Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Unlabeled Tree:");
            var t = new Br <string>
                left = new Lf <string> {
                    contents = "a"
                right = new Br <string>
                    left = new Br <string>
                        left = new Lf <string> {
                            contents = "b"
                        right = new Lf <string> {
                            contents = "c"
                    right = new Lf <string> {
                        contents = "d"


            Console.WriteLine("Hand-Labeled Tree:");
            var t1 = new Br <Scp <string> >
                left = new Lf <Scp <string> >
                    contents = new Scp <string>
                        label       = 0,
                        lcpContents = "a"
                right = new Br <Scp <string> >
                    left = new Br <Scp <string> >
                        left = new Lf <Scp <string> >
                            contents = new Scp <string>
                                label       = 1,
                                lcpContents = "b"
                        right = new Lf <Scp <string> >
                            contents = new Scp <string>
                                label       = 2,
                                lcpContents = "c"
                    right = new Lf <Scp <string> >
                        contents = new Scp <string>
                            label       = 3,
                            lcpContents = "d"


            Console.WriteLine("Non-monadically Labeled Tree:");
            var t2 = Label <string>(t);


            Console.WriteLine("Monadically Labeled Tree:");
            var t3 = MLabel <string>(t);


Esempio n. 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Unlabeled Tree:");
            var t = new Br <string>
                left = new Lf <string> {
                    contents = "a"
                right = new Br <string>
                    left = new Br <string>
                        left = new Lf <string> {
                            contents = "b"
                        right = new Lf <string> {
                            contents = "c"
                    right = new Lf <string> {
                        contents = "d"


            Console.WriteLine("Hand-Labeled Tree:");
            var t1 = new Br <Scp <string> >
                left = new Lf <Scp <string> >
                    contents = new Scp <string>
                        label       = 0,
                        lcpContents = "a"
                right = new Br <Scp <string> >
                    left = new Br <Scp <string> >
                        left = new Lf <Scp <string> >
                            contents = new Scp <string>
                                label       = 1,
                                lcpContents = "b"
                        right = new Lf <Scp <string> >
                            contents = new Scp <string>
                                label       = 2,
                                lcpContents = "c"
                    right = new Lf <Scp <string> >
                        contents = new Scp <string>
                            label       = 3,
                            lcpContents = "d"


            Console.WriteLine("Non-monadically Labeled Tree:");
            var t2 = Label <string>(t);


            Console.WriteLine("Monadically Labeled Tree:");
            var t3 = MLabel <string>(t);



            // Exercise 1: generalize over the type of the state, from int
            // to <S>, say, so that the SM type can handle any kind of
            // state object. Start with Scp<T> --> Scp<S, T>, from
            // "label-content pair" to "state-content pair".
            var tree = new Branch <string>(
                new Leaf <string>("a"),
                new Branch <string>(
                    new Branch <string>(
                        new Leaf <string>("b"),
                        new Leaf <string>("c")),
                    new Leaf <string>("d")));

            Exercise1.Exercise1.Run(tree, 0);

            // Exercise 2: go from labeling a tree to doing a constrained
            // container computation, as in WPF. Give everything a
            // bounding box, and size subtrees to fit inside their
            // parents, recursively.
            var initialDepth = 0.0;
            var initialRect  = new Rect(100, 100, 0, 0);
            var ex2Seed      = Tuple.Create(initialDepth, initialRect);

            Exercise2.Exercise2.Run(tree, ex2Seed);

            // Exercise 3: promote @return and @bind into an abstract
            // class "M" and make "SM" a subclass of that.
            // Running exercise 3 with all the pieces from exercise 2:
            Exercise3.Exercise3.Run(tree, ex2Seed);

            // Exercise 4 (HARD): go from binary tree to n-ary tree.

            // Exercise 5: Abstract from n-ary tree to IEnumerable; do
            // everything in LINQ! (Hint: SelectMany).
            Exercise5.Exercise5.Run(tree, ex2Seed);

            // Exercise 6: Go look up monadic parser combinators and
            // implement an elegant parser library on top of your new
            // state monad in LINQ.

            // Exercise 7: Verify the Monad laws, either abstractly
            // (pencil and paper), or mechnically, via a program, for the
            // state monad.

            // Exercise 8: Design an interface for the operators @return
            // and @bind and rewrite the state monad so that it implements
            // this interface. See if you can enforce the monad laws
            // (associativity of @bind, left identity of @return, right
            // identity of @return) in the interface implementation.

            // Exercise 9: Look up the List Monad and implement it so that
            // it implements the same interface.

            // Exercise 10: deconstruct this entire example by using
            // destructive updates (assignment) in a discipline way that
            // treats the entire CLR and heap memory as an "ambient
            // monad." Identify the @return and @bind operators in this
            // monad, implement them explicitly both as virtual methods
            // and as interface methods.