static void insertDataTable(DataTable dt, string tableName) { try { if (OpenConnection() == true) { using (BulkOperation bulk = new BulkOperation(conn)) { bulk.DestinationTableName = tableName; bulk.BulkMerge(dt); } CloseConnection(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Ex raised at insertDataTable function: " + ex.Message); } }
public static TimeSpan Insert(List <Temporary_LoadTestForTransactionBulkInsert> trx) { var timer = new Stopwatch(); using var context = new YourContext(); var bulk = new BulkOperation <Temporary_LoadTestForTransactionBulkInsert>(context.Database.GetDbConnection()); if (bulk.Connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { bulk.Connection.Open(); } timer.Start(); bulk.ColumnInputExpression = c => new { c.Amount, c.BonusId, c.CreationTime, c.CurrencyId, c.DeviceType, c.GameId, c.OperationType, c.OriginalTxId, c.Rake, c.RoundId, c.WinType, c.SessionId, c.ProviderTransactionId, c.PlayerId }; bulk.ColumnOutputExpression = c => c.Id; bulk.BulkMerge(trx); timer.Stop(); return(timer.Elapsed); }
/// <summary>Executes this object.</summary> public void Execute() { if (IsExecuted) { return; } if (DataSource == null) { IsExecuted = true; return; } var bulkOperation = new BulkOperation { Connection = (DbConnection)Connection }; var mapperKey = ""; var enumerableDataSource = DataSource as IEnumerable <object>; if (enumerableDataSource != null) { var first = enumerableDataSource.FirstOrDefault(); if (first == null) { IsExecuted = true; return; } var enumerableFirst = first as IEnumerable <object>; if (enumerableFirst != null) { // List<List<Entity>> var list = enumerableDataSource.Where(x => x != null).Cast <IEnumerable <object> >().SelectMany(x => x).ToList(); var firstElement = list[0]; // GET mapper key mapperKey = DapperPlusManager.GetFullMapperKey(firstElement.GetType(), Key); // Convert DataSource to List<Entity> var castMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod("Cast"); castMethod = castMethod.MakeGenericMethod(firstElement.GetType()); var toListMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod("ToList"); toListMethod = toListMethod.MakeGenericMethod(firstElement.GetType()); var obj = castMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { list }); obj = toListMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { obj }); DataSource = obj; } else if (DataSource.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0] == typeof(object)) { // List<object> => List<Entity> var type = first.GetType(); // GET mapper key mapperKey = DapperPlusManager.GetFullMapperKey(type, Key); // Convert DataSource to List<Entity> var castMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod("Cast"); castMethod = castMethod.MakeGenericMethod(type); var toListMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod("ToList"); toListMethod = toListMethod.MakeGenericMethod(type); var obj = castMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { DataSource }); obj = toListMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { obj }); DataSource = obj; } else { // List<Entity> // GET mapper key mapperKey = DapperPlusManager.GetFullMapperKey(first.GetType(), Key); } } else { // item // GET mapper key mapperKey = DapperPlusManager.GetFullMapperKey(DataSource.GetType(), Key); // CREATE list var list = new List <object> { DataSource }; // Convert List<object> to List<Entity> var castMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod("Cast"); castMethod = castMethod.MakeGenericMethod(DataSource.GetType()); var toListMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod("ToList"); toListMethod = toListMethod.MakeGenericMethod(DataSource.GetType()); var obj = castMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { list }); obj = toListMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { obj }); DataSource = obj; } DapperPlusEntityMapper config; if (!DapperPlusManager.MapperCache.TryGetValue(mapperKey, out config)) { var elementType = DataSource.GetType().GetElementType(); var constructor = typeof(DapperPlusEntityMapper <>).MakeGenericType(elementType).GetConstructor(new Type[0]); config = (DapperPlusEntityMapper)constructor.Invoke(new object[0]); } bulkOperation.DataSource = DataSource; bulkOperation.AllowDuplicateKeys = true; bulkOperation.CaseSensitive = CaseSensitiveType.DestinationInsensitive; if (Kind == DapperPlusActionKind.Insert) { ApplyConfig(bulkOperation, config._configInsert); bulkOperation.BulkInsert(); } else if (Kind == DapperPlusActionKind.Update) { ApplyConfig(bulkOperation, config._configInsert); bulkOperation.BulkUpdate(); } else if (Kind == DapperPlusActionKind.Delete) { ApplyConfig(bulkOperation, config._configInsert); bulkOperation.BulkDelete(); } else if (Kind == DapperPlusActionKind.Merge) { ApplyConfig(bulkOperation, config._configInsert); bulkOperation.BulkMerge(); } IsExecuted = true; }
/// <summary>Executes this object.</summary> public void Execute() { if (IsExecuted) return; if (DataSource == null) { IsExecuted = true; return; } var bulkOperation = new BulkOperation { Connection = (DbConnection) Connection }; var mapperKey = ""; var enumerableDataSource = DataSource as IEnumerable<object>; if (enumerableDataSource != null) { var first = enumerableDataSource.FirstOrDefault(); if (first == null) { IsExecuted = true; return; } var enumerableFirst = first as IEnumerable<object>; if (enumerableFirst != null) { // List<List<Entity>> var list = enumerableDataSource.Where(x => x != null).Cast<IEnumerable<object>>().SelectMany(x => x).ToList(); var firstElement = list[0]; // GET mapper key mapperKey = DapperPlusManager.GetFullMapperKey(firstElement.GetType(), Key); // Convert DataSource to List<Entity> var castMethod = typeof (Enumerable).GetMethod("Cast"); castMethod = castMethod.MakeGenericMethod(firstElement.GetType()); var toListMethod = typeof (Enumerable).GetMethod("ToList"); toListMethod = toListMethod.MakeGenericMethod(firstElement.GetType()); var obj = castMethod.Invoke(null, new[] {list}); obj = toListMethod.Invoke(null, new[] {obj}); DataSource = obj; } else if (DataSource.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0] == typeof (object)) { // List<object> => List<Entity> var type = first.GetType(); // GET mapper key mapperKey = DapperPlusManager.GetFullMapperKey(type, Key); // Convert DataSource to List<Entity> var castMethod = typeof (Enumerable).GetMethod("Cast"); castMethod = castMethod.MakeGenericMethod(type); var toListMethod = typeof (Enumerable).GetMethod("ToList"); toListMethod = toListMethod.MakeGenericMethod(type); var obj = castMethod.Invoke(null, new[] {DataSource}); obj = toListMethod.Invoke(null, new[] {obj}); DataSource = obj; } else { // List<Entity> // GET mapper key mapperKey = DapperPlusManager.GetFullMapperKey(first.GetType(), Key); } } else { // item // GET mapper key mapperKey = DapperPlusManager.GetFullMapperKey(DataSource.GetType(), Key); // CREATE list var list = new List<object> {DataSource}; // Convert List<object> to List<Entity> var castMethod = typeof (Enumerable).GetMethod("Cast"); castMethod = castMethod.MakeGenericMethod(DataSource.GetType()); var toListMethod = typeof (Enumerable).GetMethod("ToList"); toListMethod = toListMethod.MakeGenericMethod(DataSource.GetType()); var obj = castMethod.Invoke(null, new[] {list}); obj = toListMethod.Invoke(null, new[] {obj}); DataSource = obj; } DapperPlusEntityMapper config; if (!DapperPlusManager.MapperCache.TryGetValue(mapperKey, out config)) { var elementType = DataSource.GetType().GetElementType(); var constructor = typeof (DapperPlusEntityMapper<>).MakeGenericType(elementType).GetConstructor(new Type[0]); config = (DapperPlusEntityMapper) constructor.Invoke(new object[0]); } bulkOperation.DataSource = DataSource; bulkOperation.AllowDuplicateKeys = true; bulkOperation.CaseSensitive = CaseSensitiveType.DestinationInsensitive; if (Kind == DapperPlusActionKind.Insert) { ApplyConfig(bulkOperation, config._configInsert); bulkOperation.BulkInsert(); } else if (Kind == DapperPlusActionKind.Update) { ApplyConfig(bulkOperation, config._configInsert); bulkOperation.BulkUpdate(); } else if (Kind == DapperPlusActionKind.Delete) { ApplyConfig(bulkOperation, config._configInsert); bulkOperation.BulkDelete(); } else if (Kind == DapperPlusActionKind.Merge) { ApplyConfig(bulkOperation, config._configInsert); bulkOperation.BulkMerge(); } IsExecuted = true; }
/// <summary>Executes this object.</summary> public void Execute() { if (IsExecuted) { return; } if (DataSource == null) { IsExecuted = true; return; } var bulkOperation = new BulkOperation { Connection = (DbConnection)Connection }; var mapperKey = ""; var enumerableDataSource = DataSource as IEnumerable <object>; if (enumerableDataSource != null) { var first = enumerableDataSource.FirstOrDefault(); if (first == null) { IsExecuted = true; return; } var enumerableFirst = first as IEnumerable <object>; if (enumerableFirst != null) { // List<List<Entity>> var list = enumerableDataSource.Where(x => x != null).Cast <IEnumerable <object> >().SelectMany(x => x).ToList(); var firstElement = list[0]; // GET mapper key mapperKey = DapperPlusManager.GetFullMapperKey(firstElement.GetType(), Key); // Convert DataSource to List<Entity> var castMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod("Cast"); castMethod = castMethod.MakeGenericMethod(firstElement.GetType()); var toListMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod("ToList"); toListMethod = toListMethod.MakeGenericMethod(firstElement.GetType()); var obj = castMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { list }); obj = toListMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { obj }); DataSource = obj; } else if (DataSource.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0] == typeof(object)) { // List<object> => List<Entity> var type = first.GetType(); // GET mapper key mapperKey = DapperPlusManager.GetFullMapperKey(type, Key); // Convert DataSource to List<Entity> var castMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod("Cast"); castMethod = castMethod.MakeGenericMethod(type); var toListMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod("ToList"); toListMethod = toListMethod.MakeGenericMethod(type); var obj = castMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { DataSource }); obj = toListMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { obj }); DataSource = obj; } else { // List<Entity> // GET mapper key mapperKey = DapperPlusManager.GetFullMapperKey(first.GetType(), Key); } } else { // item // GET mapper key mapperKey = DapperPlusManager.GetFullMapperKey(DataSource.GetType(), Key); // CREATE list var list = new List <object> { DataSource }; // Convert List<object> to List<Entity> var castMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod("Cast"); castMethod = castMethod.MakeGenericMethod(DataSource.GetType()); var toListMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod("ToList"); toListMethod = toListMethod.MakeGenericMethod(DataSource.GetType()); var obj = castMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { list }); obj = toListMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { obj }); DataSource = obj; } DapperPlusEntityMapper config; if (!DapperPlusManager.MapperCache.TryGetValue(mapperKey, out config)) { // CHECK for Entity Framework Proxy Type if (mapperKey.StartsWith("zzz_proxy;")) { var mapperProxy = new List <DapperPlusEntityMapper>(); // Try to find if one mapping could correspond foreach (var keyValue in DapperPlusManager.MapperCache) { var key = keyValue.Key; var prefix = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Key) ? "zzz_null" : Key; // MUST start with the same suffix if (!key.StartsWith(prefix)) { continue; } var suffix = key.Split('.').Last().Split('+').Last(); var mapperSuffix = mapperKey.Split(';').Last(); if (suffix.Length < 20) { // MUST BE Equal if (suffix != mapperSuffix) { continue; } } else { // MUST START with same name but only one! if (!suffix.StartsWith(mapperSuffix)) { continue; } } mapperProxy.Add(keyValue.Value); } if (mapperProxy.Count == 1) { config = mapperProxy[0]; } } if (config == null) { if (DapperPlusManager.ThrowErrorIfNotMapped) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("Mapping Not Found!"); sb.AppendLine("Current MapperKey: " + mapperKey); sb.AppendLine("Possible Mapping:"); foreach (var keyValue in DapperPlusManager.MapperCache) { sb.AppendLine(" - " + keyValue.Key); } throw new Exception(sb.ToString()); } else { var type = DataSource.GetType(); var elementType = type.GetGenericArguments()[0]; var constructor = typeof(DapperPlusEntityMapper <>).MakeGenericType(elementType).GetConstructor(new Type[0]); config = (DapperPlusEntityMapper)constructor.Invoke(new object[0]); } } } bulkOperation._isDapperPlus = true; bulkOperation.DataSource = DataSource; bulkOperation.AllowDuplicateKeys = true; bulkOperation.CaseSensitive = CaseSensitiveType.DestinationInsensitive; if (Kind == DapperPlusActionKind.Insert) { ApplyConfig(bulkOperation, config._configInsert); bulkOperation.BulkInsert(); } else if (Kind == DapperPlusActionKind.Update) { ApplyConfig(bulkOperation, config._configInsert); bulkOperation.BulkUpdate(); } else if (Kind == DapperPlusActionKind.Delete) { ApplyConfig(bulkOperation, config._configInsert); bulkOperation.BulkDelete(); } else if (Kind == DapperPlusActionKind.Merge) { ApplyConfig(bulkOperation, config._configInsert); bulkOperation.BulkMerge(); } IsExecuted = true; }