Esempio n. 1
        public void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler)
            if (algorithm.SubscriptionManager.Subscriptions.Count == 0 && algorithm.Universe == null)
                throw new Exception("No subscriptions registered and no universe defined.");

            _algorithm               = algorithm;
            _resultHandler           = resultHandler;
            _subscriptions           = new ConcurrentDictionary <SymbolSecurityType, Subscription>();
            _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            IsActive = true;
            Bridge   = new BusyBlockingCollection <TimeSlice>(100);

            // find the minimum resolution, ignoring ticks
            _fillForwardResolution = algorithm.SubscriptionManager.Subscriptions
                                     .Where(x => x.Resolution != Resolution.Tick)
                                     .Select(x => x.Resolution)

            // initialize the original user defined securities
            foreach (var security in _algorithm.Securities.Values)
                var subscription = CreateSubscription(resultHandler, security, algorithm.StartDate, algorithm.EndDate, _fillForwardResolution, true);
                if (subscription != null)
                    _subscriptions.AddOrUpdate(new SymbolSecurityType(security), subscription);

                    // prime the pump, run method checks current before move next calls
                    PrimeSubscriptionPump(subscription, true);
Esempio n. 2
        public void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler)
            if (algorithm.SubscriptionManager.Subscriptions.Count == 0 && algorithm.Universes.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new Exception("No subscriptions registered and no universe defined.");

            _algorithm               = algorithm;
            _resultHandler           = resultHandler;
            _subscriptions           = new ConcurrentDictionary <SymbolSecurityType, Subscription>();
            _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            IsActive = true;
            Bridge   = new BusyBlockingCollection <TimeSlice>(100);

            var ffres = Time.OneSecond;

            _fillForwardResolution = Ref.Create(() => ffres, res => ffres = res);

            // find the minimum resolution, ignoring ticks
            ffres = ResolveFillForwardResolution(algorithm);

            // add each universe selection subscription to the feed
            foreach (var universe in _algorithm.Universes)
                var startTimeUtc = _algorithm.StartDate.ConvertToUtc(_algorithm.TimeZone);
                var endTimeUtc   = _algorithm.EndDate.ConvertToUtc(_algorithm.TimeZone);
                AddUniverseSubscription(universe, startTimeUtc, endTimeUtc);
        public void IsBusyWithItemsWaiting()
            var collection = new BusyBlockingCollection <int>();

Esempio n. 4
        public void IsBusyWithItemsWaiting()
            var collection = new BusyBlockingCollection <int>();

 public void GetConsumingEnumerableReturnsItemsInOrder()
     var collection = new BusyBlockingCollection<int>();
     CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[]{1,2,3}, collection.GetConsumingEnumerable());
Esempio n. 6
        public void GetConsumingEnumerableReturnsItemsInOrder()
            var collection = new BusyBlockingCollection <int>();

            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 1, 2, 3 }, collection.GetConsumingEnumerable());
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the data feed for the specified job and algorithm
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler)
            if (!(job is LiveNodePacket))
                throw new ArgumentException("The LiveTradingDataFeed requires a LiveNodePacket.");

            if (algorithm.SubscriptionManager.Subscriptions.Count == 0 && algorithm.Universes.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new Exception("No subscriptions registered and no universe defined.");

            _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            _algorithm        = algorithm;
            _job              = (LiveNodePacket)job;
            _resultHandler    = resultHandler;
            _timeProvider     = GetTimeProvider();
            _dataQueueHandler = GetDataQueueHandler();

            _frontierTimeProvider = new ManualTimeProvider(_timeProvider.GetUtcNow());
            _customExchange       = new BaseDataExchange("CustomDataExchange")
                SleepInterval = 10
            // sleep is controlled on this exchange via the GetNextTicksEnumerator
            _exchange = new BaseDataExchange("DataQueueExchange", GetNextTicksEnumerator())
                SleepInterval = 0
            _subscriptions = new ConcurrentDictionary <SymbolSecurityType, Subscription>();

            Bridge = new BusyBlockingCollection <TimeSlice>();

            // run the exchanges

            // this value will be modified via calls to AddSubscription/RemoveSubscription
            var ffres = Time.OneSecond;

            _fillForwardResolution = Ref.Create(() => ffres, v => ffres = v);

            ffres = ResolveFillForwardResolution(algorithm);

            // add subscriptions
            var start = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow();

            foreach (var universe in _algorithm.Universes)
                var subscription = CreateUniverseSubscription(universe, start, Time.EndOfTime);
                _subscriptions[new SymbolSecurityType(subscription)] = subscription;
Esempio n. 8
 public void WaitForProcessingCompletedDuringGetConsumingEnumerable()
     var collection = new BusyBlockingCollection<int>();
     foreach (var item in collection.GetConsumingEnumerable())
Esempio n. 9
        public void WaitForProcessingCompletedDuringGetConsumingEnumerable()
            var collection = new BusyBlockingCollection <int>();

            foreach (var item in collection.GetConsumingEnumerable())
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Live trading datafeed handler provides a base implementation of a live trading datafeed. Derived types
        /// need only implement the GetNextTicks() function to return unprocessed ticks from a data source.
        /// This creates a new data feed with a DataFeedEndpoint of LiveTrading.
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler)
            if (!(job is LiveNodePacket))
                throw new ArgumentException("The LiveTradingDataFeed requires a LiveNodePacket.");
            _job = (LiveNodePacket)job;

            _isActive                = true;
            _algorithm               = algorithm;
            _resultHandler           = resultHandler;
            _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
            _universeSelection       = new UniverseSelection(this, algorithm, true);
            _dataQueue               = Composer.Instance.GetExportedValueByTypeName <IDataQueueHandler>(Configuration.Config.Get("data-queue-handler", "LiveDataQueue"));

            Bridge         = new BusyBlockingCollection <TimeSlice>();
            _subscriptions = new ConcurrentDictionary <SymbolSecurityType, LiveSubscription>();

            var periodStart = DateTime.UtcNow.ConvertFromUtc(algorithm.TimeZone).AddDays(-7);
            var periodEnd   = Time.EndOfTime;

            foreach (var security in algorithm.Securities.Values)
                var subscription = CreateSubscription(algorithm, resultHandler, security, periodStart, periodEnd);
                _subscriptions.AddOrUpdate(new SymbolSecurityType(subscription), subscription);

            // request for data from these symbols
            var symbols = BuildTypeSymbolList(algorithm.Securities.Values);

            if (symbols.Any())
                // don't subscribe if there's nothing there, this allows custom data to
                // work without an IDataQueueHandler implementation by specifying LiveDataQueue
                // in the configuration, that implementation throws on every method, but we actually
                // don't need it if we're only doing custom data
                _dataQueue.Subscribe(_job, symbols);
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the data feed for the specified job and algorithm
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler)
            if (!(job is LiveNodePacket))
                throw new ArgumentException("The LiveTradingDataFeed requires a LiveNodePacket.");

            _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            _algorithm = algorithm;
            _job = (LiveNodePacket) job;
            _resultHandler = resultHandler;
            _timeProvider = GetTimeProvider();
            _dataQueueHandler = GetDataQueueHandler();

            _frontierTimeProvider = new ManualTimeProvider(_timeProvider.GetUtcNow());
            _customExchange = new BaseDataExchange("CustomDataExchange") {SleepInterval = 10};
            // sleep is controlled on this exchange via the GetNextTicksEnumerator
            _exchange = new BaseDataExchange("DataQueueExchange", GetNextTicksEnumerator()){SleepInterval = 0};
            _subscriptions = new ConcurrentDictionary<SymbolSecurityType, Subscription>();

            Bridge = new BusyBlockingCollection<TimeSlice>();

            // run the exchanges

            // find the minimum resolution, ignoring ticks
            _fillForwardResolution = algorithm.SubscriptionManager.Subscriptions
                .Where(x => x.Resolution != Resolution.Tick)
                .Select(x => x.Resolution)
                .Union(algorithm.Universes.Select(x => x.SubscriptionSettings.Resolution))

            // add user defined subscriptions
            var start = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow();
            foreach (var kvp in _algorithm.Securities.OrderBy(x => x.Key.ToString()))
                var security = kvp.Value;
                AddSubscription(security, start, Time.EndOfTime, true);

            // add universe subscriptions
            foreach (var universe in _algorithm.Universes)
                var subscription = CreateUniverseSubscription(universe, start, Time.EndOfTime);
                _subscriptions[new SymbolSecurityType(subscription)] = subscription;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the data feed for the specified job and algorithm
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler,
                               IMapFileProvider mapFileProvider, IFactorFileProvider factorFileProvider,
                               IDataProvider dataProvider, IDataFeedSubscriptionManager subscriptionManager)
            if (!(job is LiveNodePacket))
                throw new ArgumentException("The LiveTradingDataFeed requires a LiveNodePacket.");

            _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            _algorithm         = algorithm;
            _job               = (LiveNodePacket)job;
            _resultHandler     = resultHandler;
            _timeProvider      = GetTimeProvider();
            _dataQueueHandler  = GetDataQueueHandler();
            _dataProvider      = dataProvider;
            _dataCacheProvider = new SingleEntryDataCacheProvider(dataProvider);

            _frontierTimeProvider = new ManualTimeProvider(_timeProvider.GetUtcNow());
            _customExchange       = new BaseDataExchange("CustomDataExchange")
                SleepInterval = 10
            // sleep is controlled on this exchange via the GetNextTicksEnumerator
            _exchange = new BaseDataExchange("DataQueueExchange")
                SleepInterval = 0
            _exchange.AddEnumerator(DataQueueHandlerSymbol, GetNextTicksEnumerator());
            _subscriptions = subscriptionManager.DataFeedSubscriptions;

            _bridge            = new BusyBlockingCollection <TimeSlice>();
            _universeSelection = subscriptionManager.UniverseSelection;

            // run the exchanges
            Task.Run(() => _exchange.Start(_cancellationTokenSource.Token));
            Task.Run(() => _customExchange.Start(_cancellationTokenSource.Token));

            // wire ourselves up to receive notifications when universes are added/removed
            var start = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow();

            algorithm.UniverseManager.CollectionChanged += (sender, args) =>
                switch (args.Action)
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
                    foreach (var universe in args.NewItems.OfType <Universe>())
                        var config = universe.Configuration;
                        var marketHoursDatabase = MarketHoursDatabase.FromDataFolder();
                        var exchangeHours       = marketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(config);

                        Security security;
                        if (!_algorithm.Securities.TryGetValue(config.Symbol, out security))
                            // create a canonical security object
                            security = new Security(exchangeHours, config, _algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook[CashBook.AccountCurrency], SymbolProperties.GetDefault(CashBook.AccountCurrency));

                        AddSubscription(new SubscriptionRequest(true, universe, security, config, start, Time.EndOfTime));

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
                    foreach (var universe in args.OldItems.OfType <Universe>())

                    throw new NotImplementedException("The specified action is not implemented: " + args.Action);
        public void IsNotBusyWithZeroItemsWaiting()
            var collection = new BusyBlockingCollection <int>();

 public void IsBusyWithItemsWaiting()
     var collection = new BusyBlockingCollection<int>();
 public void IsNotBusyWithZeroItemsWaiting()
     var collection = new BusyBlockingCollection<int>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the data feed for the specified job and algorithm
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler, IMapFileProvider mapFileProvider)
            if (!(job is LiveNodePacket))
                throw new ArgumentException("The LiveTradingDataFeed requires a LiveNodePacket.");

            if (algorithm.SubscriptionManager.Subscriptions.Count == 0 && algorithm.Universes.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new Exception("No subscriptions registered and no universe defined.");

            _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            _algorithm = algorithm;
            _job = (LiveNodePacket) job;
            _resultHandler = resultHandler;
            _timeProvider = GetTimeProvider();
            _dataQueueHandler = GetDataQueueHandler();

            _frontierTimeProvider = new ManualTimeProvider(_timeProvider.GetUtcNow());
            _customExchange = new BaseDataExchange("CustomDataExchange") {SleepInterval = 10};
            // sleep is controlled on this exchange via the GetNextTicksEnumerator
            _exchange = new BaseDataExchange("DataQueueExchange", GetNextTicksEnumerator()){SleepInterval = 0};
            _subscriptions = new ConcurrentDictionary<Symbol, Subscription>();

            Bridge = new BusyBlockingCollection<TimeSlice>();

            // run the exchanges

            // this value will be modified via calls to AddSubscription/RemoveSubscription
            var ffres = Time.OneSecond;
            _fillForwardResolution = Ref.Create(() => ffres, v => ffres = v);

            ffres = ResolveFillForwardResolution(algorithm);

            // add subscriptions
            var start = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow();
            foreach (var universe in _algorithm.Universes)
                var subscription = CreateUniverseSubscription(universe, start, Time.EndOfTime);
                _subscriptions[subscription.Security.Symbol] = subscription;
Esempio n. 17
        public void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler)
            if (algorithm.SubscriptionManager.Subscriptions.Count == 0 && algorithm.Universe == null)
                throw new Exception("No subscriptions registered and no universe defined.");

            _algorithm = algorithm;
            _resultHandler = resultHandler;
            _subscriptions = new ConcurrentDictionary<SymbolSecurityType, Subscription>();
            _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
            _universeSelection = new UniverseSelection(this, algorithm, false);

            IsActive = true;
            Bridge = new BusyBlockingCollection<TimeSlice>(100);

            // find the minimum resolution, ignoring ticks
            _fillForwardResolution = algorithm.SubscriptionManager.Subscriptions
                .Where(x => x.Resolution != Resolution.Tick)
                .Select(x => x.Resolution)

            // initialize the original user defined securities
            foreach (var security in _algorithm.Securities.Values)
                var subscription = CreateSubscription(resultHandler, security, algorithm.StartDate, algorithm.EndDate, _fillForwardResolution, true);
                if (subscription != null)
                    _subscriptions.AddOrUpdate(new SymbolSecurityType(security), subscription);

                    // prime the pump, run method checks current before move next calls
                    PrimeSubscriptionPump(subscription, true);
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the data feed for the specified job and algorithm
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler, IMapFileProvider mapFileProvider, IFactorFileProvider factorFileProvider)
            if (!(job is LiveNodePacket))
                throw new ArgumentException("The LiveTradingDataFeed requires a LiveNodePacket.");

            _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            _algorithm        = algorithm;
            _job              = (LiveNodePacket)job;
            _resultHandler    = resultHandler;
            _timeProvider     = GetTimeProvider();
            _dataQueueHandler = GetDataQueueHandler();

            _frontierTimeProvider = new ManualTimeProvider(_timeProvider.GetUtcNow());
            _customExchange       = new BaseDataExchange("CustomDataExchange")
                SleepInterval = 10
            // sleep is controlled on this exchange via the GetNextTicksEnumerator
            _exchange = new BaseDataExchange("DataQueueExchange")
                SleepInterval = 0
            _exchange.AddEnumerator(DataQueueHandlerSymbol, GetNextTicksEnumerator());
            _subscriptions = new SubscriptionCollection();

            _bridge            = new BusyBlockingCollection <TimeSlice>();
            _universeSelection = new UniverseSelection(this, algorithm, job.Controls);

            // run the exchanges
            Task.Run(() => _exchange.Start(_cancellationTokenSource.Token));
            Task.Run(() => _customExchange.Start(_cancellationTokenSource.Token));

            // this value will be modified via calls to AddSubscription/RemoveSubscription
            var ffres = Time.OneMinute;

            _fillForwardResolution = Ref.Create(() => ffres, v => ffres = v);

            // wire ourselves up to receive notifications when universes are added/removed
            var start = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow();

            algorithm.UniverseManager.CollectionChanged += (sender, args) =>
                switch (args.Action)
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
                    foreach (var universe in args.NewItems.OfType <Universe>())
                        if (!_subscriptions.Contains(universe.Configuration))
                            _subscriptions.TryAdd(CreateUniverseSubscription(universe, start, Time.EndOfTime));

                        // Not sure if this is needed but left here because of this:

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
                    foreach (var universe in args.OldItems.OfType <Universe>())

                    throw new NotImplementedException("The specified action is not implemented: " + args.Action);
Esempio n. 19
 public void IsBusyWithItemsWaiting()
     var collection = new BusyBlockingCollection<int>();
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the data feed for the specified job and algorithm
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler, IMapFileProvider mapFileProvider, IFactorFileProvider factorFileProvider)
            if (!(job is LiveNodePacket))
                throw new ArgumentException("The LiveTradingDataFeed requires a LiveNodePacket.");

            _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            _algorithm = algorithm;
            _job = (LiveNodePacket) job;
            _resultHandler = resultHandler;
            _timeProvider = GetTimeProvider();
            _dataQueueHandler = GetDataQueueHandler();

            _frontierTimeProvider = new ManualTimeProvider(_timeProvider.GetUtcNow());
            _customExchange = new BaseDataExchange("CustomDataExchange") {SleepInterval = 10};
            // sleep is controlled on this exchange via the GetNextTicksEnumerator
            _exchange = new BaseDataExchange("DataQueueExchange"){SleepInterval = 0};
            _exchange.AddEnumerator(DataQueueHandlerSymbol, GetNextTicksEnumerator());
            _subscriptions = new SubscriptionCollection();

            _bridge = new BusyBlockingCollection<TimeSlice>();
            _universeSelection = new UniverseSelection(this, algorithm, job.Controls);

            // run the exchanges
            Task.Run(() => _exchange.Start(_cancellationTokenSource.Token));
            Task.Run(() => _customExchange.Start(_cancellationTokenSource.Token));

            // this value will be modified via calls to AddSubscription/RemoveSubscription
            var ffres = Time.OneMinute;
            _fillForwardResolution = Ref.Create(() => ffres, v => ffres = v);

            // wire ourselves up to receive notifications when universes are added/removed
            var start = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow();
            algorithm.UniverseManager.CollectionChanged += (sender, args) =>
                switch (args.Action)
                    case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
                        foreach (var universe in args.NewItems.OfType<Universe>())
                            var config = universe.Configuration;
                            var marketHoursDatabase = MarketHoursDatabase.FromDataFolder();
                            var exchangeHours = marketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(config);

                            Security security;
                            if (!_algorithm.Securities.TryGetValue(config.Symbol, out security))
                                // create a canonical security object
                                security = new Security(exchangeHours, config, _algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook[CashBook.AccountCurrency], SymbolProperties.GetDefault(CashBook.AccountCurrency));

                            AddSubscription(new SubscriptionRequest(true, universe, security, config, start, Time.EndOfTime));

                            // Not sure if this is needed but left here because of this:

                    case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
                        foreach (var universe in args.OldItems.OfType<Universe>())

                        throw new NotImplementedException("The specified action is not implemented: " + args.Action);
Esempio n. 21
        public void IsNotBusyWithZeroItemsWaiting()
            var collection = new BusyBlockingCollection <int>();

Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Live trading datafeed handler provides a base implementation of a live trading datafeed. Derived types
        /// need only implement the GetNextTicks() function to return unprocessed ticks from a data source.
        /// This creates a new data feed with a DataFeedEndpoint of LiveTrading.
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler)
            if (!(job is LiveNodePacket))
                throw new ArgumentException("The LiveTradingDataFeed requires a LiveNodePacket.");
            _job = (LiveNodePacket)job;

            _isActive = true;
            _algorithm = algorithm;
            _resultHandler = resultHandler;
            _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
            _universeSelection = new UniverseSelection(this, algorithm, true);
            _dataQueue = Composer.Instance.GetExportedValueByTypeName<IDataQueueHandler>(Configuration.Config.Get("data-queue-handler", "LiveDataQueue"));

            Bridge = new BusyBlockingCollection<TimeSlice>();
            _subscriptions = new ConcurrentDictionary<SymbolSecurityType, LiveSubscription>();

            var periodStart = DateTime.UtcNow.ConvertFromUtc(algorithm.TimeZone).AddDays(-7);
            var periodEnd = Time.EndOfTime;
            foreach (var security in algorithm.Securities.Values)
                var subscription = CreateSubscription(algorithm, resultHandler, security, periodStart, periodEnd);
                _subscriptions.AddOrUpdate(new SymbolSecurityType(subscription),  subscription);

            // request for data from these symbols
            var symbols = BuildTypeSymbolList(algorithm.Securities.Values);
            if (symbols.Any())
                // don't subscribe if there's nothing there, this allows custom data to
                // work without an IDataQueueHandler implementation by specifying LiveDataQueue
                // in the configuration, that implementation throws on every method, but we actually
                // don't need it if we're only doing custom data
                _dataQueue.Subscribe(_job, symbols);
        public void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler, IMapFileProvider mapFileProvider)
            if (algorithm.SubscriptionManager.Subscriptions.Count == 0 && algorithm.Universes.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new Exception("No subscriptions registered and no universe defined.");

            _algorithm = algorithm;
            _resultHandler = resultHandler;
            _mapFileProvider = mapFileProvider;
            _subscriptions = new ConcurrentDictionary<Symbol, Subscription>();
            _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            IsActive = true;
            Bridge = new BusyBlockingCollection<TimeSlice>(100);

            var ffres = Time.OneSecond;
            _fillForwardResolution = Ref.Create(() => ffres, res => ffres = res);

            // find the minimum resolution, ignoring ticks
            ffres = ResolveFillForwardResolution(algorithm);

            // add each universe selection subscription to the feed
            foreach (var universe in _algorithm.Universes)
                var startTimeUtc = _algorithm.StartDate.ConvertToUtc(_algorithm.TimeZone);
                var endTimeUtc = _algorithm.EndDate.ConvertToUtc(_algorithm.TimeZone);
                AddUniverseSubscription(universe, startTimeUtc, endTimeUtc);
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the data feed for the specified job and algorithm
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler, IMapFileProvider mapFileProvider, IFactorFileProvider factorFileProvider)
            if (!(job is LiveNodePacket))
                throw new ArgumentException("The LiveTradingDataFeed requires a LiveNodePacket.");

            _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            _algorithm = algorithm;
            _job = (LiveNodePacket) job;
            _resultHandler = resultHandler;
            _timeProvider = GetTimeProvider();
            _dataQueueHandler = GetDataQueueHandler();

            _frontierTimeProvider = new ManualTimeProvider(_timeProvider.GetUtcNow());
            _customExchange = new BaseDataExchange("CustomDataExchange") {SleepInterval = 10};
            // sleep is controlled on this exchange via the GetNextTicksEnumerator
            _exchange = new BaseDataExchange("DataQueueExchange"){SleepInterval = 0};
            _exchange.AddEnumerator(DataQueueHandlerSymbol, GetNextTicksEnumerator());
            _subscriptions = new ConcurrentDictionary<Symbol, List<Subscription>>();

            _bridge = new BusyBlockingCollection<TimeSlice>();
            _universeSelection = new UniverseSelection(this, algorithm, job.Controls);

            // run the exchanges
            Task.Run(() => _exchange.Start(_cancellationTokenSource.Token));
            Task.Run(() => _customExchange.Start(_cancellationTokenSource.Token));

            // this value will be modified via calls to AddSubscription/RemoveSubscription
            var ffres = Time.OneMinute;
            _fillForwardResolution = Ref.Create(() => ffres, v => ffres = v);

            // wire ourselves up to receive notifications when universes are added/removed
            var start = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow();
            algorithm.UniverseManager.CollectionChanged += (sender, args) =>
                switch (args.Action)
                    case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
                        foreach (var universe in args.NewItems.OfType<Universe>())
                            _subscriptions.Add(universe.Configuration.Symbol, CreateUniverseSubscription(universe, start, Time.EndOfTime));

                    case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
                        foreach (var universe in args.OldItems.OfType<Universe>())

                        throw new NotImplementedException("The specified action is not implemented: " + args.Action);
Esempio n. 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the data feed for the specified job and algorithm
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler, IMapFileProvider mapFileProvider, IFactorFileProvider factorFileProvider)
            if (!(job is LiveNodePacket))
                throw new ArgumentException("The LiveTradingDataFeed requires a LiveNodePacket.");

            _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            _algorithm        = algorithm;
            _job              = (LiveNodePacket)job;
            _resultHandler    = resultHandler;
            _timeProvider     = GetTimeProvider();
            _dataQueueHandler = GetDataQueueHandler();

            _frontierTimeProvider = new ManualTimeProvider(_timeProvider.GetUtcNow());
            _customExchange       = new BaseDataExchange("CustomDataExchange")
                SleepInterval = 10
            // sleep is controlled on this exchange via the GetNextTicksEnumerator
            _exchange = new BaseDataExchange("DataQueueExchange")
                SleepInterval = 0
            _exchange.AddEnumerator(DataQueueHandlerSymbol, GetNextTicksEnumerator());
            _subscriptions = new ConcurrentDictionary <Symbol, Subscription>();

            _bridge            = new BusyBlockingCollection <TimeSlice>();
            _universeSelection = new UniverseSelection(this, algorithm, job.Controls);

            // run the exchanges
            Task.Run(() => _exchange.Start(_cancellationTokenSource.Token));
            Task.Run(() => _customExchange.Start(_cancellationTokenSource.Token));

            // this value will be modified via calls to AddSubscription/RemoveSubscription
            var ffres = Time.OneSecond;

            _fillForwardResolution = Ref.Create(() => ffres, v => ffres = v);

            ffres = ResolveFillForwardResolution(algorithm);

            // wire ourselves up to receive notifications when universes are added/removed
            var start = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow();

            algorithm.UniverseManager.CollectionChanged += (sender, args) =>
                switch (args.Action)
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
                    foreach (var universe in args.NewItems.OfType <Universe>())
                        _subscriptions[universe.Configuration.Symbol] = CreateUniverseSubscription(universe, start, Time.EndOfTime);

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
                    foreach (var universe in args.OldItems.OfType <Universe>())
                        Subscription subscription;
                        if (_subscriptions.TryGetValue(universe.Configuration.Symbol, out subscription))

                    throw new NotImplementedException("The specified action is not implemented: " + args.Action);
Esempio n. 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the data feed for the specified job and algorithm
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler, IMapFileProvider mapFileProvider, IFactorFileProvider factorFileProvider, IDataFileProvider dataFileProvider)
            if (!(job is LiveNodePacket))
                throw new ArgumentException("The LiveTradingDataFeed requires a LiveNodePacket.");

            _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            _algorithm        = algorithm;
            _job              = (LiveNodePacket)job;
            _resultHandler    = resultHandler;
            _timeProvider     = GetTimeProvider();
            _dataQueueHandler = GetDataQueueHandler();
            _dataFileProvider = dataFileProvider;

            _frontierTimeProvider = new ManualTimeProvider(_timeProvider.GetUtcNow());
            _customExchange       = new BaseDataExchange("CustomDataExchange")
                SleepInterval = 10
            // sleep is controlled on this exchange via the GetNextTicksEnumerator
            _exchange = new BaseDataExchange("DataQueueExchange")
                SleepInterval = 0
            _exchange.AddEnumerator(DataQueueHandlerSymbol, GetNextTicksEnumerator());
            _subscriptions = new SubscriptionCollection();

            _bridge            = new BusyBlockingCollection <TimeSlice>();
            _universeSelection = new UniverseSelection(this, algorithm, job.Controls);

            // run the exchanges
            Task.Run(() => _exchange.Start(_cancellationTokenSource.Token));
            Task.Run(() => _customExchange.Start(_cancellationTokenSource.Token));

            // this value will be modified via calls to AddSubscription/RemoveSubscription
            var ffres = Time.OneMinute;

            _fillForwardResolution = Ref.Create(() => ffres, v => ffres = v);

            // wire ourselves up to receive notifications when universes are added/removed
            var start = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow();

            algorithm.UniverseManager.CollectionChanged += (sender, args) =>
                switch (args.Action)
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
                    foreach (var universe in args.NewItems.OfType <Universe>())
                        var config = universe.Configuration;
                        var marketHoursDatabase = MarketHoursDatabase.FromDataFolder();
                        var exchangeHours       = marketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(config);

                        Security security;
                        if (!_algorithm.Securities.TryGetValue(config.Symbol, out security))
                            // create a canonical security object
                            security = new Security(exchangeHours, config, _algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook[CashBook.AccountCurrency], SymbolProperties.GetDefault(CashBook.AccountCurrency));

                        AddSubscription(new SubscriptionRequest(true, universe, security, config, start, Time.EndOfTime));

                        // Not sure if this is needed but left here because of this:

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
                    foreach (var universe in args.OldItems.OfType <Universe>())

                    throw new NotImplementedException("The specified action is not implemented: " + args.Action);
Esempio n. 27
 public void IsNotBusyWithZeroItemsWaiting()
     var collection = new BusyBlockingCollection<int>();