Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create context when the lesson starts
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateContext()
            //1. Get Page Context
            LessonPageContext objContext = new LessonPageContext();

            objContext.Path      = Request.Url.AbsolutePath.Replace("/default.aspx", "");
            objContext.StartTime = DateTime.Now;
            objContext.PageIndex = 0;

            PageContext.Current = objContext;

            //2. Get the bookmark, and change the current page index if bookmark exists
            if (!PageContext.Current.IsPreviewMode)
                BusinessServices.Toolbook objToolbook = new BusinessServices.Toolbook();

                string strBookmarkPageID = objToolbook.GetBookmark(objContext.SessionID);

                if (strBookmarkPageID != null)
                        objContext.PageIndex = objContext.FindPageIndex(strBookmarkPageID);
                    catch (ApplicationException)
                        // if a bookmark could not be found - ignore it.
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Page Load event
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This event fires when a user goes to a page. It is used to track a user’s progress through a lesson and determine when they have completed their training requirement.
 /// The event will call the Toolbook.RecordPageVisited method.
 /// </remarks>
 private void Page_Load()
     if (!PageContext.Current.IsPreviewMode)
         BusinessServices.Toolbook objToolbook = new BusinessServices.Toolbook();
         objToolbook.RecordPageVisited(PageContext.Current.SessionID, PageContext.Current.PageID);
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Quiz load event
 /// </summary>
 private void Quiz_Load()
     if (!PageContext.Current.IsPreviewMode)
         BusinessServices.Toolbook objToolbook = new BusinessServices.Toolbook();
         if (!objToolbook.StartQuiz(PageContext.Current.SessionID))
             //throw new Exception("Quiz has already been started");
Esempio n. 4
        }        //Lesson_OnLoad

        /// <summary>
        /// LessonPage_OnLoad
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sessionID">This is the session id that maps to the lesson that is currently loading</param>
        /// <param name="postData">This is the collection of http post data variables</param>
        private void LessonPage_OnLoad(SqlString sessionID, NameValueCollection postData)
            string strToolbookPageID;

            // Verify the necessary post parameters have been supplied
            strToolbookPageID = postData.Get("TBPageID");
            if (strToolbookPageID.Length == 0)
                    cm_strReturnCodeCriticalError                                                  // paramater 1 - ReturnCode
                    + cm_strDelimiter + "TBListener Error 1. Missing required parameter: TBPageID" // paramater 2 - Error Message

                BusinessServices.Toolbook objToolBook = new BusinessServices.Toolbook();
                if (objToolBook.RecordPageVisited(sessionID, strToolbookPageID))
                    // Normal condition -> tell TB "c_strReturnCodeOK", i.e. it can continue
                        cm_strReturnCodeOK                                              // paramater 1 - ReturnCode
                        + cm_strDelimiter + ""                                          // paramater 2 - Error Message
                    // Error condition
                        cm_strReturnCodeCriticalError                                                     // paramater 1 - ReturnCode
                        + cm_strDelimiter + "TBListener Error 15. " + ResourceManager.GetString("Error2") //"	// paramater 2 - Error Message
            catch (Exception ex)
                // log the error
                ErrorHandler.ErrorLog Error = new ErrorHandler.ErrorLog(ex);

                    cm_strReturnCodeCriticalError                               // paramater 1 - ReturnCode
                    + cm_strDelimiter + "TBListener Error 16. Unknown Error"    // paramater 2 - Error Message
        }         // LessonPage_OnLoad
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Lesson End event
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// A user can exit a lesson at any point by clicking on the Exit button.  Alternatively, when they reach the end of a lesson they will be presented with a screen indicating they have completed the lesson for the current module and provide a link to exit the lesson.  Any of these 2 actions will trigger the Lesson_OnExit event.
        /// The event will call the Toolbook.EndLessonSession method by passing the following parameters:
        ///		.Bookmark: The bookmark is the current page ID.
        ///					If they selected the Exit button on any page other than the last page the book mark parameter will be sent.
        ///					If the user selects to exit on the last page by pressing the exit button in the toolbar a bookmark parameter should not be sent to the SALT LMS as part of the event.
        ///		.Duration: The system needs to keep track of the duration of a lesson. The duration, in seconds as an integer needs to be supplied as part of the EndLessonSession method of objToolBook.
        /// </remarks>
        private void Lesson_End()
            if (!PageContext.Current.IsPreviewMode)
                    string bookmark;
                    if (!PageContext.Current.IsLastPage)
                        bookmark = PageContext.Current.PageID;
                        bookmark = null;

                    TimeSpan objTimeSpan = DateTime.Now.Subtract(PageContext.Current.StartTime);

                    BusinessServices.Toolbook objToolbook = new BusinessServices.Toolbook();
                    objToolbook.EndLessonSession(PageContext.Current.SessionID, objTimeSpan.Seconds, bookmark);

                    //obtain profileIDs for all profiles that have access to module and apply points
                    BusinessServices.Profile objProfile = new BusinessServices.Profile();
                    int       ModuleID     = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["ModuleID"].ToString());
                    int       UserID       = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["UserID"].ToString());
                    int       intCourseID  = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["CourseID"].ToString());
                    int       intProfileID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["ProfileID"].ToString());
                    DataTable dtProfiles   = objProfile.ProfilesWithModuleAccess(UserID, ModuleID);
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dtProfiles.Rows)
                        int ProfileID = int.Parse(dr["ProfileID"].ToString());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (ex.Message.ToLower().StartsWith("violation of primary key"))
                        throw ex;
Esempio n. 6
        }        //Lesson_OnExit

        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called when a Quiz is Loaded.
        /// It looks up various pieces of data from the Salt tables
        /// before returning them to the Toolbook application
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sessionID">This is the session id that maps to the lesson that is currently loading</param>
        /// <param name="postData">This is the collection of http post data variables</param>
        private void Quiz_OnLoad(string sessionID, NameValueCollection postData)
            string strToolbookID;               // the toolbook ID as per the toolbook application
            string strUserName;                 // the username
            int    intUserID;                   // User ID of the current User
            int    intModuleID;                 // Module ID that this quiz belongs to
            int    intQuizID;                   // QuizID that the user is currently sitting
            int    intPassMark;                 // The passmark for the quiz that the user is currently sitting
            int    intUnitID;                   // The unit ID of the current user
            bool   blnError;                    // Boolean flag indicating the presence of an error

            // Verify the necessary post parameters have been supplied
            strToolbookID = postData.Get("ToolbookID");
            if (strToolbookID.Length == 0)
                    cm_strReturnCodeCriticalError                                                        // paramater 1 - ReturnCode
                    + cm_strDelimiter + "TBListener Error 1. Missing required parameter: ToolbookID"     // paramater 2 - Error Message

            // toolbook object used to return necessary information below..
            BusinessServices.Toolbook objToolBook = new BusinessServices.Toolbook();

            // Get UserName and ID
            strUserName = objToolBook.GetUser(sessionID);
            intUserID   = objToolBook.GetUserIDBySessionID(sessionID);

            // Get Module ID and UserID to determine Access
            intModuleID = objToolBook.GetModuleIDBySessionID(sessionID);
            intUnitID   = objToolBook.GetUnitIDByUserID(intUserID);

            // Get Quiz ID, Number of Quiz Questions and PassMark
            intQuizID   = objToolBook.GetQuizIDBySessionID(sessionID);
            intPassMark = objToolBook.GetQuizPassMark(intUnitID, intModuleID);

            // Assume no errors to start with.
            blnError = false;

            // If no username
            if (strUserName.Length == 0)
                    + cm_strDelimiter
                    + "TBListener Error 5. The User Name could not be found"
                    + cm_strDelimiter
                    + m_strRootURL + cm_strErrorLocation
                    + "?errnum=5"
                blnError = true;

            // If no Quiz ID
            if (intQuizID <= 0)
                    + cm_strDelimiter
                    + "TBListener Error 6. The Quiz ID could not be found"
                    + cm_strDelimiter
                    + m_strRootURL + cm_strErrorLocation
                    + "?errnum=6"
                blnError = true;

            // If no module ID
            if (intModuleID <= 0)
                    + cm_strDelimiter
                    + "TBListener Error 8. The Module ID Could not be found"
                    + cm_strDelimiter
                    + m_strRootURL + cm_strErrorLocation
                    + "?errnum=8"
                blnError = true;

            // If no Unit ID
            if (intUnitID <= 0)
                    + cm_strDelimiter
                    + "TBListener Error 9. The Unit ID Could not be found"
                    + cm_strDelimiter
                    + m_strRootURL + cm_strErrorLocation
                    + "?errnum=9"
                blnError = true;
            // If no error has occurred
            if (!blnError)
                // Start the quiz
                if (objToolBook.StartQuiz(sessionID))
                    // Let Toolbook know that we have successfully started the quiz
                        cm_strReturnCodeOK                                                                      // paramater 1 - ReturnCode
                        + cm_strDelimiter + intPassMark                                                         // paramater 3 - PassMark
                        + cm_strDelimiter + strUserName                                                         // paramater 4 - User Name
                        + cm_strDelimiter + m_strRootURL + cm_strHomeLocation + "?SessionID=" + sessionID       // paramater 5 - Exit Home URL
                        + cm_strDelimiter + m_strRootURL + cm_strReportLocation + "?QuizSessionID=" + sessionID // paramater 6 - Exit Report URL
                        + cm_strDelimiter + m_strRootURL + cm_strErrorLocation                                  // paramater 7 - Error URL
                        + cm_strDelimiter + ""                                                                  // paramater 8 - Error Message
                        + cm_strDelimiter + ResourceManager.GetString("Error1")                         //"Please make sure you do not use your browser's backwards and forwards buttons. Navigate lessons and quizzes using the buttons in the bottom right hand corner."
                        + cm_strDelimiter + m_strRootURL + cm_strHomeLocation + "?errnum=2"             //cm_strErrorLocation
        }         // Quiz_OnLoad
Esempio n. 7
        }         // LessonPage_OnLoad

        /// <summary>
        /// Lesson_OnExit
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sessionID">This is the session id that maps to the lesson that is currently loading</param>
        /// <param name="postData">This is the collection of http post data variables</param>
        private void Lesson_OnExit(SqlString sessionID, NameValueCollection postData)
            int    iDuration;
            string strDuration, strBookmark;

            // Verify the necessary post parameters have been supplied
            strDuration = postData.Get("Duration");
            if (strDuration.Length == 0)
                    cm_strReturnCodeCriticalError                                                  // paramater 1 - ReturnCode
                    + cm_strDelimiter + "TBListener Error 1. Missing required parameter: Duration" // paramater 2 - Error Message

            // Check that Duration contains a numeric value
            if (IsInteger(strDuration))
                iDuration = Convert.ToInt32(strDuration);
                    cm_strReturnCodeCriticalError                                              // paramater 1 - ReturnCode
                    + cm_strDelimiter + "TBListener Error 1. Invalid parameter type: Duration" // paramater 2 - Error Message

            // Bookmark is optionial
            strBookmark = postData.Get("Bookmark");

                BusinessServices.Toolbook objToolBook = new BusinessServices.Toolbook();
                if (objToolBook.EndLessonSession(sessionID, iDuration, strBookmark))
                    // Normal condition -> tell TB "cm_strReturnCodeOK", i.e. it can continue
                        cm_strReturnCodeOK                                      // paramater 1 - ReturnCode
                        + cm_strDelimiter + ""                                  // paramater 2 - Error Message
                    // log the error
                    Exception             Ex    = new Exception("TBListener Error 17.  The lesson_OnExit event for session '" + (string)sessionID + "' has failed. One reason for this may be that the lesson has already ended and toolbook has firing the event twice. Except for this.");
                    ErrorHandler.ErrorLog Error = new ErrorHandler.ErrorLog(Ex, ErrorLevel.Medium, "ToolBookListener.aspx.cs", "lesson_OnExit", "TBListener Error 17. The Stored proc prcLessonSession_EndLesson returned false - indicating that it could not or has already finished this lesson");

                    // error condition -> TB is closing any way so no need to send a critical error, just advise user that there is a problem

                        cm_strReturnCodeNonCriticalError                                                  // paramater 1 - ReturnCode
                        + cm_strDelimiter + "TBListener Error 17. " + ResourceManager.GetString("Error3") //There was a problem recording the finishing of your lesson, details may not have been saved :-("	// paramater 2 - Error Message
            catch (Exception ex)
                // log the error
                ErrorHandler.ErrorLog Error = new ErrorHandler.ErrorLog(ex);
                    cm_strReturnCodeCriticalError                            // paramater 1 - ReturnCode
                    + cm_strDelimiter + "TBListener Error 18. Unknown Error" // paramater 2 - Error Message
        }        //Lesson_OnExit
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Lesson_OnLoad
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sessionID">This is the session id that maps to the lesson that is currently loading</param>
        /// <param name="postData">This is the collection of http post data variables</param>
        private void Lesson_OnLoad(SqlString sessionID, NameValueCollection postData)
                string    strPagesVisited = "";                         // List of pages already visited within this lesson
                string    strBookmark     = "";                         // Bookmarked page, if any
                string    strUsersName    = "";                         // User's full name
                DataTable dtbPagesVisitedResults;
                BusinessServices.Toolbook objToolBook = new BusinessServices.Toolbook();

                // TODO: any other validation including - dateExported, toolbookID

                // Validate that this lesson has not been started before (based on the guid)
                // it should have no date completed
                if (!objToolBook.StartLesson(sessionID))
                    //TODO: check this redirect : Response.Redirect(c_strHomeUrl);

                        cm_strReturnCodeCriticalError                                                             // paramater 1 - ReturnCode
                        + cm_strDelimiter + ResourceManager.GetString("Error1")                                   //"Please make sure you do not use your browser's backwards and forwards buttons. Navigate lessons and quizzes using the buttons in the bottom right hand corner."	// paramater 2 - Error Message
                        + cm_strDelimiter + m_strRootURL + cm_strHomeLocation + "?SessionID=" + (string)sessionID // paramater 3 - ExitURL

                // Get pages visited
                dtbPagesVisitedResults = objToolBook.GetPagesVisited(sessionID);
                foreach (DataRow objPageVisited in dtbPagesVisitedResults.Rows)
                    if (strPagesVisited.Length > 0)
                        strPagesVisited += ",";
                    strPagesVisited += objPageVisited["ToolBookPageID"].ToString();

                // Get any Bookmark
                strBookmark = objToolBook.GetBookmark(sessionID);

                // Get user's full name
                strUsersName = objToolBook.GetUser(sessionID);

                    cm_strReturnCodeOK                                                                        // paramater 1 - ReturnCode
                    + cm_strDelimiter + strPagesVisited                                                       // paramater 2 - Pages Visited
                    + cm_strDelimiter + strBookmark                                                           // paramater 3 - BookMark
                    + cm_strDelimiter + strUsersName                                                          // paramater 4 - UserName
                    + cm_strDelimiter + m_strRootURL + cm_strHomeLocation + "?SessionID=" + (string)sessionID // paramater 5 - ExitURL
                    + cm_strDelimiter + m_strRootURL + cm_strErrorLocation + "?errnum=14"                     // paramater 6 - ErrorURL
                    + cm_strDelimiter + ""                                                                    // paramater 7 - Error Message

                // scussfully started lesson
                //  - increase the session timeout
                Session.Timeout = 40;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //TODO: log this error
                    cm_strReturnCodeCriticalError                                            // paramater 1 - ReturnCode
                    + cm_strDelimiter + "TBListner Error 15. Unknown Error" + ex.Message     // paramater 2 - Error Message
                    + cm_strDelimiter + m_strRootURL + cm_strHomeLocation                    // paramater 3 - ExitURL
        }        //Lesson_OnLoad
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Quiz End event
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This event fires when a student clicks the “Submit answers” button on the last page. The event will
        ///		.Score: Calculate the score (Question number with correct answer/Total question number * 100)
        ///		.Duration: Calculate the duration of the testing.
        ///		.QuizQuestionAudit: Record quiz question audit.
        ///		.QuizAnswerAudit: Record quiz answer audit
        /// </remarks>
        public void Quiz_End()
            //certemail(956, 42, 0);
            if (!PageContext.Current.IsPreviewMode)
                    BusinessServices.Toolbook objToolbook = new BusinessServices.Toolbook();
                    NameValueCollection       nvcAnswers  = CurrentQuizContext.Answers;
                    DataTable endQuizInfo;
                    int       intUserID;
                    int       intQuizID;
                    int       intPassMark;
                    int       intUnitID;
                    int       intModuleID;
                    int       intQuizFrequency;
                    int       intOldCourseStatus;
                    int       intNewCourseStatus;
                    int       intNewQuizStatus;
                    int       intCourseID;
                    DateTime  dtmQuizCompletionDate;

                    foreach (string strKey in nvcAnswers.AllKeys)
                        objToolbook.CreateQuizQuestionAudit(PageContext.Current.SessionID, strKey);
                        objToolbook.CreateQuizAnswerAudit(PageContext.Current.SessionID, strKey, Convert.ToInt32(nvcAnswers[strKey]));

                    int      intScore    = objToolbook.GetQuizScore(PageContext.Current.SessionID);
                    TimeSpan objTimeSpan = DateTime.Now.Subtract(PageContext.Current.StartTime);


                    endQuizInfo = objToolbook.BeforeQuizEnd(PageContext.Current.SessionID, objTimeSpan.Seconds, intScore);

                    DataRow tmpRow = endQuizInfo.Rows[0];
                    intUserID        = Int32.Parse(tmpRow["UserID"].ToString());
                    intQuizID        = Int32.Parse(tmpRow["QuizID"].ToString());
                    intPassMark      = Int32.Parse(tmpRow["PassMark"].ToString());
                    intUnitID        = Int32.Parse(tmpRow["UnitID"].ToString());
                    intModuleID      = Int32.Parse(tmpRow["ModuleID"].ToString());
                    intQuizFrequency = tmpRow["QuizFrequency"] == null?Int32.Parse(tmpRow["QuizFrequency"].ToString()) : 0;

                    intOldCourseStatus = Int32.Parse(tmpRow["OldCourseStatus"].ToString());
                    intNewCourseStatus = Int32.Parse(tmpRow["NewCourseStatus"].ToString());
                    intNewQuizStatus   = Int32.Parse(tmpRow["NewQuizStatus"].ToString());
                    intCourseID        = Int32.Parse(tmpRow["CourseID"].ToString());
                    int intProfileID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["ProfileID"].ToString());
                    dtmQuizCompletionDate = (tmpRow["QuizCompletionDate"] == System.DBNull.Value ? DateTime.Parse("1/1/1900"): (DateTime)tmpRow["QuizCompletionDate"]);

                    endQuizInfo = objToolbook.EndQuizSession_UpdateTables(PageContext.Current.SessionID, objTimeSpan.Seconds, intScore, intUserID, intQuizID, intPassMark, intUnitID, intModuleID, intCourseID, intOldCourseStatus, intNewQuizStatus, intNewCourseStatus, intQuizFrequency, dtmQuizCompletionDate);
                    tmpRow      = endQuizInfo.Rows[0];
                    Boolean blnSendCert = (bool)tmpRow["sendcert"];
                    if (blnSendCert)
                        certemail(intUserID, intCourseID, intProfileID);

                    //obtain profileIDs for all profiles that have access to module and apply points
                    BusinessServices.Profile objProfile = new BusinessServices.Profile();
                    DataTable dtProfiles = objProfile.ProfilesWithModuleAccess(intUserID, intModuleID);
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dtProfiles.Rows)
                        int ProfileID = int.Parse(dr["ProfileID"].ToString());
                        ApplyProfilePoints(ProfileID, intNewQuizStatus, intModuleID, intUserID);
                    Session["CourseID"]           = intCourseID.ToString();
                    Session["CourseID_ProfileID"] = "CourseID=" + intCourseID.ToString() + "&ProfileID=" + intProfileID.ToString();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (ex.Message.ToLower().StartsWith("violation of primary key"))
                        //throw ex;
                        ErrorHandler.ErrorLog el = new ErrorHandler.ErrorLog(ex);

                Response.Redirect("/Reporting/QuizResult.aspx?QuizSessionID=" + PageContext.Current.SessionID);