Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds 50 build events centered around the supplied id parameter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventLogId">The id of the <see cref="EventLog"/> to use as an anchor</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Index(int eventLogId)
            CommentTimeline    timeline   = Db.CommentTimelines.Where(t => t.EventLogId == eventLogId).FirstOrDefault();
            EventLog           commentLog = OsbideDb.EventLogs.Include(u => u.Sender).Where(el => el.Id == timeline.EventLogId).FirstOrDefault();
            BuildDiffViewModel viewModel  = new BuildDiffViewModel();

            viewModel.User          = commentLog.Sender;
            viewModel.Comment       = timeline;
            viewModel.OriginalEvent = commentLog;

            //grab 10 prior builds
            viewModel.BuildsBefore = (
                from el in OsbideDb.EventLogs
                join be in OsbideDb.BuildEvents
                .Include(b => b.Documents.Select(d => d.Document))
                .Include(b => b.EventLog)
                on el.Id equals be.EventLogId
                where el.Id < commentLog.Id &&
                el.SenderId == commentLog.SenderId
                orderby el.Id descending
                select be).Take(25).ToList();

            //and 10 builds after
            viewModel.BuildsAfter = (
                from el in OsbideDb.EventLogs
                join be in OsbideDb.BuildEvents
                .Include(b => b.Documents.Select(d => d.Document))
                .Include(b => b.EventLog)
                on el.Id equals be.EventLogId
                where el.Id > commentLog.Id &&
                el.SenderId == commentLog.SenderId
                orderby el.Id ascending
                select be).Take(25).ToList();

            //for each build event, grab NPSM state
            foreach (BuildEvent build in viewModel.BuildsBefore.Union(viewModel.BuildsAfter))
                TimelineState priorBuildState = (from npsm in Db.TimelineStates
                                                 where npsm.StartTime >= build.EventLog.DateReceived &&
                                                 npsm.IsSocialEvent == false &&
                                                 npsm.UserId == commentLog.SenderId &&
                                                 npsm.State != "--"
                                                 orderby npsm.Id ascending
                                                 select npsm).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();
                if (priorBuildState == null)
                    priorBuildState = new TimelineState();
                viewModel.BuildStates.Add(build.Id, priorBuildState);

Esempio n. 2
        private BuildDiffViewModel BuildViewModel(BuildEvent first, BuildEvent second, ExceptionEvent firstBuildException = null)
            BuildDiffViewModel vm   = new BuildDiffViewModel();
            diff_match_patch   diff = new diff_match_patch();

            //loop through each document in the first, original build
            foreach (BuildDocument doc in first.Documents)
                CodeDocument firstDoc  = doc.Document;
                CodeDocument secondDoc = second.Documents.Where(d => d.Document.FileName == doc.Document.FileName).Select(d => d.Document).FirstOrDefault();
                if (secondDoc == null)

                //compute the diff
                List <Diff>   diffs         = diff.diff_lineMode(firstDoc.Content, secondDoc.Content);
                StringBuilder firstBuilder  = new StringBuilder();
                StringBuilder secondBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                //loop through each piece in the return list of diffs.  Three possibilities:
                // EQUAL: the documents share the same code, so re-include in both
                // DELETE: The code existed in the original but not in the modified.  Add back to the original (first).
                // INSERT: The code exists in the modified, but not the original.  Add back to the modified (second).
                foreach (Diff d in diffs)
                    switch (d.operation)
                    case Operation.DELETE:

                        //encase the deleted code in a special token so that we can find it more easily later
                        firstBuilder.Append(string.Format("{0}{1}", BuildDiffViewModel.DIFF_ESCAPE, d.text));

                    case Operation.EQUAL:

                    case Operation.INSERT:

                        //encase the inserted code in a special token so that we can find it more easily later
                        secondBuilder.Append(string.Format("{0}{1}", BuildDiffViewModel.DIFF_ESCAPE, d.text));
                firstDoc.Content  = firstBuilder.ToString();
                secondDoc.Content = secondBuilder.ToString();

            //figure out what lines had build errors on them.
            foreach (BuildEventErrorListItem item in first.CriticalErrorItems)
                string        fileName = Path.GetFileName(item.ErrorListItem.File);
                DocumentError error    = new DocumentError()
                    FileName     = fileName,
                    LineNumber   = item.ErrorListItem.Line - 1, //adjust line number by 1 because c# arrays are 0-based
                    Source       = DocumentErrorSource.Build,
                    ErrorMessage = item.ErrorListItem.Description

            //now find the line on which any runtime exception occurred on
            if (firstBuildException != null)
                string        fileName = Path.GetFileName(firstBuildException.DocumentName);
                DocumentError error    = new DocumentError()
                    FileName     = fileName,
                    LineNumber   = firstBuildException.LineNumber - 1, //adjust line number by 1 because c# arrays are 0-based
                    Source       = DocumentErrorSource.Debug,
                    ErrorMessage = firstBuildException.ExceptionDescription

            vm.OriginalBuild = first;
            vm.ModifiedBuild = second;
Esempio n. 3
        public ActionResult Diff(int id, int fileToDiff = -1, string direction = "next")
            BuildEvent     original   = Db.BuildEvents.Where(b => b.EventLogId == id).FirstOrDefault();
            BuildEvent     next       = null;
            ExceptionEvent originalEx = null;

            //Even though we were passed a specific event log id in our parameter list, we really only
            //want to show "interesting" items.  We consider a build event to be interesting if
            // a) it has a build exception
            // b) it happened after a runtime exception
            if (direction == "next")
                //check for exception events
                originalEx = (from ex in Db.ExceptionEvents
                              where ex.EventLogId >= id &&
                              ex.EventLog.SenderId == original.EventLog.SenderId &&
                              ex.SolutionName.CompareTo(original.SolutionName) == 0
                              orderby ex.EventLogId ascending
                              select ex)

                //check for build events
                original = (from build in Db.BuildEvents
                            where build.EventLogId >= id &&
                            build.ErrorItems.Count > 0 &&
                            original.EventLog.SenderId == original.EventLog.SenderId &&
                            original.SolutionName.CompareTo(original.SolutionName) == 0
                            orderby build.Id ascending
                            select build)

                //compare event log Ids between build and exception events.  Take whichever is earlier
                if (originalEx != null)
                    if (original != null)
                        //we need to take care of the exception
                        if (originalEx.EventLogId < original.EventLogId)
                            original = (from build in Db.BuildEvents
                                        where build.EventLogId >= originalEx.EventLogId &&
                                        build.ErrorItems.Count > 0 &&
                                        original.EventLog.SenderId == original.EventLog.SenderId &&
                                        original.SolutionName.CompareTo(original.SolutionName) == 0
                                        orderby build.Id ascending
                                        select build)
                            //build event came first
                            originalEx = null;

                //set up next if we can
                if (original != null)
                    next = GetNextEvent(original.EventLogId);
                //check for exception events
                originalEx = (from ex in Db.ExceptionEvents
                              where ex.EventLogId <= id &&
                              ex.EventLog.SenderId == original.EventLog.SenderId &&
                              ex.SolutionName.CompareTo(original.SolutionName) == 0
                              orderby ex.EventLogId descending
                              select ex)

                //user is wanting to go to the previous build
                original = (from build in Db.BuildEvents
                            where build.EventLogId <= id &&
                            build.ErrorItems.Count > 0 &&
                            original.EventLog.SenderId == original.EventLog.SenderId &&
                            original.SolutionName.CompareTo(original.SolutionName) == 0
                            orderby build.Id descending
                            select build)

                //compare event log Ids between build and exception events.  Take whichever is earlier
                if (originalEx != null)
                    if (original != null)
                        //we need to take care of the exception
                        if (originalEx.EventLogId > original.EventLogId)
                            original = (from build in Db.BuildEvents
                                        where build.EventLogId >= originalEx.EventLogId &&
                                        build.ErrorItems.Count > 0 &&
                                        original.EventLog.SenderId == original.EventLog.SenderId &&
                                        original.SolutionName.CompareTo(original.SolutionName) == 0
                                        orderby build.Id ascending
                                        select build)
                            //build event came first
                            originalEx = null;

                if (original != null)
                    next = GetNextEvent(original.EventLogId);
            //just in case we messed up in the previous if/else block
            if (original == null)
                original = Db.BuildEvents.Where(b => b.EventLogId == id).FirstOrDefault();
                next     = GetNextEvent(original.EventLogId);

            //if next endedu up being NULL
            if (next == null)
                next                       = new BuildEvent();
                next.EventLogId            = -1;
                next.Id                    = -1;
                next.EventLog              = new EventLog();
                next.EventLog.DateReceived = original.EventLog.DateReceived;

            //sanity check before we begin processing
            if (original == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            ViewBag.PreviousLogId = GetPreviousDiffId(original.EventLogId);
            ViewBag.OriginalLog   = original;
            ViewBag.NextLog       = next;

            //build our view model
            BuildDiffViewModel vm = BuildViewModel(original, next, originalEx);

            //check for a requested file name.  If none exists, set to the first file listed (alphabetically)
            if (fileToDiff > 0)
                BuildDocument activeDoc = original.Documents.Where(d => d.DocumentId == fileToDiff).FirstOrDefault();
                if (activeDoc != null)
                    vm.ActiveFileId = fileToDiff;

            //no file was specified, try something else
            if (vm.ActiveFileId == 0)
                //start with null document
                vm.ActiveFileId = -1;

                //and try to find a document that has errors
                List <string> documentErrors = original.CriticalErrorItems.Select(e => e.ErrorListItem.File).ToList();
                if (originalEx != null)
                foreach (string error in documentErrors)
                    string errorFileName = Path.GetFileName(error).ToLower();
                    foreach (BuildDocument doc in original.Documents)
                        string docFileName = Path.GetFileName(doc.Document.FileName);
                        if (errorFileName.CompareTo(docFileName) == 0)
                            vm.ActiveFileId = doc.DocumentId;

                if (vm.ActiveFileId == -1)
                    if (original.Documents.Count > 0)
                        vm.ActiveFileId = original.Documents.FirstOrDefault().DocumentId;