private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Send the picture box references to the other scripts
            BrickTexture.SetPictureBoxes(GeneratedImage, GeneratedNormal);
            BrickHeightMap.SetPictureBoxes(GeneratedImage, GeneratedNormal);
            // Send image size to helper script
            Helper.SetImageSize((int)ImageHeightField.Value, (int)ImageHeightField.Value);
            // Call start function of bricktexture class

            // All of the panels should be hidden at the start
            BrickPanel.Visible = false;
    // Main function that actually creates our texture
    // This will be called from out setup function which is called from the main form
    public static void GenerateTexture()
        //Console.WriteLine(Rows + " " + Columns + " " + CementRatio + " " + MainColor + " " + CementColor);
        Console.WriteLine("Starting to generate brick texture");
        GeneratedImage.Image = new Bitmap(GeneratedImage.Width, GeneratedImage.Height);

        // Initialize our 2d noise array with random values between -1 and 1
        Random rand = new Random();

        SmoothNoiseArray = new double[GeneratedImage.Width, GeneratedImage.Height];
        for (int i = 0; i < GeneratedImage.Height; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < GeneratedImage.Width; j++)
                SmoothNoiseArray[j, i] = 1 - rand.NextDouble() * 2;
                //Console.WriteLine(SmoothNoiseArray[j, i]);

        // First we set up the main color of the image
        // Simple loop over the entire thing setting each pixel to the same main color
        for (int i = 0; i < GeneratedImage.Height; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < GeneratedImage.Height; j++)
                ((Bitmap)GeneratedImage.Image).SetPixel(i, j, MainColor);

        // Average thickness of brick plus cement
        float averageLayerHeight = GeneratedImage.Height / (float)Rows;
        float averageLayerWidth  = GeneratedImage.Width / (float)Columns;

        float averageBrick = GeneratedImage.Height / (float)Rows / (1 + CementRatio);

        float averageCement = GeneratedImage.Height / (float)Rows - averageBrick;


        // Add the horizontal cement lines to the image
        for (int i = 0; i < GeneratedImage.Height; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < GeneratedImage.Height; j++)
                if (j % averageLayerHeight <= averageCement)
                    ((Bitmap)GeneratedImage.Image).SetPixel(i, j, CementColor);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Add horizontal lines");

        // Add the vertical lines to the image
        for (int i = 0; i < GeneratedImage.Height; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < GeneratedImage.Height; j++)
                if (i % averageLayerWidth <= averageCement /* && (j / averageLayer) % 2 > 1*/)
                    if ((j / averageLayerHeight) % 2 > 1)
                        ((Bitmap)GeneratedImage.Image).SetPixel(i, j, CementColor);
                        int staggeredRow = i + (int)averageLayerWidth / 2;
                        if (staggeredRow < GeneratedImage.Width)
                            ((Bitmap)GeneratedImage.Image).SetPixel(staggeredRow, j, CementColor);

        // Here we are gonna add curves to the bricks
        // This variable has to be less than 1/2 of the size of smallest side of the bricks
        // So if the the height of a brick is 20 pixels and the length is 50 pixels then curve must be less than 10
        int        curve     = 10; // Use 5 for our basis for now
        List <int> curvature = new List <int>();

        for (int i = 1; i <= curve; i++)
            // This represents the point at the top of the current unit
            double top = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(curve, 2) - Math.Pow(curve - i, 2));
            // This represents the point below the current unit
            double bot = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(curve, 2) - Math.Pow(curve - i + 1, 2));
            //Math.Sqrt(curve - i) + Math.Sqrt(curve - i)
            if (curve - (int)((top + bot + 1) / 2) > 0)
                curvature.Add(curve - (int)((top + bot + 1) / 2));
                Console.WriteLine(top + " " + bot + " " + curvature[i - 1]);
        // I could fix this slightly by checking that the 0 index is equal to the number of last indexes that are the same
        // And then the 1 index would be equal to that plus the secodn to last indexes that are the same
        // But this is close and works for now

        // Subtract the curved area from the bricks
        for (int i = 0; i < GeneratedImage.Height; i++)
            bool found = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < GeneratedImage.Width; j++)
                // First check that the current pixel is the main color
                if (Helper.ColorComparison(((Bitmap)GeneratedImage.Image).GetPixel(j, i), MainColor))
                    int up    = Helper.ImageRange(true, i - 1);
                    int down  = Helper.ImageRange(true, i + 1);
                    int left  = Helper.ImageRange(false, j - 1);
                    int right = Helper.ImageRange(false, j + 1);
                    // First check up
                    if (Helper.ColorComparison(((Bitmap)GeneratedImage.Image).GetPixel(j, up), CementColor))
                        // Up plus left
                        if (Helper.ColorComparison(((Bitmap)GeneratedImage.Image).GetPixel(left, i), CementColor))
                            CurveCorner(true, true, j, i, curvature);
                            //Console.WriteLine("UP LEFT : " + j + " " + i + " " + left + " " + up);
                            j    += curve;
                            right = Helper.ImageRange(false, j + 1);
                            found = true;
                            if (!(j < GeneratedImage.Width))
                        // Up plus right
                        if (Helper.ColorComparison(((Bitmap)GeneratedImage.Image).GetPixel(right, i), CementColor))
                            CurveCorner(true, false, j, i, curvature);
                            found = true;
                            j    += 2;
                    // Then check down
                    else if (Helper.ColorComparison(((Bitmap)GeneratedImage.Image).GetPixel(j, down), CementColor))
                        // Down plus left
                        if (Helper.ColorComparison(((Bitmap)GeneratedImage.Image).GetPixel(left, i), CementColor))
                            CurveCorner(false, true, j, i, curvature);
                            j    += curve;
                            right = Helper.ImageRange(false, j + 1);
                            if (!(j < GeneratedImage.Width))
                        // Down plus right
                        if (Helper.ColorComparison(((Bitmap)GeneratedImage.Image).GetPixel(right, i), CementColor))
                            CurveCorner(false, false, j, i, curvature);
                            j += 2;
            if (found)
                i    += curve;
                found = false;

        // Add some sloppy cement overlap for more realistic texture
        int nodes = 1500;         // Change this to be a percentage of the picture size later or/and give user option to adjust this
        // This should reach a max value of 3 then reset to 0, basically it changes which direction the point moves when searching
        int increment = 0;

        while (nodes > 0)
            int nodeSize = rand.Next(5, 25);
            if (increment == 0)
                for (int i = rand.Next(0, GeneratedImage.Height); i < GeneratedImage.Height; i++)
                    for (int j = rand.Next(0, GeneratedImage.Height); j < GeneratedImage.Height; j++)
                        // Check if pixel is part of brick at edge of cement
                        if (AddSloppyCement(i, j, nodeSize))
                            i = GeneratedImage.Height;
                            j = GeneratedImage.Height;
            else if (increment == 1)
                for (int i = rand.Next(0, GeneratedImage.Height); i < GeneratedImage.Height; i++)
                    for (int j = rand.Next(0, GeneratedImage.Height); j >= 0; j--)
                        // Check if pixel is part of brick at edge of cement
                        if (AddSloppyCement(i, j, nodeSize))
                            i = GeneratedImage.Height;
                            j = 0;
            else if (increment == 2)
                for (int j = rand.Next(0, GeneratedImage.Height); j < GeneratedImage.Height; j++)
                    for (int i = rand.Next(0, GeneratedImage.Height); i < GeneratedImage.Height; i++)
                        // Check if pixel is part of brick at edge of cement
                        if (AddSloppyCement(i, j, nodeSize))
                            i = GeneratedImage.Height;
                            j = GeneratedImage.Height;
            else if (increment == 3)
                for (int j = rand.Next(0, GeneratedImage.Height); j < GeneratedImage.Height; j++)
                    for (int i = rand.Next(0, GeneratedImage.Height); i >= 0; i--)
                        // Check if pixel is part of brick at edge of cement
                        if (AddSloppyCement(i, j, nodeSize))
                            i = 0;
                            j = GeneratedImage.Height;

            if (increment == 4)
                increment = 0;

        // Create height map after the base texture has been completed
        // Uncomment this to allow creation of height map

        // Here we will add our accent bricks
        for (int index = 0; index < 10; index++)
            int count = AccentCounts[index];
            while (count > 0)
                int x = rand.Next(GeneratedImage.Width);
                int y = rand.Next(GeneratedImage.Height);
                if (Helper.ColorComparison(((Bitmap)GeneratedImage.Image).GetPixel(x, y), MainColor))
                    FillAccentBrick(x, y, index);

        // Get the r g b values for our brick color so we can add variance to each individual value
        int   r = MainColor.R;
        int   g = MainColor.G;
        int   b = MainColor.B;
        Color BrickVariationColor = new Color();

        // Add slight variety to the main color
        // We are now also adding variety to the accent colors here.  May split this apart later
        for (int i = 0; i < GeneratedImage.Height; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < GeneratedImage.Width; j++)
                if (!Helper.ColorComparison(((Bitmap)GeneratedImage.Image).GetPixel(i, j), CementColor))
                    r = ((Bitmap)GeneratedImage.Image).GetPixel(i, j).R;
                    g = ((Bitmap)GeneratedImage.Image).GetPixel(i, j).G;
                    b = ((Bitmap)GeneratedImage.Image).GetPixel(i, j).B;
                    //Console.WriteLine("In the second loop");
                    //BrickVariationColor = new Color();

                    // This is the original way of changing the brick color uncomment to revert back
                    //BrickVariationColor = Color.FromArgb(Helper.ColorRange(r + rand.Next(-30, 30)), Helper.ColorRange(g + rand.Next(-30, 30)), Helper.ColorRange(b + rand.Next(-30, 30)));
                    // This is the new way using the 2d noise array
                    int r2 = r + (int)AverageNoise(j, i) * 10;
                    BrickVariationColor = Color.FromArgb(Helper.ColorRange(r + rand.Next(-30, 30)), Helper.ColorRange(g + rand.Next(-30, 30)), Helper.ColorRange(b + rand.Next(-30, 30)));

                    ((Bitmap)GeneratedImage.Image).SetPixel(i, j, BrickVariationColor);

        // This should be combined with the previous double-for loop as an else statement
        // Do the same thing for the cement
        r = CementColor.R;
        g = CementColor.G;
        b = CementColor.B;
        // Add slight variety to the cement color
        for (int i = 0; i < GeneratedImage.Height; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < GeneratedImage.Height; j++)
                if (Helper.ColorComparison(((Bitmap)GeneratedImage.Image).GetPixel(i, j), CementColor))
                    BrickVariationColor = Color.FromArgb(Helper.ColorRange(r + rand.Next(-CementColorVariety, CementColorVariety)),
                                                         Helper.ColorRange(g + rand.Next(-CementColorVariety, CementColorVariety)),
                                                         Helper.ColorRange(b + rand.Next(-CementColorVariety, CementColorVariety)));
                    ((Bitmap)GeneratedImage.Image).SetPixel(i, j, BrickVariationColor);