private void OnActivate() { int ruleNumber = GetRuleNumber(); if (ruleNumber < 5 || !BombInfo.IsTwoFactorPresent()) { Debug.LogFormat("[Colors Maximization #{0}] Using rule #{1}", moduleId, ruleNumber); Debug.LogFormat("[Colors Maximization #{0}] \tColors sorted by score: {1}", moduleId, rules[ruleNumber - 1].Select(c => colorNames[c]).Join(",")); GetExpectedScore(ruleNumber, true); } else { answerIsDynamic = true; Debug.LogFormat("[Colors Maximization #{0}] Rule is dynamic", moduleId); Debug.LogFormat("[Colors Maximization #{0}] When rule #5 is used:", moduleId); Debug.LogFormat("[Colors Maximization #{0}] \tColors sorted by score: {1}", moduleId, rules[5].Select(c => colorNames[c]).Join(",")); GetExpectedScore(5, true); Debug.LogFormat("[Colors Maximization #{0}] When rule #6 is used:", moduleId); Debug.LogFormat("[Colors Maximization #{0}] \tColors sorted by score: {1}", moduleId, rules[6].Select(c => colorNames[c]).Join(",")); GetExpectedScore(6, true); } foreach (ButtonComponent button in buttons) { ButtonComponent closure = button; button.Selectable.OnInteract += () => OnButtonPressed(closure); } }
private CuratedExperienceAnswers ExtractLogic(CuratedExperienceComponent component, CuratedExperienceAnswers answers) { // when dealing with finding next destination of the current component we need to remove all logic // except the specific GOTO statement that comes in the current component. That is why I'm setting all logic to string.Empty. foreach (var answer in answers.ButtonComponents) { answer.CodeBefore = string.Empty; answer.CodeAfter = string.Empty; } foreach (var answer in answers.FieldComponents) { answer.CodeBefore = string.Empty; answer.CodeAfter = string.Empty; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(component.Code.CodeBefore) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(component.Code.CodeAfter)) { var button = new ButtonComponent(); button.ButtonId = Guid.NewGuid(); button.Name = string.Empty; button.Value = string.Empty; button.CodeBefore = component.Code.CodeBefore; button.CodeAfter = component.Code.CodeAfter; answers.ButtonComponents.Add(button); } return(answers); }
public ButtonBuilder(ButtonComponentStyle style) { _snowflake = Snowflake.CreateTimestampSnowflake(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow); _buttonComponent = new(style); _handler = null; _requiredPermission = new(); }
public ButtonBuilder WithEmoji(Snowflake id) { _buttonComponent = _buttonComponent with { Emoji = new PartialEmoji(id) }; return(this); }
void BuildElement(bool exit, int toNode, string text, bool isActiveButton, int reputation, int power, int money, bool end) { ButtonComponent clone = Instantiate(button) as ButtonComponent; if ( + money < 0) { isActiveButton = false; text += "(Недостаточно денег!)"; } clone.gameObject.SetActive(true); clone.rect.SetParent(scrollRect.content); clone.rect.localScale =; clone.text.text = text; if (money != 0) { clone.text.text += " Цена: " + (-money); } clone.rect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(clone.rect.sizeDelta.x, clone.text.preferredHeight + offset); clone.button.interactable = isActiveButton; height = clone.rect.sizeDelta.y; clone.rect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, -height / 2 - curY); if (toNode > 0) { SetNextDialogue(clone.button, toNode, reputation, power, money); } if (exit) { SetExitDialogue(clone.button, reputation, power, money, end); } buttons.Add(clone.rect); }
public static ButtonComponent Read(BinaryReader br) { ButtonComponent ret = new ButtonComponent(); ret.Data = br.ReadStructures <UInt32>(2).ToArray(); return(ret); }
public ButtonBuilder WithEmoji(string unicode) { _buttonComponent = _buttonComponent with { Emoji = new PartialEmoji(Name: unicode) }; return(this); }
public int Compare(object x, object y) { ButtonComponent lVal = x as ButtonComponent; ButtonComponent rValt = y as ButtonComponent; return(Compare(lVal.gameObject, rValt.gameObject)); }
public void UpdateBodyContentSize() { tab.geometry.tabContent.rect.width = 0; tab.geometry.tabContent.rect.height = 0; /* * * for (int i= 0;i< tab.structure.childrenTabs.Count;i++) { tab.geometry.tabContent.rect = AddToRect(tab.geometry.tabContent.rect, tab.structure.childrenTabs[i].tab.geometry.tabContainer.rect); } * for (int i= 0;i< tab.structure.childrenTextAreas.Count;i++) { tab.geometry.tabContent.rect = AddToRect(tab.geometry.tabContent.rect, tab.structure.childrenTextAreas[i].textarea.geometry.textareaBody.rect); } * for (int i= 0;i< tab.structure.childrenButtons.Count;i++) { tab.geometry.tabContent.rect = AddToRect(tab.geometry.tabContent.rect, tab.structure.childrenButtons[i].button.geometry.buttonBody.rect); } */ for (int i = 0; i < tab.structure.children.Components.Count; i++) { TabComponent childTab = tab.structure.children.Components[i].GetComponent <TabComponent>(); ButtonComponent childButton = tab.structure.children.Components[i].GetComponent <ButtonComponent>(); TextareaComponent childTextarea = tab.structure.children.Components[i].GetComponent <TextareaComponent>(); if (childTab != null) { tab.geometry.tabContent.rect = AddToRect(tab.geometry.tabContent.rect,; } else if (childButton != null) { tab.geometry.tabContent.rect = AddToRect(tab.geometry.tabContent.rect, childButton.button.geometry.buttonBody.rect); } else if (childTextarea != null) { tab.geometry.tabContent.rect = AddToRect(tab.geometry.tabContent.rect, childTextarea.textarea.geometry.textareaBody.rect); } } }
private void FillSamleText(ButtonComponent button) { WordToTranslate wordToTranslate = FindObjectOfType <WordToTranslate>(); if (!button || !wordToTranslate) { Debug.LogWarning("Не найден WordToTranslate"); return; } QuestionLeo quest = wordToTranslate.GetCurrentQuest(); WordLeo word = null; foreach (var item in quest.answers) { if (button.text.text == item.translations || button.text.text == item.wordValue) { word = item; break; } } if (word == null) { return; } if (button.text.text == word.translations) { SampleText.text = word.translations + " → " + word.wordValue; } else { SampleText.text = word.wordValue + " → " + word.translations; } }
public override void OnInit() { this.content = this.GetLayoutComponent <UIWindowExampleComponent>(); this.button = this.GetLayoutComponent <ButtonComponent>(); this.button.SetCallback(this.Hide); }
public void OnNotify(object parametr, GAME_EVENTS notificationName) { ButtonComponent button = null; if (parametr != null) { button = ((Component)parametr).GetComponent <ButtonComponent>(); } if (ResultText == null) { return; } switch (notificationName) { case GAME_EVENTS.CorrectAnswer: ResultText.text = "Верный ответ."; ResultText.color = correctColor; break; case GAME_EVENTS.NonCorrectAnswer: ResultText.text = "Неверный ответ."; ResultText.color = wrongColor; FillSamleText(button); break; case GAME_EVENTS.BuildTask: ResultText.text = string.Empty; SampleText.text = string.Empty; break; } }
private KMSelectable[] ProcessTwitchCommand(string command) { command = command.Trim().ToLower(); if (command == "colorblind") { colorblindModeEnabled = !colorblindModeEnabled; return(new KMSelectable[0]); } if (Regex.IsMatch(command, @"activate( *all)?")) { Dictionary <Color, KMSelectable> keys = new Dictionary <Color, KMSelectable>(); for (int y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < WIDTH; x++) { ButtonComponent button = buttonsGrid[x][y]; if (! && !keys.ContainsKey(button.primaryColor)) { keys[button.primaryColor] = button.GetComponent <KMSelectable>(); } } } return(keys.Values.ToArray()); } KMSelectable[] parsedCoords = ParseButtonsSet(command); if (parsedCoords != null) { return(parsedCoords); } return(null); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { a = gameObject.transform.GetComponentInChildren <TabComponent>(); b = gameObject.transform.GetComponentInChildren <ButtonComponent>(); if (a != null) { // print(; //TypeGeneric.Component ge = GetGen(; GenericType.Component ge = TabType.Generic(; print( + "_____"); } else { print("No Tabs Found"); } if (b != null) { print(; } //parent }
public ButtonBuilder AsDisabled() { _buttonComponent = _buttonComponent with { IsDisabled = true }; return(this); }
public ButtonBuilder WithLabel(string label) { _buttonComponent = _buttonComponent with { Label = label }; return(this); }
private void EnterButtonToNext(ButtonComponent extraB) { // Отдельная кнопка "следующее" extraB.text.text = NEXT_WORD; extraB.button.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().color = Color.white; SetColors(extraB.button, new Color(68f / 255, 145 / 255f, 207f / 255)); }
public virtual PartialViewResult Button(ButtonComponent component) { if (component == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("component"); } return(PartialView(component)); }
private void EnterButtonToDontKnow(ButtonComponent extraB) { // Отдельная кнопка "не знаю" extraB.text.text = DONT_KNOW; extraB.button.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().color =; SetColors(extraB.button, Color.white); JoinShowResult(buttons[buttonID].button, false); }
public Button(GameObject gameObejcet, GameObject parent, Action action, string name, Vector3 position) { gameObject = gameObejcet; gameObject.AddComponent <ButtonComponent>(); buttonComponent = gameObject.GetComponent <ButtonComponent>(); buttonComponent.action = action; gameObject.transform.parent = parent.transform; = name; gameObject.transform.localPosition = position; }
public ButtonComponentSolver(BombCommander bombCommander, ButtonComponent bombComponent) : base(bombCommander, bombComponent) { ModuleInformation buttonInfo = ComponentSolverFactory.GetModuleInfo("ButtonComponentSolver", "!{0} tap [tap the button] | !{0} hold [hold the button] | !{0} release 7 [release when the digit shows 7]"); ModuleInformation buttonInfoModified = ComponentSolverFactory.GetModuleInfo("ButtonComponentModifiedSolver", "Click the button with !{0} tap. Click the button at time with !{0} tap 8:55 8:44 8:33. Hold the button with !{0} hold. Release the button with !{0} release 9:58 9:49 9:30."); bombComponent.GetComponent <Selectable>().OnCancel += bombComponent.OnButtonCancel; _button = bombComponent.button; modInfo = VanillaRuleModifier.IsSeedVanilla() ? buttonInfo : buttonInfoModified; }
public bool ButtonReleased(BombComponent component) { int num = base.ExecuteRuleList(component, this.RuleList); ButtonComponent buttonComponent = (ButtonComponent)component; int num2 = base.ExecuteRuleList(component, this.HoldRuleList); if (!buttonComponent.IsHolding) { num2 = 0; } return(num == 0 && num2 == 0); }
public ButtonBuilder WithUrl(string url) { if (_buttonComponent.Style is not ButtonComponentStyle.Link) { throw new InvalidOperationException("ButtonComponentStyle must be set to Link to use WithUrl."); } _buttonComponent = _buttonComponent with { URL = url }; return(this); }
public override void OnInit() { this.contentComponent = this.GetLayoutComponent <UIWindowExampleComponent>(); this.buttonAlert = this.GetLayoutComponent <ButtonComponent>(LayoutTag.Tag4); this.buttonAlert.SetCallback(this.OnAlert); this.button = this.GetLayoutComponent <ButtonWithTipComponent>(); this.button.SetCallback(this.OnClick); this.button.SetTextToTip("<b>Click here to open new instance.</b>\nYou can simply edit this text or pass it from the code. See UIWindowExampleTip and UIWindowExampleScreen."); }
public async Task <IResult> Test() { var id = new Snowflake((ulong)DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds()); var component = new ButtonComponent(ButtonComponentStyle.Primary, "Test", CustomID: id.ToString()); var testButton = HandleableButton.Create <TestHandler.Command, TestHandler.Context>(id, component, new TestHandler.Context(_context.ChannelID)); _handlerRepository.Register(testButton); return(await _responder.RespondWithComponents(ActionRowUtils.FromButtons(testButton), "Test buttons")); }
private void OnClick(ButtonComponent button) { var index = this.GetIndexOf(button); if (index < 0) { return; } var window = this.GetWindow() as UIWindowExampleTransitions; window.ShowWindow(index); }
void InitiateObjectPool() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ButtonComponent clone = Instantiate(button) as ButtonComponent; clone.gameObject.SetActive(false); clone.rect.SetParent(scrollRect.content); clone.rect.localScale =; buttonsObjectPool.Add(clone); buttons.Add(clone.rect); } }
void Focus(ButtonComponent buttonComponent) { buttonComponent.Focused = true; if (buttonComponent.TextComponent != null) { buttonComponent.TextComponent.Color = buttonComponent.FocusedTextColor; } if (buttonComponent.SpriteComponent != null) { buttonComponent.SpriteComponent.CurrentAnimationObject = buttonComponent.FocusedAnimation; } focusedButton = buttonComponent; }
protected override void CreateScene() { this.Load(WaveContent.Scenes.MenuScene); this.gamePlayManager = WaveServices.GetService <GamePlayManager>(); this.navigationManager = WaveServices.GetService <NavigationManager>(); this.resumeComponent = this.EntityManager.Find(GameConstants.ENTITYMENURESUME).FindComponent <ButtonComponent>(); this.restartComponent = this.EntityManager.Find(GameConstants.ENTITYMENURESTART).FindComponent <ButtonComponent>(); this.exitComponent = this.EntityManager.Find(GameConstants.ENTITYMENUEXIT).FindComponent <ButtonComponent>(); this.resumeComponent.StateChanged += this.ResumeButtonStateChanged; this.restartComponent.StateChanged += this.RestartButtonStateChanged; this.exitComponent.StateChanged += this.ExitButtonStateChanged; }
private void HandleButtonClick(ButtonComponent btn) { switch (btn.buttonName) { case "Play": Play(); break; case "CancelSession": CancelSession(); break; case "Autorization": OpenAuthWindow(); break; case "AutorizationButton": AutorizationButton(); break; case "CloseAutorization": menu.Get1[0].AutorizationWindow.enabled = false; break; case "CopyButton": CopyText(); break; case "Options": OpenOptions(); break; case "CancelSettings": CancelSettings(); break; case "NickOkButton": TryAcceptNickname(); break; case "Exit": world.NewEntityWith(out ExitGameEvent exit); break; default: break; } }