Esempio n. 1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        NameValueCollection nvc = Request.Form;

        // string userName, password;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["resp_number"]))
            respid        = Convert.ToInt32(Request["resp_number"]);
            resp_id.Value = respid.ToString();
        else if (resp_id.Value != null && resp_id.Value != "")
            respid = Convert.ToInt32(resp_id.Value);
            Response.Redirect("/Error.aspx?error=Wrong Request for booking");
        };                                                                        //Not post or Wrong respid
        //Get the inquiry info.
        email_resp = BookResponseEmail.getResponseInfo(respid);
        if (email_resp.ID == 0)
            Response.Redirect("/Error.aspx?error=Wrong Response number or not valid");

        inquiryinfo = BookDBProvider.getQuoteInfo(email_resp.QuoteID);
        owner_info  = BookDBProvider.getUserInfo(inquiryinfo.PropertyOwnerID);
        prop_info   = AjaxProvider.getPropertyDetailInfo(inquiryinfo.PropertyID);
        // _total_sum = email_resp.NightRate * inquiryinfo.Nights;
        _total_sum  = email_resp.NightRate;
        _lodgingval = _total_sum * email_resp.LoadingTax / 100;
        _balance    = _lodgingval + email_resp.CleaningFee + email_resp.SecurityDeposit;
        _total      = _total_sum + _balance;
Esempio n. 2
    protected void saveLog()
        transitem = new Transaction_Item();

        PropertyInfo[] props = transitem.GetType().GetProperties();

        foreach (PropertyInfo prop in props)
            prop.SetValue(transitem, Convert.ChangeType(Request[prop.Name], prop.PropertyType), null);

 *      int item_number = Convert.ToInt32(Request["item_number"]);
 *      decimal mc_gross = Convert.ToDecimal(Request["mc_gross"]);
 *      decimal mc_fee = Convert.ToDecimal(Request["mc_fee"]);
 *      string txn_id = Request["txn_id"];
 *      string paydate = Request["payment_date"];
 *      string business = Request["business"];
 *      string payer_email = Request["payer_email"];
 *      string payer_id = Request["payer_id"];
 *      string mc_currency = Request["mc_currency"];
 *      string txn_type = Request["txn_type"];
 *      string payment_status = Request["payment_status"];
 *      string payment_type = Request["payment_type"];
 *      string pending_reason = Request["pending_reason"];
 *      string item_name = Request["item_name"];

        email_resp = BookResponseEmail.getResponseInfo(transitem.item_number); //respid
        // if (email_resp.ID == 0 || email_resp.IsValid < 1) Response.Redirect("/Error.aspx?error=Wrong Response number or not valid");

        inquiryinfo   = BookDBProvider.getQuoteInfo(email_resp.QuoteID);
        countryinfo   = BookDBProvider.getCountryInfo(inquiryinfo.PropertyID);
        owner_info    = BookDBProvider.getUserInfo(inquiryinfo.PropertyOwnerID);
        traveler_info = BookDBProvider.getUserInfo(inquiryinfo.UserID);
        prop_info     = BookDBProvider.getPropertyInfo(inquiryinfo.PropertyID);

Esempio n. 3
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         * if (!AuthenticationManager.IfAuthenticated || !User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
         * {
         *  FormsAuthentication.SignOut();
         * }
        string param = AjaxProvider.Base64Decode(Request.QueryString["respid"]);

        if (!Int32.TryParse(param, out respid))
            respid = 0;
        // if (respid == 0) respid = Convert.ToInt32(resp_number.Value);

        email_resp = BookResponseEmail.getResponseInfo(respid);
        if (email_resp.ID == 0)
            Response.Redirect("/Error.aspx?error=Wrong Response number or not valid");

        // resp_number.Value = respid.ToString();

        inquiryinfo = BookDBProvider.getQuoteInfo(email_resp.QuoteID);

        countryinfo = BookDBProvider.getCountryInfo(inquiryinfo.PropertyID);

        //  _total_sum = email_resp.NightRate * inquiryinfo.Nights;
        _total_sum  = email_resp.NightRate;
        _lodgingval = _total_sum * email_resp.LoadingTax / 100;
        _balance    = _lodgingval + email_resp.CleaningFee + email_resp.SecurityDeposit;
        _total      = _total_sum + _balance;

        url = String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/default.aspx",, countryinfo.state,, inquiryinfo.PropertyID);
Esempio n. 4
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (HttpContext.Current.Request.HttpMethod != "POST")
            Response.Write("Wrong request");

        context = HttpContext.Current;


        email_resp = BookResponseEmail.getResponseInfo(transitem.item_number); //respid
                                                                               // if (email_resp.ID == 0 || email_resp.IsValid < 1) Response.Redirect("/Error.aspx?error=Wrong Response number or not valid");

        inquiryinfo = BookDBProvider.getQuoteInfo(email_resp.QuoteID);
        owner_info  = BookDBProvider.getDetailedUserInfo(inquiryinfo.PropertyOwnerID);
        // traveler_info = BookDBProvider.getUserInfo(inquiryinfo.UserID);
        prop_info = AjaxProvider.getPropertyDetailInfo(inquiryinfo.PropertyID);

        ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true;
        ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol  = (SecurityProtocolType)3072;

        //  string requestUriString = "";
        string requestUriString = "";

        HttpWebRequest request =

        string strFormValues = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(

        // Set values for the request back
        request.Method      = "POST";
        request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
        string obj2 = strFormValues + "&cmd=_notify-validate";

        request.ContentLength = obj2.Length;

 *      System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("/logwrite.txt"));
 *      file.Write(obj2);
 *      file.Close();
        // Write the request back IPN strings
        StreamWriter writer =
            new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream(), Encoding.ASCII);


        //send the request, read the response
        HttpWebResponse response       = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
        Stream          responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
        Encoding        encoding       = Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8");
        StreamReader    reader         = new StreamReader(responseStream, encoding);
        string          resp           = reader.ReadToEnd();

        //_total_sum = email_resp.NightRate * inquiryinfo.Nights;
        _total_sum  = email_resp.NightRate;
        _lodgingval = _total_sum * email_resp.LoadingTax / 100;
        _balance    = _lodgingval + email_resp.CleaningFee + email_resp.SecurityDeposit;
        _total      = _total_sum + _balance;

         * System.IO.StreamWriter sfile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("/log.txt"));
         * sfile.Write(resp);
         * sfile.Close();
        int discount;

        if (transitem.custom.Length == 13)
            List <SqlParameter> param = new List <SqlParameter>();
            param.Add(new SqlParameter("@coupon", transitem.custom));

            DataSet ds_coupon = BookDBProvider.getDataSet("uspGetCouponItem", param);
            if (ds_coupon.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                if (!int.TryParse(ds_coupon.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Discount"].ToString(), out discount))
                    discount = 0;

                _total = _total_sum * (100 - discount) / 100 + _balance;

        _total = Decimal.Parse(BookDBProvider.DoFormat(_total));

        if (resp == "VERIFIED")
            //if( == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PaypalEmail"].ToString() && transitem.txn_type!= "reversal")

/*            System.IO.StreamWriter ssfile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("/logt.txt"));
 *          ssfile.Write(resp);
 *          ssfile.Close();
            // if ( == "*****@*****.**" && transitem.txn_type != "reversal")
            if ( == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PaypalEmail"].ToString() && transitem.txn_type != "reversal")
                if ((transitem.mc_gross == (_total)) && transitem.payment_status == "Completed" && transitem.mc_currency == currency_type[email_resp.CurrencyType])
                    PaymentHelper.addPaymentHistory(transitem, inquiryinfo);


                    string format_traveler = @"This is your receipt for your reservation with <br/>
This email confirms that {0} has booked a reservation with {1}. <br/>
Your Arrival Date is: {2} <br/>
You paid: {3} {4} on {5} <br/>
The owner’s cancellation policy is <br/>
90 days prior to arrival:{6}% <br/>
60 days prior to arrival:{7}% <br/>
30 days prior to arrival:{8}% <br/>

Owner Contact Details <br/>
Owner Name:{9} <br/>
Owner Email:{10} <br/>
Owner Telephone:{11} <br/>
Name of Property:{1} <br/>
Owner Website: {12} <br/>
Please contact the owner to obtain the actual property address. <br/>
If you do not cancel, the funds will be transferred to the owner on (7 days prior to your {13}) <br/>
When you return, please write a review of the property and add photos. <br/>";

                    string msg_traveler = String.Format(format_traveler, inquiryinfo.ContactorName, prop_info.PropertyName, DateTime.Parse(inquiryinfo.ArrivalDate).ToString("MMM d, yyyy"),
                                                        transitem.mc_gross, transitem.mc_currency, DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM d, yyyy"), email_resp.Cancel90, email_resp.Cancel60, email_resp.Cancel30
                                                        , String.Format("{0} {1}", owner_info.FirstName, owner_info.LastName), owner_info.Email,
                                                        owner_info.MobileTelephone, owner_info.Website, DateTime.Parse(inquiryinfo.ArrivalDate).ToString("MMM d, yyyy"));

                    string trv_subject = String.Format("Reservation Confirmation for {0}", DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM d, yyyy"));
                    BookDBProvider.SendEmail(inquiryinfo.ContactorEmail, trv_subject, msg_traveler);

                    string format_owner  = @"This is a confirmation for the reservation completed through <br/>
This email confirms that {0} has booked a reservation with {1}. <br/>
Arrival Date is: {2} <br/>
They have paid: {3} {4} on {5} <br/>
The owner’s cancellation policy is <br/>
90 days prior to arrival:{6}% <br/>
60 days prior to arrival:{7}% <br/>
30 days prior to arrival:{8}% <br/><br/>
Traveler Contact Details <br/><br/>
Traveler Name:{9} <br/>
Traveler Email:{10} <br/>
Traveler Telephone:{11} <br/><br/> 
Please contact the traveler to provide them with directions to your property and inform them of any check-in procedures. <br/>
If the Traveler does not cancel, the funds will be transferred to your Paypal or bank account  (7 days prior to your {2}) less a 10% commission fee. If any fees such as cleaning fees, security deposit or lodging taxes are to be collected by you at arrival. <br/>
You have specified these additional fees are due at arrival. <br/>
Cleaning:{12} {4} <br/>
Security Deposit:{13} {4}<br/>
Lodging Tax:{14} {4}<br/><br/>

Let us know if we can be of further assistance. <br/>
Linda Jenkins <br/>
770-687-6889 <br/>";
                    string owner_subject = String.Format("Reservation Confirmation for {0}", DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM d, yyyy"));
                    string msg_owner     = String.Format(format_owner, inquiryinfo.ContactorName, prop_info.PropertyName
                                                         , DateTime.Parse(inquiryinfo.ArrivalDate).ToString("MMM d, yyyy"), transitem.mc_gross, transitem.mc_currency,
                                                         DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM d, yyyy"), email_resp.Cancel90, email_resp.Cancel60, email_resp.Cancel30,
                                                         inquiryinfo.ContactorName, inquiryinfo.ContactorEmail, inquiryinfo.Telephone,
                                                         BookDBProvider.DoFormat(email_resp.CleaningFee), BookDBProvider.DoFormat(email_resp.SecurityDeposit), BookDBProvider.DoFormat(_lodgingval));
                    BookDBProvider.SendEmail(owner_info.Email, owner_subject, msg_owner);
                    BookDBProvider.SendEmail("*****@*****.**", String.Format("{0} has paid for property {1} Transaction:{2}", inquiryinfo.ContactorName, transitem.item_number, transitem.txn_id), msg_owner);
                    BookDBProvider.SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "Notification: Transaction:" + transitem.txn_id, msg_owner);