/// <summary>
        /// Perform final steps now that the button spec has been created.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buttonSpec">ButtonSpec instance.</param>
        /// <param name="buttonView">Associated ButtonSpecView instance.</param>
        /// <param name="viewDockerIndex">Index of view docker button is placed onto.</param>
        protected override void ButtonSpecCreated(ButtonSpec buttonSpec,
                                                  ButtonSpecView buttonView,
                                                  int viewDockerIndex)
            // Cast the remapping palette to the correct type
            ButtonSpecRemapByContentCache remapPalette = (ButtonSpecRemapByContentCache)buttonView.RemapPalette;

            // Update button with the foreground used for color mapping
        /// <summary>
        /// Update cached remapping values and update active views.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paletteContent">Palette used to recover remapping colors.</param>
        /// <param name="paletteState">Palette state to use for remapping.</param>
        public void UpdateRemapping(IPaletteContent paletteContent,
                                    PaletteState paletteState)
            // Cache new values
            _paletteContent = paletteContent;
            _paletteState   = paletteState;

            // Update each remapping instance in turn
            foreach (ButtonSpecView view in ButtonSpecViews)
                // Cast the remapping palette to the correct type
                ButtonSpecRemapByContentCache remapPalette = (ButtonSpecRemapByContentCache)view.RemapPalette;