public static string StageBloomD(Book.Book book, BookServer bookServer, WebSocketProgress progress, Color backColor, AndroidPublishSettings settings = null)
            progress.Message("PublishTab.Epub.PreparingPreview", "Preparing Preview");                  // message shared with Epub publishing
            if (settings?.LanguagesToInclude != null)
                var message = new LicenseChecker().CheckBook(book, settings.LanguagesToInclude.ToArray());
                if (message != null)
                    progress.MessageWithoutLocalizing(message, MessageKind.Error);

            if (AudioProcessor.IsAnyCompressedAudioMissing(book.FolderPath, book.RawDom))
                progress.Message("CompressingAudio", "Compressing audio files");
                AudioProcessor.TryCompressingAudioAsNeeded(book.FolderPath, book.RawDom);
            // We don't use the folder found here, but this method does some checks we want done.
            _stagingFolder = new TemporaryFolder(StagingFolder);
            var modifiedBook = BloomReaderFileMaker.PrepareBookForBloomReader(book.FolderPath, bookServer, _stagingFolder, progress, settings: settings);

            progress.Message("Common.Done", "Shown in a list of messages when Bloom has completed a task.", "Done");
Esempio n. 2
            public void Should_Add_Book_Record_ToDb()
                // Arrange
                string pathToFile = @"С:\Users\Dakosia\source\repos\CSharp\KazTourApp\KazTourApp.DAL\LiteDb.db";
                var    booking    = new BookRecord
                    new DateTime(2018, 08, 11),
                    new DateTime(2018, 08, 25)

                BookStorage storage = new BookStorage();
                int         itemsCountBeforeInsert = storage.ReadAllBookings().Count;

                // Act

                // Assert

                int itemsCountAfterInsert = storage.ReadAllBookings().Count;

                Assert.IsTrue(itemsCountBeforeInsert == itemsCountAfterInsert - 1);
Esempio n. 3
 public static int Handle(SpreadsheetImportParameters options)
         string folderPath = Directory.GetParent(options.BookPath).FullName;
         var sheet    = InternalSpreadsheet.ReadFromFile(options.InputPath);
         var dom      = new HtmlDom(XmlHtmlConverter.GetXmlDomFromHtmlFile(options.BookPath, false));
         var importer = new SpreadsheetImporter(null, dom, Path.GetDirectoryName(options.InputPath), folderPath);
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ParamsPath))
             importer.Params = SpreadsheetImportParams.FromFile(options.ParamsPath);
         var messages = importer.Import(sheet);
         foreach (var message in messages)
         // Review: A lot of other stuff happens in Book.Save() and BookStorage.SaveHtml().
         // I doubt we need any of it for current purposes, but later we might.
         XmlHtmlConverter.SaveDOMAsHtml5(dom.RawDom, options.BookPath);
         return(0);                // all went well
     catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 4
        private void InitializeIoC()
            var container = new RegisterByContainer().Container;

            _unitOfWork = container.GetInstance <IUnitOfWork>();

            _typiconEntityService = container.With(_unitOfWork).GetInstance <ITypiconEntityService>();

            GetTypiconEntityResponse response = _typiconEntityService.GetTypiconEntity(1);// _unitOfWork.Repository<TypiconEntity>().Get(c => c.Name == "Типикон");

            _typiconEntity = response.TypiconEntity;

            _bookStorage = new BookStorage(
                container.With(_unitOfWork).GetInstance <IEvangelionContext>(),
                container.With(_unitOfWork).GetInstance <IApostolContext>(),
                container.With(_unitOfWork).GetInstance <IOldTestamentContext>(),
                container.With(_unitOfWork).GetInstance <IPsalterContext>(),
                container.With(_unitOfWork).GetInstance <IOktoikhContext>(),
                container.With(_unitOfWork).GetInstance <ITheotokionAppContext>(),
                container.With(_unitOfWork).GetInstance <IEasterContext>(),
                container.With(_unitOfWork).GetInstance <IKatavasiaContext>());

            //EasterStorage.Instance.EasterDays = _unitOfWork.Repository<EasterItem>().GetAll().ToList();

            IRuleSerializerRoot serializerRoot = container.With(_bookStorage).GetInstance <IRuleSerializerRoot>();
            var settingsFactory = container.GetInstance <IRuleHandlerSettingsFactory>();

            _scheduleService = container.With(settingsFactory).With(serializerRoot).GetInstance <IScheduleService>();

            _docxTemplateService = container.With(_bookStorage.Oktoikh).GetInstance <IDocxTemplateService>();
Esempio n. 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <Book> test = new List <Book>()
                new Book("clr Via c#", "Richter", "program", 2015, 6),
                new Book("Net pro perfomance", "Goldshtein", "program", 2016, 5),
                new Book("Solaris", "Lem", "Fantastic", 1961, 1),
            BookListService bookService = new BookListService(test, null);

            bookService.AddBook(new Book("test", "testAuthor", "testGenre", 2000, 1));
            SerializeStorage serStorage = new SerializeStorage(@"C:\OldbooksStorage.txt", null);
            NoSerXMLStorage  XMLstorage = new NoSerXMLStorage(@"C:\NewXMLstorage.xml", null);
            XMLstorage       xmlStorage = new XMLstorage(@"C:\NewbooksStorage.txt", null);
            BookStorage      storage    = new BookStorage(@"C:\NewbooksStorage.txt", null);

            BookListService testXml = new BookListService(xmlStorage.Load(), null);
            BookListService testSer = new BookListService(serStorage.Load(), null);
            BookListService testOld = new BookListService(storage.Load(), null);
            BookListService testXML = new BookListService(XMLstorage.Load(), null);

Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// tempFolderPath is where to put the book. Note that a few files (e.g., customCollectionStyles.css)
        /// are copied into its parent in order to be in the expected location relative to the book,
        /// so that needs to be a folder we can write in.
        /// </summary>
        public static Book.Book MakeDeviceXmatterTempBook(string bookFolderPath, BookServer bookServer, string tempFolderPath, bool isTemplateBook,
                                                          Dictionary <string, int> omittedPageLabels = null)
            BookStorage.CopyDirectory(bookFolderPath, tempFolderPath);
            // We can always save in a temp book
            var bookInfo = new BookInfo(tempFolderPath, true, new AlwaysEditSaveContext())
                UseDeviceXMatter = !isTemplateBook
            var modifiedBook = bookServer.GetBookFromBookInfo(bookInfo);

            modifiedBook.BringBookUpToDate(new NullProgress(), true);
            var domForVideoProcessing  = modifiedBook.OurHtmlDom;
            var videoContainerElements = HtmlDom.SelectChildVideoElements(domForVideoProcessing.RawDom.DocumentElement).Cast <XmlElement>();

            if (videoContainerElements.Any())
                SignLanguageApi.ProcessVideos(videoContainerElements, modifiedBook.FolderPath);
Esempio n. 7
        // Request from sign language tool to import a video.
        private void HandleImportVideoRequest(ApiRequest request)
            string path = null;

            View.Invoke((Action)(() => {
                var videoFiles = LocalizationManager.GetString("EditTab.Toolbox.SignLanguage.FileDialogVideoFiles", "Video files");
                var dlg = new DialogAdapters.OpenFileDialogAdapter
                    Multiselect = false,
                    CheckFileExists = true,
                    Filter = $"{videoFiles} (*.mp4)|*.mp4"
                var result = dlg.ShowDialog();
                if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                    path = dlg.FileName;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                _importedVideoIntoBloom = true;
                var newVideoPath = Path.Combine(BookStorage.GetVideoDirectoryAndEnsureExistence(CurrentBook.FolderPath), GetNewVideoFileName());                 // Use a new name to defeat caching.
                RobustFile.Copy(path, newVideoPath);
                var relativePath = BookStorage.GetVideoFolderName + Path.GetFileName(newVideoPath);
                // If the user canceled, we didn't exactly succeed, but having the user cancel is such a normal
                // event that posting a failure, which is a nuisance to ignore, is not warranted.
Esempio n. 8
        private void InitializeIoC()
            var container = new RegisterByContainer().Container;

            var unitOfWork = container.GetInstance <IUnitOfWork>();

            var typiconEntityService = container.With(unitOfWork).GetInstance <ITypiconEntityService>();

            GetTypiconEntityResponse response = typiconEntityService.GetTypiconEntity(1);// _unitOfWork.Repository<TypiconEntity>().Get(c => c.Name == "Типикон");

            typiconEntity = response.TypiconEntity;

            var bookStorage = new BookStorage(
                container.With(unitOfWork).GetInstance <IEvangelionContext>(),
                container.With(unitOfWork).GetInstance <IApostolContext>(),
                container.With(unitOfWork).GetInstance <IOldTestamentContext>(),
                container.With(unitOfWork).GetInstance <IPsalterContext>(),
                container.With(unitOfWork).GetInstance <IOktoikhContext>(),
                container.With(unitOfWork).GetInstance <ITheotokionAppContext>(),
                container.With(unitOfWork).GetInstance <IEasterContext>(),
                container.With(unitOfWork).GetInstance <IKatavasiaContext>());

            IRuleSerializerRoot serializerRoot = container.With(bookStorage).GetInstance <IRuleSerializerRoot>();

            settingsFactory = new CustomRuleSettingsFactory();

            scheduleService = container.With(settingsFactory).With(serializerRoot).GetInstance <IScheduleService>();
Esempio n. 9
        public void BookStorageDeleteBookTest()
            List <Genre> genres1 = new List <Genre> {
                new Genre("fantasy")
            BookInfo bookInfo1 = new BookInfo("Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", "J.K.Rowling", genres1);
            Book     book1     = new Book(bookInfo1, 500m, DateTime.Today);

            List <Genre> genres2 = new List <Genre> {
                new Genre("other")
            BookInfo bookInfo2 = new BookInfo("One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", " Ken Kesey", genres2);
            Book     book2     = new Book(bookInfo2, 600m, DateTime.Today.AddDays(-110));

            BookStorage bookStorage = new BookStorage();




Esempio n. 10
        public void Start(Book.Book book, CollectionSettings collectionSettings, Color backColor)
            if (_wifiAdvertiser != null)

            // This listens for a BloomReader to request a book.
            // It requires a firewall hole allowing Bloom to receive messages on _portToListen.
            // We initialize it before starting the Advertiser to avoid any chance of a race condition
            // where a BloomReader manages to request an advertised book before we start the listener.
            _wifiListener = new BloomReaderUDPListener();
            _wifiListener.NewMessageReceived += (sender, args) =>
                var json = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(args.Data);
                    dynamic settings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
                    // The property names used here must match the ones in BloomReader, doInBackground method of SendMessage,
                    // a private class of NewBookListenerService.
                    var androidIpAddress = (string)settings.deviceAddress;

                    var androidName = (string)settings.deviceName;
                    // This prevents the device (or other devices) from queuing up requests while we're busy with this one.
                    // In effect, the Android is only allowed to request a retry after we've given up this try at sending.
                    // Of course, there are async effects from network latency. But if we do get another request while
                    // handling this one, we will ignore it, since StartSendBook checks for a transfer in progress.
                    _wifiAdvertiser.Paused = true;
                    StartSendBookOverWiFi(book, androidIpAddress, androidName, backColor);
                    // Returns immediately. But we don't resume advertisements until the async send completes.
                // If there's something wrong with the JSON (maybe an obsolete or newer version of reader?)
                // just ignore the request.
                catch (Exception ex) when(ex is JsonReaderException || ex is JsonSerializationException)
                    _progress.Error(id: "BadBookRequest",
                                    message: "Got a book request we could not process. Possibly the device is running an incompatible version of BloomReader?");

                    //this is too technical/hard to translate
                    _progress.ErrorWithoutLocalizing($" Request contains {json}; trying to interpret as JSON we got {ex.Message}");

            var pathHtmlFile = book.GetPathHtmlFile();

            _wifiAdvertiser = new WiFiAdvertiser(_progress)
                BookTitle     = BookStorage.SanitizeNameForFileSystem(book.Title),             // must be the exact same name as the file we will send if requested
                TitleLanguage = collectionSettings.Language1Iso639Code,
                BookVersion   = Book.Book.MakeVersionCode(File.ReadAllText(pathHtmlFile), pathHtmlFile)

            AndroidView.CheckBookLayout(book, _progress);

            _progress.Message(id: "WifiInstructions1",
                              message: "On the Android, run Bloom Reader, open the menu and choose 'Receive Books from computer'.");
            _progress.Message(id: "WifiInstructions2",
                              message: "You can do this on as many devices as you like. Make sure each device is connected to the same network as this computer.");
Esempio n. 11
        public BookServer CreateBookServer()
            _collectionSettings = CreateDefaultCollectionsSettings();
            var xmatterFinder = new XMatterPackFinder(new[] { BloomFileLocator.GetInstalledXMatterDirectory() });
            var fileLocator   = new BloomFileLocator(_collectionSettings, xmatterFinder, ProjectContext.GetFactoryFileLocations(), ProjectContext.GetFoundFileLocations(), ProjectContext.GetAfterXMatterFileLocations());
            var starter       = new BookStarter(fileLocator, (dir, forSelectedBook) => new BookStorage(dir, fileLocator, new BookRenamedEvent(), _collectionSettings), _collectionSettings);

            return(new BookServer(
                       //book factory
                       (bookInfo, storage) =>
                return new Bloom.Book.Book(bookInfo, storage, null, _collectionSettings,
                                           new PageSelection(),
                                           new PageListChangedEvent(), new BookRefreshEvent());

                       // storage factory
                       (path, forSelectedBook) =>
                var storage = new BookStorage(path, fileLocator, new BookRenamedEvent(), _collectionSettings);
                storage.BookInfo = new BookInfo(path, true);
                return storage;

                       // book starter factory
                       () => starter,

                       // configurator factory
Esempio n. 12
        // Request from sign language tool, issued when a complete recording has been captured.
        // It is passed as a binary blob that is the actual content that needs to be made into
        // an mp4 file. (At this point we don't try to handle recordings too big for this approach.)
        // We make a file (with an arbitrary guid name) and attempt to make it the recording for the
        // first page element with class bloom-videoContainer.
        private void HandleRecordedVideoRequest(ApiRequest request)
            lock (request)
                var videoFolder = BookStorage.GetVideoDirectoryAndEnsureExistence(CurrentBook.FolderPath);
                var fileName    = GetNewVideoFileName();
                var path        = Path.Combine(videoFolder, fileName);
                using (var rawVideo = TempFile.CreateAndGetPathButDontMakeTheFile())
                    using (var rawVideoOutput = new FileStream(rawVideo.Path, FileMode.Create))
                        // Do NOT just get RawPostData and try to write it to a file; this
                        // typically runs out of memory for anything more than about 2min of video.
                        // (It write to a MemoryStream, and this seems to manage memory very badly.
                        // 66MB should not be a huge problem, but somehow it is.)
                        using (var rawVideoInput = request.RawPostStream)
                    // The output stream should be closed before trying to access the newly written file.
                    SaveVideoFile(path, rawVideo.Path);

                var relativePath = BookStorage.GetVideoFolderName + Path.GetFileName(path);
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal for testing because it's not yet clear this is the appropriate public routine.
        /// Probably some API gets a list of BloomInfo objects from the data, and we pass one of
        /// them as the argument for the public method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bucket"></param>
        /// <param name="s3BookId"></param>
        /// <param name="dest"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal string DownloadBook(string bucket, string s3BookId, string dest)
            var destinationPath = _s3Client.DownloadBook(bucket, s3BookId, dest, _progressDialog);

            if (BookDownLoaded != null)
                var bookInfo = new BookInfo(destinationPath, false);                 // A downloaded book is a template, so never editable.
                BookDownLoaded(this, new BookDownloadedEventArgs()
                    BookDetails = bookInfo
            // Books in the library should generally show as locked-down, so new users are automatically in localization mode.
            // Occasionally we may want to upload a new authoring template, that is, a 'book' that is suitableForMakingShells.
            // Such books should not be locked down.
            // So, we try to lock it. What we want to do is Book.RecordedAsLockedDown = true; Book.Save().
            // But all kinds of things have to be set up before we can create a Book. So we duplicate a few bits of code.
            var htmlFile = BookStorage.FindBookHtmlInFolder(destinationPath);

            if (htmlFile == "")
                return(destinationPath);                //argh! we can't lock it.
            var xmlDomFromHtmlFile = XmlHtmlConverter.GetXmlDomFromHtmlFile(htmlFile, false);
            var dom = new HtmlDom(xmlDomFromHtmlFile);

            if (!BookMetaData.FromString(MetaDataText(destinationPath)).IsSuitableForMakingShells)
                XmlHtmlConverter.SaveDOMAsHtml5(dom.RawDom, htmlFile);

Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// If we do not have enterprise enabled, copy the book and remove all enterprise level features.
        /// </summary>
        internal static bool PrepareBookForUpload(ref Book.Book book, BookServer bookServer, string tempFolderPath, IProgress progress)
            if (book.CollectionSettings.HaveEnterpriseFeatures)

            // We need to be sure that any in-memory changes have been written to disk
            // before we start copying/loading the new book to/from disk

            BookStorage.CopyDirectory(book.FolderPath, tempFolderPath);
            var bookInfo   = new BookInfo(tempFolderPath, true);
            var copiedBook = bookServer.GetBookFromBookInfo(bookInfo);

            copiedBook.BringBookUpToDate(new NullProgress(), true);
            var pages = new List <XmlElement>();

            foreach (XmlElement page in copiedBook.GetPageElements())
            ISet <string> warningMessages = new HashSet <string>();

            PublishHelper.RemoveEnterpriseFeaturesIfNeeded(copiedBook, pages, warningMessages);
            PublishHelper.SendBatchedWarningMessagesToProgress(warningMessages, progress);
            book = copiedBook;
Esempio n. 15
        private string GetPdfPath(string fname)
            string path = null;

            // Sanitize fileName first
            string fileName = BookStorage.SanitizeNameForFileSystem(fname);

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                path = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), string.Format("{0}-{1}.pdf", fileName, i));
                if (!RobustFile.Exists(path))

                catch (Exception)
                    //couldn't delete it? then increment the suffix and try again
Esempio n. 16
        private BookStorage Get_NotYetConfigured_CalendardBookStorage()
            var source = FileLocator.GetDirectoryDistributedWithApplication("factoryCollections", "Templates", "Wall Calendar");
            var path   = GetPathToHtml(_starter.CreateBookOnDiskFromTemplate(source, _libraryFolder.Path));
            var bs     = new BookStorage(Path.GetDirectoryName(path), _fileLocator, new BookRenamedEvent(), new CollectionSettings());

Esempio n. 17
        public void Save_BookHadOnlyPaperSizeStyleSheet_StillHasIt()
            File.WriteAllText(_bookPath, "<html><head><link rel='stylesheet' href='Basic Book.css' type='text/css' /></head><body><div class='bloom-page'></div></body></html>");
            var storage = new BookStorage(_folder.FolderPath, _fileLocator, new BookRenamedEvent(), new CollectionSettings());

            AssertThatXmlIn.HtmlFile(_bookPath).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath("//link[contains(@href, 'Basic Book')]", 1);
Esempio n. 18
//        [Test]
//        public void Delete_IsDeleted()
//        {
//            BookStorage storage = GetInitialStorage();
//            Assert.IsTrue(Directory.Exists(_folder.Path));
//            Assert.IsTrue(storage.DeleteBook());
//            Thread.Sleep(2000);
//            Assert.IsFalse(Directory.Exists(_folder.Path));
//        }

        private BookStorage GetInitialStorage()
            File.WriteAllText(_bookPath, "<html><head> href='file://blahblah\\editMode.css' type='text/css' /></head><body><div class='bloom-page'></div></body></html>");
            var storage = new BookStorage(_folder.Path, _fileLocator, new BookRenamedEvent(), new CollectionSettings());

Esempio n. 19
        private BookStorage GetInitialStorageWithCustomHead(string head)
            File.WriteAllText(_bookPath, "<html><head>" + head + " </head></body></html>");
            var storage = new BookStorage(_folder.Path, _fileLocator, new BookRenamedEvent(), new CollectionSettings());

Esempio n. 20
        private void HandleCopyImageCreditsForWholeBook(ApiRequest request)
            var names = BookStorage.GetImagePathsRelativeToBook(_bookSelection.CurrentSelection.RawDom.DocumentElement);
            IEnumerable <string> langs = null;

            if (request.CurrentCollectionSettings != null)
                langs = request.CurrentCollectionSettings.LicenseDescriptionLanguagePriorities;
                langs = new List <string> {
            };                                                                  // emergency fall back -- probably never used.
            var credits        = new List <string>();
            var missingCredits = new List <string>();

            foreach (var name in names)
                var path = _bookSelection.CurrentSelection.FolderPath.CombineForPath(name);
                if (RobustFile.Exists(path))
                    var    meta = Metadata.FromFile(path);
                    string id;
                    var    credit = meta.MinimalCredits(langs, out id);
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(credit) && name.ToLowerInvariant() != "license.png" && name.ToLowerInvariant() != "placeholder.png")
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(credit) && !credits.Contains(credit))
            var total = credits.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (all, credit) => {
                all.AppendFormat("<p>{0}</p>{1}", credit, System.Environment.NewLine);

            // Notify the user of images with missing credits.
            if (missingCredits.Count > 0)
                var missing = LocalizationManager.GetString("EditTab.FrontMatter.PasteMissingCredits", "Missing credits:");
                total.AppendFormat("<p>{0}", missing);
                for (var i = 0; i < missingCredits.Count; ++i)
                    if (i > 0)
                    total.AppendFormat(" {0}", missingCredits[i]);
                total.AppendFormat("</p>{0}", System.Environment.NewLine);
Esempio n. 21
 Bloom.Book.Book BookFactory(BookStorage storage, bool editable)
     return(new Bloom.Book.Book(new BookInfo(storage.FolderPath, true), storage, null, new CollectionSettings(new NewCollectionSettings()
         PathToSettingsFile = CollectionSettings.GetPathForNewSettings(_folder.Path, "test"), Language1Iso639Code = "xyz"
     }), null,
                                new PageSelection(),
                                new PageListChangedEvent(), new BookRefreshEvent()));
Esempio n. 22
        public void Save_BookHadEditStyleSheet_NowHasPreviewAndBase()
            File.WriteAllText(_bookPath, "<html><head> href='file://blahblah\\editMode.css' type='text/css' /></head><body><div class='bloom-page'></div></body></html>");
            var storage = new BookStorage(_folder.FolderPath, _fileLocator, new BookRenamedEvent(), new CollectionSettings());

            AssertThatXmlIn.HtmlFile(_bookPath).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath("//link[contains(@href, 'basePage')]", 1);
            AssertThatXmlIn.HtmlFile(_bookPath).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath("//link[contains(@href, 'preview')]", 1);
Esempio n. 23
        private void ChangeNameAndCheck(TemporaryFolder newFolder, BookStorage storage)
            var newBookName = Path.GetFileName(newFolder.Path);

            var newPath = newFolder.Combine(newBookName + ".htm");

            Assert.IsTrue(Directory.Exists(newFolder.Path), "Expected folder:" + newFolder.Path);
            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(newPath), "Expected file:" + newPath);
Esempio n. 24
        private BookStorage GetInitialStorageWithCustomHtml(string html)
            RobustFile.WriteAllText(_bookPath, html);
            var projectFolder      = new TemporaryFolder("BookStorageTests_ProjectCollection");
            var collectionSettings = new CollectionSettings(Path.Combine(projectFolder.Path, "test.bloomCollection"));
            var storage            = new BookStorage(_folder.Path, _fileLocator, new BookRenamedEvent(), collectionSettings);

Esempio n. 25
    public override bool TransferBook(BookStorage target, BookModel bookModel)
        if (!base.TransferBook(target, bookModel))


        public void RoundTripOfTemplateBookDoesNotLockIt()
            var pair           = UploadAndDownLoadNewBook("first", "book1", "Jack", "Jack's data", true);
            var originalFolder = pair.Item1;
            var newFolder      = pair.Item2;
            var originalHtml   = BookStorage.FindBookHtmlInFolder(originalFolder);
            var newHtml        = BookStorage.FindBookHtmlInFolder(newFolder);

            AssertThatXmlIn.HtmlFile(originalHtml).HasNoMatchForXpath("//meta[@name='lockedDownAsShell' and @content='true']");
            AssertThatXmlIn.HtmlFile(newHtml).HasNoMatchForXpath("//meta[@name='lockedDownAsShell' and @content='true']");
Esempio n. 27
        private BookStorage GetInitialStorageWithDifferentFileName(string bookName)
            var bookPath = _folder.Combine(bookName + ".htm");

            File.WriteAllText(bookPath, "<html><head> href='file://blahblah\\editMode.css' type='text/css' /></head><body><div class='bloom-page'></div></body></html>");
            var projectFolder      = new TemporaryFolder("BookStorageTests_ProjectCollection");
            var collectionSettings = new CollectionSettings(Path.Combine(projectFolder.Path, "test.bloomCollection"));
            var storage            = new BookStorage(_folder.Path, _fileLocator, new BookRenamedEvent(), collectionSettings);

Esempio n. 28
        private BookStorage Get_NotYetConfigured_CalendardBookStorage()
            var source        = BloomFileLocator.GetFactoryBookTemplateDirectory("Wall Calendar");
            var path          = GetPathToHtml(_starter.CreateBookOnDiskFromTemplate(source, _libraryFolder.Path));
            var projectFolder = new TemporaryFolder("ConfiguratorTests_ProjectCollection");
            var collectionSettings = new CollectionSettings(Path.Combine(projectFolder.Path, "test.bloomCollection"));

            var bs = new BookStorage(Path.GetDirectoryName(path), _fileLocator, new BookRenamedEvent(), collectionSettings);

Esempio n. 29
        public void OneTimeSetup()
            _testFolder = new TemporaryFolder("SpreadsheetImporterWithBookTests");
            // We need 2 layers of temp folder because BringBookUpToDate will change the name of the book
            // folder to match an imported title.
            _bookFolder = new TemporaryFolder(_testFolder, "Book");
            var settings = new NewCollectionSettings();

            settings.Language1.Iso639Code = "en";
            settings.Language1.SetName("English", false);
            settings.SettingsFilePath = Path.Combine(_bookFolder.FolderPath, "dummy");

            var fileLocator = new BloomFileLocator(settings, new XMatterPackFinder(new string[] { }), ProjectContext.GetFactoryFileLocations(),
                                                   ProjectContext.GetFoundFileLocations(), ProjectContext.GetAfterXMatterFileLocations());
            var bookFilePath = Path.Combine(_bookFolder.FolderPath, "testBook.htm");

            if (File.Exists(bookFilePath))             // Shouldn't ever happen, but... just being careful.
            _dom = SetupTestDom();
            // Write out our test book
            File.WriteAllText(bookFilePath, _dom.RawDom.OuterXml.ToString());
            var storage = new BookStorage(_bookFolder.FolderPath, fileLocator, new BookRenamedEvent(), settings);

            var book = new Bloom.Book.Book(new BookInfo(_bookFolder.FolderPath, true), storage, null,
                                           settings, new Bloom.Edit.PageSelection(),
                                           new PageListChangedEvent(), new BookRefreshEvent());

            // Create the regular production importer
            _importer = new SpreadsheetImporter(null, book, _bookFolder.FolderPath);

            // Set up the internal spreadsheet rows directly.
            var ss             = new InternalSpreadsheet();
            var columnForEn    = ss.AddColumnForLang("en", "English");
            var columnForImage = ss.GetColumnForTag(InternalSpreadsheet.ImageSourceColumnLabel);

            var newTitle = "My new book title";
            var titleRow = new ContentRow(ss);

            titleRow.SetCell(columnForEn, newTitle);

            var coverImageRow = new ContentRow(ss);

            coverImageRow.SetCell(columnForImage, Path.Combine("images", "Othello 199.jpg"));


            _resultElement = ReadResultingBookToXml(newTitle);
Esempio n. 30
        public void ImportWithProgress(string inputFilepath)
            Debug.Assert(_pathToBookFolder != null,
                         "Somehow we made it into ImportWithProgress() without a path to the book folder");
            var mainShell = Application.OpenForms.Cast <Form>().FirstOrDefault(f => f is Shell);

            BrowserProgressDialog.DoWorkWithProgressDialog(_webSocketServer, "spreadsheet-import", () =>
                                                           new ReactDialog("progressDialogBundle",
                                                                           // props to send to the react component
                title                = "Importing Spreadsheet",
                titleIcon            = "",                              // enhance: add icon if wanted
                titleColor           = "white",
                titleBackgroundColor = Palette.kBloomBlueHex,
                webSocketContext     = "spreadsheet-import",
                showReportButton     = "if-error"
            }, "Import Spreadsheet")
                                                           // winforms dialog properties
                Width = 620, Height = 550
            }, (progress, worker) =>
                var hasAudio           = _destinationDom.GetRecordedAudioSentences(_pathToBookFolder).Any();
                var cannotImportEnding = " For this reason, we need to abandon the import. Instead, you can import into a blank book.";
                if (hasAudio)
                    progress.MessageWithoutLocalizing($"Warning: Spreadsheet import cannot currently preserve Talking Book audio that is already in this book." + cannotImportEnding, ProgressKind.Error);
                    return(true);                    // leave progress window up so user can see error.
                var hasActivities = _destinationDom.HasActivityPages();
                if (hasActivities)
                    progress.MessageWithoutLocalizing($"Warning: Spreadsheet import cannot currently preserve quizzes, widgets, or other activities that are already in this book." + cannotImportEnding, ProgressKind.Error);
                    return(true);                    // leave progress window up so user can see error.
                var sheet = InternalSpreadsheet.ReadFromFile(inputFilepath, progress);
                if (sheet == null)
                if (!Validate(sheet, progress))
                    return(true);                    // errors already reported to progress
                progress.MessageWithoutLocalizing($"Making a backup of the original book...");
                var backupPath = BookStorage.SaveCopyBeforeImportOverwrite(_pathToBookFolder);
                progress.MessageWithoutLocalizing($"Backup completed (at {backupPath})");
                Import(sheet, progress);
                return(true);                // always leave the dialog up until the user chooses 'close'
            }, null, mainShell);
Esempio n. 31
        public async void OpenDirectory()
            BookStorage BS = new BookStorage();
            string[] ids = BS.GetIdList();
            IEnumerable<LocalBook> Items = await Shared.Storage.GetLocalText( async ( x, i, l ) =>
                if ( i % 20 == 0 )
                    Worker.UIInvoke( () => Loading = string.Format( "{0}/{1}", i, l ) );
                    await Task.Delay( 15 );

                LocalBook LB = new LocalBook( x );
                LB.IsFav = ids.Contains( LB.aid );
                return LB;
            } );

            Loading = null;
            if ( Items != null && 0 < Items.Count() ) SearchSet = Items;
Esempio n. 32
 public void Dispose()
         AppSettings.PropertyChanged -= AppSettings_PropertyChanged;
         foreach ( Paragraph P in Data ) P.Dispose();
         CL = null;
         BS = null;
         Data = null;
     catch ( Exception ) { }
Esempio n. 33
        protected override IEnumerable<ActiveItem> Filter( IEnumerable<ActiveItem> Items )
            if ( Items != null && FavOnly )
                string[] ids = new BookStorage().GetIdList();
                Items = Items.Where( x => ids.Contains( ( x as LocalBook ).aid ) );

            return base.Filter( Items );
Esempio n. 34
        public async Task ToggleFavs()
            if ( !FavOnly )
                BookStorage BS = new BookStorage();
                string[] BookIds = BS.GetIdList();

                List<ActiveItem> SS = new List<ActiveItem>();

                foreach ( string Id in BookIds )
                    if ( Data != null && Data.Any( x => ( x as LocalBook ).aid == Id ) )

                    LocalBook LB = await LocalBook.CreateAsync( Id );
                    if ( !( LB.CanProcess || LB.ProcessSuccess ) )
                        XParameter Param = BS.GetBook( Id );
                        LB.Name = Param.GetValue( AppKeys.GLOBAL_NAME );
                        LB.Desc = "Source is unavailable";
                        LB.CanProcess = false;

                    LB.IsFav = true;
                    SS.Add( LB );

                if ( 0 < SS.Count )
                    if ( Data == null ) Data = SS;
                    else Data = Data.Concat( SS );

                FavOnly = true;
                FavOnly = false;
                if ( Data != null )
                    Data = Data.Where( x =>
                        LocalBook LB = x as LocalBook;
                        if ( LB.IsFav ) return LB.ProcessSuccess || LB.Processing || LB.CanProcess;

                        return true;
                    } );

            NotifyChanged( "SearchSet" );
Esempio n. 35
        private async void ProcessVols()
            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "LoadingMessage" );
            string LoadText = stx.Str( "ProgressIndicator_Message" );

            IEnumerable<string> BookIds = Shared.Storage.ListDirs( FileLinks.ROOT_LOCAL_VOL );
            string[] favs = new BookStorage().GetIdList();

            List<LocalBook> Items = new List<LocalBook>();
            foreach ( string Id in BookIds )
                Loading = LoadText + ": " + Id;
                LocalBook LB = await LocalBook.CreateAsync( Id );
                if ( LB.ProcessSuccess )
                    Items.Add( LB );
                    LB.IsFav = favs.Contains( Id );

            Action<string, SpiderBook> ProcessSpider = ( Id, LB ) =>
                 Loading = LoadText + ": " + Id;
                 if ( LB.aid != Id )
                         Logger.Log( ID, "Fixing misplaced spider book" );
                         Shared.Storage.MoveDir( FileLinks.ROOT_SPIDER_VOL + Id, LB.MetaLocation );
                     catch ( Exception ex )
                         Logger.Log( ID
                             , string.Format(
                                 "Unable to move script: {0} => {1}, {2} "
                                 , Id, LB.aid, ex.Message )
                                 , LogType.WARNING );

                 if ( LB.ProcessSuccess || LB.CanProcess )
                     Items.Add( LB );
                     LB.IsFav = favs.Contains( Id );
                         Logger.Log( ID, "Removing invalid script: " + Id, LogType.INFO );
                         Shared.Storage.RemoveDir( LB.MetaRoot );
                     catch ( Exception ex )
                         Logger.Log( ID, "Cannot remove invalid script: " + ex.Message, LogType.WARNING );

            BookIds = Shared.Storage.ListDirs( FileLinks.ROOT_SPIDER_VOL );
            foreach ( string Id in BookIds )
                if ( Id[ 0 ] == ZONE_PFX )
                    IEnumerable<string> ZoneItems = Shared.Storage.ListDirs( FileLinks.ROOT_SPIDER_VOL + Id + "/" );
                    foreach ( string SId in ZoneItems )
                         * This code is a mess. I'll explain a bit more in here
                         *   First, the location of the Book.MetaLocation for ZoneItems
                         *   can only be retrived from BookInstruction
                         *   However ZoneId and Id are assinged by Spider on the fly,
                         *   restoring this information is a bit tricky

                        // Create BookIntstruction just to retrieve the correct id pattern
                        BookInstruction BInst = new BookInstruction( Id, SId );

                         * After 2 hours of investigations...
                         * Welp, just outsmarted by myself, The CreateAsyncSpide works because:
                         *   Inside the TestProcessed method, the BookInstruction are created
                         *   using BoockInstruction( Id, Setings ) overload
                         *   the provided id is "this.aid" here BUT the full id is restored again
                         *   in InitProcMan() method
                         *   Fortunately, ssid will be set correctly inside the ReadInfo method
                        ProcessSpider( BInst.Id, await SpiderBook.CreateAsyncSpider( BInst.Id ) );
                    ProcessSpider( Id, await SpiderBook.CreateAsyncSpider( Id ) );

            if ( 0 < Items.Count ) SearchSet = Items;
            Loading = null;
Esempio n. 36
 private void LSSync( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
     BookStorage BS = new BookStorage();
     ( ( OneDriveButton ) sender ).SetSync( BS.SyncSettings );
Esempio n. 37
        private void AddOrRemoveFav( object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e )
            BookItem B = ( ( sender as FrameworkElement ).DataContext ) as BookItem;
            BookStorage BS = new BookStorage();
            if ( B.IsFav )
                BS.RemoveBook( B.Id );
                B.IsFav = false;
                BS.SaveBook( B.Id, B.Title, B.RecentUpdateRaw, B.LatestSection );
                B.IsFav = true;
