos before whitespace
                                    c = r.Next();
                                } while (c.IsSpaceOrHtab());
                        } while (c == ';');
                    else if (c != ',')
                        throw new BadRequestException();

            throw new BadRequestException();
		internal ContentTypeReader[] LoadAssetReaders(ContentReader reader)
#pragma warning disable 0219, 0649
            // Trick to prevent the linker removing the code, but not actually execute the code
            if (falseflag)
                // Dummy variables required for it to work on iDevices ** DO NOT DELETE ** 
                // This forces the classes not to be optimized out when deploying to iDevices
                var hByteReader = new ByteReader();
                var hSByteReader = new SByteReader();
                var hDateTimeReader = new DateTimeReader();
                var hDecimalReader = new DecimalReader();
                var hBoundingSphereReader = new BoundingSphereReader();
                var hBoundingFrustumReader = new BoundingFrustumReader();
                var hRayReader = new RayReader();
                var hCharListReader = new ListReader<Char>();
                var hRectangleListReader = new ListReader<Rectangle>();
                var hRectangleArrayReader = new ArrayReader<Rectangle>();
                var hVector3ListReader = new ListReader<Vector3>();
                var hStringListReader = new ListReader<StringReader>();
				var hIntListReader = new ListReader<Int32>();
                var hSpriteFontReader = new SpriteFontReader();
                var hTexture2DReader = new Texture2DReader();
                var hCharReader = new CharReader();
                var hRectangleReader = new RectangleReader();
                var hStringReader = new StringReader();
                var hVector2Reader = new Vector2Reader();
                var hVector3Reader = new Vector3Reader();
                var hVector4Reader = new Vector4Reader();
                var hCurveReader = new CurveReader();
                var hIndexBufferReader = new IndexBufferReader();
                var hBoundingBoxReader = new BoundingBoxReader();
                var hMatrixReader = new MatrixReader();
                var hBasicEffectReader = new BasicEffectReader();
                var hVertexBufferReader = new VertexBufferReader();
                var hAlphaTestEffectReader = new AlphaTestEffectReader();
                var hEnumSpriteEffectsReader = new EnumReader<Graphics.SpriteEffects>();
                var hArrayFloatReader = new ArrayReader<float>();
                var hArrayVector2Reader = new ArrayReader<Vector2>();
                var hListVector2Reader = new ListReader<Vector2>();
                var hArrayMatrixReader = new ArrayReader<Matrix>();
                var hEnumBlendReader = new EnumReader<Graphics.Blend>();
                var hNullableRectReader = new NullableReader<Rectangle>();
				var hEffectMaterialReader = new EffectMaterialReader();
				var hExternalReferenceReader = new ExternalReferenceReader();
                var hSoundEffectReader = new SoundEffectReader();
                var hSongReader = new SongReader();
                var hModelReader = new ModelReader();
                var hInt32Reader = new Int32Reader();

                // At the moment the Video class doesn't exist
                // on all platforms... Allow it to compile anyway.
                var hVideoReader = new VideoReader();
#pragma warning restore 0219, 0649

		    // The first content byte i read tells me the number of content readers in this XNB file
            var numberOfReaders = reader.Read7BitEncodedInt();
            var contentReaders = new ContentTypeReader[numberOfReaders];
            var needsInitialize = new BitArray(numberOfReaders);
            _contentReaders = new Dictionary<Type, ContentTypeReader>(numberOfReaders);

            // Lock until we're done allocating and initializing any new
            // content type readers...  this ensures we can load content
            // from multiple threads and still cache the readers.
            lock (_locker)
                // For each reader in the file, we read out the length of the string which contains the type of the reader,
                // then we read out the string. Finally we instantiate an instance of that reader using reflection
                for (var i = 0; i < numberOfReaders; i++)
                    // This string tells us what reader we need to decode the following data
                    // string readerTypeString = reader.ReadString();
                    string originalReaderTypeString = reader.ReadString();

                    Func<ContentTypeReader> readerFunc;
                    if (typeCreators.TryGetValue(originalReaderTypeString, out readerFunc))
                        contentReaders[i] = readerFunc();
                        needsInitialize[i] = true;

                        // Need to resolve namespace differences
                        string readerTypeString = originalReaderTypeString;

                        readerTypeString = PrepareType(readerTypeString);

                        var l_readerType = Type.GetType(readerTypeString);
                        if (l_readerType != null)
                            ContentTypeReader typeReader;
                            if (!_contentReadersCache.TryGetValue(l_readerType, out typeReader))
                                    typeReader = l_readerType.GetDefaultConstructor().Invoke(null) as ContentTypeReader;
                                catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
                                    // If you are getting here, the Mono runtime is most likely not able to JIT the type.
                                    // In particular, MonoTouch needs help instantiating types that are only defined in strings in Xnb files. 
                                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                        "Failed to get default constructor for ContentTypeReader. To work around, add a creation function to ContentTypeReaderManager.AddTypeCreator() " +
                                        "with the following failed type string: " + originalReaderTypeString, ex);

                                needsInitialize[i] = true;

                                _contentReadersCache.Add(l_readerType, typeReader);

                            contentReaders[i] = typeReader;
                            throw new ContentLoadException(
                                    "Could not find ContentTypeReader Type. Please ensure the name of the Assembly that contains the Type matches the assembly in the full type name: " +
                                    originalReaderTypeString + " (" + readerTypeString + ")");

                    var targetType = contentReaders[i].TargetType;
                    if (targetType != null)
                      _contentReaders.Add(targetType, contentReaders[i]);

                    // I think the next 4 bytes refer to the "Version" of the type reader,
                    // although it always seems to be zero

                // Initialize any new readers.
                for (var i = 0; i < contentReaders.Length; i++)
                    if (needsInitialize.Get(i))

            } // lock (_locker)

		    return contentReaders;
Esempio n. 38
 public OKResponsePage(ByteReader br, TextReader tr, String fileName)
     : base(br, tr, fileName)
Esempio n. 39
        private static IList <CustomAttributeNamedArgument> ReadNamedArguments(Module context, ByteReader br, int named, Type type, bool required)
            List <CustomAttributeNamedArgument> list = new List <CustomAttributeNamedArgument>(named);

            for (int i = 0; i < named; i++)
                byte fieldOrProperty     = br.ReadByte();
                Type fieldOrPropertyType = ReadFieldOrPropType(context, br);
                if (fieldOrPropertyType.__IsMissing && !required)
                string name = br.ReadString();
                CustomAttributeTypedArgument value = ReadFixedArg(context, br, fieldOrPropertyType);
                MemberInfo member;
                switch (fieldOrProperty)
                case 0x53:
                    member = GetField(context, type, name, fieldOrPropertyType);

                case 0x54:
                    member = GetProperty(context, type, name, fieldOrPropertyType);

                    throw new BadImageFormatException();
                list.Add(new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(member, value));
Esempio n. 40
 public override void DoRead(ByteReader BR)
     SelectedUnitIndex = BR.ReadInt32();
Esempio n. 41
    public HTTPResponse(ByteReader br, TextReader tr, String fileName)
        : this()
        KeyValuePair<string, ContentReader> reader = contentTypes[
                attributes.Add("Content-Type", reader.Key);

                reader.Value(br, tr, fileName, ref attributes, this);
Esempio n. 42
 private HmtxTable(ByteReader reader)
     _reader = reader;
Esempio n. 43
        // Add some non-zero constants to the mix.
        public void AddConstantsToTDB(RandoopConfiguration config)
            foreach (SimpleTypeValues vs in config.simpleTypeValues)
                Type type = Type.GetType(vs.simpleType);

                if (type == null)
                    throw new Common.RandoopBareExceptions.InternalError("invalid simple type in XML config file.");

                foreach (FileName fn in vs.fileNames)
                    string fileName = fn.fileName;
                    if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                        throw new Common.RandoopBareExceptions.InvalidUserParamsException("Configuration file does not exist: " + fileName);

                    if (type.Equals(typeof(sbyte)))
                        SByteReader r = new SByteReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(sbyte), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(byte)))
                        ByteReader r = new ByteReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(byte), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(short)))
                        ShortReader r = new ShortReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(short), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(ushort)))
                        UshortReader r = new UshortReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(ushort), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(int)))
                        IntReader r = new IntReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(int), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(uint)))
                        UintReader r = new UintReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(uint), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(long)))
                        LongReader r = new LongReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(long), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(ulong)))
                        UlongReader r = new UlongReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(ulong), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(char)))
                        CharReader r = new CharReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(char), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(float)))
                        FloatReader r = new FloatReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(float), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(double)))
                        DoubleReader r = new DoubleReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(double), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(bool)))
                        BoolReader r = new BoolReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(bool), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(decimal)))
                        DecimalReader r = new DecimalReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(decimal), o));
                        if (!type.Equals(typeof(string)))
                            throw new Common.RandoopBareExceptions.InternalError("invalid simple type in XML config file.");
                        Common.StringReader r = new Common.StringReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(string), o));
Esempio n. 44
 public static HmtxTable ParseHmtx(ByteReader reader)
     return(new HmtxTable(reader));
Esempio n. 45
        protected override void ReadContent(ByteReader reader)
            this.CollectionName = reader.ReadString();
            this.FreeDataPageID = reader.ReadUInt32();
            var uintCount = reader.ReadUInt32(); // read as uint (4 bytes)

            foreach (var index in this.Indexes)
                index.Field = reader.ReadString();
                index.HeadNode = reader.ReadPageAddress();
                index.TailNode = reader.ReadPageAddress();
                index.FreeIndexPageID = reader.ReadUInt32();
                index.Options.Unique = reader.ReadBoolean();
                index.Options.IgnoreCase = reader.ReadBoolean();
                index.Options.TrimWhitespace = reader.ReadBoolean();
                index.Options.EmptyStringToNull = reader.ReadBoolean();
                index.Options.RemoveAccents = reader.ReadBoolean();

            // be compatible with v2_beta
            var longCount = reader.ReadInt64();
            this.DocumentCount = Math.Max(uintCount, longCount);
 internal override void ReadBody(ByteReader reader)
     this.UnitNetID = reader.ReadUInt32();
Esempio n. 47
        internal ContentTypeReader[] LoadAssetReaders(ContentReader reader)
            #pragma warning disable 0219, 0649
            /* Trick to prevent the linker removing the code, but not actually execute the code
             * FIXME: Do we really need this in FNA?
            if (falseflag)
                /* Dummy variables required for it to work on iDevices ** DO NOT DELETE **
                 * This forces the classes not to be optimized out when deploying to iDevices
                ByteReader hByteReader = new ByteReader();
                SByteReader hSByteReader = new SByteReader();
                DateTimeReader hDateTimeReader = new DateTimeReader();
                DecimalReader hDecimalReader = new DecimalReader();
                BoundingSphereReader hBoundingSphereReader = new BoundingSphereReader();
                BoundingFrustumReader hBoundingFrustumReader = new BoundingFrustumReader();
                RayReader hRayReader = new RayReader();
                ListReader<char> hCharListReader = new ListReader<Char>();
                ListReader<Rectangle> hRectangleListReader = new ListReader<Rectangle>();
                ArrayReader<Rectangle> hRectangleArrayReader = new ArrayReader<Rectangle>();
                ListReader<Vector3> hVector3ListReader = new ListReader<Vector3>();
                ListReader<StringReader> hStringListReader = new ListReader<StringReader>();
                ListReader<int> hIntListReader = new ListReader<Int32>();
                SpriteFontReader hSpriteFontReader = new SpriteFontReader();
                Texture2DReader hTexture2DReader = new Texture2DReader();
                CharReader hCharReader = new CharReader();
                RectangleReader hRectangleReader = new RectangleReader();
                StringReader hStringReader = new StringReader();
                Vector2Reader hVector2Reader = new Vector2Reader();
                Vector3Reader hVector3Reader = new Vector3Reader();
                Vector4Reader hVector4Reader = new Vector4Reader();
                CurveReader hCurveReader = new CurveReader();
                IndexBufferReader hIndexBufferReader = new IndexBufferReader();
                BoundingBoxReader hBoundingBoxReader = new BoundingBoxReader();
                MatrixReader hMatrixReader = new MatrixReader();
                BasicEffectReader hBasicEffectReader = new BasicEffectReader();
                VertexBufferReader hVertexBufferReader = new VertexBufferReader();
                AlphaTestEffectReader hAlphaTestEffectReader = new AlphaTestEffectReader();
                EnumReader<Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteEffects> hEnumSpriteEffectsReader = new EnumReader<Graphics.SpriteEffects>();
                ArrayReader<float> hArrayFloatReader = new ArrayReader<float>();
                ArrayReader<Vector2> hArrayVector2Reader = new ArrayReader<Vector2>();
                ListReader<Vector2> hListVector2Reader = new ListReader<Vector2>();
                ArrayReader<Matrix> hArrayMatrixReader = new ArrayReader<Matrix>();
                EnumReader<Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Blend> hEnumBlendReader = new EnumReader<Graphics.Blend>();
                NullableReader<Rectangle> hNullableRectReader = new NullableReader<Rectangle>();
                EffectMaterialReader hEffectMaterialReader = new EffectMaterialReader();
                ExternalReferenceReader hExternalReferenceReader = new ExternalReferenceReader();
                SoundEffectReader hSoundEffectReader = new SoundEffectReader();
                SongReader hSongReader = new SongReader();
            #pragma warning restore 0219, 0649

            /* The first content byte i read tells me the number of
             * content readers in this XNB file.
            int numberOfReaders = reader.Read7BitEncodedInt();
            ContentTypeReader[] newReaders = new ContentTypeReader[numberOfReaders];
            BitArray needsInitialize = new BitArray(numberOfReaders);
            contentReaders = new Dictionary<Type, ContentTypeReader>(numberOfReaders);

            /* Lock until we're done allocating and initializing any new
             * content type readers... this ensures we can load content
             * from multiple threads and still cache the readers.
            lock (locker)
                /* For each reader in the file, we read out the
                 * length of the string which contains the type
                 * of the reader, then we read out the string.
                 * Finally we instantiate an instance of that
                 * reader using reflection.
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfReaders; i += 1)
                    /* This string tells us what reader we
                     * need to decode the following data.
                    string originalReaderTypeString = reader.ReadString();

                    Func<ContentTypeReader> readerFunc;
                    if (typeCreators.TryGetValue(originalReaderTypeString, out readerFunc))
                        newReaders[i] = readerFunc();
                        needsInitialize[i] = true;
                        // Need to resolve namespace differences
                        string readerTypeString = originalReaderTypeString;
                        readerTypeString = PrepareType(readerTypeString);

                        Type l_readerType = Type.GetType(readerTypeString);
                        if (l_readerType != null)
                            ContentTypeReader typeReader;
                            if (!contentReadersCache.TryGetValue(l_readerType, out typeReader))
                                    typeReader = l_readerType.GetDefaultConstructor().Invoke(null) as ContentTypeReader;
                                catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
                                    /* If you are getting here, the Mono runtime
                                     * is most likely not able to JIT the type.
                                     * In particular, MonoTouch needs help
                                     * instantiating types that are only defined
                                     * in strings in Xnb files.
                                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                        "Failed to get default constructor for ContentTypeReader. " +
                                        "To work around, add a creation function to ContentTypeReaderManager.AddTypeCreator() " +
                                        "with the following failed type string: " + originalReaderTypeString,

                                needsInitialize[i] = true;

                                contentReadersCache.Add(l_readerType, typeReader);

                            newReaders[i] = typeReader;
                            throw new ContentLoadException(
                                    "Could not find ContentTypeReader Type. " +
                                    "Please ensure the name of the Assembly that " +
                                    "contains the Type matches the assembly in the full type name: " +
                                    originalReaderTypeString + " (" + readerTypeString + ")"

                    contentReaders.Add(newReaders[i].TargetType, newReaders[i]);

                    /* I think the next 4 bytes refer to the "Version" of the type reader,
                     * although it always seems to be zero.

                // Initialize any new readers.
                for (int i = 0; i < newReaders.Length; i += 1)
                    if (needsInitialize.Get(i))
            } // lock (locker)

            return newReaders;
Esempio n. 48
 public override void Load(ByteReader reader)
     RejectedPacketNumber = reader.GetUInt32();
Esempio n. 49
	/// <summary>
	/// Load the specified CSV file.
	/// </summary>

	static bool LoadCSV (byte[] bytes, TextAsset asset, bool merge = false)
		if (bytes == null) return false;
		ByteReader reader = new ByteReader(bytes);

		// The first line should contain "KEY", followed by languages.
		BetterList<string> temp = reader.ReadCSV();

		// There must be at least two columns in a valid CSV file
		if (temp.size < 2) return false;

		// Clear the dictionary
		if (!merge || temp.size - 1 != mLanguage.Length)
			merge = false;

		temp[0] = "KEY";
		mLanguages = new string[temp.size - 1];
		for (int i = 0; i < mLanguages.Length; ++i)
			mLanguages[i] = temp[i + 1];

		// Read the entire CSV file into memory
		while (temp != null)
			AddCSV(temp, !merge);
			temp = reader.ReadCSV();
		return true;
Esempio n. 50
	/// <summary>
	/// Reload the font data.
	/// </summary>

	static public void Load (BMFont font, string name, byte[] bytes)

		if (bytes != null)
			ByteReader reader = new ByteReader(bytes);
			char[] separator = new char[] { ' ' };

			while (reader.canRead)
				string line = reader.ReadLine();
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) break;
				string[] split = line.Split(separator, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

				if (split[0] == "char")
					// Expected data style:
					// char id=13 x=506 y=62 width=3 height=3 xoffset=-1 yoffset=50 xadvance=0 page=0 chnl=15

					if (split.Length > 8)
						int id = GetInt(split[1]);
						BMGlyph glyph = font.GetGlyph(id, true);

						if (glyph != null)
							glyph.x			= GetInt(split[2]);
							glyph.y			= GetInt(split[3]);
							glyph.width		= GetInt(split[4]);
							glyph.height	= GetInt(split[5]);
							glyph.offsetX	= GetInt(split[6]);
							glyph.offsetY	= GetInt(split[7]);
							glyph.advance	= GetInt(split[8]);
						else Debug.Log("Char: " + split[1] + " (" + id + ") is NULL");
						Debug.LogError("Unexpected number of entries for the 'char' field (" +
							name + ", " + split.Length + "):\n" + line);
				else if (split[0] == "kerning")
					// Expected data style:
					// kerning first=84 second=244 amount=-5 

					if (split.Length > 3)
						int first  = GetInt(split[1]);
						int second = GetInt(split[2]);
						int amount = GetInt(split[3]);

						BMGlyph glyph = font.GetGlyph(second, true);
						if (glyph != null) glyph.SetKerning(first, amount);
						Debug.LogError("Unexpected number of entries for the 'kerning' field (" +
							name + ", " + split.Length + "):\n" + line);
				else if (split[0] == "common")
					// Expected data style:
					// common lineHeight=64 base=51 scaleW=512 scaleH=512 pages=1 packed=0 alphaChnl=1 redChnl=4 greenChnl=4 blueChnl=4

					if (split.Length > 5)
						font.charSize	= GetInt(split[1]);
						font.baseOffset = GetInt(split[2]);
						font.texWidth	= GetInt(split[3]);
						font.texHeight	= GetInt(split[4]);

						int pages = GetInt(split[5]);

						if (pages != 1)
							Debug.LogError("Font '" + name + "' must be created with only 1 texture, not " + pages);
						Debug.LogError("Unexpected number of entries for the 'common' field (" +
							name + ", " + split.Length + "):\n" + line);
				else if (split[0] == "page")
					// Expected data style:
					// page id=0 file="textureName.png"

					if (split.Length > 2)
						font.spriteName = GetString(split[2]).Replace("\"", "");
						font.spriteName = font.spriteName.Replace(".png", "");
						font.spriteName = font.spriteName.Replace(".tga", "");
Esempio n. 51
 internal ContentTypeReader[] LoadAssetReaders()
   if (ContentTypeReaderManager.falseflag)
     ByteReader byteReader = new ByteReader();
     SByteReader sbyteReader = new SByteReader();
     DateTimeReader dateTimeReader = new DateTimeReader();
     DecimalReader decimalReader = new DecimalReader();
     BoundingSphereReader boundingSphereReader = new BoundingSphereReader();
     BoundingFrustumReader boundingFrustumReader = new BoundingFrustumReader();
     RayReader rayReader = new RayReader();
     ListReader<char> listReader1 = new ListReader<char>();
     ListReader<Rectangle> listReader2 = new ListReader<Rectangle>();
     ArrayReader<Rectangle> arrayReader1 = new ArrayReader<Rectangle>();
     ListReader<Vector3> listReader3 = new ListReader<Vector3>();
     ListReader<StringReader> listReader4 = new ListReader<StringReader>();
     ListReader<int> listReader5 = new ListReader<int>();
     SpriteFontReader spriteFontReader = new SpriteFontReader();
     Texture2DReader texture2Dreader = new Texture2DReader();
     CharReader charReader = new CharReader();
     RectangleReader rectangleReader = new RectangleReader();
     StringReader stringReader = new StringReader();
     Vector2Reader vector2Reader = new Vector2Reader();
     Vector3Reader vector3Reader = new Vector3Reader();
     Vector4Reader vector4Reader = new Vector4Reader();
     CurveReader curveReader = new CurveReader();
     IndexBufferReader indexBufferReader = new IndexBufferReader();
     BoundingBoxReader boundingBoxReader = new BoundingBoxReader();
     MatrixReader matrixReader = new MatrixReader();
     BasicEffectReader basicEffectReader = new BasicEffectReader();
     VertexBufferReader vertexBufferReader = new VertexBufferReader();
     AlphaTestEffectReader testEffectReader = new AlphaTestEffectReader();
     EnumReader<SpriteEffects> enumReader1 = new EnumReader<SpriteEffects>();
     ArrayReader<float> arrayReader2 = new ArrayReader<float>();
     ArrayReader<Vector2> arrayReader3 = new ArrayReader<Vector2>();
     ListReader<Vector2> listReader6 = new ListReader<Vector2>();
     ArrayReader<Matrix> arrayReader4 = new ArrayReader<Matrix>();
     EnumReader<Blend> enumReader2 = new EnumReader<Blend>();
     NullableReader<Rectangle> nullableReader = new NullableReader<Rectangle>();
     EffectMaterialReader effectMaterialReader = new EffectMaterialReader();
     ExternalReferenceReader externalReferenceReader = new ExternalReferenceReader();
   int length = this._reader.Read7BitEncodedInt();
   this.contentReaders = new ContentTypeReader[length];
   for (int index = 0; index < length; ++index)
     string str = this._reader.ReadString();
     Func<ContentTypeReader> func;
     if (ContentTypeReaderManager.typeCreators.TryGetValue(str, out func))
       this.contentReaders[index] = func();
       string typeName = ContentTypeReaderManager.PrepareType(str);
       Type type = Type.GetType(typeName);
       if (type != (Type) null)
           this.contentReaders[index] = ContentExtensions.GetDefaultConstructor(type).Invoke((object[]) null) as ContentTypeReader;
         catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
           throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to get default constructor for ContentTypeReader. To work around, add a creation function to ContentTypeReaderManager.AddTypeCreator() with the following failed type string: " + str);
         throw new ContentLoadException("Could not find matching content reader of type " + str + " (" + typeName + ")");
   return this.contentReaders;
 protected override void ReadBody(ByteReader reader)
     this.Position = reader.ReadVector3();
Esempio n. 53
        public SkillFile(CTF.File ctf, string filename)
            FileName = filename;
            var br = new ByteReader(File.ReadAllBytes(FileName));

            if (br.STRING() != FileID)
                throw new Exception("Invalid file format.");

            var messages = new List<CTF.Message>();

            foreach (var msg in ctf.Messages)
                if (msg.SubCategory.Category.Name != "Skills")


            var skill_count = br.UINT();

            Skills = new List<Skill>();

            for (int i = 0; i < skill_count; i++)
                var s = new Skill();

                s.Type = (SkillType)br.BYTE();

                var message_id = br.STRING();

                if (message_id == "")

                var class_id = br.STRING();

                foreach (var message in messages)
                    if (message.SubCategory.ID == uint.Parse(class_id) &&
                        message.ID == uint.Parse(message_id))
                        s.Message = message;

                if (s.Message == null)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to find message.");

                s.IconIndex = br.UINT();
                s.ProjectileAnimation = br.USHORT();
                s.CharacterAnimation = br.UINT();
                s.Honor = br.INT();
                s.Level = br.UINT();
                s.CharacterType = br.BYTE();

                var mana = br.UINT();
                if (mana > 1000000000)
                    s.ManaUsageStyle = ManaUsageStyle.Percentage;
                    s.ManaUsage = mana - 1000000000;
                    s.ManaUsageStyle = ManaUsageStyle.Fixed;
                    s.ManaUsage = mana;

                var range = br.SHORT();
                if (range > 10000)
                    s.IsAOE = true;
                    s.Range = (short)(range - 10000);
                    s.IsAOE = false;
                    s.Range = range;

                s.NeedsTarget = br.BYTE();

                s.Unused1 = br.BYTE();
                s.Unused2 = br.BYTE();
                s.Unused3 = br.BYTE();

                s.EffectType = br.BYTE();
                s.Multiplier = br.UINT();

                s.Unknown5 = br.UINT();

Esempio n. 54
 private static string ReadString(ByteReader br)
Esempio n. 55
	/// <summary>
	/// Set the localization data directly.
	/// </summary>

	static public void Set (string languageName, byte[] bytes)
		ByteReader reader = new ByteReader(bytes);
		Set(languageName, reader.ReadDictionary());
Esempio n. 56
        internal static bool ReadFieldMarshal(Module module, int token, out FieldMarshal fm)
            fm = new FieldMarshal();
            foreach (int i in module.FieldMarshal.Filter(token))
                ByteReader blob = module.GetBlob(module.FieldMarshal.records[i].NativeType);
                fm.UnmanagedType = (UnmanagedType)blob.ReadCompressedUInt();
                if (fm.UnmanagedType == UnmanagedType.LPArray)
                    fm.ArraySubType = (UnmanagedType)blob.ReadCompressedUInt();
                    if (fm.ArraySubType == NATIVE_TYPE_MAX)
                        fm.ArraySubType = null;
                    if (blob.Length != 0)
                        fm.SizeParamIndex = (short)blob.ReadCompressedUInt();
                        if (blob.Length != 0)
                            fm.SizeConst = blob.ReadCompressedUInt();
                            if (blob.Length != 0 && blob.ReadCompressedUInt() == 0)
                                fm.SizeParamIndex = null;
                else if (fm.UnmanagedType == UnmanagedType.SafeArray)
                    if (blob.Length != 0)
                        fm.SafeArraySubType = (VarEnum)blob.ReadCompressedUInt();
                        if (blob.Length != 0)
                            fm.SafeArrayUserDefinedSubType = ReadType(module, blob);
                else if (fm.UnmanagedType == UnmanagedType.ByValArray)
                    fm.SizeConst = blob.ReadCompressedUInt();
                    if (blob.Length != 0)
                        fm.ArraySubType = (UnmanagedType)blob.ReadCompressedUInt();
                else if (fm.UnmanagedType == UnmanagedType.ByValTStr)
                    fm.SizeConst = blob.ReadCompressedUInt();
                else if (fm.UnmanagedType == UnmanagedType.Interface ||
                         fm.UnmanagedType == UnmanagedType.IDispatch ||
                         fm.UnmanagedType == UnmanagedType.IUnknown)
                    if (blob.Length != 0)
                        fm.IidParameterIndex = blob.ReadCompressedUInt();
                else if (fm.UnmanagedType == UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler)
                    fm.MarshalType   = ReadString(blob);
                    fm.MarshalCookie = ReadString(blob);

                    TypeNameParser parser = TypeNameParser.Parse(fm.MarshalType, false);
                    if (!parser.Error)
                        fm.MarshalTypeRef = parser.GetType(module.universe, module, false, fm.MarshalType, false, false);
Esempio n. 57
 /// <summary>
 /// Load the specified asset and activate the localization.
 /// </summary>
 void Load(TextAsset asset)
     mLanguage =;
     PlayerPrefs.SetString("Language", mLanguage);
     ByteReader reader = new ByteReader(asset);
     mDictionary = reader.ReadDictionary();
     UIRoot.Broadcast("OnLocalize", this);
Esempio n. 58
        public static bool ContainsFileRecordSegment(byte[] recordBytes, int offset)
            string fileSignature = ByteReader.ReadAnsiString(recordBytes, offset, 4);

            return(fileSignature == ValidSignature);
	/// <summary>
	/// Load the specified CSV file.
	/// </summary>

	static public bool LoadCSV (TextAsset asset)
		ByteReader reader = new ByteReader(asset);

		// The first line should contain "KEY", followed by languages.
		BetterList<string> temp = reader.ReadCSV();

		// There must be at least two columns in a valid CSV file
		if (temp.size < 2) return false;

		// The first entry must be 'KEY', capitalized
		temp[0] = "KEY";

#if !UNITY_3_5
		// Ensure that the first value is what we expect
		if (!string.Equals(temp[0], "KEY"))
			Debug.LogError("Invalid localization CSV file. The first value is expected to be 'KEY', followed by language columns.\n" +
				"Instead found '" + temp[0] + "'", asset);
			return false;
			knownLanguages = new string[temp.size - 1];
			for (int i = 0; i < knownLanguages.Length; ++i)
				knownLanguages[i] = temp[i + 1];


		// Read the entire CSV file into memory
		while (temp != null)
			temp = reader.ReadCSV();
		return true;
Esempio n. 60
 public override void Load(ByteReader br)