Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 按钮事情真正执行
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ReceiptObject"></param>
        /// <param name="PreExcuteResult"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string Excute(VoucherProxy ReceiptObject, string PreExcuteResult)
            //Business business = ReceiptObject.Businesses["表体实体ID"]; //取表体实体
            //string str = business.Rows[0].Cells["列名称"].Value; //取表体第一行  某列的值

            ////增加少量数据可以通过修改实体的方式,但是这种方式会有性能问题,每次修改单元格 都会导致界面刷新。
            //Business subEntity = ReceiptObject.Businesses["U8CUSTDEF_0004_E002"];//子表实体 U8CUSTDEF_0004_E002是子表实体编号,可以在UAP中看到
            //for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            //    string rowKey = subEntity.AddRow(); //rowKey是行 主键值
            //    subEntity.Rows[rowKey].Cells["fQuantity"].Value = "1";
            //    subEntity.Rows[rowKey].Cells["fPrice"].Value = "1";
            //    subEntity.Rows[rowKey].Cells["fAmount"].Value = "1";
            //    subEntity.Rows[rowKey].Cells["cDetailMemo"].Value = "备注" + i.ToString();

            string sErr = "";

                SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_LoginInfo.UFDataSqlConStr);
                SqlTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction();

                    #region 读取数据
                    DataSet   ds    = ReceiptObject.GetData(false, false);
                    DataTable dtHad = ds.Tables[0];

                    DataTable dtDs = ds.Tables[1];

                    if (dtHad.Rows.Count == 0)
                        string msg = sGetLanguage("没有数据");
                        throw new Exception(msg);
                    //string year = dtHad.Rows[0]["iYear"].ToString();
                    //if (year == "")
                    //    string msg = sGetLanguage("请指定年");
                    //    throw new Exception(msg);

                    //string month = dtHad.Rows[0]["iPeriod"].ToString();
                    //if (month == "")
                    //    string msg = sGetLanguage("请指定月");
                    //    throw new Exception(msg);

                    dtHad.Rows[0]["dDate"] = _LoginInfo.LoginDate;

                    DateTime dtmLog = _LoginInfo.LoginDate;
                    int      year   = dtmLog.Year;
                    int      month  = dtmLog.Month;
                    //if (BaseFunction.ReturnInt(year) != _LoginInfo.LoginDate.Year || BaseFunction.ReturnInt(month) != _LoginInfo.LoginDate.Month)
                    //    string msg = sGetLanguage("登陆日期不正确");
                    //    throw new Exception(msg);

                    //string sCode = dtHad.Rows[0]["cCode"].ToString();
                    //if (sCode == "")
                    //    string msg = sGetLanguage("请选择单据");
                    //    throw new Exception(msg);
                    //string sAudit = dtHad.Rows[0]["cAuditor"].ToString();
                    //if (sAudit == "")
                    //    string msg = sGetLanguage("单据尚未审核");
                    //    throw new Exception(msg);

                    //string sSQL = "select isnull(bflag_AR,0) as bflag_AR from GL_mend where iyear = {0} and iperiod = {1}";
                    //sSQL = string.Format(sSQL, year, month);
                    //DataTable dtTemp = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                    //if (dtTemp != null && dtTemp.Rows.Count > 0 && BaseFunction.ReturnBool(dtTemp.Rows[0]["bflag_AR"]))
                    //    string msg = sGetLanguage("已经结账");
                    //    throw new Exception(msg);

                    #region 检查汇兑损益基础档案

                    string    sSQL  = @"
select * from TH_ArAp_Set
                    DataTable dtSet = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                    if (dtSet.Rows[0]["cDigest"].ToString().Trim() == "")
                        string msg = sGetLanguage("请设置摘要");
                        throw new Exception(msg);
                    if (dtSet.Rows[0]["cSign"].ToString().Trim() == "")
                        string msg = sGetLanguage("请设置凭证类别");
                        throw new Exception(msg);

                    if (dtSet.Rows[0]["Deptor"].ToString().Trim() == "" || dtSet.Rows[0]["Credit"].ToString().Trim() == "")
                        string msg = sGetLanguage("请设置会计科目");
                        throw new Exception(msg);


                    sSQL = @"
select cCode from TH_AR_HDSY where year(dDate) = {0} and month(dDate) = {1}
                    sSQL = string.Format(sSQL, year, month);
                    DataTable dt = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                    if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        string msg = sGetLanguage("当前期间已有数据");
                        throw new Exception(msg);

                    DateTime dtmStart = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(year + "-" + month + "-01");
                    DateTime dtmEnd   = dtmStart.AddMonths(1);

                    sSQL = @"
select  cexch_code,cexch_name from dbo.foreigncurrency  where iotherused = -1
                    DataTable dtLocal = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                    if (dtLocal.Rows.Count == 0)
                        string msg = sGetLanguage("未设置本币币种");
                        throw new Exception(msg);
                    string localExName = dtLocal.Rows[0]["cexch_name"].ToString();


                    Business subEntity = ReceiptObject.Businesses["TH170901_0002_E002"];


                    sSQL = @"
exec [_TH_Get_AR] '{0}'
                    sSQL = string.Format(sSQL, dtmLog.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                    DataTable dtDetails = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];


                    for (int i = 0; i < dtDetails.Rows.Count; i++)
                        // DataRow dr = dtSub.NewRow();
                        // dr["UAPAR001_0001_E001_PK"] = ReceiptObject.CurrentPKValue;  //必须给子表的外键 赋值,子表的外键值=主表的主键值
                        string rowKey = subEntity.AddRow();                                                                                  //rowKey是行 主键值

                        subEntity.Rows[rowKey].Cells["ctypename1"].Value  = sGetLanguage(dtDetails.Rows[i]["ctypename1"].ToString().Trim()); //单据类型
                        subEntity.Rows[rowKey].Cells["cvouchid1"].Value   = dtDetails.Rows[i]["cvouchid1"].ToString().Trim();                //业务单据号
                        subEntity.Rows[rowKey].Cells["dVouchDate1"].Value = dtDetails.Rows[i]["dVouchDate1"].ToString().Trim();              //单据日期
                        subEntity.Rows[rowKey].Cells["cDwCode"].Value     = dtDetails.Rows[i]["cDwCode"].ToString().Trim();                  //客户编码
                        subEntity.Rows[rowKey].Cells["cDwName"].Value     = dtDetails.Rows[i]["cDwName"].ToString().Trim();                  //客户名称
                        subEntity.Rows[rowKey].Cells["exchname"].Value    = dtDetails.Rows[i]["exchname"].ToString().Trim();                 //币种
                        subEntity.Rows[rowKey].Cells["iAmount_f1"].Value  = dtDetails.Rows[i]["iAmount_f1"].ToString().Trim();               //本期核销金额
                        subEntity.Rows[rowKey].Cells["dRate"].Value       = dtDetails.Rows[i]["dRate"].ToString().Trim();                    //汇率
                        subEntity.Rows[rowKey].Cells["HDSY"].Value        = dtDetails.Rows[i]["HDSY"].ToString().Trim();                     //汇兑损益



                    string sMsg = sGetLanguage("读取数据成功");

                catch (Exception ee)
                    throw new Exception(ee.Message);
            catch (Exception ee)
                return("<result><system result=\"false\" errinfo=\"" + ee.Message + "\"/></result>");   //返回false     不执行Excuted