public static BudgetRow BuildAllocationHeader1(Enums.AllocationType allocationType) { BudgetRow retRow = new BudgetRow(); retRow.Column1 = allocationType.ToDisplayName(); retRow.RowType = Enums.TableRowType.header1; retRow.AllocationId = (int)allocationType; return(retRow); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a single row from the table fulfilling the criteria. /// </summary> /// <param name="wID">A ID as criteria.</param> /// <returns>The row fulfilling the criteria</returns> public BudgetRow GetSingleRow(int wID, bool canBeNull) { BudgetRow ret = mTable.GetSingleRow(wID); if (ret.IsNull && !canBeNull) { UnexpectedNull(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), wID); } return(ret); }
public static BudgetRow BuildSummaryRow(List <BudgetRow> retList) { BudgetRow retRow = new BudgetRow(); retRow.Column1 = "Balance"; //retRow.Column3 = ""; retRow.MoneyCol1 = FindBalance(retList, 1); retRow.MoneyCol2 = FindBalance(retList, 2); retRow.RowType =; return(retRow); }
public static void BuildTotalLine(List <BudgetRow> retList) { BudgetRow retRow = new BudgetRow(); retRow.Column1 = "Total"; decimal?budgetBal = retList.Find(x => x.Column1.Contains("Bal")).MoneyCol1; decimal?actualBal = retList.Find(x => x.Column1.Contains("Bal")).MoneyCol2; decimal?budgetLoans = retList.Find(x => x.Column1.Contains("Loan")).MoneyCol1; decimal?actualLoans = retList.Find(x => x.Column1.Contains("Loan")).MoneyCol2; decimal?budgetSaveInvest = retList.Find(x => x.Column1.Contains("Save")).MoneyCol1; decimal?actualSaveInvest = retList.Find(x => x.Column1.Contains("Save")).MoneyCol2; retRow.MoneyCol1 = budgetBal - (budgetLoans + budgetSaveInvest); retRow.MoneyCol2 = actualBal - (actualLoans + actualSaveInvest); retRow.RowType =; retList.Add(retRow); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the given single row on the table. /// </summary> /// <param name="row">The prefilled row.</param> public void UpdateSingleRow(BudgetRow row) { mTable.UpdateSingleRow(row.IDKonto, row.Bezeichnung, row.ID); }
/// <summary> /// Inserts the given row and returns its id. /// </summary> /// <param name="row">The prefilled row to insert.</param> /// <returns>The inserted row</returns> public int InsertRow(BudgetRow row) { return(mTable.InsertRow(row.IDKonto, row.Bezeichnung)); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes the given row. /// </summary> /// <param name="row">The row to delete</param> public void DeleteSingleRow(BudgetRow row) { mTable.DeleteSingleRow(row.ID); }
public override void Generate(IReportWriter writer) { writer.WriteHeading("Budget Report"); this.rows = new Dictionary <string, BudgetRow>(); this.columns = new Dictionary <DateTime, BudgetColumn>(); foreach (Category rc in money.Categories.GetRootCategories()) { if (rc.Type != CategoryType.Expense) { continue; } string rowHeader = rc.Name; this.CategoryFilter = rc; // Add column for the budget itself. BudgetColumn budgetColumn; if (!columns.TryGetValue(DateTime.MinValue, out budgetColumn)) { budgetColumn = new BudgetColumn() { Name = BudgetColumnHeader, }; columns[DateTime.MinValue] = budgetColumn; } budgetColumn.Total += rc.Budget; foreach (BudgetData b in this.Compute()) { BudgetRow row = null; if (!rows.TryGetValue(rowHeader, out row)) { row = new BudgetRow() { Name = rowHeader, Budget = rc.Budget }; rows[rowHeader] = row; } DateTime budgetDate = new DateTime(b.BudgetDate.Year, b.BudgetDate.Month, 1); row.Actuals.Add((decimal)b.Actual); row.Headers.Add(b.Name); // Add column for this BudgetData BudgetColumn col; if (!columns.TryGetValue(budgetDate, out col)) { col = new BudgetColumn() { Date = budgetDate, Name = b.Name }; columns[budgetDate] = col; } col.Total += (decimal)b.Actual; } } writer.StartTable(); writer.StartColumnDefinitions(); writer.WriteColumnDefinition("300", 300, 300); // category names foreach (var pair in from p in columns orderby p.Key select p) { writer.WriteColumnDefinition("Auto", 100, double.MaxValue); // decimal values. } writer.WriteColumnDefinition("Auto", 100, double.MaxValue); // total. writer.EndColumnDefinitions(); // write table headers List <string> master = new List <string>(); writer.StartHeaderRow(); writer.StartCell(); writer.EndCell(); foreach (var pair in from p in columns orderby p.Key select p) { BudgetColumn c = pair.Value; string name = c.Name; if (name != BudgetColumnHeader) { master.Add(name); // list of all columns we have found (not including "Budget" column) } writer.StartCell(); writer.WriteNumber(name); writer.EndCell(); } writer.StartCell(); writer.WriteNumber("Balance"); writer.EndCell(); writer.EndRow(); Brush overBudgetBrush = Brushes.Red; decimal totalBalance = 0; // Now write out the rows. foreach (BudgetRow row in from r in rows.Values orderby r.Name select r) { writer.StartRow(); writer.StartCell(); writer.WriteParagraph(row.Name); writer.EndCell(); writer.StartCell(); decimal budget = row.Budget; writer.WriteNumber(budget.ToString("C")); writer.EndCell(); decimal balance = 0; foreach (string col in master) { writer.StartCell(); int i = row.Headers.IndexOf(col); if (i >= 0) { decimal actual = row.Actuals[i]; writer.WriteNumber(actual.ToString("C"), FontStyles.Normal, FontWeights.Normal, actual > budget ? overBudgetBrush : null); balance += (row.Budget - actual); } writer.EndCell(); } totalBalance += balance; writer.StartCell(); writer.WriteNumber(balance.ToString("C")); writer.EndCell(); writer.EndRow(); } // Now write out the totals. writer.StartHeaderRow(); writer.StartCell(); writer.EndCell(); foreach (var pair in from p in columns orderby p.Key select p) { BudgetColumn c = pair.Value; writer.StartCell(); writer.WriteNumber(c.Total.ToString("C")); writer.EndCell(); } writer.StartCell(); writer.WriteNumber(totalBalance.ToString("C")); writer.EndCell(); writer.EndRow(); writer.EndTable(); writer.WriteParagraph("Generated on " + DateTime.Today.ToLongDateString(), System.Windows.FontStyles.Italic, System.Windows.FontWeights.Normal, System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Gray); }
internal BudgetVm(KontoVm aKontoVm, BudgetRow aRow) { this.Row = aRow; this.mKontoVm = aKontoVm; }
internal BudgetVm(KontoVm aKontoVm) { this.Row = BudgetRow.InitEmpty(); this.mKontoVm = aKontoVm; this.Row.IDKonto = this.mKontoVm.Id; }