protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.lbIdCard.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { BusAllInfo info = null; ArrayList infos = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <BusAllInfo>(" where c_idcard='" + this.lbIdCard.Text + "' and i_state=0"); if (infos.Count != 0) { info = infos[0] as BusAllInfo; info.RegAreaCode = this.cbRegArea.SelectedValue.ToString(); info.RegArea = this.txtRegArea.Text.Trim(); info.PostCode = this.txtPostCode.Text.Trim(); info.Phone = this.txtPhone.Text.Trim(); info.Height = this.txtHeight.Text.Trim(); info.Zsl = this.txtZsl.Text.Trim(); info.Ysl = this.txtYsl.Text.Trim(); info.Bsl = this.cbBsl.Text; info.Tl = this.cbTl.Text; info.Sz = this.cbSz.Text; info.Zxz = this.cbZxz.Text; info.Yxz = this.cbYxz.Text; info.Qgjb = this.cbQgjb.Text; info.CheckDate = this.txtCheckDate.Value; info.Hospital = this.txtHospital.Text; SimpleOrmOperator.Update(info); this.LogBus("进行体检信息录入", "进行" + this.lbIdCard.Text.Trim() + "的体检信息录入!"); this.btnPrintReturn.Enabled = true; this.btnQuitBus.Enabled = false; //this.btnPrintReturn.Enabled = true; } } }
protected void btnPrintReturn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = "select * from table_bus_all_info where c_idcard='" + this.lbIdCard.Text.Trim() + "' and i_state=0"; DataTable dt = FT.DAL.DataAccessFactory.GetDataAccess().SelectDataTable(sql, "tmpdb"); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { BusAllInfo info = new BusAllInfo(); info.Birthday = this.lbBrithday.Text; info.Dabh = this.lbDabh.Text; info.IdCard = this.lbIdCard.Text; info.IdCardType = this.lbIDCardType.Text; info.Nation = this.lbNation.Text; info.Sex = this.lbSex.Text; info.Xm = this.lbXm.Text; info.CarType = this.lbLearnCar.Text; info.CheckDate = this.lbCheckDay.Text; info.State = 0; info.Operator = this.Operator.OperatorName; info.Lsh = this.hidLsh.Value; info.IsPrintAdd = 1; FT.DAL.Orm.SimpleOrmOperator.Create(info); } else { sql = "update table_bus_all_info set I_PRINT_ADD=I_PRINT_ADD+1 where c_idcard='" + this.lbIdCard.Text.Trim() + "' and i_state=0"; FT.DAL.DataAccessFactory.GetDataAccess().ExecuteSql(sql); this.LogBus("补打回执单", "进行" + this.lbIdCard.Text.Trim() + "的补打回执单!"); } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BusAllInfo info = null; ArrayList infos = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <BusAllInfo>(" where c_idcard='" + this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim() + "' and i_state=0"); if (infos.Count != 0) { info = infos[0] as BusAllInfo; this.btnQuitBus.Enabled = true; this.hidLsh.Value = info.Lsh; } else { info = DriverInterface.GetFromUser(this.cbIdCardType.SelectedValue.ToString(), this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim(), this.txtDabh1.Text + this.txtDabh2); hidLsh.Value = info.Lsh; } this.lbBrithday.Text = info.Birthday; this.lbDabh.Text = info.Dabh; this.lbIdCard.Text = info.IdCard; this.lbIDCardType.Text = info.IdCardType; this.lbNation.Text = info.Nation; this.lbSex.Text = info.Sex; this.lbXm.Text = info.Xm; this.lbLearnCar.Text = info.CarType; this.lbCheckDay.Text = info.CheckDate; //this.lbDescription.Text this.imgPerson.ImageUrl = "../../ShowImage.aspx?idcard=" + this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim(); }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BusAllInfo info = null; ArrayList infos = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <BusAllInfo>(" where c_idcard='" + this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim() + "' and i_state=0"); if (infos.Count != 0) { info = infos[0] as BusAllInfo; this.btnPrintReturn.Enabled = true; this.cbRegArea.SelectedValue = info.RegAreaCode; this.txtRegArea.Text = info.RegArea; this.txtPostCode.Text = info.PostCode; this.txtPhone.Text = info.Phone; this.txtHeight.Text = info.Height; this.txtZsl.Text = info.Zsl; this.txtYsl.Text = info.Ysl; this.cbBsl.Text = info.Bsl; this.cbTl.Text = info.Tl; this.cbSz.Text = info.Sz; this.cbZxz.Text = info.Zxz; this.cbYxz.Text = info.Yxz; this.cbQgjb.Text = info.Qgjb; this.txtCheckDate.Value = info.CheckDate; this.txtHospital.Text = info.Hospital; this.hidLsh.Value = info.Lsh; if (this.txtRegArea.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { this.btnPrintReturn.Enabled = false; this.btnQuitBus.Enabled = true; } else { this.btnPrintReturn.Enabled = true; this.btnQuitBus.Enabled = false; } } else { WebTools.Alert(this, "请先受理该体检人!"); return; // info = DriverInterface.GetFromUser(this.cbIdCardType.SelectedValue.ToString(), this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim(), this.txtDabh1.Text + this.txtDabh2); //this.hidLsh.Value = info.Lsh; } this.lbBrithday.Text = info.Birthday; this.lbDabh.Text = info.Dabh; this.lbIdCard.Text = info.IdCard; this.lbIDCardType.Text = info.IdCardType; this.lbNation.Text = info.Nation; this.lbSex.Text = info.Sex; this.lbXm.Text = info.Xm; this.lbLearnCar.Text = info.CarType; this.lbCheckDay.Text = info.CheckDate; this.imgPerson.ImageUrl = "../../ShowImage.aspx?idcard=" + this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim(); }
protected void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.lbIdCard.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { string sql = "select * from table_bus_all_info where c_idcard='" + this.lbIdCard.Text.Trim() + "' and i_state=0"; DataTable dt = FT.DAL.DataAccessFactory.GetDataAccess().SelectDataTable(sql, "tmpdb"); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { BusAllInfo info = new BusAllInfo(); info.Birthday = this.lbBrithday.Text; info.Dabh = this.lbDabh.Text; info.IdCard = this.lbIdCard.Text; info.IdCardType = this.lbIDCardType.Text; info.Nation = this.lbNation.Text; info.Sex = this.lbSex.Text; info.Xm = this.lbXm.Text; info.CarType = this.lbLearnCar.Text; info.CheckDate = this.lbCheckDay.Text; info.State = 0; info.Operator = this.Operator.OperatorName; info.Lsh = this.hidLsh.Value; info.IsPrintAdd = 1; FT.DAL.Orm.SimpleOrmOperator.Create(info); this.LogBus("保存受理信息", "保存" + info.IdCard + "的受理信息!"); } else { sql = "update table_bus_all_info set I_PRINT_ADD=I_PRINT_ADD+1 where c_idcard='" + this.lbIdCard.Text.Trim() + "' and i_state=0"; FT.DAL.DataAccessFactory.GetDataAccess().ExecuteSql(sql); this.LogBus("补打申请表", "补打" + this.lbIdCard.Text.Trim() + "的申请表!"); } this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(222.GetType(), "print", "<script type='text/javascript'>printExcel();</script>"); //WebTools.WriteScript("PrintTemplate();"); ///TODO: 打印申请表并进行受理 } }