Esempio n. 1
 //Initialize everything.
 void Start()
     //Make sure the altitude is zeroed
     startAltitude = transform.position.y;
     //Get the brake component. In the real program this might
     //Initialize an object that deals with breaks or something.
     brake = this.GetComponent <Brakes>();
     //Make sure the brakes are off
     //Make sure the brakes are activated.
     brake.on = true;
Esempio n. 2
    //FixedUpdate is called every x seconds. In the simulation it is set to run every 0.2 seconds.
    //This is important to note because of Time.fixedDeltaTime. This should be changed to calculate the
    //time difference between one cycle of the code and the next.
    void FixedUpdate()
        //Logging the maximum altitude.
        //Is our current y position higher than maxAlt?
        if (transform.position.y > maxAlt)
            //The current altitude is the highest we've ever been!
            maxAlt = transform.position.y;

        //This is our current speed in the y direction (up)
        float curSpeed = GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity.y;

        //Logging max speed
        if (maxSpeed < curSpeed)
            altAtMaxSpeed = transform.position.y;
            maxSpeed      = curSpeed;

        //If the brake is on, or applying force
        //brake.on isn't checking if the brakes are deployed, it's making sure the module is active.
        //We're using PID, not bang-bang or on-off control
        if (!brake.on || brake.resistanceForce == 0)
            acceleration = (curSpeed - lastSpeed) / Time.fixedDeltaTime;

        //Logging minimum acceleration.
        minAccel = Mathf.Min(acceleration, minAccel);

        //Our current K constant calculated through the function
        // ((a - g) * m)/ v^2 = k
        //This is only for testing purposes. It should change with the braking. Higher braking percentage means higher k value.
        float k = ((acceleration - Physics.gravity.y) * massConstant) / (curSpeed * curSpeed);

        Debug.Log("Calculated K: " + k);

        //Are we using PID? We better be.
        //If we aren't we are probably doing a launch to obtain k values and such.
        if (usePID)
            //Calculate what our projected final altitude is.
            //The function used to find this is
            //(m / (2 * k)) * Log((m * -g + k * v^2)/(m * -g)) + y
            // m = mass in grams(?)
            // k = K constant - This is calculated beforehand and is a constant in the program.
            // g = acceleration due to gravity.
            // v = vertical velocity
            // y = current altitude
            float finalAltitude = (massConstant / (2 * KConstant)) * Mathf.Log((massConstant * -Physics.gravity.y + KConstant * curSpeed * curSpeed) / (massConstant * -Physics.gravity.y)) + transform.position.y;

            //Ignore this.
            //-(curSpeed * curSpeed) / (2 * (-9.81f - ((curSpeed * curSpeed * dragConstant)/massConstant))) + transform.position.y;

            //Print some logging stuff out.
            Debug.Log("Final Alt: " + finalAltitude + " " + (massConstant * -Physics.gravity.y));

            //Are we decelerating?
            //If we are, the motors aren't firing anymore and braking should be applied.
            if (acceleration < 0)
                //Get the difference between how high we will go and how high we want to go.
                error = finalAltitude - targetAltitude;

                //Take the integral of the error
                integral = integral + error * Time.fixedDeltaTime;

                //Take the derivative of the error
                derivative = (error - prevError) / Time.fixedDeltaTime;

                //Now apply the P I and D tuning parameters.
                //This will give us an output percentage which may be over 100%. This is fine, and expected.
                //Just limit it in the brake function, don't limit it here.
                float output = P * error + I * integral + D * derivative;

                //save the current error so we can calcuate the derivative.
                prevError = error;

                //Set the braking percentage.

                //A little bit of debugging.
                Debug.Log("Output: " + output + ", Error: " + error);

        //Log the altitude quick so we can calculate vertical velocity

        //Log the last speed so we can calculate acceleration.
        lastSpeed = curSpeed;