/// <summary>
        ///     Test Command: SetNextBoot, GetNextBoot. The test case verifies:
        ///     The command returns a success completion code on server blades;
        ///     The command works with all blade types (except unknown type);
        ///     When set to non-persistent, the blade will lose its next boot value after restart.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if all check-points pass; false, otherwise.</returns>
        public bool SetGetNextBootTest()

            // get all server blade locations
            int[] serverLocations;
            if (!GetBladeLocations(blade => blade.bladeType.Equals(CmConstants.ServerBladeType),
                                   out serverLocations) || serverLocations.Length == 0)
                CmTestLog.Failure("Cannot find any server blade");
            // pick up a random server blade
            int bladeId = serverLocations.RandomOrDefault();

            CmTestLog.Info(string.Format("Pick up a random server blade# {0} for test", bladeId));

            // make sure the blade is powered on
            if (!SetPowerState(PowerState.ON, bladeId))
                CmTestLog.Failure("Cannot power on Blade# " + bladeId);

            bool allPassed = true;

            foreach (BladeBootType bootType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(BladeBootType)))
                if (bootType == BladeBootType.Unknown)

                //// set next boot to persistent
                CmTestLog.Info(string.Format("Trying to set next boot to Type {0} with persistent", bootType));
                BootResponse response = Channel.SetNextBoot(bladeId, bootType, false, true, 0);
                allPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, response.completionCode,
                                                               "Set persistent boot type");
                // get next boot and verify
                CmTestLog.Info("Trying to get the next boot");
                response   = Channel.GetNextBoot(bladeId);
                allPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success,
                                                               response.completionCode, "Get next boot value");
                allPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(bootType, response.nextBoot,
                                                               "The boot type matches what it was set to");

                //// set to non persistent
                CmTestLog.Info(string.Format("Trying to set next boot to Type {0} with non-persistent", bootType));
                response   = Channel.SetNextBoot(bladeId, bootType, false, false, 1);
                allPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, response.completionCode,
                                                               "Set non-persistent boot type");
                // get next boot and verify
                CmTestLog.Info("Trying to get the next boot");
                response   = Channel.GetNextBoot(bladeId);
                allPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success,
                                                               response.completionCode, "Get next boot value");
                allPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(bootType, response.nextBoot,
                                                               "The boot type matches what it was set to");
                // make sure it loses its value after restart
                if (!(bootType == BladeBootType.ForcePxe || bootType == BladeBootType.NoOverride))
                    CmTestLog.Info("Trying to restart the blade and get next boot value again");
                    Channel.SetBladeActivePowerCycle(bladeId, 0);
                    response   = Channel.GetNextBoot(bladeId);
                    allPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.IsTrue(bootType == response.nextBoot,
                                                                 "The blade loses its next boot value after power cycle");

            // end of the test
        private bool GetSetNextBoots(bool testPassed, int bladeIndex, string failureMessage, int index,
                                     WCSSecurityRole roleId)
            // Use different user context
            TestChannelContext = ListTestChannelContexts[(int)roleId];

            foreach (BladeBootType testedBootType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(BladeBootType)))
                //Doing the same setting twice to make sure we are handling this properly.
                if (testedBootType.ToString() != BladeBootType.Unknown.ToString())
                    //set to persistent.
                    BootResponse bBootType = TestChannelContext.SetNextBoot(bladeIndex, testedBootType, false, false, 0);
                    if (bBootType.completionCode != CompletionCode.Success)
                        failureMessage = string.Format("!!!Failed to set non persistant boot type to: {0}",
                        testPassed = false;

                    bBootType = TestChannelContext.GetNextBoot(bladeIndex);
                    if (testedBootType.ToString() != bBootType.nextBoot.ToString())
                        failureMessage = "!!!The Non persistent boot type did not match what it was set to.";
                        testPassed = false;

                    //set to non persistent.
                    bBootType = TestChannelContext.SetNextBoot(bladeIndex, testedBootType, false, true, 1);
                    if (bBootType.completionCode != CompletionCode.Success)
                        failureMessage = string.Format("!!!Failed to set Persistent boot type to: {0}", testedBootType);
                        testPassed = false;

                    //Make sure if no restart happens it keeps its value.
                    bBootType = TestChannelContext.GetNextBoot(bladeIndex);
                    if (testedBootType.ToString() != bBootType.nextBoot.ToString())
                        failureMessage = "!!!The boot type did not match what it was set to.";
                        testPassed = false;
                    //Make sure it loses its value after restart
                    Channel.SetBladeActivePowerCycle(bladeIndex, 0);
                    bBootType = Channel.GetNextBoot(bladeIndex);
                    if (testedBootType.ToString() != BladeBootType.ForcePxe.ToString() &&
                        testedBootType.ToString() != bBootType.nextBoot.ToString())
                        failureMessage =
                                "!!!The boot type did not match what it was set to before power cycle. {0} vs {1} this is round# {2}",
                                testedBootType, bBootType.nextBoot, index);
                        testPassed = false;

            //reset for next test
            Channel.SetNextBoot(bladeIndex, BladeBootType.NoOverride, false, true, 0);
