Esempio n. 1
 public void RemoveChatBox()
     isActive	= false;
     showRightButton = false;
     rightButtonClickDelegate = null;
     leftButtonClickDelegate = null;
Esempio n. 2
 public void remove(ButtonClickDelegate _userMethod)
     if (this._buttonDelegate != null)
         this._buttonDelegate -= _userMethod;
Esempio n. 3
 public ButtonData(string name, string text, ButtonClickDelegate action, bool interactable, bool active)
     Name         = name;
     Text         = text;
     Action       = action;
     Interactable = interactable;
     Active       = active;
Esempio n. 4
        private UIElasticButton AddBtn(List <UIElasticButton> targ, string imgname, ButtonClickDelegate onClick)
            var ui  = Content.Get().CustomUI;
            var btn = new UIElasticButton(ui.Get(imgname).Get(GameFacade.GraphicsDevice));

            btn.OnButtonClick += onClick;
Esempio n. 5
 public void add(ButtonClickDelegate _userMethod)
     if (this._buttonDelegate == null)
         this._buttonDelegate = _userMethod;
         this._buttonDelegate += _userMethod;
        public Button(string label, CCNode parent, ButtonClickDelegate d)
            _label = label;
            _parent = parent;
            _onClick = d;

            CCLabelTTF ttf = CCLabelTTF.labelWithString(label, "Arial", 32f);
            CCMenuItemLabel item = CCMenuItemLabel.itemWithLabel(ttf, null, new SEL_MenuHandler(d));
            CCMenu pMenu = CCMenu.menuWithItems(item);
            pMenu.position = new CCPoint(0, 0);
        public Button(string label, CCNode parent, ButtonClickDelegate d)
            _label   = label;
            _parent  = parent;
            _onClick = d;

            CCLabelTTF      ttf   = CCLabelTTF.labelWithString(label, "Arial", 32f);
            CCMenuItemLabel item  = CCMenuItemLabel.itemWithLabel(ttf, null, new SEL_MenuHandler(d));
            CCMenu          pMenu = CCMenu.menuWithItems(item);

            pMenu.position = new CCPoint(0, 0);
Esempio n. 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of UIButton that has a texture.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="X">The x-coordinate where the button will be displayed.</param>
 /// <param name="Y">The y-coordinate where the button will be displayed.</param>
 /// <param name="Texture">The texture for this button.</param>
 /// <param name="Enabled">Is this button enabled?</param>
 /// <param name="StrID">The button's string ID.</param>
 /// <param name="Screen">The UIScreen instance that will draw and update this button.</param>
 public UIButton(float X, float Y, Texture2D Texture, bool Disabled, string StrID, UIScreen Screen)
     : base(Screen, StrID, DrawLevel.DontGiveAFuck)
     m_X = X;
     m_Y = Y;
     m_Texture = Texture;
     m_Disabled = Disabled;
     m_StrID = StrID;
     //All buttons have 4 frames...
     m_Width = Texture.Width / 4;
     m_CurrentFrame = 0;
     OnButtonClick += new ButtonClickDelegate(delegate(UIButton btn) { Screen.RegisterClick(this); });
		public static GlassButton CreateGlassButton(string buttonTitle, UIColor color, float width, float height, ButtonClickDelegate touchUpInside)
			GlassButton button = new GlassButton(new RectangleF(0, 0, width, height));
			button.NormalColor = color;
			button.HighlightedColor = UIColor.LightGray;
			button.SetTitleColor(UIColor.FromRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255), UIControlState.Normal);
			button.SetTitleColor(UIColor.FromRGBA(0, 0, 0, 255), UIControlState.Highlighted);
			button.HorizontalAlignment = UIControlContentHorizontalAlignment.Center;
			button.SetTitle(buttonTitle, UIControlState.Normal);
			button.TouchUpInside += (s, e) => { if (touchUpInside != null) touchUpInside(s, e); };
			return button;
Esempio n. 10
 public void Init(ManageForm parent, string tipText, int interval, bool displayNow, ButtonClickDelegate buttonOKClick, ButtonClickDelegate buttonCancleClick)
     TimeSpan span = (TimeSpan) (DateTime.Now - this._closeTime);
     if ((span.TotalSeconds >= 30.0) || displayNow)
         this._closeTime = DateTime.Now;
         this._parent = parent;
         this.labelText.Text = tipText;
         this._buttonOKClick = buttonOKClick;
         this._buttonCancleClick = buttonCancleClick;
         if (interval > 0)
             this._messageFormTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(this.MessageFormThreadFunc);
             this._messageFormTimer.Interval = interval * 0x3e8;
             this._messageFormTimer.Enabled = true;
         base.Visible = true;
Esempio n. 11
        public void Init(ManageForm parent, string tipText, int interval, bool displayNow, ButtonClickDelegate buttonOKClick, ButtonClickDelegate buttonCancleClick)
            TimeSpan span = (TimeSpan)(DateTime.Now - this._closeTime);

            if ((span.TotalSeconds >= 30.0) || displayNow)
                this._closeTime         = DateTime.Now;
                this._parent            = parent;
                this.labelText.Text     = tipText;
                this._buttonOKClick     = buttonOKClick;
                this._buttonCancleClick = buttonCancleClick;
                if (interval > 0)
                    this._messageFormTimer.Tick    += new EventHandler(this.MessageFormThreadFunc);
                    this._messageFormTimer.Interval = interval * 0x3e8;
                    this._messageFormTimer.Enabled  = true;
                base.Visible = true;
Esempio n. 12
 private void SetRightButton(ButtonClickDelegate rightButtonClick)
     rightButtonClickDelegate += rightButtonClick;
     showRightButton = true;
Esempio n. 13
 public void SetButtonCallbacks(ChoiceButtonClickDelegate leftButtonClick, ButtonClickDelegate rightButtonClick)
     showRightButton = false;
Esempio n. 14
 public UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType type, ButtonClickDelegate handler, string text)
     Type = type; Handler = handler; Text = text;
Esempio n. 15
 public UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType type, ButtonClickDelegate handler)
     Type = type; Handler = handler;
Esempio n. 16
 public static UIAlertButton[] YesNoCancel(ButtonClickDelegate yesCallback, ButtonClickDelegate noCallback, ButtonClickDelegate cancel)
     return(new UIAlertButton[] { new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.Yes, yesCallback), new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.No, noCallback), new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.Cancel, cancel) });
Esempio n. 17
 public static UIAlertButton[] Ok(ButtonClickDelegate callback)
     return(new UIAlertButton[] { new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.OK, callback) });
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of UIButton that has a texture and a caption.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="X">The x-coordinate where the button will be displayed.</param>
        /// <param name="Y">The y-coordinate where the button will be displayed.</param>
        /// <param name="Texture">The texture for this button.</param>
        /// <param name="Caption">The button's caption.</param>
        /// <param name="CaptionID">The ID for the string to use as the button's caption.</param>
        /// <param name="Screen">The UIScreen instance that will draw and update this button.</param>
        public UIButton(float X, float Y, Texture2D Texture, int CaptionID, string StrID, UIScreen Screen)
            : base(Screen, StrID, DrawLevel.DontGiveAFuck)
            m_X = X;
            m_Y = Y;
            m_Texture = Texture;
            m_StrID = StrID;
            //All buttons have 4 frames...
            m_Width = Texture.Width / 4;
            m_CurrentFrame = 0;
            OnButtonClick += new ButtonClickDelegate(delegate(UIButton btn) { Screen.RegisterClick(this); });

            if (Screen.ScreenMgr.TextDict.ContainsKey(CaptionID))
                m_Caption = Screen.ScreenMgr.TextDict[CaptionID];
Esempio n. 19
 private void txtFilter_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (txtFilter.Text != "")
         //string currentDateString = this.dateTimePLog.Value.ToShortDateString();
         bsPLog.Filter = "EmployeeName LIKE '%" + txtFilter.Text + "%' " +
             "AND InputDate =#" + string.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", dateTimePLog.Value) + "#"; //"Input Date = '" + currentDateString + "'";
         btnClickEventHandler = new ButtonClickDelegate(btnClearFilter_Click);
         btnClickEventHandler.Invoke(btnClearFilter, EventArgs.Empty);
Esempio n. 20
 public frmMain()
     btnClickEventHandler = new ButtonClickDelegate(btnClearFilter_Click);
Esempio n. 21
    public static void Set_Button_On_Click(string parent_game_object_name, string button_game_object_name, ButtonClickDelegate delegate_p)
        GameObject button_game_object = GameObject.Find(string.Format("{0}/{1}", parent_game_object_name, button_game_object_name));

        Button.ButtonClickedEvent on_click = new Button.ButtonClickedEvent();
        on_click.AddListener(delegate() {
        button_game_object.GetComponentInChildren <Button>().onClick = on_click;
Esempio n. 22
 public void SetClickCallBack(ButtonClickDelegate clickCallBack, object value)
     this.ButtonClickCallBack = clickCallBack;
     CallBackValue            = value;
Esempio n. 23
 public UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType type, ButtonClickDelegate handler)
     Type = type; Handler = handler;
        public UIHouseSelectPanel(int houseID)
            var screen = GameFacade.Screens.CurrentUIScreen;
            var extra  = Math.Max(0, (screen.ScreenHeight - 640) / 128) * 64;

            HouseID = houseID;

            Diag   = new UIDiagonalStripe(new Point(screen.ScreenWidth / 2, screen.ScreenHeight + 16), UIDiagonalStripeSide.RIGHT, UIStyle.Current.Bg);
            Diag.Y = -16;
            Diag.ListenForMouse(Diag.GetBounds(), (e, s) => { });

            TitleStripe          = new UIDiagonalStripe(new Point(screen.ScreenWidth / 2, 92 + 8 + 32), UIDiagonalStripeSide.RIGHT, UIStyle.Current.Bg);
            TitleStripe.StartOff = 8 + 32;
            TitleStripe.Y        = -16 + extra;

            var neigh = Content.Get().Neighborhood;

            var house = neigh.GetHouse(houseID);

            var street     = neigh.StreetNames;
            var assignment = street.Get <STR>(2001).GetString(houseID - 1);

            int streetName;

            if (int.TryParse(assignment, out streetName))
                StreetTitle          = new UILabel();
                StreetTitle.Position = new Vector2(30, 94 + extra - 64);
                StreetTitle.CaptionStyle.Color = UIStyle.Current.BtnActive;
                StreetTitle.Caption            = street.Get <STR>(2000).GetString(streetName - 1).Replace("%s", houseID.ToString());

            var nameDesc = neigh.GetHouseNameDesc(houseID);
            var name     = nameDesc.Item1;

            if (name == "")
                name = StreetTitle.Caption;

            LotTitle          = new UILabel();
            LotTitle.Position = new Vector2(30, 122 + extra - 64);
            LotTitle.CaptionStyle.Size = 37;
            LotTitle.Caption           = name;

            var family = neigh.GetFamilyForHouse((short)houseID);

            LotDescription          = new UILabel();
            LotDescription.Position = new Vector2(30, 206 + extra);
            //LotDescription.CaptionStyle.Size = 15;
            LotDescription.Size      = new Vector2(screen.ScreenWidth / 2 - 60, screen.ScreenHeight - 415);
            LotDescription.Wrapped   = true;
            LotDescription.Alignment = TextAlignment.Top | TextAlignment.Left;

            SecondaryText          = new UILabel();
            SecondaryText.Position = new Vector2(30, screen.ScreenHeight - (165 + extra));
            SecondaryText.Size               = new Vector2(screen.ScreenWidth / 2 - 60, 29);
            SecondaryText.Wrapped            = true;
            SecondaryText.Alignment          = TextAlignment.Bottom | TextAlignment.Right;
            SecondaryText.CaptionStyle.Color = UIStyle.Current.SecondaryText;

            var moveInID    = (UIScreen.Current as Screens.TS1GameScreen).MoveInFamily;
            var moveIn      = (moveInID == null) ? null : Content.Get().Neighborhood.GetFamily((ushort)moveInID.Value);
            var buttonValid = true;

            if (family != null)
                var famUI = new UIHouseFamilyList(family);

                var scale = Math.Max(2 / 3f, Math.Min(1, screen.ScreenWidth / 1704f));
                famUI.ScaleX = famUI.ScaleY = scale;
                var space = (96 * scale) - 56;
                LotDescription.Y += space;
                famUI.Position    = new Vector2(48 + space / 2, 152 + extra + space / 2);
                FamilyDisplay = famUI;

                LotDescription.Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("134", "0", new string[] {
                    Content.Get().Neighborhood.MainResource.Get <FAMs>(family.ChunkID)?.GetString(0) ?? "?",
                    "§" + (family.ValueInArch + family.Budget).ToString("##,#0"), //should include lot value eventually

                LotDescription.CaptionStyle.Color = UIStyle.Current.SecondaryText;

                if (moveIn != null)
                    SecondaryText.Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("132", "15"); //house occupied
                    buttonValid           = false;
                LotDescription.Y   -= 64;
                LotDescription.Size = new Vector2(LotDescription.Size.X, LotDescription.Size.Y + 65);
                //LotDescription.Caption = new string(Enumerable.Range(1, 255).Select(x => 'a').ToArray());
                LotDescription.Caption = nameDesc.Item2;

                //set up the secondary text
                var   zones  = neigh.ZoningDictionary;
                short result = 1;
                if (!zones.TryGetValue((short)houseID, out result))
                    result = (short)((houseID >= 81 && houseID <= 89) ? 2 : 1);

                if (result > 0)
                    string str;
                    if (moveIn != null)
                        str         = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("134", "18").Substring(8); //is community, can't move in
                        buttonValid = false;
                        str = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("134", "17").Substring(8); //is community
                    SecondaryText.Caption = str;
                    //show price
                    var    price = house.Get <SIMI>(1)?.PurchaseValue ?? 0;
                    string str;
                    if (houseID >= 90 && houseID <= 92)
                        //also requires magicoins
                        var magicoins  = neigh.GetMagicoinsForFamily(family);
                        var requiredMC = int.Parse(GameFacade.Strings.GetString("134", (32 + Math.Abs(91 - houseID)).ToString()));

                        if (moveIn != null)
                            if (magicoins >= requiredMC)
                                if (moveIn.Budget >= price)
                                    str = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("134", "31", new string[] { "", "",
                                                                                                   "§" + price.ToString("##,#0"),
                                                                                                   requiredMC.ToString() });
                                    //missing simoleons
                                    str = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("134", "38", new string[] { "", "",
                                                                                                   "§" + price.ToString("##,#0"),
                                                                                                   moveIn.ChunkParent.Get <FAMs>(moveIn.ChunkID)?.GetString(0) ?? "",
                                                                                                   "§" + moveIn.Budget.ToString("##,#0") }).Substring(4);
                                    buttonValid = false;
                                if (moveIn.Budget >= price)
                                    //missing magicoins
                                    str = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("134", "36", new string[] { "", "",
                                                                                                   "§" + price.ToString("##,#0"),
                                                                                                   moveIn.ChunkParent.Get <FAMs>(moveIn.ChunkID)?.GetString(0) ?? "",
                                                                                                   magicoins.ToString() }).Substring(4);
                                    //missing both
                                    str = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("134", "37", new string[] { "", "",
                                                                                                   "§" + price.ToString("##,#0"),
                                                                                                   moveIn.ChunkParent.Get <FAMs>(moveIn.ChunkID)?.GetString(0) ?? "",
                                                                                                   magicoins.ToString() }).Substring(4);
                                    buttonValid = false;
                                buttonValid = false;
                            //suggest move in
                            str = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("134", "29", new string[] { "", "",
                                                                                           "§" + price.ToString("##,#0"),
                                                                                           requiredMC.ToString() }).Substring(4);
                        if (moveIn != null)
                            if (moveIn.Budget >= price)
                                str = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("134", "5", new string[] { "", "",
                                                                                              "§" + price.ToString("##,#0"),
                                                                                              "§" + (moveIn.Budget - price).ToString("##,#0") }).Substring(4);
                                str = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("134", "4", new string[] { "", "",
                                                                                              "§" + price.ToString("##,#0"),
                                                                                              moveIn.ChunkParent.Get <FAMs>(moveIn.ChunkID)?.GetString(0) ?? "",
                                                                                              "§" + moveIn.Budget.ToString("##,#0") }).Substring(4);
                                buttonValid = false;
                            //suggest move in
                            str = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("134", "1", new string[] { "", "", "§" + price.ToString("##,#0") }).Substring(4);

                    SecondaryText.Caption           = str;
                    SecondaryText.CaptionStyle.Size = 15;

            EnterLot                = new UIBigButton(false);
            EnterLot.Caption        = (moveIn == null)?"Enter Lot":"Move In";
            EnterLot.Width          = (moveIn == null)? (screen.ScreenWidth / 2 - 293) : (screen.ScreenWidth / 2 - 60);
            EnterLot.Disabled       = !buttonValid;
            EnterLot.Position       = new Vector2(30, screen.ScreenHeight - (extra + 125));
            EnterLot.OnButtonClick += (b) => { OnSelected?.Invoke(houseID); Kill(); };

            More                = new UIBigButton(true);
            More.Caption        = "More";
            More.Width          = 208;
            More.Position       = new Vector2(screen.ScreenWidth / 2 - 238, screen.ScreenHeight - (extra + 125));
            More.OnButtonClick += (btn) => { ShowMore(true); };
            if (moveIn == null)

            var optionFunctions = new ButtonClickDelegate[]
                (family == null)?null:(ButtonClickDelegate)((btn) => Evict(family)),
                (btn) => ShowMore(false)
            var optionNames = new string[]
                (family == null)?"Bulldoze":"Evict",

            var bY = extra + 140;

            for (int i = 0; i < optionFunctions.Length; i++)
                var btn = new UIBigButton(i == optionFunctions.Length - 1);
                btn.Caption        = optionNames[i];
                btn.Position       = new Vector2(screen.ScreenWidth / 4 - btn.Width / 2, bY);
                btn.Disabled       = optionFunctions[i] == null;
                btn.OnButtonClick += optionFunctions[i];
                bY += 120;

            X = screen.ScreenWidth / -2;
            GameFacade.Screens.Tween.To(this, 0.5f, new Dictionary <string, float>()
                { "X", 0f }
            }, TweenQuad.EaseOut);
            MoreTween = MoreTween;
Esempio n. 25
 public static UIAlertButton[] OkCancel(ButtonClickDelegate okCallback, ButtonClickDelegate noCallback)
     return(new UIAlertButton[] { new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.OK, okCallback), new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.Cancel, noCallback) });
Esempio n. 26
 public UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType type, ButtonClickDelegate handler, string text)
     Type = type; Handler = handler; Text = text;
Esempio n. 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of UIButton that has a scaled texture.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="X">The x-coordinate where the button will be displayed.</param>
 /// <param name="Y">The y-coordinate where the button will be displayed.</param>
 /// <param name="ScaleX">The scaling-factor used to scale this button's texture on the X-axis.</param>
 /// <param name="ScaleY">The scaling-factor used to scale this button's texture on the Y-axis.</param>
 /// <param name="Texture">The texture for this button.</param>
 /// <param name="StrID">The button's string ID.</param>
 /// <param name="Screen">The UIScreen instance that will draw and update this button.</param>
 public UIButton(int X, int Y, int ScaleX, int ScaleY, Texture2D Texture, string StrID, UIScreen Screen)
     : base(Screen, StrID, DrawLevel.DontGiveAFuck)
     m_X = X;
     m_Y = Y;
     m_ScaleX = ScaleX;
     m_ScaleY = ScaleY;
     m_Texture = Texture;
     m_StrID = StrID;
     //All buttons have 4 frames...
     m_Width = Texture.Width / 4;
     m_CurrentFrame = 0;
     OnButtonClick += new ButtonClickDelegate(delegate(UIButton btn) { Screen.RegisterClick(this); });