/// <summary>
        /// Creates RBAC role assignments for the virtual machine service principal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="virtualMachine">The virtual machine.</param>
        /// <return>An observable that emits the created role assignments.</return>
        private async Task <List <Microsoft.Azure.Management.Graph.RBAC.Fluent.IRoleAssignment> > CreateRbacRoleAssignmentsAsync(IVirtualMachine virtualMachine, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            List <IRoleAssignment> roleAssignments = new List <IRoleAssignment>();

            if (!this.rolesToAssign.Any() &&
            var servicePrincipal = await rbacManager.ServicePrincipals.GetByIdAsync(virtualMachine.Inner.Identity.PrincipalId, cancellationToken);

            await ResolveCurrentResourceGroupScopeAsync(virtualMachine);

            var roleAssignments1 = await Task.WhenAll(rolesToAssign.Values.Select(async(scopeAndRole) =>
                BuiltInRole role = scopeAndRole.Item2;
                string scope     = scopeAndRole.Item1;
                return(await CreateRbacRoleAssignmentIfNotExistsAsync(servicePrincipal, role.ToString(), scope, true, cancellationToken));


            var roleAssignments2 = await Task.WhenAll(roleDefinitionsToAssign.Values.Select(async(scopeAndRole) =>
                string roleDefinition = scopeAndRole.Item2;
                string scope          = scopeAndRole.Item1;
                return(await CreateRbacRoleAssignmentIfNotExistsAsync(servicePrincipal, roleDefinition, scope, false, cancellationToken));


            return(roleAssignments.FindAll(roleAssignment => roleAssignment != null));
 internal static void ValidateBuiltInRoleEnumValue(BuiltInRole testMe, string parameterName)
     if (((((((((testMe != BuiltInRole.AccountOperator) && (testMe != BuiltInRole.Administrator)) && (testMe != BuiltInRole.BackupOperator)) && (testMe != BuiltInRole.Guest)) && (testMe != BuiltInRole.PowerUser)) && (testMe != BuiltInRole.PrintOperator)) && (testMe != BuiltInRole.Replicator)) && (testMe != BuiltInRole.SystemOperator)) && (testMe != BuiltInRole.User))
         throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(parameterName, (int) testMe, typeof(BuiltInRole));
        private static IServicePrincipal CreateServicePrincipalWithRoleForApplicationAndExportToFile(
            Azure.IAuthenticated authenticated,
            IActiveDirectoryApplication activeDirectoryApplication,
            BuiltInRole role,
            string subscriptionId,
            string authFilePath)
            Utilities.Log("Creating Service Principal...");
            string name = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("sp-sample", 20);
            //create a self-sighed certificate
            string      domainName   = name + ".com";
            string      certPassword = Utilities.CreatePassword();
            Certificate certificate  = Certificate.CreateSelfSigned(domainName, certPassword);

            // create  a Service Principal and assign it to a subscription with the role Contributor
                   // password credentials definition
                   // certificate credentials definition
                   // export the credentials to the file
                   .WithAuthFileToExport(new StreamWriter(new FileStream(authFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)))
                   .WithNewRoleInSubscription(role, subscriptionId)
 internal static void ValidateBuiltInRoleEnumValue(BuiltInRole testMe, string parameterName)
     if (((((((((testMe != BuiltInRole.AccountOperator) && (testMe != BuiltInRole.Administrator)) && (testMe != BuiltInRole.BackupOperator)) && (testMe != BuiltInRole.Guest)) && (testMe != BuiltInRole.PowerUser)) && (testMe != BuiltInRole.PrintOperator)) && (testMe != BuiltInRole.Replicator)) && (testMe != BuiltInRole.SystemOperator)) && (testMe != BuiltInRole.User))
         throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(parameterName, (int)testMe, typeof(BuiltInRole));
        /// <summary>
        /// Specifies that applications running on the virtual machine requires the given access role
        /// with scope of access limited to the arm resource identified by the resource id specified
        /// in the scope parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scope">Scope of the access represented in arm resource id format.</param>
        /// <param name="asRole">Access role to assigned to the virtual machine.</param>
        /// <return>VirtualMachineMsiHelper.</return>
        internal VirtualMachineMsiHelper WithRoleBasedAccessTo(string scope, BuiltInRole asRole)
            this.requireSetup = true;
            string key = scope.ToLower() + "_" + asRole.ToString().ToLower();

            if (!this.rolesToAssign.ContainsKey(key))
                this.rolesToAssign.Add(key, new System.Tuple <string, BuiltInRole>(scope, asRole));
 public bool IsInRole(BuiltInRole role)
     ValidateBuiltInRoleEnumValue(role, "role");
     TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(BuiltInRole));
     if (this.IsWindowsPrincipal())
         WindowsBuiltInRole role2 = (WindowsBuiltInRole) converter.ConvertTo(role, typeof(WindowsBuiltInRole));
         return ((WindowsPrincipal) this.InternalPrincipal).IsInRole(role2);
     return this.InternalPrincipal.IsInRole(converter.ConvertToString(role));
        public bool IsInRole(BuiltInRole role)
            ValidateBuiltInRoleEnumValue(role, "role");
            TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(BuiltInRole));

            if (this.IsWindowsPrincipal())
                WindowsBuiltInRole role2 = (WindowsBuiltInRole)converter.ConvertTo(role, typeof(WindowsBuiltInRole));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates RBAC role assignments for the virtual machine scale set MSI service principal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scaleSet">The virtual machine scale set.</param>
        /// <return>An observable that emits the created role assignments.</return>
        internal async Task <List <Microsoft.Azure.Management.Graph.RBAC.Fluent.IRoleAssignment> > CreateMSIRbacRoleAssignmentsAsync(IVirtualMachineScaleSet scaleSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            if (!requireSetup)
                return(new List <IRoleAssignment>());
            else if (!scaleSet.IsManagedServiceIdentityEnabled)
                return(new List <IRoleAssignment>());
            else if (!this.rolesToAssign.Any() && !this.roleDefinitionsToAssign.Any())
                return(new List <IRoleAssignment>());

                var servicePrincipal = await rbacManager
                                       .GetByIdAsync(scaleSet.Inner.Identity.PrincipalId, cancellationToken);

                await ResolveCurrentResourceGroupScopeAsync(scaleSet);

                List <IRoleAssignment> roleAssignments = new List <IRoleAssignment>();
                var roleAssignments1 = await Task.WhenAll(rolesToAssign.Values.Select(async(scopeAndRole) =>
                    BuiltInRole role = scopeAndRole.Item2;
                    string scope     = scopeAndRole.Item1;
                    return(await CreateRbacRoleAssignmentIfNotExistsAsync(servicePrincipal, role.ToString(), scope, true, cancellationToken));


                var roleAssignments2 = await Task.WhenAll(roleDefinitionsToAssign.Values.Select(async(scopeAndRole) =>
                    string roleDefinition = scopeAndRole.Item2;
                    string scope          = scopeAndRole.Item1;
                    return(await CreateRbacRoleAssignmentIfNotExistsAsync(servicePrincipal, roleDefinition, scope, false, cancellationToken));


                return(roleAssignments.FindAll(roleAssignment => roleAssignment != null));
Esempio n. 9
    // Methods

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the class by authenticating the user and then setting the
    /// user name and role, based on a name and a password
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name"></param>
    /// <param name="password"></param>
    public SampleIIdentity(string name, string password)
        if (this.IsValidNameAndPassword(name, password))
            this.nameValue          = name;
            this.authenticatedValue = true;
            this.roleValue          = BuiltInRole.Administrator;
            this.nameValue          = "anonymouse";
            this.authenticatedValue = false;
            this.roleValue          = BuiltInRole.Guest;
        private IRoleAssignment LookupRoleAssignmentUsingScopeAndRole(string scope, BuiltInRole role, string principalId, IAzure azure)
            var roleDefinition = azure.AccessManagement.RoleDefinitions
                                 .GetByScopeAndRoleName(scope, role.Value);

            var roleAssignments = azure.AccessManagement.RoleAssignments

            if (roleDefinition != null)
                return(roleAssignments.FirstOrDefault(a =>
                                                      a.RoleDefinitionId.Equals(roleDefinition.Id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                                                      a.PrincipalId.Equals(principalId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a RBAC role assignment (using role or role definition) for the given service principal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="servicePrincipal">The service principal.</param>
        /// <param name="roleOrRoleDefinition">The role or role definition.</param>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope for the role assignment.</param>
        /// <return>An observable that emits the role assignment if it is created, null if assignment already exists.</return>
        private async Task <Microsoft.Azure.Management.Graph.RBAC.Fluent.IRoleAssignment> CreateRbacRoleAssignmentIfNotExistsAsync(IServicePrincipal servicePrincipal, string roleOrRoleDefinition, string scope, bool isRole, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            string roleAssignmentName = SdkContext.RandomGuid();

                if (isRole)
                    return(await rbacManager
                    return(await rbacManager
            catch (CloudException cloudException)
                if (cloudException.Body != null && cloudException.Body.Code != null && cloudException.Body.Code.Equals("RoleAssignmentExists", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    // NOTE: We are unable to lookup the role assignment from principal.RoleAssignments() list
                    // because role assignment object does not contain 'role' name (the roleDefinitionId refer
                    // 'role' using id with GUID).
                throw cloudException;
 public IdentityImpl WithAccessToCurrentResourceGroup(BuiltInRole role)
Esempio n. 13
 public IWithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessOrCreate WithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessToCurrentResourceGroup(BuiltInRole role)
Esempio n. 14
 public IWithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessOrCreate WithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessTo(string resourceId, BuiltInRole role)
     this.containerGroupMsiHandler.WithAccessTo(resourceId, role);
Esempio n. 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Specifies a system assigned managed service identity with access to the current resource group and with the specified role.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="role">Access role to be assigned to the identity.</param>
 /// <return>The next stage of the definition.</return>
 ContainerGroup.Definition.IWithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessOrCreate ContainerGroup.Definition.IWithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessOrCreateBeta.WithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessToCurrentResourceGroup(BuiltInRole role)
Esempio n. 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Specifies a system assigned managed service identity with access to a specific resource with a specified role.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="resourceId">The id of the resource you are setting up access to.</param>
 /// <param name="role">Access role to be assigned to the identity.</param>
 /// <return>The next stage of the definition.</return>
 ContainerGroup.Definition.IWithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessOrCreate ContainerGroup.Definition.IWithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessOrCreateBeta.WithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessTo(string resourceId, BuiltInRole role)
     return(this.WithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessTo(resourceId, role));
 public bool IsInRole(BuiltInRole role)
 public bool IsInRole(BuiltInRole role)
 /// <summary>
 /// Specifies that applications running on the virtual machine requires the given access role
 /// with scope of access limited to the current resource group that the virtual machine
 /// resides.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="asRole">Access role to assigned to the virtual machine.</param>
 /// <return>VirtualMachineMsiHelper.</return>
 internal VirtualMachineMsiHelper WithRoleBasedAccessToCurrentResourceGroup(BuiltInRole asRole)
     return(this.WithRoleBasedAccessTo(CURRENT_RESOURCE_GROUP_SCOPE, asRole));
Esempio n. 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Specifies that the identity should have the given access (described by the role)
 /// on an ARM resource identified by the given resource id. An applications running
 /// on an Azure service with this identity can use this permission to access the resource.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="resourceId">Id of the resource to access.</param>
 /// <param name="role">Access role to assigned to the identity.</param>
 /// <return>The next stage of the definition.</return>
 Identity.Definition.IWithCreate Identity.Definition.IWithAccess.WithAccessTo(string resourceId, BuiltInRole role)
     return(this.WithAccessTo(resourceId, role));
Esempio n. 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Specifies that the identity should have the given access (described by the role)
 /// on an ARM resource. An applications running on an Azure service with this identity
 /// can use this permission to access the resource.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="resource">The resource to access.</param>
 /// <param name="role">Access role to assigned to the identity.</param>
 /// <return>The next stage of the definition.</return>
 Identity.Definition.IWithCreate Identity.Definition.IWithAccess.WithAccessTo(IResource resource, BuiltInRole role)
     return(this.WithAccessTo(resource, role));
 public IdentityImpl WithAccessTo(string resourceId, BuiltInRole role)
     this.roleAssignmentHelper.WithAccessTo(resourceId, role);
Esempio n. 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Specifies that the identity should have the given access (described by the role)
 /// on the resource group that identity resides. An applications running on an Azure
 /// service with this identity can use this permission to access the resource group.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="role">Access role to assigned to the identity.</param>
 /// <return>The next stage of the definition.</return>
 Identity.Definition.IWithCreate Identity.Definition.IWithAccess.WithAccessToCurrentResourceGroup(BuiltInRole role)
Esempio n. 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Specifies that the identity should have the given access (described by the role)
 /// on an ARM resource. An applications running on an Azure service with this identity
 /// can use this permission to access the resource.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="resource">The resource to access.</param>
 /// <param name="role">Access role to assigned to the identity.</param>
 /// <return>The next stage of the update.</return>
 Identity.Update.IUpdate Identity.Update.IWithAccess.WithAccessTo(IResource resource, BuiltInRole role)
     return(this.WithAccessTo(resource, role));
Esempio n. 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Specifies that the identity should have the given access (described by the role)
 /// on the resource group that identity resides. An applications running on an Azure
 /// service with this identity can use this permission to access the resource group.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="role">Access role to assigned to the identity.</param>
 /// <return>The next stage of the update.</return>
 Identity.Update.IUpdate Identity.Update.IWithAccess.WithAccessToCurrentResourceGroup(BuiltInRole role)
Esempio n. 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Specifies that the identity should have the given access (described by the role)
 /// on an ARM resource identified by the given resource id. An applications running
 /// on an Azure service with this identity can use this permission to access the resource.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="resourceId">Id of the resource to access.</param>
 /// <param name="role">Access role to assigned to the identity.</param>
 /// <return>The next stage of the update.</return>
 Identity.Update.IUpdate Identity.Update.IWithAccess.WithAccessTo(string resourceId, BuiltInRole role)
     return(this.WithAccessTo(resourceId, role));