Esempio n. 1
 static ResourceMapManager()
     entryComparer = new ResourceEntryComparer();
     mappingCache = new Dictionary<int, ResourceMapping>();
     mapKeyCache = new Dictionary<ResourceMappingEntry, List<int>>();
     BrokerDB db = new BrokerDB();
     List<ResourceMapping> list = db.RetrieveResourceMapping();
     if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
     needsRefresh = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// performs whatever actions including GUI interaction to identify and authenticate the user who has initiated the current session
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userName">the local of user</param>
 /// <param name="authGuid">an optional authority guid, if empty use local pasword</param>
 /// <param name="password">the user's password</param>
 /// <returns>true if the user has been authenticated; false otherwise</returns>
 public static bool Authenticate(string userName, string authGuid, string password)
     BrokerDB brokerDB = new BrokerDB();
     Authority auth = null;
     bool status = false;
     int userID = -1;
     if (authGuid != null && authGuid.Length > 0)
         auth = brokerDB.AuthorityRetrieve(authGuid);
         auth = brokerDB.AuthorityRetrieve(0);
     if(auth != null){
         userID = InternalAdminDB.SelectUserID(userName,auth.authorityID);
         if (auth.authorityID == 0 && auth.authTypeID == 1) //Test for local authentication
             string hashedDBPassword = InternalAuthenticationDB.ReturnNativePassword(userID);
             if (hashedDBPassword != null && hashedDBPassword.Length > 0)
                 string hashedPassword = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(password, "sha1");
                 if (hashedPassword == hashedDBPassword)
                     status = true;
             // For now accept third party authentication
             if(userID > 0)
                 status = true;
     return status;
        public static Ticket GetAuthenticateAgentTicket(string authGuid, string passkey)
            Ticket authTicket = null;
            BrokerDB brokerDB = new BrokerDB();
            Coupon[] authCoupons = brokerDB.GetIssuedCoupons(passkey);
            if (authCoupons != null && authCoupons.Length > 0)
                authTicket = brokerDB.RetrieveTicket(authCoupons[0], TicketTypes.AUTHENTICATE_AGENT);
                if (authTicket == null || authTicket.sponsorGuid.CompareTo(authGuid) != 0)
                    //TODO: Parse Ticket

                    throw new AccessDeniedException("AccessDenied!");

            return authTicket;
        protected void On_BlobSelected(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            lblResponse.Visible = false;
            if (Session["EssGuid"] != null)
                long blobId = Convert.ToInt64(e.CommandArgument);

                BrokerDB brokerDB = new BrokerDB();
                ProcessAgentInfo ess = brokerDB.GetProcessAgentInfo(Session["EssGuid"].ToString());
                if (ess == null || ess.retired)
                    throw new Exception("The ESS is not registered or is retired");
                Coupon opCoupon = brokerDB.GetEssOpCoupon(Convert.ToInt64(txtExperimentID.Text), TicketTypes.RETRIEVE_RECORDS, 60, ess.agentGuid);
                if (opCoupon != null)

                    ExperimentStorageProxy essProxy = new ExperimentStorageProxy();
                    OperationAuthHeader header = new OperationAuthHeader();
           = opCoupon;
                    essProxy.Url = ess.webServiceUrl;
                    essProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = header;
                    string url = essProxy.RequestBlobAccess(blobId, "http", 30);
                    if (url != null)

                        string jScript = "<script language='javascript'>" +
                                    "'" + url + "')" + "</script>";
                        //Page.RegisterStartupScript("Open New Window", jScript);
                        ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Open New Window", jScript);
                        lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatWarningMessage("Could not access BLOB. ");
                        lblResponse.Visible = true;
                lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatWarningMessage("No ESS is specified, so no records. ");
                lblResponse.Visible = true;
        protected void displayRecords(long experimentId, string essGuid)
            BrokerDB ticketIssuer = new BrokerDB();
            ProcessAgentInfo ess = ticketIssuer.GetProcessAgentInfo(essGuid);
            if (ess == null || ess.retired)
                throw new Exception("The ESS is not registered or is retired");
            Coupon opCoupon = ticketIssuer.GetEssOpCoupon(experimentId, TicketTypes.RETRIEVE_RECORDS, 60, ess.agentGuid);
            if (opCoupon != null)

                ExperimentStorageProxy essProxy = new ExperimentStorageProxy();
                OperationAuthHeader header = new OperationAuthHeader();
       = opCoupon;
                essProxy.Url = ess.webServiceUrl;
                essProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = header;

                ExperimentRecord[] records = essProxy.GetRecords(experimentId,null);
                if (records != null)

                    StringBuilder buf = null;
                    if (cbxContents.Checked)
                        buf = new StringBuilder();
                        foreach (ExperimentRecord rec in records)
                        txtExperimentRecords.Text = buf.ToString();
                        txtExperimentRecords.Visible = true;
                        grvExperimentRecords.Visible = false;
                        dtRecords = new DataTable();
                        dtRecords.Columns.Add("Seq_Num", typeof(System.Int32));
                        dtRecords.Columns.Add("Record Type", typeof(System.String));
                        dtRecords.Columns.Add("Contents", typeof(System.String));
                        foreach (ExperimentRecord rec in records)
                            DataRow recTmp = dtRecords.NewRow();
                            recTmp["Seq_Num"] = rec.sequenceNum;
                            recTmp["Record Type"] = rec.type;
                            recTmp["Contents"] = rec.contents;
                            dtRecords.Rows.InsertAt(recTmp, dtRecords.Rows.Count);
                        grvExperimentRecords.DataSource = dtRecords;

                        grvExperimentRecords.Visible = true;
                        txtExperimentRecords.Visible = false;


                    divRecords.Visible = true;
                Blob[] blobs = essProxy.GetBlobs(experimentId);
                if (blobs != null)

                    dtBlobs = new DataTable();
                    dtBlobs.Columns.Add("Blob_ID", typeof(System.Int64));
                    dtBlobs.Columns.Add("Seq_Num", typeof(System.Int32));
                    dtBlobs.Columns.Add("MimeType", typeof(System.String));
                    dtBlobs.Columns.Add("Description", typeof(System.String));
                    foreach (Blob b in blobs)
                        DataRow blobTmp = dtBlobs.NewRow();
                        blobTmp["Blob_ID"] = b.blobId;
                        blobTmp["Seq_Num"] = b.recordNumber;
                        blobTmp["MimeType"] = b.mimeType;
                        blobTmp["Description"] = b.description;
                        dtBlobs.Rows.InsertAt(blobTmp, dtBlobs.Rows.Count);
                    grvBlobs.DataSource = dtBlobs;
                    divBlobs.Visible = true;

Esempio n. 6
 public static int Refresh()
     int count = 0;
     BrokerDB db = new BrokerDB();
     List<ResourceMapping> list = db.RetrieveResourceMapping();
     if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
         count = list.Count;
     needsRefresh = false;
     return count;
        private void reenterLabClient()
            if (Session["UserID"] == null)
            BrokerDB brokerDB = new BrokerDB();
            StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("Message: clientID = ");
            int[] labIds = new int[1];
            message.Append(btnReenter.CommandArgument + " ");
            long expid = Convert.ToInt64(btnReenter.CommandArgument);
            LabClient client = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabClient(Convert.ToInt32(Session["ClientID"]));
            if (client.clientID > 0)
                if (client.clientType == LabClient.INTERACTIVE_HTML_REDIRECT)
                    long[] coupIDs = InternalDataDB.RetrieveExperimentCouponIDs(expid);
                    Coupon coupon = brokerDB.GetIssuedCoupon(coupIDs[0]);
                    // construct the redirect query
                    StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(client.loaderScript.Trim());
                    if (url.ToString().IndexOf("?") == -1)
                    url.Append("coupon_id=" + coupon.couponId + "&passkey=" + coupon.passkey
                        + "&issuer_guid=" + brokerDB.GetIssuerGuid());

                    // Add the return url to the redirect

                    // Now open the lab within the current Window/frame
                    Response.Redirect(url.ToString(), true);
        protected void lbxSelectExperiment_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            long experimentID = Int64.Parse(lbxSelectExperiment.Items[lbxSelectExperiment.SelectedIndex].Value);
                ExperimentSummary[] expInfo = wrapper.GetExperimentSummaryWrapper(new long[] { experimentID });
                if (expInfo[0] != null)
                    txtExperimentID.Text = expInfo[0].experimentId.ToString();
                    txtUsername.Text = expInfo[0].userName;
                    txtGroupName.Text = expInfo[0].groupName;
                    txtLabServerName.Text = expInfo[0].labServerName;
                    txtClientName.Text = expInfo[0].clientName;
                    //Check if update needed from the ESS if one is used
                    if (expInfo[0].essGuid != null)
                        int expStatus = expInfo[0].status;
                        if ((expStatus == StorageStatus.UNKNOWN || expStatus == StorageStatus.INITIALIZED
                        || expStatus == StorageStatus.OPEN || expStatus == StorageStatus.REOPENED
                        || expStatus == StorageStatus.RUNNING
                        || expStatus == StorageStatus.BATCH_QUEUED || expStatus == StorageStatus.BATCH_RUNNING
                        || expStatus == StorageStatus.BATCH_TERMINATED || expStatus == StorageStatus.BATCH_TERMINATED_ERROR))

                            // This operation should happen within the Wrapper
                            BrokerDB ticketIssuer = new BrokerDB();
                            ProcessAgentInfo ess = ticketIssuer.GetProcessAgentInfo(expInfo[0].essGuid);
                            if (ess == null || ess.retired)
                                throw new Exception("The ESS is not registered or is retired");
                            Coupon opCoupon = ticketIssuer.GetEssOpCoupon(expInfo[0].experimentId, TicketTypes.RETRIEVE_RECORDS, 60, ess.agentGuid);
                            if (opCoupon != null)
                                ExperimentStorageProxy essProxy = new ExperimentStorageProxy();
                                OperationAuthHeader header = new OperationAuthHeader();
                       = opCoupon;
                                essProxy.Url = ess.webServiceUrl;
                                essProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = header;

                                StorageStatus curStatus = essProxy.GetExperimentStatus(expInfo[0].experimentId);
                                if (expInfo[0].status != curStatus.status || expInfo[0].recordCount != curStatus.recordCount
                                    || expInfo[0].closeTime != curStatus.closeTime)
                                    expInfo[0].status = curStatus.status;
                                    expInfo[0].recordCount = curStatus.recordCount;
                                    expInfo[0].closeTime = curStatus.closeTime;

                    txtStatus.Text = DataStorageAPI.getStatusString(expInfo[0].status);
                    txtSubmissionTime.Text = DateUtil.ToUserTime(expInfo[0].creationTime, culture, userTZ);
                    if ((expInfo[0].closeTime != null) && (expInfo[0].closeTime != DateTime.MinValue))
                        txtCompletionTime.Text = DateUtil.ToUserTime(expInfo[0].closeTime, culture, userTZ);
                        txtCompletionTime.Text = "Experiment Not Closed!";
                    txtRecordCount.Text = expInfo[0].recordCount.ToString("    0");
                    txtAnnotation.Text = expInfo[0].annotation;
                    //trSaveAnnotation.Visible = true;
                    //trDeleteExperiment.Visible = true;
                    //trShowExperiment.Visible = (expInfo[0].recordCount > 0);
            catch (Exception ex)
                lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatErrorMessage("Error retrieving experiment information. " + ex.Message);
                lblResponse.Visible = true;
        public ClientSubmissionReport Submit(string labServerID, string experimentSpecification, int priorityHint, bool emailNotification)
            // Default to 24 hours duration
            long duration = TimeSpan.TicksPerDay / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
            int seqNo = 0;
            ClientSubmissionReport clientSReport = null;

                // Checking if user has permission to use the lab server. The method will set headers for lab server calls
                //if authorization is successful.

                //Retrieve variables from session
                int userID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]);
                int effectiveGroupID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["GroupID"]);
                int clientID = 0;
                if (Session["ClientID"] != null)
                    clientID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ClientID"]);
                string effectiveGroup = Session["GroupName"].ToString();

                ProcessAgentInfo infoLS = dbTicketing.GetProcessAgentInfo(labServerID);
                if (infoLS.retired)
                    throw new Exception("The Batch Lab Server is retired");
                // get qualifier ID of labServer
                int qualifierID = AuthorizationAPI.GetQualifierID(infoLS.agentId, Qualifier.labServerQualifierTypeID);

                /* End collecting information */

                // Checking if user has permission to use the lab server
                if (!AuthorizationAPI.CheckAuthorization(userID, Function.useLabServerFunctionType, qualifierID))
                    // check fails

                    throw new AccessDeniedException("Access denied using labServer '" + infoLS.agentName + "'.");
                    int[] groupIDs = new int[1];
                    groupIDs[0] = effectiveGroupID;

                    SubmissionReport sReport = new SubmissionReport();

                    clientSReport = new ClientSubmissionReport();
                    clientSReport.vReport = new ValidationReport();
                    clientSReport.wait = new WaitEstimate();

                    BrokerDB brokerDB = new BrokerDB();
                    // 1. Create Coupon for ExperimentCollection
                    Coupon coupon = brokerDB.CreateCoupon();

                    int essID = brokerDB.FindProcessAgentIdForClient(clientID, ProcessAgentType.EXPERIMENT_STORAGE_SERVER);
                    // 2. create ServiceBroker experiment record and get corresponding experiment id
                    // This checks authorization.
                    long experimentID = wrapper.CreateExperimentWrapper(StorageStatus.INITIALIZED, userID, effectiveGroupID, infoLS.agentId, clientID,
                        essID, DateTime.UtcNow, duration);

                    // Store a record of the Experiment Collection Coupon
                    DataStorageAPI.InsertExperimentCoupon(experimentID, coupon.couponId);

                    //3.A create ESS administer experiment ticket, Add 10 minutes to duration
                    // This must be created before the ESS experiment records may be created
                    ProcessAgentInfo essAgent = brokerDB.GetProcessAgentInfo(essID);
                    if (essAgent.retired)
                        throw new Exception("The Batch Lab Server is retired");
                    TicketLoadFactory factory = TicketLoadFactory.Instance();

                           TicketTypes.ADMINISTER_EXPERIMENT, essAgent.AgentGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, duration, factory.createAdministerExperimentPayload(experimentID, essAgent.webServiceUrl));

                    //3.B create store record ticket, in the MergedSB the records are all saved via the serviceBroker
                           TicketTypes.STORE_RECORDS, essAgent.agentGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, duration, factory.StoreRecordsPayload(true, experimentID, essAgent.webServiceUrl));

                    //3.C create retrieve experiment ticket, retrieve Experiment Records never expires, unless experiment deleted
                    //    This should be changed to a long but finite period once eadExisting Expermint is in place.
                           TicketTypes.RETRIEVE_RECORDS, essAgent.agentGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, -1, factory.RetrieveRecordsPayload(experimentID, essAgent.webServiceUrl));

                    // 3.D Create the ESS Experiment Records
                    ExperimentStorageProxy ess = new ExperimentStorageProxy();
                    ess.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader();
           = essAgent.identOut;
                    ess.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid;
                    ess.OperationAuthHeaderValue = new OperationAuthHeader();
           = coupon;
                    ess.Url = essAgent.webServiceUrl;

                    // Call the ESS to create the ESS Records and open the experiment
                    StorageStatus status = ess.OpenExperiment(experimentID, duration);
                    if (status != null)

                    seqNo = ess.AddRecord(experimentID, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid,
                              BatchRecordType.SPECIFICATION, true, experimentSpecification, null);

                    // save lab configuration
                    string labConfiguration = batchLS_Proxy.GetLabConfiguration(effectiveGroup);
                    seqNo = ess.AddRecord(experimentID, labServerID,
                        BatchRecordType.LAB_CONFIGURATION, true, labConfiguration, null);

                    // call labServer submit
                    sReport = batchLS_Proxy.Submit(Convert.ToInt32(experimentID), experimentSpecification, effectiveGroup, priorityHint);

                    // save submission report
                    //wrapper.SaveSubmissionReportWrapper(experimentID, sReport);
                    if (sReport.vReport != null)
                        if ((sReport.vReport.errorMessage != null) && (sReport.vReport.errorMessage.CompareTo("") != 0))
                            seqNo = ess.AddRecord(experimentID, labServerID, BatchRecordType.VALIDATION_ERROR, false, sReport.vReport.errorMessage, null);


                    if (sReport.vReport.warningMessages != null)
                        foreach (string s in sReport.vReport.warningMessages)
                            if ((s != null) && (s.CompareTo("") != 0))
                                seqNo = ess.AddRecord(experimentID, labServerID, BatchRecordType.VALIDATION_WARNING, false, s, null);

                    // return clientSubmissionReport
                    if (sReport.vReport != null)
                        clientSReport.vReport.accepted = sReport.vReport.accepted;
                        clientSReport.vReport.errorMessage = sReport.vReport.errorMessage;
                        // if error exists then change status to "an experiment with a problem"
                        if ((sReport.vReport.errorMessage != null) && (!sReport.vReport.errorMessage.Equals("")))
                            StorageStatus sStatus = new StorageStatus();
                            sStatus.experimentId = experimentID;
                            sStatus.status = StorageStatus.BATCH_TERMINATED_ERROR;
                        clientSReport.vReport.estRuntime = sReport.vReport.estRuntime;
                        clientSReport.vReport.warningMessages = sReport.vReport.warningMessages;
                    clientSReport.experimentID = Convert.ToInt32(experimentID);
                    clientSReport.minTimeToLive = sReport.minTimetoLive;
                    if (sReport.wait != null)
                        clientSReport.wait.effectiveQueueLength = sReport.wait.effectiveQueueLength;
                        clientSReport.wait.estWait = sReport.wait.estWait;

                return clientSReport;
