Esempio n. 1
        public static void Center(FScene scene, IEnumerable <DMeshSO> objects, bool bInteractive)
            AxisAlignedBox3d all_bounds = AxisAlignedBox3d.Empty;

            foreach (var so in objects)
                TransformSequence seq    = SceneTransforms.ObjectToSceneXForm(so);
                AxisAlignedBox3d  bounds = BoundsUtil.Bounds(so.Mesh.Vertices(), seq);
            Vector3f c = (Vector3f)all_bounds.Center;

            c.y = 0;

            foreach (var so in objects)
                Frame3f curFrameS = so.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                Frame3f newFrameS = curFrameS;
                newFrameS.Origin = curFrameS.Origin - c;
                TransformSOChange change = new TransformSOChange(so, curFrameS, newFrameS, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                scene.History.PushChange(change, false);
            if (bInteractive)
Esempio n. 2
        public void Build(int maxAxisSubdivs = 64)
            AxisAlignedBox3d bounds   = BoundsUtil.Bounds(Points);
            double           cellsize = bounds.MaxDim / (double)maxAxisSubdivs;

            Build(cellsize, bounds.Min);
Esempio n. 3
    private bool IsGroupValid(List <GameObject> group, List <Vector2> blockBounds)
        //check if existing group
        bool isAlreadyGroup = this.IsGroupAlreadyExist(group);

        //check if the geometry is correct
        List <Vector2> boundsFromGeometry = BoundsUtil.GetBoundsFromGeometry(group);
        bool           areBoundsEqual     = BoundsUtil.AreBoundsSizeEqual(boundsFromGeometry, blockBounds, Block.BlockSize / 4f);

        return(isAlreadyGroup == false && areBoundsEqual);
Esempio n. 4
 public override void update_curve(Vector3f[] Vertices)
     if (Vertices == null)
         center = Vector3f.Zero;
         center = BoundsUtil.Bounds(Vertices, (x) => { return(x); }).Center;
Esempio n. 5
        public DMeshSO BuildSO(FScene scene, SOMaterial material)
            DMesh3 revolveMesh = UnityUtil.UnityMeshToDMesh(meshObject.GetSharedMesh(), false);

            // move axis frame to center of bbox of mesh, measured in axis frame
            Frame3f          useF          = OutputFrame;
            AxisAlignedBox3f boundsInFrame = (AxisAlignedBox3f)BoundsUtil.BoundsInFrame(revolveMesh.Vertices(), useF);

            useF.Origin = useF.FromFrameP(boundsInFrame.Center);

            // transform mesh into this frame
            MeshTransforms.ToFrame(revolveMesh, useF);

            // create new so
            DMeshSO meshSO = new DMeshSO();

            meshSO.Create(revolveMesh, material);
            meshSO.SetLocalFrame(useF, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);

Esempio n. 6
        public static void MoveToPrintBed(FScene scene, DMeshSO so, bool bInteractive)
            TransformSequence seq    = SceneTransforms.ObjectToSceneXForm(so);
            AxisAlignedBox3d  bounds = BoundsUtil.Bounds(so.Mesh.Vertices(), seq);

            Frame3f curFrameS = so.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
            float   dy        = (float)(bounds.Center.y - bounds.Extents.y);

            if (Math.Abs(dy) > MathUtil.ZeroTolerancef)
                Frame3f newFrameS = curFrameS;
                newFrameS.Origin = curFrameS.Origin - dy * Vector3f.AxisY;
                TransformSOChange change = new TransformSOChange(so, curFrameS, newFrameS, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                scene.History.PushChange(change, false);
                if (bInteractive)
Esempio n. 7
        public static void WriteDebugMeshAndMarkers(IMesh mesh, List <Vector3D> Markers, string sPath)
            WriteOptions options = WriteOptions.Defaults;

            options.bWriteGroups = true;
            List <WriteMesh> meshes = new List <WriteMesh>()
                new WriteMesh(mesh)
            double size = BoundsUtil.Bounds(mesh).Diagonal.Length * 0.01f;

            foreach (Vector3D v in Markers)
                TrivialBox3Generator boxgen = new TrivialBox3Generator();
                boxgen.Box = new Box3d(v, size * Vector3D.One);
                DMesh3 m = new DMesh3();
                meshes.Add(new WriteMesh(m));

            StandardMeshWriter.WriteFile(sPath, meshes, options);
Esempio n. 8
    /// <summary>
    /// Unions blocks from the block list representing blocks whoich can be united.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="blocks"></param>
    public void UnionBlocks(List <GameObject> blocks)
        BlockColor color = blocks[0].GetComponent <Block>().color;

        //get Bounds
        List <Vector2> bounds = BoundsUtil.GetBoundsFromGeometry(blocks);

        //Destroy blocks
        for (var iB = 0; iB < blocks.Count; iB++)

        //Create unioned Block
        int        widthUnits  = Mathf.RoundToInt((bounds[1].x - bounds[0].x) / this.blockSize);
        int        heightUnits = Mathf.RoundToInt((bounds[1].y - bounds[0].y) / this.blockSize);
        GameObject block       = this.CreateBlock(bounds[1].x, bounds[0].y, widthUnits, heightUnits, false, color);

        // appends connector to mesh. This one is messy
        bool compute_connector(DMesh3 mesh)
            if (DebugStep <= 2)

            AxisAlignedBox3d socketBounds = mesh.CachedBounds;
            Vector3d         c            = socketBounds.Center;

            c.y = socketBounds.Min.y + ConnectorCutHeight;

             * first we select the outer shell triangles, and plane-cut them some ways up from the bottom.
             * This creates an open loop that we hang onto

            MeshPlaneCut outer_cut = new MeshPlaneCut(mesh, c, CutPlaneNormal);

            outer_cut.CutFaceSet = new MeshFaceSelection(mesh, LastExtrudeOuterGroupID);

            MeshPlaneCut inner_cut = null;

            if (Connector.HasInner)
                inner_cut            = new MeshPlaneCut(mesh, c, CutPlaneNormal);
                inner_cut.CutFaceSet = new MeshFaceSelection(mesh, LastInnerGroupID);

            if (DebugStep <= 3)

            // save the loops we created
            EdgeLoop         outerCutLoop  = outer_cut.CutLoops[0];
            EdgeLoop         innerCutLoop  = (inner_cut != null) ? inner_cut.CutLoops[0] : null;
            AxisAlignedBox3d cutLoopBounds =
                BoundsUtil.Bounds(outerCutLoop.Vertices, (vid) => { return(mesh.GetVertex(vid)); });

             * Now we append the connector mesh and find its open loop

            // figure out where we want to position connector (which will be centered below origin)
            double dy = 0; // socketBounds.Min.y;

            if (socketBounds.Min.y < 0)
                dy = socketBounds.Min.y + 5.0;
            Vector3d shiftxz  = Vector3d.Zero;// new Vector3d(cutLoopBounds.Center.x, 0, cutLoopBounds.Center.z);
            Vector3d shiftxyz = shiftxz + dy * Vector3d.AxisY;

            // append the connector
            // [TODO] do we need to hold the lock this entire time? I guess so since it would
            //   be a disaster if connector changes...
            bool bConnectorOK = true;

            lock (connector_lock) {
                SocketConnector.AppendInfo append_info =
                    Connector.AppendConnectorTo(mesh, shiftxyz);

                if (DebugStep <= 4)

                // [TODO] push out of inner offset here...
                if (Connector.HasInner)
                    merge_loops(mesh, innerCutLoop, append_info.InnerLoop, false);
                // [TODO] in addition to pushing out of outer offset, we should also make sure
                //   we are far enough away from inner merge surface...
                merge_loops(mesh, outerCutLoop, append_info.OuterLoop, true);

                bConnectorOK = Connector.CutHoles(mesh, shiftxyz);
                if (bConnectorOK == false)
                    f3.DebugUtil.Log("Connector.CutHoles failed!");

Esempio n. 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the movement target and the target location. Note that the two may not be the same.
 /// The visual target can be out of bounds but the target location cannot.
 /// </summary>
 public void SetMoveTarget(Vector2 target)
     moving = true;
     targetRenderer.transform.position = target; = BoundsUtil.VerifyBounds(target, new Bounds2D(collider2d.bounds), field.MovementBounds);