/// <summary> /// Initialize a new instance of the NavigatorOutlook class. /// </summary> /// <param name="navigator">Reference to owning navigator instance.</param> /// <param name="needPaint">Delegate for notifying paint requests.</param> public NavigatorOutlook(KryptonNavigator navigator, NeedPaintHandler needPaint) { Debug.Assert(navigator != null); // Remember back reference _navigator = navigator; // Store the provided paint notification delegate NeedPaint = needPaint; // Create compound objects _full = new NavigatorOutlookFull(navigator, needPaint); _mini = new NavigatorOutlookMini(navigator, needPaint); // Default values _checkButtonStyle = ButtonStyle.NavigatorStack; _overflowButtonStyle = ButtonStyle.NavigatorOverflow; _borderEdgeStyle = PaletteBorderStyle.ControlClient; _orientation = Orientation.Vertical; _itemOrientation = ButtonOrientation.Auto; _headerSecondaryVisible = InheritBool.False; _textMoreButtons = _defaultMoreButtons; _textFewerButtons = _defaultFewerButtons; _textAddRemoveButtons = _defaultAddRemoveButtons; _showDropDownButton = true; }
/// <summary> /// Initialize a new instance of the NavigatorOutlook class. /// </summary> /// <param name="navigator">Reference to owning navigator instance.</param> /// <param name="needPaint">Delegate for notifying paint requests.</param> public NavigatorOutlook(KryptonNavigator navigator, NeedPaintHandler needPaint) { Debug.Assert(navigator != null); // Remember back reference _navigator = navigator; // Store the provided paint notification delegate NeedPaint = needPaint; // Create compound objects Full = new NavigatorOutlookFull(navigator, needPaint); Mini = new NavigatorOutlookMini(navigator, needPaint); // Default values _checkButtonStyle = ButtonStyle.NavigatorStack; _overflowButtonStyle = ButtonStyle.NavigatorOverflow; _borderEdgeStyle = PaletteBorderStyle.ControlClient; _orientation = Orientation.Vertical; _itemOrientation = ButtonOrientation.Auto; _headerSecondaryVisible = InheritBool.False; TextMoreButtons = DEFAULT_MORE_BUTTONS; TextFewerButtons = DEFAULT_FEWER_BUTTONS; TextAddRemoveButtons = DEFAULT_ADD_REMOVE_BUTTONS; _showDropDownButton = true; }
/// <summary> /// Initialize a new instance of the NavigatorBar class. /// </summary> /// <param name="navigator">Reference to owning navigator instance.</param> /// <param name="needPaint">Delegate for notifying paint requests.</param> public NavigatorBar(KryptonNavigator navigator, NeedPaintHandler needPaint) { Debug.Assert(navigator != null); // Remember back reference _navigator = navigator; // Store the provided paint notification delegate NeedPaint = needPaint; // Default values _barAnimation = true; _barFirstItemInset = 0; _barLastItemInset = 0; _barOrientation = VisualOrientation.Top; _barMinimumHeight = _defaultBarMinimumHeight; _barMultiline = BarMultiline.Singleline; _checkButtonStyle = ButtonStyle.Standalone; _tabStyle = TabStyle.HighProfile; _tabBorderStyle = TabBorderStyle.RoundedOutsizeMedium; _itemAlignment = RelativePositionAlign.Near; _itemMinimumSize = _defaultItemMinimumSize; _itemMaximumSize = _defaultItemMaximumSize; _itemOrientation = ButtonOrientation.Auto; _itemSizing = BarItemSizing.SameHeight; _barMapImage = MapKryptonPageImage.Small; _barMapText = MapKryptonPageText.TextTitle; _barMapExtraText = MapKryptonPageText.None; }
/// <summary> /// Initialize a new instance of the KryptonGroupBox class. /// </summary> public KryptonGroupBox() { SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); // Set default values _captionStyle = LabelStyle.GroupBoxCaption; _captionEdge = VisualOrientation.Top; _captionOrientation = ButtonOrientation.Auto; _captionVisible = true; // Create storage objects Values = new CaptionValues(NeedPaintDelegate); Values.TextChanged += OnValuesTextChanged; // Create the palette storage StateCommon = new PaletteGroupBoxRedirect(Redirector, NeedPaintDelegate); StateDisabled = new PaletteGroupBox(StateCommon, NeedPaintDelegate); StateNormal = new PaletteGroupBox(StateCommon, NeedPaintDelegate); // Create the internal panel used for containing content Panel = new KryptonGroupBoxPanel(this, StateCommon, StateDisabled, StateNormal, OnGroupPanelPaint) { // Make sure the panel back style always mimics our back style PanelBackStyle = PaletteBackStyle.ControlGroupBox }; _drawContent = new ViewDrawContent(StateNormal.Content, Values, VisualOrientation.Top); // Create view for the control border and background _drawDocker = new ViewDrawGroupBoxDocker(StateNormal.Back, StateNormal.Border); // Create the element that fills the remainder space and remembers fill rectangle _layoutFill = new ViewLayoutFill(Panel); // Add caption into the docker with initial dock edges defined _drawDocker.Add(_drawContent, ViewDockStyle.Top); _drawDocker.Add(_layoutFill, ViewDockStyle.Fill); // Create the view manager instance ViewManager = new ViewManager(this, _drawDocker); // We want to default to shrinking and growing (base class defaults to GrowOnly) AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink; // Create the delegate used when we need to ensure obscurer is removed _removeObscurer = OnRemoveObscurer; // Need to prevent the AddInternal from causing a layout, otherwise the // layout will probably try to measure text which causes the handle for the // control to be created which means the handle is created at the wrong time // and so child controls are not added properly in the future! (for the TabControl // at the very least). _ignoreLayout = true; // Add panel to the controls collection ((KryptonReadOnlyControls)Controls).AddInternal(Panel); _ignoreLayout = false; }
private VisualOrientation CalculateOrientation(VisualOrientation viewOrientation, ButtonOrientation buttonOrientation) { switch (buttonOrientation) { case ButtonOrientation.FixedBottom: return(VisualOrientation.Bottom); case ButtonOrientation.FixedLeft: return(VisualOrientation.Left); case ButtonOrientation.FixedRight: return(VisualOrientation.Right); case ButtonOrientation.FixedTop: return(VisualOrientation.Top); case ButtonOrientation.Auto: default: return(viewOrientation); } }
/// <summary> /// Initialize a new instance of the NavigatorStack class. /// </summary> /// <param name="navigator">Reference to owning navigator instance.</param> /// <param name="needPaint">Delegate for notifying paint requests.</param> public NavigatorStack(KryptonNavigator navigator, NeedPaintHandler needPaint) { Debug.Assert(navigator != null); // Remember back reference _navigator = navigator; // Store the provided paint notification delegate NeedPaint = needPaint; // Default values _checkButtonStyle = ButtonStyle.NavigatorStack; _borderEdgeStyle = PaletteBorderStyle.ControlClient; _stackAnimation = true; _stackOrientation = Orientation.Vertical; _stackAlignment = RelativePositionAlign.Center; _itemOrientation = ButtonOrientation.Auto; _stackMapImage = MapKryptonPageImage.Small; _stackMapText = MapKryptonPageText.TextTitle; _stackMapExtraText = MapKryptonPageText.None; }
/// <summary> /// Resets the ItemOrientation property to its default value. /// </summary> public void ResetItemOrientation() { ItemOrientation = ButtonOrientation.Auto; }