// Token: 0x06000D96 RID: 3478 RVA: 0x0005EADC File Offset: 0x0005CCDC public ItemBundlePopup(BundleUnityView bundleUnityView) { this._bundleUnityView = bundleUnityView; this.Title = bundleUnityView.BundleView.Name; this.Text = bundleUnityView.BundleView.Description; this.Width = 388; this.Height = 560 - GlobalUIRibbon.Instance.Height() - 10; this._lotteryItemGrid = new ShopItemGrid(bundleUnityView.BundleView.BundleItemViews, 0, 0); }
// Token: 0x06000D97 RID: 3479 RVA: 0x0005EB54 File Offset: 0x0005CD54 protected override void DrawPlayGUI(Rect rect) { GUI.color = ColorScheme.HudTeamBlue; float num = BlueStonez.label_interparkbold_18pt.CalcSize(new GUIContent(this.Title)).x * 2.5f; GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((rect.width - num) * 0.5f, -29f, num, 100f), HudTextures.WhiteBlur128); GUI.color = Color.white; GUITools.OutlineLabel(new Rect(0f, 10f, rect.width, 30f), this.Title, BlueStonez.label_interparkbold_18pt, 1, Color.white, ColorScheme.GuiTeamBlue.SetAlpha(0.5f)); GUI.Label(new Rect(30f, 35f, rect.width - 60f, 40f), this.Text, BlueStonez.label_interparkbold_13pt); int num2 = 288; int num3 = (this.Width - num2 - 6) / 2; int num4 = 323; GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect((float)num3, 75f, (float)num2, (float)num4), BlueStonez.item_slot_large); Rect rect2 = new Rect((float)((num2 - 282) / 2), (float)((num4 - 317) / 2), 282f, 317f); this._bundleUnityView.Image.Draw(rect2, false); this._lotteryItemGrid.Show = (rect2.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) || ApplicationDataManager.IsMobile); this._lotteryItemGrid.Draw(new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)num2, (float)num4)); GUI.EndGroup(); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(rect.width * 0.5f - 95f, rect.height - 42f, 20f, 20f), GUIContent.none, BlueStonez.button_left)) { AutoMonoBehaviour <SfxManager> .Instance.Play2dAudioClip(GameAudio.ButtonClick, 0UL, 1f, 1f); PopupSystem.HideMessage(this); BundleUnityView previousItem = Singleton <BundleManager> .Instance.GetPreviousItem(this._bundleUnityView); if (previousItem != null) { PopupSystem.Show(new ItemBundlePopup(previousItem)); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(rect.width * 0.5f + 75f, rect.height - 42f, 20f, 20f), GUIContent.none, BlueStonez.button_right)) { AutoMonoBehaviour <SfxManager> .Instance.Play2dAudioClip(GameAudio.ButtonClick, 0UL, 1f, 1f); PopupSystem.HideMessage(this); BundleUnityView nextItem = Singleton <BundleManager> .Instance.GetNextItem(this._bundleUnityView); if (nextItem != null) { PopupSystem.Show(new ItemBundlePopup(nextItem)); } } GUI.enabled = (!this._bundleUnityView.IsOwned && this._bundleUnityView.IsValid && GUITools.SaveClickIn(1f)); this.BuyButton(rect, this._bundleUnityView); GUI.enabled = true; }
// Token: 0x06000BC5 RID: 3013 RVA: 0x0004D328 File Offset: 0x0004B528 private void BuyButton(Rect position, BundleUnityView bundleUnityView) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(81f, 51f, position.width - 110f, 20f), new GUIContent(bundleUnityView.CurrencySymbol + bundleUnityView.Price, "Buy the " + bundleUnityView.BundleView.Name + " pack."), BlueStonez.buttongold_medium)) { GUITools.Clicked(); if (ApplicationDataManager.Channel == ChannelType.Steam) { Singleton <BundleManager> .Instance.BuyBundle(bundleUnityView); } else { PopupSystem.ClearAll(); PopupSystem.ShowMessage("Purchase Failed", "Sorry, only Steam players can purchase credit bundles.", PopupSystem.AlertType.OK); } } }
// Token: 0x06001298 RID: 4760 RVA: 0x0006EB94 File Offset: 0x0006CD94 public BundleUnityView GetPreviousItem(BundleUnityView currentItem) { List <BundleUnityView> list = new List <BundleUnityView>(this.AllItemBundles); if (list.Count <= 0) { return(currentItem); } int num = list.FindIndex((BundleUnityView i) => i == currentItem); if (num < 0) { return(list[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, list.Count)]); } int index = (num - 1 + list.Count) % list.Count; return(list[index]); }
// Token: 0x06000BC4 RID: 3012 RVA: 0x0004D1E8 File Offset: 0x0004B3E8 private void DrawPackSlot(Rect position, BundleUnityView bundleUnityView) { int id = bundleUnityView.BundleView.Id; bool flag = position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition); if (!this._alpha.ContainsKey(id)) { this._alpha[id] = 0f; } this._alpha[id] = Mathf.Lerp(this._alpha[id], (float)((!flag) ? 0 : 1), Time.deltaTime * (float)((!flag) ? 10 : 3)); GUI.BeginGroup(position); GUI.Label(new Rect(2f, 2f, position.width - 4f, 79f), GUIContent.none, BlueStonez.gray_background); bundleUnityView.Icon.Draw(new Rect(4f, 4f, 75f, 75f), false); GUI.Label(new Rect(81f, 0f, position.width - 80f, 44f), bundleUnityView.BundleView.Name, BlueStonez.label_interparkbold_13pt_left); GUI.enabled = GUITools.SaveClickIn(1f); this.BuyButton(position, bundleUnityView); GUI.enabled = true; GUI.EndGroup(); }
// Token: 0x06001295 RID: 4757 RVA: 0x0006E9EC File Offset: 0x0006CBEC public void BuyBundle(BundleUnityView bundle) { Debug.Log("Trying to buy bundle with id id: " + bundle.BundleView.Id.ToString()); int id = bundle.BundleView.Id; string steamId = PlayerDataManager.SteamId; string authToken = PlayerDataManager.AuthToken; ShopWebServiceClient.BuyBundleSteam(id, steamId, authToken, delegate(bool success) { if (!success) { Debug.Log("Starting steam payment failed! (Handled WS Error)"); PopupSystem.ClearAll(); PopupSystem.ShowMessage("Purchase Failed", "Sorry, there was a problem processing your payment. Please visit support.uberstrike.com for help.", PopupSystem.AlertType.OK); } }, delegate(Exception ex) { Debug.Log(ex.Message); PopupSystem.ClearAll(); PopupSystem.ShowMessage("Purchase Failed", "Sorry, there was a problem processing your payment. Please visit support.uberstrike.com for help.", PopupSystem.AlertType.OK); }); this._appStorePopup = (PopupSystem.ShowMessage("In App Purchase", "Purchasing, please wait...", PopupSystem.AlertType.None) as BasePopupDialog); UnityRuntime.StartRoutine(this.StartCancelDialogTimer()); }
// Token: 0x06000D98 RID: 3480 RVA: 0x00003C87 File Offset: 0x00001E87 private void BuyButton(Rect position, BundleUnityView bundleUnityView) { }