Esempio n. 1
        internal void HandleTcpReceived(uint sequenceNumber, ByteArraySegment data)
            var dataPosition = SequenceNumberToBytesReceived(sequenceNumber);
            if (dataPosition == BytesReceived)
                BytesReceived += data.Length;
                var dataArray = new byte[data.Length];
                Array.Copy(data.Bytes, data.Offset, dataArray, 0, data.Length);
                if (!_bufferedPackets.ContainsKey(dataPosition) ||
                    _bufferedPackets[dataPosition].Length < dataArray.Length)
                    _bufferedPackets[dataPosition] = dataArray;

            long firstBufferedPosition;
            while (_bufferedPackets.Any() && ((firstBufferedPosition = _bufferedPackets.Keys.First()) <= BytesReceived))
                var dataArray = _bufferedPackets[firstBufferedPosition];

                var alreadyReceivedBytes = BytesReceived - firstBufferedPosition;
                Debug.Assert(alreadyReceivedBytes >= 0);

                if (alreadyReceivedBytes >= dataArray.Length) continue;
                var count = dataArray.Length - alreadyReceivedBytes;
                OnDataReceived(new ByteArraySegment(dataArray, (int) alreadyReceivedBytes, (int) count));
                BytesReceived += count;
            /// <summary>
            /// Constructor
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="bas">
            /// A <see cref="ByteArraySegment"/>
            /// </param>
            public ProbeRequestFrame (ByteArraySegment bas)
                header = new ByteArraySegment (bas);

                FrameControl = new FrameControlField (FrameControlBytes);
                Duration = new DurationField (DurationBytes);
                DestinationAddress = GetAddress (0);
                SourceAddress = GetAddress (1);
                BssId = GetAddress (2);
                SequenceControl = new SequenceControlField (SequenceControlBytes);
				if(bas.Length > ProbeRequestFields.InformationElement1Position)
                	//create a segment that just refers to the info element section
                	ByteArraySegment infoElementsSegment = new ByteArraySegment (bas.Bytes,
                    	(bas.Offset + ProbeRequestFields.InformationElement1Position),
                    	(bas.Length - ProbeRequestFields.InformationElement1Position));

                	InformationElements = new InformationElementList (infoElementsSegment);
					InformationElements = new InformationElementList ();
                //cant set length until after we have handled the information elements
                //as they vary in length
                header.Length = FrameSize;
Esempio n. 3
 public TLV(byte[] bytes, int offset)
     ByteArraySegment byteArraySegment = new ByteArraySegment(bytes, offset, 2);
     this.TypeLength = new TLVTypeLength(byteArraySegment);
     this.tlvData = new ByteArraySegment(bytes, offset, this.TypeLength.Length + 2);
     this.tlvData.Length = this.TypeLength.Length + 2;
Esempio n. 4
            public void Test_Constructor_ConstructWithValues ()
                AckFrame frame = new AckFrame (PhysicalAddress.Parse ("111111111111"));
                frame.FrameControl.ToDS = false;
                frame.FrameControl.FromDS = true;
                frame.FrameControl.MoreFragments = true;
                frame.Duration.Field = 0x1234;
                frame.UpdateFrameCheckSequence ();
                UInt32 fcs = frame.FrameCheckSequence;
                //serialize the frame into a byte buffer
                var bytes = frame.Bytes;
                var bas = new ByteArraySegment (bytes);

                //create a new frame that should be identical to the original
                AckFrame recreatedFrame = MacFrame.ParsePacket (bas) as AckFrame;
                recreatedFrame.UpdateFrameCheckSequence ();
                Assert.AreEqual (FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ControlACK, recreatedFrame.FrameControl.SubType);
                Assert.IsFalse (recreatedFrame.FrameControl.ToDS);
                Assert.IsTrue (recreatedFrame.FrameControl.FromDS);
                Assert.IsTrue (recreatedFrame.FrameControl.MoreFragments);
                Assert.AreEqual ("111111111111", recreatedFrame.ReceiverAddress.ToString ().ToUpper ());
                Assert.AreEqual (fcs, recreatedFrame.FrameCheckSequence);
Esempio n. 5
 public FloodFiller(ByteArraySegment skin, int skinwidth, int skinheight)
     _Skin = skin;
     _Width = skinwidth;
     _Height = skinheight;
     _Fifo = new floodfill_t[FLOODFILL_FIFO_SIZE];
     _FillColor = _Skin.Data[_Skin.StartIndex]; // *skin; // assume this is the pixel to fill
            public void Test_Constructor_EmptyByteArray ()
                ByteArraySegment bas = new ByteArraySegment (new Byte[0]);
                InformationElementList ieList = new InformationElementList (bas);

                Assert.AreEqual (0, ieList.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual (0, ieList.Length);
Esempio n. 7
		/// <summary>
		/// Create from a type and string value
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tlvType">
		/// A <see cref="TLVTypes"/>
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="StringValue">
		/// A <see cref="System.String"/>
		/// </param>
		public StringTLV(TLVTypes tlvType, string StringValue) {
			var bytes = new byte[TLVTypeLength.TypeLengthLength];
			var offset = 0;
			tlvData = new ByteArraySegment(bytes, offset, bytes.Length);

			Type = tlvType;
			this.StringValue = StringValue;
Esempio n. 8
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="bas">
		/// A <see cref="ByteArraySegment"/>
		/// </param>
		public IGMPv2Packet(ByteArraySegment bas) {
			// set the header field, header field values are retrieved from this byte array
			header = new ByteArraySegment(bas);
			header.Length = UdpFields.HeaderLength;

			// store the payload bytes
			payloadPacketOrData = new PacketOrByteArraySegment();
			payloadPacketOrData.TheByteArraySegment = header.EncapsulatedBytes();
Esempio n. 9
        public Decoder(int bufsize, long maxmsgsize)
            : base(bufsize)
            m_maxmsgsize = maxmsgsize;
            m_tmpbuf = new ByteArraySegment(new byte[8]);

            //  At the beginning, read one byte and go to one_byte_size_ready state.
            NextStep (m_tmpbuf, 1, OneByteSizeReadyState);
Esempio n. 10
            /// <summary>
            /// Constructor
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="bas">
            /// A <see cref="ByteArraySegment"/>
            /// </param>
            public CtsFrame (ByteArraySegment bas)
                header = new ByteArraySegment (bas);

                FrameControl = new FrameControlField (FrameControlBytes);
                Duration = new DurationField (DurationBytes);
                ReceiverAddress = GetAddress(0);
				header.Length = FrameSize;
Esempio n. 11
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a System Capabilities TLV and sets the value
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="capabilities">
		/// A bitmap containing the available System Capabilities
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="enabled">
		/// A bitmap containing the enabled System Capabilities
		/// </param>
		public SystemCapabilities(ushort capabilities, ushort enabled) {
			var length = TLVTypeLength.TypeLengthLength + SystemCapabilitiesLength + EnabledCapabilitiesLength;
			var bytes = new byte[length];
			var offset = 0;
			tlvData = new ByteArraySegment(bytes, offset, length);

			Type = TLVTypes.SystemCapabilities;
			Capabilities = capabilities;
			Enabled = enabled;
 public void Test_Constructor_BufferTooShort ()
     //This IE will have and length of 5 but only three bytes of data
     Byte[] value = new Byte[] { 0x0, 0x5, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3 };
     ByteArraySegment bas = new ByteArraySegment (value);
     InformationElement infoElement = new InformationElement (bas);
     Assert.AreEqual (3, infoElement.ValueLength);
     Assert.AreEqual (3, infoElement.Value.Length);
Esempio n. 13
            /// <summary>
            /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PacketDotNet.Ieee80211.NullDataFrame"/> class.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name='bas'>
            /// A <see cref="ByteArraySegment"/>
            /// </param>
            public NullDataFrame (ByteArraySegment bas)
                header = new ByteArraySegment (bas);

                FrameControl = new FrameControlField (FrameControlBytes);
                Duration = new DurationField (DurationBytes);
                SequenceControl = new SequenceControlField (SequenceControlBytes);
                ReadAddresses ();
                header.Length = FrameSize;
 public void Test_Constructor_BufferLongerThanElement ()
     //This IE will have and length of 2 but there are three bytes of data available,
     //the last one should be ignored
     Byte[] value = new Byte[] { 0x0, 0x2, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3 };
     ByteArraySegment bas = new ByteArraySegment (value);
     InformationElement infoElement = new InformationElement (bas);
     Assert.AreEqual (2, infoElement.ValueLength);
     Assert.AreEqual (2, infoElement.Value.Length);
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new V1Decoder with the given buffer-size, maximum-message-size and Endian-ness.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bufsize">the buffer-size to give the contained buffer</param>
        /// <param name="maxMessageSize">the maximum message size. -1 indicates no limit.</param>
        /// <param name="endian">the Endianness to specify for it - either Big or Little</param>
        public V1Decoder(int bufsize, long maxMessageSize, Endianness endian)
            : base(bufsize, endian)
            m_maxMessageSize = maxMessageSize;
            m_tmpbuf = new ByteArraySegment(new byte[8]);

            //  At the beginning, read one byte and go to one_byte_size_ready state.
            NextStep(m_tmpbuf, 1, OneByteSizeReadyState);

            m_inProgress = new Msg();
Esempio n. 16
        public PgmSender( IOThread ioThread,  Options options,  Address addr)
            : base(ioThread)
            m_options = options;
            m_addr = addr;
            m_encoder = null;
            m_outBuffer = null;
            m_outBufferSize = 0;
            m_writeSize = 0;
            m_encoder = new V1Encoder(0, m_options.Endian);

            m_state = State.Idle;
Esempio n. 17
        public void Dispose()

                if (Data != null)
                    Data = null;

Esempio n. 18
        public void device_OnPacketArrival(object sender, CaptureEventArgs eCap)
                ByteArraySegment raw = new ByteArraySegment(eCap.Packet.Data);
                EthernetPacket ethernetPacket = new EthernetPacket(raw);
                IpPacket ipPacket = (IpPacket)ethernetPacket.PayloadPacket;
                TcpPacket tcp = (TcpPacket)ipPacket.PayloadPacket;

                if (ipPacket != null && tcp != null)
                    string destIp = ipPacket.DestinationAddress.ToString();

                    if (destIp == captureIp)
                        //Client -> Server

                        // ReSharper disable CSharpWarnings::CS0642
                        while (MainWindow.pp.ProcessClientData()) ;
                        // ReSharper restore CSharpWarnings::CS0642

                        //Do a check for a new game Connection. Each handshake starts with a dword 1 packet from the server.
                        byte[] test = { 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
                        if (StructuralComparisons.StructuralEqualityComparer.Equals(test, tcp.PayloadData))
                            //New Connection detected.
                            //We should reset State and Security Info
                            MainWindow.pp.State = 0;

                        //Sever -> Client
                        // ReSharper disable CSharpWarnings::CS0642
                        while (MainWindow.pp.ProcessServerData()) ;
                        // ReSharper restore CSharpWarnings::CS0642

            catch (Exception ex)

                MainWindow.SetText("device_OnPacketArrival failure. \n Message:" + ex);
Esempio n. 19
        public PgmSender([NotNull] IOThread ioThread, [NotNull] Options options, [NotNull] Address addr, bool delayedStart)
            : base(ioThread)
            m_options = options;
            m_addr = addr;
            m_delayedStart = delayedStart;
            m_encoder = null;
            m_outBuffer = null;
            m_outBufferSize = 0;
            m_writeSize = 0;
            m_encoder = new V1Encoder(0, m_options.Endian);
            m_currentReconnectIvl = m_options.ReconnectIvl;

            m_state = State.Idle;
Esempio n. 20
            /// <summary>
            /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PacketDotNet.Ieee80211.DataDataFrame"/> class.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name='bas'>
            /// Bas.
            /// </param>
            public DataDataFrame (ByteArraySegment bas)
                header = new ByteArraySegment (bas);

                FrameControl = new FrameControlField (FrameControlBytes);
                Duration = new DurationField (DurationBytes);
                SequenceControl = new SequenceControlField (SequenceControlBytes);
                ReadAddresses (); //must do this after reading FrameControl

                header.Length = FrameSize; 
                var availablePayloadLength = GetAvailablePayloadLength();
				if(availablePayloadLength > 0)
					payloadPacketOrData.TheByteArraySegment = header.EncapsulatedBytes (availablePayloadLength);
Esempio n. 21
        public void Init( PgmAddress pgmAddress)
            m_pgmAddress = pgmAddress;

            m_pgmSocket = new PgmSocket(m_options, PgmSocketType.Publisher, (PgmAddress)m_addr.Resolved);

            m_socket = m_pgmSocket.Handle;

            var localEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);



            m_outBufferSize = Config.PgmMaxTPDU;
            m_outBuffer = new ByteArraySegment(new byte[m_outBufferSize]);
        public void LongLittleEndian()
            ByteArraySegment byteArraySegment = new ByteArraySegment(new byte[8]);

            byteArraySegment.PutLong(Endianness.Little, 1, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(byteArraySegment[0], 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, byteArraySegment[7]);

            long num = byteArraySegment.GetLong(Endianness.Little, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, num);

            byteArraySegment.PutLong(Endianness.Little, 72057594037927936, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, byteArraySegment[7]);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, byteArraySegment[0]);

            num = byteArraySegment.GetLong(Endianness.Little, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(72057594037927936, num);
        public void IntLittleEndian()
            ByteArraySegment byteArraySegment = new ByteArraySegment(new byte[4]);

            byteArraySegment.PutInteger(Endianness.Little, 1, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, byteArraySegment[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, byteArraySegment[3]);

            long num = byteArraySegment.GetInteger(Endianness.Little, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, num);

            byteArraySegment.PutInteger(Endianness.Little, 16777216, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, byteArraySegment[3]);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, byteArraySegment[0]);

            num = byteArraySegment.GetInteger(Endianness.Little, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(16777216, num);
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor
        /// </summary>
        public ASExternalLink()
            var b = new Byte[Length];

            Header = new ByteArraySegment(b);
Esempio n. 25
        /// <summary>
        /// This is called when socket input has been completed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="socketError">This indicates the status of the input operation - whether Success or some error.</param>
        /// <param name="bytesTransferred">the number of bytes that were transferred</param>
        /// <exception cref="NetMQException">A non-recoverable socket-error occurred.</exception>
        public void InCompleted(SocketError socketError, int bytesTransferred)
            switch (socketError)
            case SocketError.Success:
                // TODO: check TcpFilters
                var acceptedSocket = m_handle.GetAcceptedSocket();

                acceptedSocket.NoDelay = true;

                if (m_options.TcpKeepalive != -1)
                    acceptedSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, m_options.TcpKeepalive);

                    if (m_options.TcpKeepaliveIdle != -1 && m_options.TcpKeepaliveIntvl != -1)
                        var bytes = new ByteArraySegment(new byte[12]);

                        Endianness endian = BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? Endianness.Little : Endianness.Big;

                        bytes.PutInteger(endian, m_options.TcpKeepalive, 0);
                        bytes.PutInteger(endian, m_options.TcpKeepaliveIdle, 4);
                        bytes.PutInteger(endian, m_options.TcpKeepaliveIntvl, 8);

                        acceptedSocket.IOControl(IOControlCode.KeepAliveValues, (byte[])bytes, null);

                // Create the engine object for this connection.
                var engine = new StreamEngine(acceptedSocket, m_options, m_endpoint);

                // Choose I/O thread to run connector in. Given that we are already
                // running in an I/O thread, there must be at least one available.
                IOThread ioThread = ChooseIOThread(m_options.Affinity);

                // Create and launch a session object.
                // TODO: send null in address parameter, is unneeded in this case
                SessionBase session = SessionBase.Create(ioThread, false, m_socket, m_options, new Address(m_handle.LocalEndPoint));

                SendAttach(session, engine, false);

                m_socket.EventAccepted(m_endpoint, acceptedSocket);


            case SocketError.ConnectionReset:
            case SocketError.NoBufferSpaceAvailable:
            case SocketError.TooManyOpenSockets:
                m_socket.EventAcceptFailed(m_endpoint, socketError.ToErrorCode());


                NetMQException exception = NetMQException.Create(socketError);

                m_socket.EventAcceptFailed(m_endpoint, exception.ErrorCode);
                throw exception;
Esempio n. 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor with parent packet
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bas">
 /// A <see cref="ByteArraySegment"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="ParentPacket">
 /// A <see cref="Packet"/>
 /// </param>
 public ICMPv6Packet(ByteArraySegment bas,
                     Packet ParentPacket) : this(bas)
     this.ParentPacket = ParentPacket;
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bas"></param>
        /// <param name="ParentPacket"></param>
        public DrdaPacket(ByteArraySegment bas, Packet ParentPacket) : this(bas)
            log.DebugFormat("ParentPacket.GetType() {0}", ParentPacket.GetType());

            this.ParentPacket = ParentPacket;
Esempio n. 28
 public SctpSackChunk(ByteArraySegment bas, Packet parent)
     : this(bas)
     this.ParentPacket = parent;
Esempio n. 29
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="IPv6ExtensionHeader" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="header">The header.</param>
 /// <param name="byteArraySegment">The byte array segment.</param>
 public IPv6ExtensionHeader(ProtocolType header, ByteArraySegment byteArraySegment)
     Header           = header;
     ByteArraySegment = byteArraySegment;
Esempio n. 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an Option from a byte[]
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bytes">
 /// A <see cref="T:System.Byte[]" />
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="offset">
 /// A <see cref="int" />
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="length">
 /// A <see cref="int" />
 /// </param>
 protected Option(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)
     OptionData = new ByteArraySegment(bytes, offset, length);
Esempio n. 31
        private void BeginSending()

            // If write buffer is empty,  try to read new data from the encoder.
            if (m_writeSize == 0)

                // First two bytes (sizeof uint16_t) are used to store message
                // offset in following steps. Note that by passing our buffer to
                // the get data function we prevent it from returning its own buffer.
                ushort offset     = 0xffff;
                var    buffer     = new ByteArraySegment(m_outBuffer, sizeof(ushort));
                int    bufferSize = m_outBufferSize - sizeof(ushort);

                int bytes     = m_encoder.Encode(ref buffer, bufferSize);
                int lastBytes = bytes;
                while (bytes < bufferSize)
                    if (!m_moreFlag && offset == 0xffff)
                        offset = (ushort)bytes;
                    Msg msg = new Msg();
                    if (m_session.PullMsg(ref msg) != PullMsgResult.Ok)
                    m_moreFlag = msg.HasMore;
                    m_encoder.LoadMsg(ref msg);
                    buffer    = buffer !+lastBytes;
                    lastBytes = m_encoder.Encode(ref buffer, bufferSize - bytes);
                    bytes    += lastBytes;

                // If there are no data to write stop polling for output.
                if (bytes == 0)
                    m_state = State.ActiveSendingIdle;

                // Put offset information in the buffer.
                m_writeSize = bytes + sizeof(ushort);

                m_outBuffer.PutUnsignedShort(m_options.Endian, offset, 0);


                m_socket.Send((byte[])m_outBuffer, m_outBuffer.Offset, m_writeSize, SocketFlags.None);
            catch (SocketException ex)
                if (ex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.ConnectionReset)
                    throw NetMQException.Create(ex.SocketErrorCode, ex);
Esempio n. 32
        /// <summary>
        ///     Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bas">
        ///     A <see cref="ByteArraySegment" />
        /// </param>
        public ICMPv6Packet(ByteArraySegment bas)

            this.header = new ByteArraySegment(bas);
Esempio n. 33
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a packet from bytes and offset abd length
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="packet">
 /// A <see cref="System.Byte" />
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="offset">
 /// A <see cref="System.Int32" />
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="length">
 /// A <see cref="System.Int32" />
 /// </param>
 public LinkStateRequest(Byte[] packet, Int32 offset, Int32 length)
     Header = new ByteArraySegment(packet, offset, length);
Esempio n. 34
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called when a message Send operation has been completed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="socketError">a SocketError value that indicates whether Success or an error occurred</param>
        /// <param name="bytesTransferred">the number of bytes that were transferred</param>
        /// <exception cref="NetMQException">A non-recoverable socket error occurred.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="NetMQException">If the socketError is not Success then it must be a valid recoverable error.</exception>
        public void OutCompleted(SocketError socketError, int bytesTransferred)

            if (socketError != SocketError.Success)
                m_handleValid = false;


                // Try again to connect after a time,
                if (m_options.ReconnectIvl >= 0)
                m_handleValid = false;

                try {
                    m_s.NoDelay = true;
                } catch (ArgumentException) {
                    // OSX sometime fail while the socket is still connecting

                // As long as the TCP keep-alive option is not -1 (indicating no change),
                if (m_options.TcpKeepalive != -1)
                    // Set the TCP keep-alive option values to the underlying socket.
                    m_s.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, m_options.TcpKeepalive);

                    if (m_options.TcpKeepaliveIdle != -1 && m_options.TcpKeepaliveIntvl != -1)
                        // Write the TCP keep-alive options to a byte-array, to feed to the IOControl method..
                        var bytes = new ByteArraySegment(new byte[12]);

                        Endianness endian = BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? Endianness.Little : Endianness.Big;

                        bytes.PutInteger(endian, m_options.TcpKeepalive, 0);
                        bytes.PutInteger(endian, m_options.TcpKeepaliveIdle, 4);
                        bytes.PutInteger(endian, m_options.TcpKeepaliveIntvl, 8);

                        m_s.IOControl(IOControlCode.KeepAliveValues, (byte[])bytes, null);

                // Create the engine object for this connection.
                var engine = new StreamEngine(m_s, m_options, m_endpoint);

                m_socket.EventConnected(m_endpoint, m_s);

                m_s = null;

                // Attach the engine to the corresponding session object.
                SendAttach(m_session, engine);

                // Shut the connector down.
            public void Test_Constructor_ConstructWithValues ()
                Byte[] BlockAckBitmap = new Byte[]{0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8};
                BlockAcknowledgmentFrame frame = new BlockAcknowledgmentFrame (PhysicalAddress.Parse ("111111111111"),
                                                                               PhysicalAddress.Parse ("222222222222"),
                frame.FrameControl.ToDS = false;
                frame.FrameControl.FromDS = true;
                frame.FrameControl.MoreFragments = true;
                frame.Duration.Field = 0x1234;
                frame.BlockAcknowledgmentControl.Policy = BlockAcknowledgmentControlField.AcknowledgementPolicy.Delayed;
                frame.BlockAcknowledgmentControl.Tid = 0xF;
                frame.BlockAckStartingSequenceControl = 0x5678;
                frame.UpdateFrameCheckSequence ();
                UInt32 fcs = frame.FrameCheckSequence;
                //serialize the frame into a byte buffer
                var bytes = frame.Bytes;
                var bas = new ByteArraySegment (bytes);

                //create a new frame that should be identical to the original
                BlockAcknowledgmentFrame recreatedFrame = MacFrame.ParsePacket (bas) as BlockAcknowledgmentFrame;
                Assert.AreEqual (FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ControlBlockAcknowledgment, recreatedFrame.FrameControl.SubType);
                Assert.IsFalse (recreatedFrame.FrameControl.ToDS);
                Assert.IsTrue (recreatedFrame.FrameControl.FromDS);
                Assert.IsTrue (recreatedFrame.FrameControl.MoreFragments);
                Assert.AreEqual (0x1234, recreatedFrame.Duration.Field);
                Assert.AreEqual (BlockAcknowledgmentControlField.AcknowledgementPolicy.Delayed,
                Assert.AreEqual (0xF, recreatedFrame.BlockAcknowledgmentControl.Tid);
                Assert.IsTrue (recreatedFrame.BlockAcknowledgmentControl.CompressedBitmap);
                Assert.AreEqual (0x5678, recreatedFrame.BlockAckStartingSequenceControl);
                Assert.AreEqual ("111111111111", recreatedFrame.TransmitterAddress.ToString ().ToUpper ());
                Assert.AreEqual ("222222222222", recreatedFrame.ReceiverAddress.ToString ().ToUpper ());
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual (BlockAckBitmap, recreatedFrame.BlockAckBitmap);
                Assert.AreEqual (fcs, recreatedFrame.FrameCheckSequence);
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes the current packet properties to the backing ByteArraySegment.
 /// </summary>
 public override void UpdateCalculatedValues ()
     if ((header == null) || (header.Length > (header.BytesLength - header.Offset)) || (header.Length < FrameSize))
         header = new ByteArraySegment (new Byte[FrameSize]);
     this.FrameControlBytes = this.FrameControl.Field;
     this.DurationBytes = this.Duration.Field;
     SetAddress (0, ReceiverAddress);
     SetAddress (1, BssId);
     header.Length = FrameSize;
Esempio n. 37
            /// <summary>
            /// Parses the <see cref="PacketDotNet.Utils.ByteArraySegment"/> into a MacFrame.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>
            /// The parsed MacFrame or null if it could not be parsed.
            /// </returns>
            /// <param name='bas'>
            /// The bytes of the packet. bas.Offset should point to the first byte in the mac frame.
            /// </param>
            /// <remarks>If the provided bytes contain the FCS then call <see cref="MacFrame.ParsePacketWithFcs"/> instead. The presence of the
            /// FCS is usually determined by configuration of the device used to capture the packets.</remarks>
            public static MacFrame ParsePacket(ByteArraySegment bas)
                if (bas.Length < MacFields.FrameControlLength)
                    //there isn't enough data to even try and work out what type of packet it is
                //this is a bit ugly as we will end up parsing the framecontrol field twice, once here and once
                //inside the packet constructor. Could create the framecontrol and pass it to the packet but I think that is equally ugly
                FrameControlField frameControl = new FrameControlField(
                    EndianBitConverter.Big.ToUInt16(bas.Bytes, bas.Offset));

                MacFrame macFrame = null;

                switch (frameControl.SubType)
                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ManagementAssociationRequest:
                    macFrame = new AssociationRequestFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ManagementAssociationResponse:
                    macFrame = new AssociationResponseFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ManagementReassociationRequest:
                    macFrame = new ReassociationRequestFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ManagementReassociationResponse:
                    macFrame = new AssociationResponseFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ManagementProbeRequest:
                    macFrame = new ProbeRequestFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ManagementProbeResponse:
                    macFrame = new ProbeResponseFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ManagementReserved0:
                    break; //TODO

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ManagementReserved1:
                    break; //TODO

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ManagementBeacon:
                    macFrame = new BeaconFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ManagementATIM:
                    break; //TODO

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ManagementDisassociation:
                    macFrame = new DisassociationFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ManagementAuthentication:
                    macFrame = new AuthenticationFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ManagementDeauthentication:
                    macFrame = new DeauthenticationFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ManagementAction:
                    macFrame = new ActionFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ManagementReserved3:
                    break; //TODO

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ControlBlockAcknowledgmentRequest:
                    macFrame = new BlockAcknowledgmentRequestFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ControlBlockAcknowledgment:
                    macFrame = new BlockAcknowledgmentFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ControlPSPoll:
                    break; //TODO

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ControlRTS:
                    macFrame = new RtsFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ControlCTS:
                    macFrame = new CtsFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ControlACK:
                    macFrame = new AckFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ControlCFEnd:
                    macFrame = new ContentionFreeEndFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ControlCFEndCFACK:
                    break; //TODO

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.Data:
                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.DataCFACK:
                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.DataCFPoll:
                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.DataCFAckCFPoll:
                    macFrame = new DataDataFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.DataNullFunctionNoData:
                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.DataCFAckNoData:
                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.DataCFPollNoData:
                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.DataCFAckCFPollNoData:
                    macFrame = new NullDataFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.QosData:
                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.QosDataAndCFAck:
                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.QosDataAndCFPoll:
                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.QosDataAndCFAckAndCFPoll:
                    macFrame = new QosDataFrame(bas);

                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.QosNullData:
                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.QosCFAck:
                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.QosCFPoll:
                case FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.QosCFAckAndCFPoll:
                    macFrame = new QosNullDataFrame(bas);

                    //this is an unsupported (and unknown) packet type

            public void Test_Constructor_ConstructWithValues ()
                DisassociationFrame frame = new DisassociationFrame (PhysicalAddress.Parse ("111111111111"),
                                                                     PhysicalAddress.Parse ("222222222222"),
                                                                     PhysicalAddress.Parse ("333333333333"));
                frame.FrameControl.ToDS = false;
                frame.FrameControl.FromDS = true;
                frame.FrameControl.MoreFragments = true;
                frame.Duration.Field = 0x1234;
                frame.SequenceControl.SequenceNumber = 0x77;
                frame.SequenceControl.FragmentNumber = 0x1;
                frame.Reason = ReasonCode.LeavingToRoam;
                frame.UpdateFrameCheckSequence ();
                UInt32 fcs = frame.FrameCheckSequence;
                var bytes = frame.Bytes;
                var bas = new ByteArraySegment (bytes);

                //create a new frame that should be identical to the original
                DisassociationFrame recreatedFrame = MacFrame.ParsePacket (bas) as DisassociationFrame;
                Assert.AreEqual (FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ManagementDisassociation, recreatedFrame.FrameControl.SubType);
                Assert.IsFalse (recreatedFrame.FrameControl.ToDS);
                Assert.IsTrue (recreatedFrame.FrameControl.FromDS);
                Assert.IsTrue (recreatedFrame.FrameControl.MoreFragments);
                Assert.AreEqual (0x1234, recreatedFrame.Duration.Field);
                Assert.AreEqual (0x77, recreatedFrame.SequenceControl.SequenceNumber);
                Assert.AreEqual (0x1, recreatedFrame.SequenceControl.FragmentNumber);
                Assert.AreEqual (ReasonCode.LeavingToRoam, recreatedFrame.Reason);
                Assert.AreEqual ("111111111111", recreatedFrame.SourceAddress.ToString ().ToUpper ());
                Assert.AreEqual ("222222222222", recreatedFrame.DestinationAddress.ToString ().ToUpper ());
                Assert.AreEqual ("333333333333", recreatedFrame.BssId.ToString ().ToUpper ());
                Assert.AreEqual (fcs, recreatedFrame.FrameCheckSequence);
Esempio n. 39
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a network address from byte data
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bytes">
 /// A <see cref="T:System.Byte[]"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="offset">
 /// A <see cref="System.Int32"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="length">
 /// A <see cref="System.Int32"/>
 /// </param>
 public NetworkAddress(Byte[] bytes, Int32 offset, Int32 length)
     data = new ByteArraySegment(bytes, offset, length);
 /// <summary>
 /// Called to ensure that field values are updated before
 /// the packet bytes are retrieved
 /// </summary>
 public override void UpdateCalculatedValues()
     //If aligned is true then fields must all start on 32bit boundaries so we might need
     //to read some extra padding from the end of the header fields.
     bool aligned = ((Flags & HeaderFlags.Alignment32Bit) == HeaderFlags.Alignment32Bit);
     var totalFieldLength = Length;
     if ((header == null) || (totalFieldLength > header.Length))
         header = new ByteArraySegment (new Byte[totalFieldLength]);
     header.Length = totalFieldLength;
     VersionBytes = Version;
     FlagsBytes = Flags;
     LengthBytes = (ushort)totalFieldLength;
     LinkTypeBytes = LinkType;
     MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(header.Bytes,
                                        header.Offset + PpiHeaderFields.FirstFieldPosition,
                                        totalFieldLength - PpiHeaderFields.FirstFieldPosition);
     BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(ms);
     foreach (var field in PpiFields)
         writer.Write((ushort) field.FieldType);
         writer.Write((ushort) field.Length);
         var paddingBytesRequired = GetDistanceTo32BitAlignment(field.Length);
         if(aligned && (paddingBytesRequired > 0))
             writer.Write(new byte[paddingBytesRequired]);
Esempio n. 41
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bas">
        /// A <see cref="ByteArraySegment"/>
        /// </param>
        public ICMPv6Packet(ByteArraySegment bas)

            header = new ByteArraySegment(bas);
Esempio n. 42
 public virtual void Initialise(ByteArraySegment buffer)
     Texture = BaseTexture.FromBuffer(Device, Name, buffer, 128, 128, false, true, filter: "GL_NEAREST");
            public void Test_Constructor_ConstructWithValues()
                InformationElement ssidInfoElement = new InformationElement(InformationElement.ElementId.ServiceSetIdentity,
                                                                            new Byte[] { 0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f });
                InformationElement vendorElement = new InformationElement(InformationElement.ElementId.VendorSpecific,
                                                                          new Byte[] { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05 });

                AssociationResponseFrame frame = new AssociationResponseFrame(PhysicalAddress.Parse("111111111111"),
                                                                              new InformationElementList()
                    ssidInfoElement, vendorElement

                frame.FrameControl.ToDS          = false;
                frame.FrameControl.FromDS        = true;
                frame.FrameControl.MoreFragments = true;

                frame.Duration.Field = 0x1234;

                frame.SequenceControl.SequenceNumber = 0x77;
                frame.SequenceControl.FragmentNumber = 0x1;

                frame.CapabilityInformation.Privacy        = true;
                frame.CapabilityInformation.ChannelAgility = true;

                frame.StatusCode    = AuthenticationStatusCode.Success;
                frame.AssociationId = 0x2;

                UInt32 fcs = frame.FrameCheckSequence;

                //serialize the frame into a byte buffer
                var bytes = frame.Bytes;
                var bas   = new ByteArraySegment(bytes);

                //create a new frame that should be identical to the original
                AssociationResponseFrame recreatedFrame = MacFrame.ParsePacket(bas) as AssociationResponseFrame;


                Assert.AreEqual(FrameControlField.FrameSubTypes.ManagementAssociationResponse, recreatedFrame.FrameControl.SubType);

                Assert.AreEqual(0x77, recreatedFrame.SequenceControl.SequenceNumber);
                Assert.AreEqual(0x1, recreatedFrame.SequenceControl.FragmentNumber);


                Assert.AreEqual(AuthenticationStatusCode.Success, recreatedFrame.StatusCode);
                Assert.AreEqual(0x2, recreatedFrame.AssociationId);

                Assert.AreEqual("111111111111", recreatedFrame.SourceAddress.ToString().ToUpper());
                Assert.AreEqual("222222222222", recreatedFrame.DestinationAddress.ToString().ToUpper());
                Assert.AreEqual("333333333333", recreatedFrame.BssId.ToString().ToUpper());

                Assert.AreEqual(fcs, recreatedFrame.FrameCheckSequence);
Esempio n. 44
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs an OSPFv2 Hello packet from ByteArraySegment
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bas">
 /// A <see cref="ByteArraySegment" />
 /// </param>
 public OSPFv2HelloPacket(ByteArraySegment bas)
     Header = new ByteArraySegment(bas.Bytes);
Esempio n. 45
        /// <summary>
        /// R_BuildLightMap
        /// Combine and scale multiple lightmaps into the 8.8 format in blocklights
        /// </summary>
        static void BuildLightMap(msurface_t surf, ByteArraySegment dest, int stride)
            surf.cached_dlight = (surf.dlightframe == _FrameCount);

            int smax = (surf.extents[0] >> 4) + 1;
            int tmax = (surf.extents[1] >> 4) + 1;
            int size = smax * tmax;

            int srcOffset = surf.sampleofs;

            byte[] lightmap = surf.sample_base;// surf.samples;

            // set to full bright if no light data
            if (_FullBright.Value != 0 || == null)
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    _BlockLights[i] = 255 * 256;
                // clear to no light
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    _BlockLights[i] = 0;

                // add all the lightmaps
                if (lightmap != null)
                    for (int maps = 0; maps < BspFile.MAXLIGHTMAPS && surf.styles[maps] != 255; maps++)
                        int scale = _LightStyleValue[surf.styles[maps]];
                        surf.cached_light[maps] = scale;        // 8.8 fraction
                        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                            _BlockLights[i] += (uint)(lightmap[srcOffset + i] * scale);
                        srcOffset += size; // lightmap += size;	// skip to next lightmap

                // add all the dynamic lights
                if (surf.dlightframe == _FrameCount)
            // bound, invert, and shift
            int blOffset   = 0;
            int destOffset = dest.StartIndex;

            byte[] data = dest.Data;
            switch (Drawer.LightMapFormat)
            case PixelFormat.Rgba:
                stride -= (smax << 2);
                for (int i = 0; i < tmax; i++, destOffset += stride)     // dest += stride
                    for (int j = 0; j < smax; j++)
                        uint t = _BlockLights[blOffset++];    // *bl++;
                        t >>= 7;
                        if (t > 255)
                            t = 255;
                        data[destOffset + 3] = (byte)(255 - t);     //dest[3] = 255 - t;
                        destOffset          += 4;

            case PixelFormat.Alpha:
            case PixelFormat.Luminance:
                //case GL_INTENSITY:
                for (int i = 0; i < tmax; i++, destOffset += stride)
                    for (int j = 0; j < smax; j++)
                        uint t = _BlockLights[blOffset++];    // *bl++;
                        t >>= 7;
                        if (t > 255)
                            t = 255;
                        data[destOffset + j] = (byte)(255 - t);     // dest[j] = 255 - t;

                Sys.Error("Bad lightmap format");
Esempio n. 46
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a TLVTypeLength for a TLV
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="byteArraySegment">
 /// A <see cref="ByteArraySegment"/>
 /// </param>
 public TLVTypeLength(ByteArraySegment byteArraySegment)
     this.byteArraySegment = byteArraySegment;
Esempio n. 47
        internal void OnDataReceived(ByteArraySegment data)
            var dataReceived = DataReceived;

            dataReceived?.Invoke(this, data);
Esempio n. 48
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PacketDotNet.Ieee80211.InformationElement"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='bas'>
 /// The bytes of the information element. The Offset property should point to the first byte of the element, the Id byte
 /// </param>
 public InformationElement(ByteArraySegment bas)
     bytes = bas;
Esempio n. 49
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a packet from bytes and offset and length
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="packet">
 /// A <see cref="System.Byte" />
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="offset">
 /// A <see cref="System.Int32" />
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="length">
 /// A <see cref="System.Int32" />
 /// </param>
 public ASExternalLink(Byte[] packet, Int32 offset, Int32 length)
     Header = new ByteArraySegment(packet, offset, length);
Esempio n. 50
 public Apdu(ByteArraySegment bas)
     : this(new TLV(bas))
 public SctpUnsupportedChunk(ByteArraySegment bas, Packet parent)
     : this(bas)
     this.ParentPacket = parent;
Esempio n. 52
        public Apdu(TLV tlv)
            : this()
            base.Identifier = BerIdentifier.Encode(BerIdentifier.Application, BerIdentifier.Constructed, 1);
            base.Bytes      = tlv.Bytes;
            ByteArraySegment pdu = tlv.Value.Bytes;

            pdu.Length = 0;
            TLV tmp = new TLV(pdu.EncapsulatedBytes());

            gocbRef = new VisibleString(tmp);

            pdu.Length       += tmp.Bytes.Length;
            tmp               = new TLV(pdu.EncapsulatedBytes());
            timeAllowedtoLive = new Integer(tmp);

            pdu.Length += tmp.Bytes.Length;
            tmp         = new TLV(pdu.EncapsulatedBytes());
            datSet      = new VisibleString(tmp);

            pdu.Length += tmp.Bytes.Length;
            tmp         = new TLV(pdu.EncapsulatedBytes());
            if (IsGoIDTag(tmp.Tag.RawBytes))
                goID = new VisibleString(tmp);

            pdu.Length += tmp.Bytes.Length;
            tmp         = new TLV(pdu.EncapsulatedBytes());
            t           = new UtcTime(tmp);

            pdu.Length += tmp.Bytes.Length;
            tmp         = new TLV(pdu.EncapsulatedBytes());
            stNum       = new Integer(tmp);

            pdu.Length += tmp.Bytes.Length;
            tmp         = new TLV(pdu.EncapsulatedBytes());
            sqNum       = new Integer(tmp);

            pdu.Length += tmp.Bytes.Length;
            tmp         = new TLV(pdu.EncapsulatedBytes());
            test        = new TAsn1.Boolean(tmp);

            pdu.Length += tmp.Bytes.Length;
            tmp         = new TLV(pdu.EncapsulatedBytes());
            confRev     = new Integer(tmp);

            pdu.Length += tmp.Bytes.Length;
            tmp         = new TLV(pdu.EncapsulatedBytes());
            ndsCom      = new TAsn1.Boolean(tmp);

            pdu.Length      += tmp.Bytes.Length;
            tmp              = new TLV(pdu.EncapsulatedBytes());
            numDatSetEntries = new Integer(tmp);

            pdu.Length += tmp.Bytes.Length;
            tmp         = new TLV(pdu.EncapsulatedBytes());
            int cnt = 0;
            //    int len = tmp.Value.Bytes.Length;

            TLV data = new TLV(tmp.Value.Bytes);

            allData.Add(new Data(data));

            while (cnt < numDatSetEntries.Value)
                data = new TLV(tmp.Value.Bytes.EncapsulatedBytes());
                tmp.Value.Bytes.Length += data.Bytes.Length;
                //TLV data = new TLV(tmp.Value.Bytes);
                allData.Add(new Data(data));
                //tmp.Value.Bytes.Length += data.Bytes.Length;
Esempio n. 53
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a network address from byte data
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bytes">
 /// A <see cref="System.Byte[]"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="offset">
 /// A <see cref="System.Int32"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="length">
 /// A <see cref="System.Int32"/>
 /// </param>
 public NetworkAddress(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)
     data = new ByteArraySegment(bytes, offset, length);
Esempio n. 54
 public ByteArraySegmentEnumerator(ByteArraySegment segment)
     _segment = segment;
     pos      = segment.start;
Esempio n. 55
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes the current packet properties to the backing ByteArraySegment.
 /// </summary>
 public override void UpdateCalculatedValues ()
     if ((header == null) || (header.Length > (header.BytesLength - header.Offset)) || (header.Length < FrameSize))
         header = new ByteArraySegment (new Byte[FrameSize]);
     this.FrameControlBytes = this.FrameControl.Field;
     this.DurationBytes = this.Duration.Field;
     SetAddress (0, DestinationAddress);
     SetAddress (1, SourceAddress);
     SetAddress (2, BssId);
     this.SequenceControlBytes = this.SequenceControl.Field;
     this.CapabilityInformationBytes = this.CapabilityInformation.Field;
     //we now know the backing buffer is big enough to contain the info elements so we can safely copy them in
     this.InformationElements.CopyTo (header, header.Offset + ProbeResponseFields.InformationElement1Position);
     header.Length = FrameSize;
Esempio n. 56
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an Option from a byte[]
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bytes">
 /// A <see cref="System.Byte[]"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="offset">
 /// A <see cref="System.Int32"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="length">
 /// A <see cref="System.Int32"/>
 /// </param>
 public Option(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)
     optionData = new ByteArraySegment(bytes, offset, length);
         /// <summary>
         /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PacketDotNet.Ieee80211.PpiPacket"/> class.
         /// </summary>
         /// <param name='bas'>
         /// A <see cref="ByteArraySegment"/>
         /// </param>
         public PpiPacket (ByteArraySegment bas)
             // slice off the header portion
             header = new ByteArraySegment (bas);
             Version = VersionBytes;
             Flags = FlagsBytes;
             // update the header size based on the headers packet length
             header.Length = LengthBytes;
             LinkType = LinkTypeBytes;
             PpiFields = ReadPpiFields();
             PpiCommon commonField = FindFirstByType(PpiFieldType.PpiCommon) as PpiCommon;
             // parse the encapsulated bytes
             payloadPacketOrData = ParseEncapsulatedBytes (header, commonField);
Esempio n. 58
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor
        /// </summary>
        public LinkStateRequest()
            var b = new byte[Length];

            _header = new ByteArraySegment(b);
 /// <summary>
 /// Used by the Ieee80211PpiPacket constructor. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="header">
 /// A <see cref="ByteArraySegment"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="commonField">
 /// The <see cref="PpiCommon"/> object in the PPI packet or null if not available
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// A <see cref="PacketOrByteArraySegment"/>
 /// </returns>
 internal static PacketOrByteArraySegment ParseEncapsulatedBytes (ByteArraySegment header, PpiCommon commonField)
     // slice off the payload
     var payload = header.EncapsulatedBytes ();
     var payloadPacketOrData = new PacketOrByteArraySegment ();
     MacFrame frame = null;
     if (commonField != null)
         bool fcsPresent = ((commonField.Flags & PpiCommon.CommonFlags.FcsIncludedInFrame) == PpiCommon.CommonFlags.FcsIncludedInFrame);
         if (fcsPresent)
             frame = MacFrame.ParsePacketWithFcs (payload);
             frame = MacFrame.ParsePacket (payload);
         frame = MacFrame.ParsePacket (payload);
     if (frame == null)
         payloadPacketOrData.TheByteArraySegment = payload;
         payloadPacketOrData.ThePacket = frame;
     return payloadPacketOrData;
Esempio n. 60
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a packet from bytes and offset abd length
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="packet">
 /// A <see cref="byte" />
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="offset">
 /// A <see cref="int" />
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="length">
 /// A <see cref="int" />
 /// </param>
 public LinkStateRequest(byte[] packet, int offset, int length)
     _header = new ByteArraySegment(packet, offset, length);