Esempio n. 1
        public void certemail(int intUserID, int intCourseID, int intProfileID)
            int orgid;

            BusinessServices.User objUser = new BusinessServices.User();
            DataTable             dtUser  = objUser.GetUser(intUserID);

            Int32.TryParse(dtUser.Rows[0]["OrganisationID"].ToString(), out orgid);
            string username = dtUser.Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString();

            BusinessServices.AppConfig objAppConfig = new BusinessServices.AppConfig();
            DataTable dtbAppConfig = objAppConfig.GetList();
            string    strHostname  = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority.ToString();
            bool      isSSL        = bool.Parse(dtbAppConfig.Select("Name='SSL'")[0]["Value"].ToString());
            string    strUrl       = null;

            if (strHostname.ToLower().Equals(""))
                strUrl = "https://" + strHostname;
                strUrl = "http://" + strHostname;
            strUrl = "https://" + strHostname;
            OrganisationConfig objOrgConfig = new OrganisationConfig();
            string             strCss       = objOrgConfig.GetOne(orgid, "css");

            string pdfFileName = "cert_" + username + "_" + intCourseID.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".pdf";
            bool   status      = HtmlToPdf.WKHtmlToPdf(strUrl + @"/Certificate.aspx?courseid=" + intCourseID + "&profileid=" + intProfileID + "&userid=" + intUserID + "&orgid=" + orgid + "&css=" + strCss, pdfFileName);
            string filename    = "";

            if (status)
                filename = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["WorkingFolder"]) + "\\" + pdfFileName;
                ErrorLog objError = new ErrorLog(new Exception("Course completion certificate"), ErrorLevel.Medium, "DefaultQuiz.cs", "GenerateCourseCompletionCertificate", "Course completion certificate generation failed: " + pdfFileName);

            sendCertEmail(intUserID, intCourseID, orgid, filename);

                FileInfo fileinfo = new FileInfo(filename);
                if (fileinfo.Exists)
            catch (Exception e)
                ErrorLog objError = new ErrorLog(e, ErrorLevel.Medium, "DefaultQuiz.cs", "DeleteCourseCompletionCertificate", "Course completion certificate deletion failed: " + pdfFileName);
Esempio n. 2
		private string GetEmailBody(EmailReportType emailReportType)
			OrganisationConfig objOrgConfig = new OrganisationConfig();
			BusinessServices.AppConfig objAppConfig = new BusinessServices.AppConfig();
			string strEmailBody="";

			switch (emailReportType)
				case EmailReportType.Email_Incomplete_CPD_User:
					strEmailBody = objOrgConfig.GetOne(UserContext.UserData.OrgID,"Email_Incomplete_CPD_User");
				case EmailReportType.Email_Incomplete_CPD_Administrator:
					strEmailBody = objOrgConfig.GetOne(UserContext.UserData.OrgID,"Email_Incomplete_CPD_Administrator");
			} // switch

			// Get the application conffiguration details
			DataTable dtbAppConfig = objAppConfig.GetList();

			// Setup the email body
			foreach (DataRow drwAppConfig in dtbAppConfig.Rows)
				if (drwAppConfig.ItemArray[0].ToString().ToUpper()=="APPNAME")
					strEmailBody = strEmailBody.Replace("%APP_NAME%",drwAppConfig.ItemArray[1].ToString());
			strEmailBody = strEmailBody.Replace("<BR>",Environment.NewLine);
			return (strEmailBody);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Compiles the list of users to which the email should be sent,
        /// and attempts to send it to that list + anyone on the CC list
        /// + the current user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void btnSendEmail_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            string strUnitIDs = "";
            string strUserIDs = "";

            lblError.Text = "";

                // Get selected units
                BusinessServices.Unit objUnit = new  BusinessServices.Unit();
                string[] astrUnitIDs          = astrUnitIDs = objUnit.ReturnAdministrableUnitsByUserID(UserContext.UserID, UserContext.UserData.OrgID, trvUnitsSelector.GetSelectedValues());
                foreach (string strUnit in astrUnitIDs)
                    strUnitIDs += strUnit + ",";
                if (strUnitIDs.Length > 0)
                    strUnitIDs = strUnitIDs.Substring(0, strUnitIDs.Length - 1);

                // Get users
                DataTable dtbResults = new Email().GetUsersToEmail(UserContext.UserData.OrgID, strUnitIDs);
                foreach (DataRow drwUser in dtbResults.Rows)
                    strUserIDs += drwUser.ItemArray[0].ToString() + ",";
                if (strUserIDs.Length > 0)
                    strUserIDs = strUserIDs.Substring(0, strUserIDs.Length - 1);

                // Validate that the user has a valid recipient, subject and body.
                if (strUserIDs.Length > 0 && this.txtEmailSubject.Text.Length > 0 && this.txtEmailBody.Text.Length > 0)
                    // Config
                    BusinessServices.AppConfig objAppConfig = new BusinessServices.AppConfig();
                    DataTable dtbAppConfig = objAppConfig.GetList();
                    this.lblError.Text = "";

                    // Email setup
                    BusinessServices.User objUser = new BusinessServices.User();
                    DataTable             dtbCurrentUserDetails = objUser.GetUser(UserContext.UserID);
                    string strEmailFromName         = dtbCurrentUserDetails.Rows[0]["FirstName"].ToString() + " " + dtbCurrentUserDetails.Rows[0]["LastName"].ToString();
                    string strEmailFromEmail        = dtbCurrentUserDetails.Rows[0]["Email"].ToString();
                    string strEmailSubject          = this.txtEmailSubject.Text;
                    string strUsers                 = "\n\nSent To:";
                    BusinessServices.Email objEmail = new BusinessServices.Email();

                    // target users
                    string    strEmailToName    = "";
                    string    strEmailToEmail   = "";
                    DataTable dtbEmailAddresses = objUser.GetEmails(strUserIDs);
                    foreach (DataRow drwEmailAddress in dtbEmailAddresses.Rows)
                        strEmailToEmail = drwEmailAddress.ItemArray[3].ToString();
                        strEmailToName  = drwEmailAddress.ItemArray[0].ToString() + " " + drwEmailAddress.ItemArray[1].ToString();
                        int intUserId = Int32.Parse(drwEmailAddress.ItemArray[1].ToString());
                        objEmail.SetEmailBody(this.txtEmailBody.Text, intUserId, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
                        strEmailSubject = objEmail.emailHeaderSub(strEmailSubject);
                        objEmail.SendEmail(strEmailToEmail, strEmailToName, strEmailFromEmail, strEmailFromName, null, null, strEmailSubject, ApplicationSettings.MailServer, UserContext.UserData.OrgID, intUserId);

                        // accumulate user list to append to current user email
                        strUsers += "\n\t" + strEmailToName;

                    // CC list.
                    string strEmailCCName = "";
                    strUsers += "\n\nCC:";
                    foreach (string addr in this.txtCC.Text.Split(new char[] { ',', ';' }))
                        string strEmailCCEmail = addr.Trim();
                        if (strEmailCCEmail != "")
                                objEmail.SendEmail(strEmailCCEmail, strEmailCCName, strEmailFromEmail, strEmailFromName, null, null, strEmailSubject, ApplicationSettings.MailServer, UserContext.UserData.OrgID, 0);
                                strUsers += "\n\t" + strEmailCCEmail;
                            catch (Exception)
                                objEmail.SendEmail(strEmailFromEmail, strEmailFromName, strEmailFromEmail, strEmailFromName, null, null, "Error sending mail to CC recipient", ApplicationSettings.MailServer, UserContext.UserData.OrgID, UserContext.UserID);

                    // copy to Current user
                    objEmail.setUserCopyEmailBody(this.txtEmailBody.Text + strUsers);
                    objEmail.SendEmail(strEmailFromEmail, strEmailFromName, strEmailFromEmail, strEmailFromName, null, null, strEmailSubject, ApplicationSettings.MailServer, UserContext.UserData.OrgID, UserContext.UserID);

                    this.plhEditEmail.Visible = false;
                    this.plhComplete.Visible  = true;
                    lblError.Text          = ResourceManager.GetString("lblError.OneRecip");         //"To send an email you must have at least one recipient, an email subject and an email body.";
                    this.lblError.CssClass = "WarningMessage";
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Catch and throw error
                ErrorLog objError = new ErrorLog(ex, ErrorLevel.High, "EmailUsers.aspx.cs", "btnSendEmail_Click", "General error occurred attempting to send email");
                throw (ex);