public void listingtblbody() { Brand objbrand = new Brand(); string page = Request.QueryString["Page"]; if (page == null) page = "1"; int HOWMANYPAGES = 0; List<Brand> objbrandlisting = objbrand.getBrandall(true,9 ,page.ToString(), "20", out HOWMANYPAGES); Table tblbrand = new Table(); tblbrand.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); tblbrand.CellPadding = 0; tblbrand.CellSpacing = 0; tblbrand.BorderWidth = 0; TableRow tblrow = new TableRow(); TableCell tblcell = new TableCell(); int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < objbrandlisting.Count; i++) { tblrow.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; tblcell = new TableCell(); tblcell.Style.Add("background", "white"); string Brandid = objbrandlisting[i].BrandID; string logo = objbrandlisting[i].Logo; Image imag = new Image(); imag.Width = 190; imag.Height = 190; imag.ImageUrl = "~/images/" + objbrandlisting[i].Logo; imag.Attributes.Add("onclick", "'Branddetail.aspx?id=" + Brandid + "');"); tblcell.Controls.Add(imag); tblrow.Cells.Add(tblcell); sum = sum + 1; if (sum == 5) { tblbrand.Controls.Add(tblrow); tblrow = new TableRow(); sum = 0; } else { tblbrand.Controls.Add(tblrow); } } phbrand.Controls.Add(tblbrand); string firstPageUrl = "http://localhost/f**k/Brand/Brandlisting.aspx?"; //SHARIF Page={0} shoule be like this string pagerFormat = "http://localhost/f**k/Brand/Brandlisting.aspx?Page={0}"; bottomPager.Show(int.Parse(page), HOWMANYPAGES, firstPageUrl, pagerFormat, true); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Brand testing = new Brand(); string page = Request.QueryString["Page"]; if (page == null) page = "1"; int HOWMANYPAGES = 0; List<Brand> www = testing.getBrandall(true, page.ToString(), "6", out HOWMANYPAGES); Table All = new Table(); All.CellPadding = 1; All.CellSpacing = 1; //All.Style.Add("background-color", "#EDEFF4"); All.CssClass = "topalign"; All.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); TableRow allrows = new TableRow(); TableCell allcells = new TableCell(); allcells.CssClass = "topalign"; Table tblmid = new Table(); tblmid.BorderWidth = 2; tblmid.CssClass = "topalign"; tblmid.Width = Unit.Pixel(100); TableRow tblmidrow = new TableRow(); TableCell tblmidcell = new TableCell(); tblmidcell.CssClass = "topalign"; tblmidcell.BorderWidth = 2; Table firsttbl = new Table(); firsttbl.CssClass = "topalign"; firsttbl.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); firsttbl.CellPadding = 0; firsttbl.CellSpacing = 0; TableRow firsttblrow = new TableRow(); TableCell firsttblcell = new TableCell(); int i = 0; foreach (Brand output in www) { firsttblcell = new TableCell(); firsttblcell.Style.Add("align" , "center"); ImageButton img = new ImageButton(); img.Width = 150; img.Height = 150; img.ImageUrl = "~/images/" + output.Logo; img.PostBackUrl = "~/Brand/Branddetail.aspx?brandid=" + output.BrandID + ""; firsttblcell.Controls.Add(img); firsttblrow.Cells.Add(firsttblcell); firsttblcell = new TableCell(); //min table for + and - click Table a1 = new Table(); TableRow a2 = new TableRow(); TableCell a3 = new TableCell(); a3.Style.Add("align", "left"); LinkButton btnadd = new LinkButton(); btnadd.Text = "+"; btnadd.Style.Add("text-decoration","none"); a3.Controls.Add(btnadd); a2.Cells.Add(a3); a1.Controls.Add(a2); a3 = new TableCell(); a2 = new TableRow(); LinkButton btmin = new LinkButton(); btmin.Text = "-"; btmin.Style.Add("text-decoration", "none"); a3.Controls.Add(btmin); a2.Cells.Add(a3); a1.Controls.Add(a2); firsttblcell.Controls.Add(a1); firsttblrow.Cells.Add(firsttblcell); firsttbl.Controls.Add(firsttblrow); // firsttblrow.Cells.Add(firsttblcell); // firsttbl.Rows.Add(firsttblrow); //min table for + and - firsttblrow = new TableRow(); firsttblcell = new TableCell(); firsttblcell.CssClass = "topalign"; firsttblcell.ColumnSpan = 2; Label lbl2 = new Label(); // firsttblcell.Style.Add("background-color", "#b0c4de"); lbl2.Text ="Brand Name : " + output.BrandName; lbl2.CssClass = "lblcomments"; firsttblcell.Controls.Add(lbl2); firsttblrow.Cells.Add(firsttblcell); firsttbl.Rows.Add(firsttblrow); // description row firsttblrow = new TableRow(); firsttblcell = new TableCell(); firsttblcell.CssClass = "topalign"; firsttblcell.ColumnSpan = 2; Label lbl = new Label(); lbl.Text = "Description :"; lbl.CssClass = "lblcomments"; //firsttblcell.Style.Add("background-color", "#b0c4de"); firsttblcell.Controls.Add(lbl); firsttblrow.Cells.Add(firsttblcell); firsttbl.Controls.Add(firsttblrow); firsttblrow = new TableRow(); firsttblcell = new TableCell(); firsttblcell.ColumnSpan = 2; Label lbl6 = new Label(); firsttblcell.CssClass = "topalign"; //firsttblcell.Style.Add("background-color", "#b0c4de"); lbl6.Text = output.BrandDescription; firsttblcell.Controls.Add(lbl6); firsttblrow.Cells.Add(firsttblcell); firsttbl.Rows.Add(firsttblrow); //Description ended //row for comments call other function firsttblrow = new TableRow(); firsttblcell = new TableCell(); firsttblcell.ColumnSpan = 2; Label lblcomment = new Label(); lblcomment.Text = "Comments"; firsttblcell.CssClass = "topalign"; lblcomment.CssClass = "lblcomments"; firsttblcell.Style.Add("background-color", "#EDEFF4"); lblcomment.Style.Add("font-weight", "bold"); firsttblcell.Controls.Add(lblcomment); firsttblrow.Cells.Add(firsttblcell); firsttbl.Controls.Add(firsttblrow); firsttblrow = new TableRow(); firsttblcell = new TableCell(); firsttblcell.ColumnSpan = 2; firsttblcell.CssClass = "topalign"; //firsttblcell.Width = 200; firsttblcell.Width = 200; insertcomment(firsttblcell); firsttblrow.Cells.Add(firsttblcell); firsttbl.Controls.Add(firsttblrow); tblmidcell.Controls.Add(firsttbl); tblmidrow.Cells.Add(tblmidcell); firsttblrow = new TableRow(); firsttblcell = new TableCell(); firsttblcell.ColumnSpan = 2; Addcomments(firsttblcell,int.Parse(output.BrandID)); firsttblrow.Cells.Add(firsttblcell); firsttbl.Controls.Add(firsttblrow); //end of the comment if (i == 2 || i == 5) { // allcells.Controls.Add(firsttbl); // allrows.Cells.Add(allcells); tblmid.Controls.Add(tblmidrow); tblmidrow = new TableRow(); allcells.Controls.Add(tblmid); allrows.Cells.Add(allcells); All.Controls.Add(allrows); } i++; firsttbl = new Table(); firsttblrow = new TableRow(); firsttblcell = new TableCell(); tblmidcell.BorderWidth = 2; tblmidcell.CssClass = "topalign"; tblmidcell = new TableCell(); if(i%2==0) { // tblmidcell.CssClass = "bdetails"; } else { // tblmidcell.CssClass = "bdetailss"; } } All.Controls.Add(allrows); add.Controls.Add(All); string firstPageUrl = "http://localhost/f**k/Archimedes.aspx"; //SHARIF Page={0} shoule be like this string pagerFormat = "http://localhost/f**k/Archimedes.aspx?Page={0}"; bottomPager.Show(int.Parse(page), HOWMANYPAGES, firstPageUrl, pagerFormat, true); }
public void listingtblbody() { Brand objbrand = new Brand(); string page = Request.QueryString["Page"]; if (page == null) page = "1"; int HOWMANYPAGES = 0; List<Brand> objbrandlisting = objbrand.getBrandall(true, 9, page.ToString(), "20", out HOWMANYPAGES); Table tblbrand = new Table(); tblbrand.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); tblbrand.CellPadding = 0; tblbrand.CellSpacing = 0; tblbrand.BorderWidth = 0; TableRow tblrow = new TableRow(); TableCell tblcell = new TableCell(); int sum = 0; int sums = 0; int value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < objbrandlisting.Count; i++) { tblrow.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; tblcell = new TableCell(); tblcell.Style.Add("background", "white"); string Brandid = objbrandlisting[i].BrandID; string logo = objbrandlisting[i].Logo; Image imag = new Image(); imag.Width = 190; imag.Height = 190; imag.ImageUrl = "~/images/" + objbrandlisting[i].Logo; tblcell.Style.Add("-webkit-filter", "grayscale(1)"); tblcell.Style.Add("filter", "gray"); imag.Attributes.Add("onclick", "'Archimedes.aspx?id=" + Brandid + "');"); tblcell.Controls.Add(imag); tblrow.Cells.Add(tblcell); sum = sum + 1; sums = sums + 1; string id= Request.QueryString["id"]; if (id == Brandid) { if (sums <= 5 && sums > 0) { value = 5; } if (sums <= 10 && sums > 5) { value = 10; } if (sums <= 15 && sums > 10) { value = 15; } if (sums <= 20 && sums > 15) { value = 20; } } if (sums == value) { if (id != null) { tblbrand.Controls.Add(tblrow); tblrow = new TableRow(); tblcell = new TableCell(); tblcell.ColumnSpan = 5; tblcell.Controls.Add(main); tblrow.Cells.Add(tblcell); } else { // main.Style.Add("display", "none"); } } if (id == null) { main.Style.Add("display", "none"); } if (sum == 5) { tblbrand.Controls.Add(tblrow); tblrow = new TableRow(); sum = 0; } else { tblbrand.Controls.Add(tblrow); } } phbrand.Controls.Add(tblbrand); string firstPageUrl = "http://localhost/f**k/Brand/Brandlisting.aspx?"; //SHARIF Page={0} shoule be like this string pagerFormat = "http://localhost/f**k/Brand/Brandlisting.aspx?Page={0}"; bottomPager.Show(int.Parse(page), HOWMANYPAGES, firstPageUrl, pagerFormat, true); }
public void listingtblbody(Table tblbrand, TableRow tblrow, TableCell tblcell) { Brand objbrand = new Brand(); string page = Request.QueryString["Page"]; if (page == null) page = "1"; int HOWMANYPAGES = 0; List<Brand> objbrandlisting = objbrand.getBrandall(true, page.ToString(), "5", out HOWMANYPAGES); for (int i = 0; i < objbrandlisting.Count; i++) { tblrow = new TableRow(); tblcell.CssClass = "bodycells"; tblrow.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; tblrow.Style.Add("background-color", "#EDE9D3"); tblcell = new TableCell(); // tblcell.Width = 600; string Brandid = objbrandlisting[i].BrandID; string logo = objbrandlisting[i].Logo; Image imag = new Image(); imag.Width = 40; imag.Height = 40; imag.ImageUrl = "~/images/" + objbrandlisting[i].Logo; // imag.PostBackUrl="Branddetail.aspx?brandid=" + a + ""; tblcell.Controls.Add(imag); tblrow.Cells.Add(tblcell); tblcell = new TableCell(); HyperLink lnk = new HyperLink(); lnk.CssClass = "lblNav"; lnk.NavigateUrl = "Branddetail.aspx?brandid=" + Brandid + ""; lnk.Text = "<PRE> " + objbrandlisting[i].BrandName; lnk.Style.Add("text-decoration", "none"); tblcell.Controls.Add(lnk); tblrow.Cells.Add(tblcell); tblcell = new TableCell(); HyperLink website = new HyperLink(); website.Text = objbrandlisting[i].Website; lnk.NavigateUrl = "Branddetail.aspx?brandid=" + Brandid + ""; tblcell.Controls.Add(website); tblrow.Cells.Add(tblcell); tblcell = new TableCell(); Button btnedit = new Button(); btnedit.PostBackUrl = "http://localhost/F**k/Brand/EditBrand.aspx?id=" + Brandid + ""; btnedit.Text = "Edit"; tblcell.Controls.Add(btnedit); tblrow.Cells.Add(tblcell); tblcell = new TableCell(); Button btnapprove = new Button(); string str = ""; if (int.Parse(page) > 1) { int number = int.Parse(page); str = "Brandlisting.aspx?page=" + number + "&dl=1&id=" + objbrandlisting[i].BrandID + ""; } else { str = "Brandlisting.aspx?dl=1&id=" + objbrandlisting[i].BrandID + ""; } btnapprove.PostBackUrl = str; btnapprove.Text = "Approve"; tblcell.Controls.Add(btnapprove); tblrow.Cells.Add(tblcell); tblcell = new TableCell(); Button reject = new Button(); if (int.Parse(page) > 1) { int number = int.Parse(page); str = "Brandlisting.aspx?page=" + number + "&dl=2&id=" + objbrandlisting[i].BrandID + ""; } else { str = "Brandlisting.aspx?dl=2&id=" + objbrandlisting[i].BrandID + ""; } reject.PostBackUrl = str; reject.Text = "Reject"; tblcell.Controls.Add(reject); tblrow.Cells.Add(tblcell); tblbrand.Controls.Add(tblrow); } phbrand.Controls.Add(tblbrand); string firstPageUrl = "http://localhost/f**k/Brand/Brandlisting.aspx?"; //SHARIF Page={0} shoule be like this string pagerFormat = "http://localhost/f**k/Brand/Brandlisting.aspx?Page={0}"; bottomPager.Show(int.Parse(page), HOWMANYPAGES, firstPageUrl, pagerFormat, true); }