protected async void IdInput(ChangeEventArgs args) { var id = args.Value as string; _idInputErrorMessage = string.Empty; _idInputClassDecorator = ""; if (id == ContractElement.Id) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { _idInputClassDecorator = "is-invalid"; _idInputErrorMessage += "The id cannot be empty\n"; return; } if (id.Length > 50) { _idInputClassDecorator = "is-invalid"; _idInputErrorMessage += "The id can't be longer than 50 characters\n"; return; } if (id != ContractElement.Id && !ProcessModelManager.IsElementIdAvailable(id)) { _idInputClassDecorator = "is-invalid"; _idInputErrorMessage += "The id must be unique\n"; return; } if (!Regex.IsMatch(id, "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$")) { _idInputClassDecorator = "is-invalid"; _idInputErrorMessage += "Id must consist of alphanumerical characters and underscores\n"; return; } if (ContractElement is Process) { ProcessModelManager.UpdateProcessId(ContractElement as Process, id); EditElementService.EditedElementModified(); } else { await BpmnJsCommunicator.UpdateElementId(ContractElement.Id, id); } }
protected async void NameInput(ChangeEventArgs args) { var name = args.Value as string; string elementId; if (ContractElement is Process) { var process = ContractElement as Process; elementId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(process.ParticipantId) ? process.BpmnId : process.ParticipantId; } else { elementId = ContractElement.Id; } if (elementId != null) { await BpmnJsCommunicator.UpdateElementName(elementId, name); } }