Esempio n. 1
        private BoxQuantityPair FindTheMostSuitableBoxForThePlatform(List <BoxQuantityPair> boxesSet, Box platform)
            // Box is the most suitable if after its placing, the distance left to the ceiling is minimum

            var             heightLeft         = 100000000000D;
            BoxQuantityPair theMostSuitableBox = null;

            foreach (var boxQuantityPair in boxesSet.Where(b => b.Quantity != 0))
                var boxesInStackQuantity = Math.Floor((double)platform.Height / boxQuantityPair.Box.Height);

                var heightWillBeLeft = platform.Height - boxesInStackQuantity * boxQuantityPair.Box.Height;

                if (heightWillBeLeft >= 0 &&
                    heightWillBeLeft < heightLeft &&
                    boxQuantityPair.Box.Length <= platform.Length && boxQuantityPair.Box.Width <= platform.Length &&
                    boxQuantityPair.Box.Length <= platform.Width - platform.YPos + Delta && boxQuantityPair.Box.Width <= platform.Width - platform.YPos + Delta)
                    heightLeft         = heightWillBeLeft;
                    theMostSuitableBox = boxQuantityPair;

Esempio n. 2
        private void PlaceFirstLevelOfBoxes(BoxQuantityPair boxQuantityPair, Container container)
            var box = boxQuantityPair.Box;

            while (box.Length <= FindDistanceLeftToTheWallOfContainer(container) &&
                   boxQuantityPair.Quantity > 0)

                _rowOfBoxes.Add(new Box(box.Name, length: box.Length, width: box.Width, height: box.Height, x: _xo, y: _yo, z: _zo));


                _zo += box.Height;
                _distanceLeftToTheCeiling = container.Height - box.Height;

                PutTheSameBoxOnTheTop(boxQuantityPair, _xo, _yo, _zo);

                _distanceLeftToTheCeiling = container.Height;
                PutTheSameBoxInFrontOf(boxQuantityPair, _yo + box.Width, container.Height);

                _xo += box.Length;
                _zo  = 0;
Esempio n. 3
        private void PlaceTheSameBoxOnTheTop(BoxQuantityPair boxQuantityPair, int destinationXPos, int destinationYPos, ref int destinationZPos)
            var box = boxQuantityPair.Box;

            _rowOfBoxes.Add(new Box(box.Name, length: box.Length, width: box.Width, height: box.Height,
                                    x: destinationXPos, y: destinationYPos, z: destinationZPos));

            destinationZPos           += box.Height;
            _distanceLeftToTheCeiling -= box.Height;
Esempio n. 4
        private void AddSecondRowBox(BoxQuantityPair boxQuantityPair, Box platform)
            var box = boxQuantityPair.Box;

            _rowOfBoxes.Add(new Box(box.Name, length: box.Length, width: box.Width, height: box.Height,
                                    x: platform.XPos, y: platform.YPos, z: platform.ZPos));

            _distanceLeftToTheCeiling = platform.Height - box.Height;


            PutTheSameBoxOnTheTop(boxQuantityPair, platform.XPos, platform.YPos, platform.ZPos + box.Height);
Esempio n. 5
        private void PutTheSameBoxOnTheTop(BoxQuantityPair boxQuantityPair, int destinationXPos, int destinationYPos, int destinationZPos)
            var isPossibleToPutAnotherOne = true;

            while (isPossibleToPutAnotherOne)
                if (_distanceLeftToTheCeiling > boxQuantityPair.Box.Height &&
                    boxQuantityPair.Quantity > 0)
                    PlaceTheSameBoxOnTheTop(boxQuantityPair, destinationXPos, destinationYPos, ref destinationZPos);
                    isPossibleToPutAnotherOne = false;
        public PlacingPlanProviderTest()
            var boxA = new BoxQuantityPair {
                Box = new Box("F", length: 60, width: 60, height: 200), Quantity = 8
            var boxB = new BoxQuantityPair {
                Box = new Box("WM", length: 55, width: 60, height: 80), Quantity = 20
            var boxC = new BoxQuantityPair {
                Box = new Box("EK", length: 20, width: 20, height: 30), Quantity = 40

            _container = new Container("Name1", length: 400, width: 300, height: 300);

            _boxesSet = new List <BoxQuantityPair> {
                boxA, boxB, boxC

            _placingPlanProvider = new PlacingPlanProvider();
Esempio n. 7
        private void PutTheSameBoxInFrontOf(BoxQuantityPair boxQuantityPair, int destinationYPos, int containerHeight)
            var box = boxQuantityPair.Box;
            var widthDistanceLeft = _rowWidth - boxQuantityPair.Box.Width;
            var destinationZPos   = 0;

            while (widthDistanceLeft >= boxQuantityPair.Box.Width &&
                   boxQuantityPair.Quantity > 0 &&
                   _yo + _rowWidth >= destinationYPos + boxQuantityPair.Box.Width)
                _rowOfBoxes.Add(new Box(box.Name, length: box.Length, width: box.Width, height: box.Height,
                                        x: _xo, y: destinationYPos, z: destinationZPos));

                destinationZPos           += box.Height;
                _distanceLeftToTheCeiling -= box.Height;

                PutTheSameBoxOnTheTop(boxQuantityPair, _xo, destinationYPos, destinationZPos);

                destinationZPos           = 0;
                _distanceLeftToTheCeiling = containerHeight;
                destinationYPos          += box.Width;
                widthDistanceLeft        -= boxQuantityPair.Box.Width;