private async Task startStep(State step)
            currState = step;
            switch (step)
            case State.GET_QUESTION:
                await SendAsync("Please let me know what the poll's topic is.");


            case State.GET_OPTIONS:
                await SendAsync("Please enter the poll options one at a time. Type 'Done' when you are finished." +
                                "\r\nIf this was accidental, type 'stop' to abort." +
                                "\r\nYou may also type 'remove' or 'undo' to remove the last option added.");


            case State.DONE:
                Bot.AddPoll(Poll, this.duration);
                goto case State.CLEANUP;

            case State.CANCELLED:
                await Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Poll creation cancelled.");

                goto case State.CLEANUP;

            case State.CLEANUP:
                await Bot.CloseDialog(this);
