Esempio n. 1
        protected void btnShow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            fld       = cboSearch.SelectedValue.ToString();
            txt       = txtSearch.Text;
            A_Handler = new Book_MasterHandler();
            sql       = "select * from " + Tbl_Name + " where COL_ID =" + cid + " and  " + fld + " like '" + txt + "%' ";

            ////Grid1.DataSource = A_Handler.GetList(sql);
            SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = sql;
Esempio n. 2
        protected void btnShow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            fld       = cboSearch.SelectedValue.ToString();
            txt       = txtSearch.Text;
            A_Handler = new Book_MasterHandler();
            sql       = "select * from " + Tbl_Name + " where " + fld + " like '" + txt + "%' ";
            //Grid1.DataSource = A_Handler.GetBook_MasterList(sql);
            SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = sql;

            if (Grid1.Rows.Count > 0)
                lblRec.Text = "Total Records : " + Grid1.Rows.Count.ToString();
                lblRec.Text = "Record Not Found...";
        public void show_data(int ID)
            A_Handler = new Book_MasterHandler();
            A1        = new Book_Master();
            A1        = A_Handler.GetBook_MasterDetails(ID);

            txtBook_id.Text = A1.Book_id.ToString();

            ddlReg_id.Text = A1.Reg_id.ToString();

            txtPdate.Text = A1.Pdate.ToString();

            txtAuthor.Text = A1.Author.ToString();

            txtTitle.Text = A1.Title.ToString();

            txtSubject.Text = A1.Subject.ToString();

            DropDownList1.Text = A1.Book_type.ToString();

            txtEdition.Text = A1.Edition.ToString();

            txtPublisher_place.Text = A1.Publisher_place.ToString();

            txtPublisher.Text = A1.Publisher.ToString();

            txtYear.Text = A1.Year.ToString();

            txtPages.Text = A1.Pages.ToString();

            txtVolume.Text = A1.Volume.ToString();

            txtSource.Text = A1.Source.ToString();

            txtCost.Text = A1.Cost.ToString();

            txtBill_no.Text = A1.Bill_no.ToString();

            txtBook_no.Text = A1.Book_no.ToString();

            txtMore_info.Text = A1.More_info.ToString();

            // txtPhoto.Text = A1.Photo.ToString();
            if (A1.Photo.ToString() != null)
                Image1.ImageUrl = ("~/img/" + A1.Photo.ToString());;
                Image1.ImageUrl = ("~/img/000.jpg");
            btnSubmit.Text = "Update";
            btnReset.Text  = "Cancel";

            if (Request.QueryString["action"] == "del")
                Label1.Text                 = "Are U Sure, U want to  Delete a Record ?";
                txtBook_id.ReadOnly         = false;
                ddlReg_id.Enabled           = false;
                txtPdate.ReadOnly           = true;
                txtAuthor.ReadOnly          = false;
                txtTitle.ReadOnly           = false;
                txtSubject.ReadOnly         = false;
                DropDownList1.Enabled       = false;
                txtEdition.ReadOnly         = false;
                txtPublisher_place.ReadOnly = false;
                txtPublisher.ReadOnly       = false;
                txtYear.ReadOnly            = false;
                txtPages.ReadOnly           = false;
                txtVolume.ReadOnly          = false;
                txtSource.ReadOnly          = false;
                txtCost.ReadOnly            = false;
                txtBill_no.ReadOnly         = false;
                txtBook_no.ReadOnly         = false;
                txtMore_info.ReadOnly       = false;
                FileUpload1.Enabled         = false;
                btnSubmit.Text              = "Delete";
        protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            A_Handler = new Book_MasterHandler();
            A1        = new Book_Master();

            //A1.Book_id = Convert.ToInt32(txtBook_id.Text);
            A1.Reg_id          = Convert.ToInt32(ddlReg_id.SelectedValue);
            A1.Pdate           = Convert.ToDateTime(txtPdate.Text);
            A1.Author          = txtAuthor.Text;
            A1.Title           = txtTitle.Text;
            A1.Subject         = txtSubject.Text;
            A1.Book_type       = DropDownList1.Text;
            A1.Edition         = txtEdition.Text;
            A1.Publisher_place = txtPublisher_place.Text;
            A1.Publisher       = txtPublisher.Text;
            A1.Year            = Convert.ToInt32(txtYear.Text);
            A1.Pages           = Convert.ToInt32(txtPages.Text);
            A1.Volume          = txtVolume.Text;
            A1.Source          = txtSource.Text;
            A1.Cost            = Convert.ToDecimal(txtCost.Text);
            A1.Bill_no         = Convert.ToInt32(txtBill_no.Text);
            A1.Book_no         = Convert.ToInt32(txtBook_no.Text);
            A1.More_info       = txtMore_info.Text;
            //  A1.Photo = txtPhoto.Text;
            A1.Photo = "000.jpg";

            if (FileUpload1.HasFile == true)
                FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/img") + "/" + FileUpload1.FileName);

                A1.Photo = FileUpload1.FileName;

            if (btnSubmit.Text == "Submit")
                bool B = A_Handler.AddNewBook_Master(A1);
                if (B == true)
                    Label1.Text = "Record Inserted";
                    MSG         = "Record Inserted";
                    Label1.Text = "Record Not Inserted";
                    MSG         = "Record Not Inserted";
            else if (btnSubmit.Text == "Update")
                A1.Book_id = Convert.ToInt32(txtBook_id.Text);
                bool B = A_Handler.UpdateBook_Master(A1);
                if (B == true)
                    Label1.Text = "Record Updated";
                    MSG         = "Record Not Updated";
                    Label1.Text = "Record Not Updated";
                    MSG         = "Record Not Updated";
            else if (btnSubmit.Text == "Delete")
                A1.Book_id = Convert.ToInt32(txtBook_id.Text);
                bool B = A_Handler.DeleteBook_Master(A1);
                if (B == true)
                    Label1.Text = "Record Deleted";
                    MSG         = "Record Deleted";
                    Label1.Text = "Record Not Deleted";
                    MSG         = "Record Not Deleted";
