Esempio n. 1
        void ParseBrokenRhythm()
            if (voice == null || voice.items.Count == 0)
                throw new ParseException($"Illegal broken Rhythm marker at {lineNum}, {index}");

            char symbol = currentLine[index];

            brokenRhythm = symbol == '>' ? BrokenRhythm.DotHalf : BrokenRhythm.HalfDot;

            ReadUntil((char ch) => { return(ch != symbol); }, out string brokenRhythmStr);
            brokenRhythmCount = brokenRhythmStr.Length;
Esempio n. 2
        void UpdateBrokenRhythm()
            if (brokenRhythm == BrokenRhythm.None)

            if (voice.items.Count < 2)
                throw new ParseException($"Unable to apply broken rhythm to item near {lineNum}, {index}");

            var itemA = voice.items[voice.items.Count - 2] as Duration;
            var itemB = voice.items[voice.items.Count - 1] as Duration;

            if (itemA == null || itemB == null)
                throw new ParseException($"Unable to apply broken rhythm to item near {lineNum}, {index}");

            Duration halfItem, dotItem;

            if (brokenRhythm == BrokenRhythm.DotHalf)
                dotItem  = itemA;
                halfItem = itemB;
                dotItem  = itemB;
                halfItem = itemA;

            dotItem.dotCount = brokenRhythmCount;

            var duration = ParserUtil.lengthDurations[halfItem.length] * (1.0f / (1 << brokenRhythmCount));

            ParserUtil.ParseDuration(duration, out Length l, out int dots);
            halfItem.length   = l;
            halfItem.dotCount = dots;

            brokenRhythm = BrokenRhythm.None;