Esempio n. 1
        public void MapTexturer(ref sLayerList LayerList)
            var X = 0;
            var Y = 0;
            var A = 0;

            Terrain[,] TerrainType = null;
            float[,] Slope         = null;
            var    tmpTerrain   = default(Terrain);
            var    bmA          = new BooleanMap();
            var    bmB          = new BooleanMap();
            var    LayerNum     = 0;
            var    LayerResult  = new BooleanMap[LayerList.LayerCount];
            double BestSlope    = 0;
            double CurrentSlope = 0;
            var    AllowSlope   = default(bool);
            var    Pos          = new XYInt();

            TerrainType = new Terrain[Terrain.TileSize.X + 1, Terrain.TileSize.Y + 1];
            Slope       = new float[Terrain.TileSize.X, Terrain.TileSize.Y];
            for (Y = 0; Y <= Terrain.TileSize.Y - 1; Y++)
                for (X = 0; X <= Terrain.TileSize.X - 1; X++)
                    //get slope
                    BestSlope = 0.0D;

                    Pos.X        = ((X + 0.25D) * Constants.TerrainGridSpacing).ToInt();
                    Pos.Y        = ((Y + 0.25D) * Constants.TerrainGridSpacing).ToInt();
                    CurrentSlope = GetTerrainSlopeAngle(Pos);
                    if (CurrentSlope > BestSlope)
                        BestSlope = CurrentSlope;

                    Pos.X        = ((X + 0.75D) * Constants.TerrainGridSpacing).ToInt();
                    Pos.Y        = ((Y + 0.25D) * Constants.TerrainGridSpacing).ToInt();
                    CurrentSlope = GetTerrainSlopeAngle(Pos);
                    if (CurrentSlope > BestSlope)
                        BestSlope = CurrentSlope;

                    Pos.X        = ((X + 0.25D) * Constants.TerrainGridSpacing).ToInt();
                    Pos.Y        = ((Y + 0.75D) * Constants.TerrainGridSpacing).ToInt();
                    CurrentSlope = GetTerrainSlopeAngle(Pos);
                    if (CurrentSlope > BestSlope)
                        BestSlope = CurrentSlope;

                    Pos.X        = ((X + 0.75D) * Constants.TerrainGridSpacing).ToInt();
                    Pos.Y        = ((Y + 0.75D) * Constants.TerrainGridSpacing).ToInt();
                    CurrentSlope = GetTerrainSlopeAngle(Pos);
                    if (CurrentSlope > BestSlope)
                        BestSlope = CurrentSlope;

                    Slope[X, Y] = (float)BestSlope;
            for (LayerNum = 0; LayerNum <= LayerList.LayerCount - 1; LayerNum++)
                tmpTerrain = LayerList.Layers[LayerNum].Terrain;
                if (tmpTerrain != null)
                    //do other layer constraints
                    LayerResult[LayerNum] = new BooleanMap();
                    if (LayerList.Layers[LayerNum].WithinLayer >= 0)
                        if (LayerList.Layers[LayerNum].WithinLayer < LayerNum)
                            bmA.Within(LayerResult[LayerNum], LayerResult[LayerList.Layers[LayerNum].WithinLayer]);
                            LayerResult[LayerNum].ValueData = bmA.ValueData;
                            bmA.ValueData = new BooleanMapDataValue();
                    for (A = 0; A <= LayerNum - 1; A++)
                        if (LayerList.Layers[LayerNum].AvoidLayers[A])
                            bmB.Remove(LayerResult[LayerNum], bmA);
                            LayerResult[LayerNum].ValueData = bmB.ValueData;
                            bmB.ValueData = new BooleanMapDataValue();
                    //do height and slope constraints
                    for (Y = 0; Y <= Terrain.TileSize.Y; Y++)
                        for (X = 0; X <= Terrain.TileSize.X; X++)
                            if (LayerResult[LayerNum].ValueData.Value[Y, X])
                                if (Terrain.Vertices[X, Y].Height <LayerList.Layers[LayerNum].HeightMin ||
                                                                   Terrain.Vertices[X, Y].Height> LayerList.Layers[LayerNum].HeightMax)
                                    LayerResult[LayerNum].ValueData.Value[Y, X] = false;
                                if (LayerResult[LayerNum].ValueData.Value[Y, X])
                                    AllowSlope = true;
                                    if (X > 0)
                                        if (Y > 0)
                                            if (Slope[X - 1, Y - 1] < LayerList.Layers[LayerNum].SlopeMin ||
                                                Slope[X - 1, Y - 1] > LayerList.Layers[LayerNum].SlopeMax)
                                                AllowSlope = false;
                                        if (Y < Terrain.TileSize.Y)
                                            if (Slope[X - 1, Y] < LayerList.Layers[LayerNum].SlopeMin ||
                                                Slope[X - 1, Y] > LayerList.Layers[LayerNum].SlopeMax)
                                                AllowSlope = false;
                                    if (X < Terrain.TileSize.X)
                                        if (Y > 0)
                                            if (Slope[X, Y - 1] < LayerList.Layers[LayerNum].SlopeMin ||
                                                Slope[X, Y - 1] > LayerList.Layers[LayerNum].SlopeMax)
                                                AllowSlope = false;
                                        if (Y < Terrain.TileSize.Y)
                                            if (Slope[X, Y] < LayerList.Layers[LayerNum].SlopeMin ||
                                                Slope[X, Y] > LayerList.Layers[LayerNum].SlopeMax)
                                                AllowSlope = false;
                                    if (!AllowSlope)
                                        LayerResult[LayerNum].ValueData.Value[Y, X] = false;


                    for (Y = 0; Y <= Terrain.TileSize.Y; Y++)
                        for (X = 0; X <= Terrain.TileSize.X; X++)
                            if (LayerResult[LayerNum].ValueData.Value[Y, X])
                                TerrainType[X, Y] = tmpTerrain;

            //set vertex terrain by terrain map
            for (Y = 0; Y <= Terrain.TileSize.Y; Y++)
                for (X = 0; X <= Terrain.TileSize.X; X++)
                    if (TerrainType[X, Y] != null)
                        Terrain.Vertices[X, Y].Terrain = TerrainType[X, Y];
Esempio n. 2
        public void GenerateMasterTerrain(ref sGenerateMasterTerrainArgs Args)
            var X = 0;
            var Y = 0;
            var A = 0;

            int[,] TerrainType = null;
            float[,] Slope     = null;

            var TerrainNum = 0;

            var    bmA          = new BooleanMap();
            var    Layer_Num    = 0;
            var    LayerResult  = new BooleanMap[Args.LayerCount];
            var    bmB          = new BooleanMap();
            double BestSlope    = 0;
            double CurrentSlope = 0;
            var    hmB          = new clsHeightmap();
            var    hmC          = new clsHeightmap();

            double difA       = 0;
            double difB       = 0;
            var    NewTri     = default(bool);
            var    CliffSlope = Math.Atan(255.0D * Constants.DefaultHeightMultiplier / (2.0D * (Args.LevelCount - 1.0D) * Constants.TerrainGridSpacing)) -
                                MathUtil.RadOf1Deg; //divided by 2 due to the terrain height randomization

            Tileset = Args.Tileset.Tileset;

            for (Y = 0; Y <= Terrain.TileSize.Y - 1; Y++)
                for (X = 0; X <= Terrain.TileSize.X - 1; X++)
                    difA = Math.Abs((Terrain.Vertices[X + 1, Y + 1].Height) - Terrain.Vertices[X, Y].Height);
                    difB = Math.Abs((Terrain.Vertices[X, Y + 1].Height) - Terrain.Vertices[X + 1, Y].Height);
                    if (difA == difB)
                        if (App.Random.Next() >= 0.5F)
                            NewTri = false;
                            NewTri = true;
                    else if (difA < difB)
                        NewTri = false;
                        NewTri = true;
                    if (!(Terrain.Tiles[X, Y].Tri == NewTri))
                        Terrain.Tiles[X, Y].Tri = NewTri;

            for (A = 0; A <= Args.LayerCount - 1; A++)
                Args.Layers[A].Terrainmap = new BooleanMap();
                if (Args.Layers[A].TerrainmapDensity == 1.0F)
                    Args.Layers[A].Terrainmap.ValueData.Value = new bool[Terrain.TileSize.Y, Terrain.TileSize.X];
                    Args.Layers[A].Terrainmap.ValueData.Size  = Terrain.TileSize;
                    for (Y = 0; Y <= Terrain.TileSize.Y - 1; Y++)
                        for (X = 0; X <= Terrain.TileSize.X - 1; X++)
                            Args.Layers[A].Terrainmap.ValueData.Value[Y, X] = true;
                    hmB.GenerateNewOfSize(Terrain.TileSize.Y, Terrain.TileSize.X, Convert.ToSingle(Args.Layers[A].TerrainmapScale), 1.0D);
                    hmC.Rescale(hmB, 0.0D, 1.0D);
                    Args.Layers[A].Terrainmap.Convert_Heightmap(hmC, ((1.0F - Args.Layers[A].TerrainmapDensity) / hmC.HeightScale).ToLong());

            var Pos = new XYInt();

            TerrainType = new int[Terrain.TileSize.X, Terrain.TileSize.Y];
            Slope       = new float[Terrain.TileSize.X, Terrain.TileSize.Y];
            for (Y = 0; Y <= Terrain.TileSize.Y - 1; Y++)
                for (X = 0; X <= Terrain.TileSize.X - 1; X++)
                    //get slope
                    BestSlope = 0.0D;

                    Pos.X        = ((X + 0.25D) * Constants.TerrainGridSpacing).ToInt();
                    Pos.Y        = ((Y + 0.25D) * Constants.TerrainGridSpacing).ToInt();
                    CurrentSlope = GetTerrainSlopeAngle(Pos);
                    if (CurrentSlope > BestSlope)
                        BestSlope = CurrentSlope;

                    Pos.X        = ((X + 0.75D) * Constants.TerrainGridSpacing).ToInt();
                    Pos.Y        = ((Y + 0.25D) * Constants.TerrainGridSpacing).ToInt();
                    CurrentSlope = GetTerrainSlopeAngle(Pos);
                    if (CurrentSlope > BestSlope)
                        BestSlope = CurrentSlope;

                    Pos.X        = ((X + 0.25D) * Constants.TerrainGridSpacing).ToInt();
                    Pos.Y        = ((Y + 0.75D) * Constants.TerrainGridSpacing).ToInt();
                    CurrentSlope = GetTerrainSlopeAngle(Pos);
                    if (CurrentSlope > BestSlope)
                        BestSlope = CurrentSlope;

                    Pos.X        = ((X + 0.75D) * Constants.TerrainGridSpacing).ToInt();
                    Pos.Y        = ((Y + 0.75D) * Constants.TerrainGridSpacing).ToInt();
                    CurrentSlope = GetTerrainSlopeAngle(Pos);
                    if (CurrentSlope > BestSlope)
                        BestSlope = CurrentSlope;

                    Slope[X, Y] = (float)BestSlope;
            for (Layer_Num = 0; Layer_Num <= Args.LayerCount - 1; Layer_Num++)
                TerrainNum = Args.Layers[Layer_Num].TileNum;
                if (TerrainNum >= 0)
                    //do other layer constraints
                    LayerResult[Layer_Num] = new BooleanMap();
                    if (Args.Layers[Layer_Num].WithinLayer >= 0)
                        if (Args.Layers[Layer_Num].WithinLayer < Layer_Num)
                            bmA.Within(LayerResult[Layer_Num], LayerResult[Args.Layers[Layer_Num].WithinLayer]);
                            LayerResult[Layer_Num].ValueData = bmA.ValueData;
                            bmA.ValueData = new BooleanMapDataValue();
                    for (A = 0; A <= Layer_Num - 1; A++)
                        if (Args.Layers[Layer_Num].AvoidLayers[A])
                            bmB.Remove(LayerResult[Layer_Num], bmA);
                            LayerResult[Layer_Num].ValueData = bmB.ValueData;
                            bmB.ValueData = new BooleanMapDataValue();
                    //do height and slope constraints
                    for (Y = 0; Y <= Terrain.TileSize.Y - 1; Y++)
                        for (X = 0; X <= Terrain.TileSize.X - 1; X++)
                            if (LayerResult[Layer_Num].ValueData.Value[Y, X])
                                if (Terrain.Vertices[X, Y].Height <Args.Layers[Layer_Num].HeightMin ||
                                                                   Terrain.Vertices[X, Y].Height> Args.Layers[Layer_Num].HeightMax)
                                    LayerResult[Layer_Num].ValueData.Value[Y, X] = false;
                                if (Args.Layers[Layer_Num].IsCliff)
                                    if (LayerResult[Layer_Num].ValueData.Value[Y, X])
                                        if (Slope[X, Y] < CliffSlope)
                                            LayerResult[Layer_Num].ValueData.Value[Y, X] = false;

                    for (Y = 0; Y <= Terrain.TileSize.Y - 1; Y++)
                        for (X = 0; X <= Terrain.TileSize.X - 1; X++)
                            if (LayerResult[Layer_Num].ValueData.Value[Y, X])
                                TerrainType[X, Y] = TerrainNum;

            //set water tiles

            for (Y = 0; Y <= Terrain.TileSize.Y - 1; Y++)
                for (X = 0; X <= Terrain.TileSize.X - 1; X++)
                    if (Args.Watermap.ValueData.Value[Y, X])
                        if (Slope[X, Y] < CliffSlope)
                            TerrainType[X, Y] = 17;

            //set border tiles to cliffs
            for (Y = 0; Y <= Terrain.TileSize.Y - 1; Y++)
                for (X = 0; X <= 2; X++)
                    TerrainType[X, Y] = Args.Tileset.BorderTextureNum;
                for (X = Terrain.TileSize.X - 4; X <= Terrain.TileSize.X - 1; X++)
                    TerrainType[X, Y] = Args.Tileset.BorderTextureNum;
            for (X = 3; X <= Terrain.TileSize.X - 5; X++)
                for (Y = 0; Y <= 2; Y++)
                    TerrainType[X, Y] = Args.Tileset.BorderTextureNum;
                for (Y = Terrain.TileSize.Y - 4; Y <= Terrain.TileSize.Y - 1; Y++)
                    TerrainType[X, Y] = Args.Tileset.BorderTextureNum;

            for (Y = 0; Y <= Terrain.TileSize.Y - 1; Y++)
                for (X = 0; X <= Terrain.TileSize.X - 1; X++)
                    Terrain.Tiles[X, Y].Texture.TextureNum = TerrainType[X, Y];