private void OnSketchFinished()
            //Use the geometry from the sketch and make a narrow buffer to search for fabric lines contained within the buffer
            IBufferConstruction pBuffConst  = new BufferConstruction();
            IGeometry           pGeom       = pBuffConst.Buffer(m_edSketch.Geometry, 0.1);
            ISpatialFilter      pSpatFilter = new SpatialFilter();

            pSpatFilter.Geometry   = pGeom;
            pSpatFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelContains;

            //set up for reporting information about the lines
            string sReportString      = "";
            int    iTotalLineCount    = 0;
            int    iCurveCount        = 0;
            int    iMultiSegmentCount = 0;

            //Create a feature cursor to query the fabric lines table
            IFeatureCursor pFeatCurs = m_pFabricLines.Search(pSpatFilter, false);
            IFeature       pFeat     = pFeatCurs.NextFeature();

            while (pFeat != null)
                //loop through the found lines
                //count all the lines
                ISegmentCollection pSegColl = (ISegmentCollection)pFeat.Shape;
                if (pSegColl.SegmentCount > 1) //count lines that have more than 1 segment
                    if (pSegColl.get_Segment(0) is ICircularArc)
                        iCurveCount++; //count lines that have a single circular arc geometry segment
                pFeat = pFeatCurs.NextFeature();

            //report the results
            sReportString += "\nTotal parcel lines: " + iTotalLineCount.ToString();
            sReportString += "\nCurve parcel lines: " + iCurveCount.ToString();
            sReportString += "\nMulti segment parcel lines: " + iMultiSegmentCount.ToString();

            MessageBox.Show(sReportString, "Sample: Trace Report");
        private void OnSketchFinished()
            //Use the geometry from the sketch and make a narrow buffer to search for fabric lines contained within the buffer
              IBufferConstruction pBuffConst = new BufferConstruction();
              IGeometry pGeom = pBuffConst.Buffer(m_edSketch.Geometry, 0.1);
              ISpatialFilter pSpatFilter = new SpatialFilter();
              pSpatFilter.Geometry = pGeom;
              pSpatFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelContains;

              //set up for reporting information about the lines
              string sReportString = "";
              int iTotalLineCount = 0;
              int iCurveCount = 0;
              int iMultiSegmentCount = 0;

              //Create a feature cursor to query the fabric lines table
              IFeatureCursor pFeatCurs = m_pFabricLines.Search(pSpatFilter, false);
              IFeature pFeat = pFeatCurs.NextFeature();

              while (pFeat != null)
            //loop through the found lines
            //count all the lines
            ISegmentCollection pSegColl = (ISegmentCollection)pFeat.Shape;
            if (pSegColl.SegmentCount > 1) //count lines that have more than 1 segment
              if (pSegColl.get_Segment(0) is ICircularArc)
            iCurveCount++; //count lines that have a single circular arc geometry segment
            pFeat = pFeatCurs.NextFeature();

              //report the results
              sReportString += "\nTotal parcel lines: " + iTotalLineCount.ToString();
              sReportString += "\nCurve parcel lines: " + iCurveCount.ToString();
              sReportString += "\nMulti segment parcel lines: " + iMultiSegmentCount.ToString();

              MessageBox.Show(sReportString, "Sample: Trace Report");