Esempio n. 1
	static public VISIBILTY GetVisibility(Vector4d[] frustumPlanes, Box3d box)
	    VISIBILTY v0 = GetVisibility(frustumPlanes[0], box);
	    if (v0 == VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE) {
	        return VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE;
	    VISIBILTY v1 = GetVisibility(frustumPlanes[1], box);
	    if (v1 == VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE) {
	        return VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE;
	    VISIBILTY v2 = GetVisibility(frustumPlanes[2], box);
	    if (v2 == VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE) {
	        return VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE;
	    VISIBILTY v3 = GetVisibility(frustumPlanes[3], box);
	    if (v3 == VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE) {
	        return VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE;
	    VISIBILTY v4 = GetVisibility(frustumPlanes[4], box);
	    if (v4 == VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE) {
	        return VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE;
	    if (v0 == VISIBILTY.FULLY && v1 == VISIBILTY.FULLY &&
	        v2 == VISIBILTY.FULLY && v3 == VISIBILTY.FULLY &&
	        v4 == VISIBILTY.FULLY)
	        return VISIBILTY.FULLY;
Esempio n. 2
	static VISIBILTY GetVisibility(Vector4d clip, Box3d box)
	    double x0 = box.xmin * clip.x;
	    double x1 = box.xmax * clip.x;
	    double y0 = box.ymin * clip.y;
	    double y1 = box.ymax * clip.y;
	    double z0 = box.zmin * clip.z + clip.w;
	    double z1 = box.zmax * clip.z + clip.w;
	    double p1 = x0 + y0 + z0;
	    double p2 = x1 + y0 + z0;
	    double p3 = x1 + y1 + z0;
	    double p4 = x0 + y1 + z0;
	    double p5 = x0 + y0 + z1;
	    double p6 = x1 + y0 + z1;
	    double p7 = x1 + y1 + z1;
	    double p8 = x0 + y1 + z1;
	    if(p1 <= 0 && p2 <= 0 && p3 <= 0 && p4 <= 0 && p5 <= 0 && p6 <= 0 && p7 <= 0 && p8 <= 0) {
	        return VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE;
	    if (p1 > 0 && p2 > 0 && p3 > 0 && p4 > 0 && p5 > 0 && p6 > 0 && p7 > 0 && p8 > 0) {
	        return VISIBILTY.FULLY;
Esempio n. 3
  * Returns the visibility of a bounding box in local space, in a view
  * frustum defined in deformed space.
  * param node a TerrainNode. This is node is used to get the camera position
  * in local and deformed space with TerrainNode::GetLocalCamera and
  * TerrainNode::GetDeformedCamera, as well as the view frustum planes
  * in deformed space with TerrainNode::GetDeformedFrustumPlanes.
  * param localBox a bounding box in local space.
  * return the visibility of the bounding box in the view frustum.
 public virtual Frustum.VISIBILTY GetVisibility(TerrainNode node, Box3d localBox)
     // localBox = deformedBox, so we can compare the deformed frustum with it
     return Frustum.GetVisibility(node.GetDeformedFrustumPlanes(), localBox);
Esempio n. 4
 * Creates a new TerrainQuad.
 * param owner the TerrainNode to which the terrain quadtree belongs.
 * param parent the parent quad of this quad.
 * param tx the logical x coordinate of this quad.
 * param ty the logical y coordinate of this quad.
 * param ox the physical x coordinate of the lower left corner of this quad.
 * param oy the physical y coordinate of the lower left corner of this quad.
 * param l the physical size of this quad.
 * param zmin the minimum %terrain elevation inside this quad.
 * param zmax the maximum %terrain elevation inside this quad.
 public TerrainQuad(TerrainNode owner, TerrainQuad parent, int tx, int ty, double ox, double oy, double length, float zmin, float zmax)
     m_owner = owner;
     m_parent = parent;
     m_level = (m_parent == null) ? 0 : m_parent.GetLevel() + 1;
     m_tx = tx;
     m_ty = ty;
     m_ox = ox;
     m_oy = oy;
     m_zmax = zmax;
     m_zmin = zmin;
     m_length = length;
     m_localBox = new Box3d(m_ox, m_ox + m_length, m_oy, m_oy + m_length, m_zmin, m_zmax);
        public override Frustum.VISIBILTY GetVisibility(TerrainNode t, Box3d localBox)
            Vector3d2[] deformedBox = new Vector3d2[4];
            deformedBox[0] = LocalToDeformed(new Vector3d2(localBox.xmin, localBox.ymin, localBox.zmin));
            deformedBox[1] = LocalToDeformed(new Vector3d2(localBox.xmax, localBox.ymin, localBox.zmin));
            deformedBox[2] = LocalToDeformed(new Vector3d2(localBox.xmax, localBox.ymax, localBox.zmin));
            deformedBox[3] = LocalToDeformed(new Vector3d2(localBox.xmin, localBox.ymax, localBox.zmin));

            double a = (localBox.zmax + R) / (localBox.zmin + R);
            double dx = (localBox.xmax - localBox.xmin) / 2 * a;
            double dy = (localBox.ymax - localBox.ymin) / 2 * a;
            double dz = localBox.zmax + R;
            double f = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) / (localBox.zmin + R);

            Vector4d[] deformedFrustumPlanes = t.GetDeformedFrustumPlanes();

            Frustum.VISIBILTY v0 = GetVisibility(deformedFrustumPlanes[0], deformedBox, f);
            if (v0 == Frustum.VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE) {
                return Frustum.VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE;

            Frustum.VISIBILTY v1 = GetVisibility(deformedFrustumPlanes[1], deformedBox, f);
            if (v1 == Frustum.VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE) {
                return Frustum.VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE;

            Frustum.VISIBILTY v2 = GetVisibility(deformedFrustumPlanes[2], deformedBox, f);
            if (v2 == Frustum.VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE) {
                return Frustum.VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE;

            Frustum.VISIBILTY v3 = GetVisibility(deformedFrustumPlanes[3], deformedBox, f);
            if (v3 == Frustum.VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE) {
                return Frustum.VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE;

            Frustum.VISIBILTY v4 = GetVisibility(deformedFrustumPlanes[4], deformedBox, f);
            if (v4 == Frustum.VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE) {
                return Frustum.VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE;

            Vector3d2 c = t.GetDeformedCameraPos();
            double lSq = c.SqrMagnitude();
            double rm = R + Math.Min(0.0, localBox.zmin);
            double rM = R + localBox.zmax;
            double rmSq = rm * rm;
            double rMSq = rM * rM;
            Vector4d farPlane = new Vector4d(c.x, c.y, c.z, Math.Sqrt((lSq - rmSq) * (rMSq - rmSq)) - rmSq);

            Frustum.VISIBILTY v5 = GetVisibility(farPlane, deformedBox, f);
            if (v5 == Frustum.VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE) {
                return Frustum.VISIBILTY.INVISIBLE;

            if (v0 == Frustum.VISIBILTY.FULLY && v1 == Frustum.VISIBILTY.FULLY &&
                v2 == Frustum.VISIBILTY.FULLY && v3 == Frustum.VISIBILTY.FULLY &&
                v4 == Frustum.VISIBILTY.FULLY && v5 == Frustum.VISIBILTY.FULLY)
                return Frustum.VISIBILTY.FULLY;
            return Frustum.VISIBILTY.PARTIALLY;
Esempio n. 6
 * Returns the distance in local (i.e., source) space between a point and a
 * bounding box.
 * param localPt a point in local space.
 * param localBox a bounding box in local space.
 public virtual double GetLocalDist(Vector3d2 localPt, Box3d localBox)
     return Math.Max(Math.Abs(localPt.z - localBox.zmax),
                     Math.Max(Math.Min(Math.Abs(localPt.x - localBox.xmin), Math.Abs(localPt.x - localBox.xmax)),
              Math.Min(Math.Abs(localPt.y - localBox.ymin), Math.Abs(localPt.y - localBox.ymax))));
Esempio n. 7
 //Returns the bounding box containing this box and the given box.
 public Box3d Enlarge(Box3d r)
     return(new Box3d(System.Math.Min(xmin, r.xmin), System.Math.Max(xmax, r.xmax),
                      System.Math.Min(ymin, r.ymin), System.Math.Max(ymax, r.ymax),
                      System.Math.Min(zmin, r.zmin), System.Math.Max(zmax, r.zmax)));
Esempio n. 8
    //Returns the bounding box containing this box and the given box.
    public Box3d Enlarge(Box3d r)
        return new Box3d(	System.Math.Min(xmin, r.xmin), System.Math.Max(xmax, r.xmax), 
							System.Math.Min(ymin, r.ymin), System.Math.Max(ymax, r.ymax), 
							System.Math.Min(zmin, r.zmin), System.Math.Max(zmax, r.zmax));
Esempio n. 9
 public ParticlesFromBounds(double spacing, Box3d bounds, Box3d exclusion) : base(spacing)
     Bounds = bounds;
 /// <summary></summary>
 public PointFileInfo(string fileName, PointCloudFileFormat format, long fileSizeInBytes, long pointCount, Box3d bounds)
     FileName        = fileName;
     Format          = format;
     FileSizeInBytes = fileSizeInBytes;
     PointCount      = pointCount;
     Bounds          = bounds;
Esempio n. 11
 public ParticlesFromBounds(double spacing, Box3d bounds) : base(spacing)
     Bounds = bounds;
Esempio n. 12
        public bool ObjectIsInsideBox(int objectIndex, Box3d box)
            GetTriangle(objectIndex, out V3d p0, out V3d p1, out V3d p2);

            return(box.Contains(p0) && box.Contains(p1) && box.Contains(p2));
Esempio n. 13
        public bool ObjectIntersectsBox(int objectIndex, Box3d box)
            GetTriangle(objectIndex, out V3d p0, out V3d p1, out V3d p2);

            return(box.IntersectsTriangle(p0, p1, p2));
Esempio n. 14
        static Box3d Transform4(Box3d box, M44d trafo)
            //if (!box.IsValid) return Box3d.Invalid;
            //if (box.IsInvalid) return Box3d.Invalid;
            var t   = new V3d(trafo.M03, trafo.M13, trafo.M23);
            var res = new Box3d(t, t);
            // unrolled
            double av, bv;

            av = trafo.M00 * box.Min.X;
            bv = trafo.M00 * box.Max.X;
            if (av < bv)
                res.Min.X += av;
                res.Max.X += bv;
                res.Min.X += bv;
                res.Max.X += av;

            av = trafo.M01 * box.Min.Y;
            bv = trafo.M01 * box.Max.Y;
            if (av < bv)
                res.Min.X += av;
                res.Max.X += bv;
                res.Min.X += bv;
                res.Max.X += av;

            av = trafo.M02 * box.Min.Z;
            bv = trafo.M02 * box.Max.Z;
            if (av < bv)
                res.Min.X += av;
                res.Max.X += bv;
                res.Min.X += bv;
                res.Max.X += av;

            av = trafo.M10 * box.Min.X;
            bv = trafo.M10 * box.Max.X;
            if (av < bv)
                res.Min.Y += av;
                res.Max.Y += bv;
                res.Min.Y += bv;
                res.Max.Y += av;

            av = trafo.M11 * box.Min.Y;
            bv = trafo.M11 * box.Max.Y;
            if (av < bv)
                res.Min.Y += av;
                res.Max.Y += bv;
                res.Min.Y += bv;
                res.Max.Y += av;

            av = trafo.M12 * box.Min.Z;
            bv = trafo.M12 * box.Max.Z;
            if (av < bv)
                res.Min.Y += av;
                res.Max.Y += bv;
                res.Min.Y += bv;
                res.Max.Y += av;

            av = trafo.M20 * box.Min.X;
            bv = trafo.M20 * box.Max.X;
            if (av < bv)
                res.Min.Z += av;
                res.Max.Z += bv;
                res.Min.Z += bv;
                res.Max.Z += av;

            av = trafo.M21 * box.Min.Y;
            bv = trafo.M21 * box.Max.Y;
            if (av < bv)
                res.Min.Z += av;
                res.Max.Z += bv;
                res.Min.Z += bv;
                res.Max.Z += av;

            av = trafo.M22 * box.Min.Z;
            bv = trafo.M22 * box.Max.Z;
            if (av < bv)
                res.Min.Z += av;
                res.Max.Z += bv;
                res.Min.Z += bv;
                res.Max.Z += av;

Esempio n. 15
 public static void GetDoublev(uint pname, out Box3d data)
     m_GetDoublev_9(pname, out data);
     if(m_debug) CheckError("GetDoublev");