Esempio n. 1
 private void RefreshOneThumbnail(Book.BookInfo bookInfo, Image image)
     // The arguments here are not currently used (method signature is legacy),
     // but may be useful if we optimize.
     // optimize: I think this will reload all of them
     _webSocketServer.SendString("bookImage", "reload", bookInfo.Id);
Esempio n. 2
        private void RefreshOneThumbnail(Book.BookInfo bookInfo, Image image)
            if (IsDisposed)
                var imageIndex = _bookThumbnails.Images.IndexOfKey(bookInfo.Id);
                if (imageIndex > -1)
                    _bookThumbnails.Images[imageIndex] = image;
                    var button = FindBookButton(bookInfo);
                    button.Image = image;

            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.WriteEvent("Error refreshing thumbnail. " + e.Message);
Esempio n. 3
        private void AddOneBook(Book.BookInfo bookInfo, FlowLayoutPanel flowLayoutPanel)
            var button = new Button()
                Size = new Size(90, 110)

            button.Text = ShortenTitleIfNeeded(bookInfo.QuickTitleUserDisplay);
            button.TextImageRelation         = TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText;
            button.ImageAlign                = ContentAlignment.TopCenter;
            button.TextAlign                 = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;
            button.FlatStyle                 = FlatStyle.Flat;
            button.ForeColor                 = Palette.TextAgainstDarkBackground;
            button.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0;
            button.ContextMenuStrip          = _bookContextMenu;
            button.MouseDown                += OnClickBook; //we need this for right-click menu selection, which needs to 1st select the book
            //doesn't work: item.DoubleClick += (sender,arg)=>_model.DoubleClickedBook();

            button.Font = bookInfo.IsEditable ? _editableBookFont : _collectionBookFont;

            button.Tag = bookInfo;

            Image thumbnail = Resources.PagePlaceHolder;;

            _bookThumbnails.Images.Add(bookInfo.Id, thumbnail);
            button.ImageIndex = _bookThumbnails.Images.Count - 1;

            Image img;

            //review: we could do this at idle time, too:
            if (bookInfo.TryGetPremadeThumbnail(out img))
                RefreshOneThumbnail(bookInfo, img);
                //show this one for now, in the background someone will do the slow work of getting us a better one
                RefreshOneThumbnail(bookInfo, Resources.placeHolderBookThumbnail);
                //hack to signal that we need to make a real one when get a chance
                button.ImageIndex = 999;

//			bookInfo.GetThumbNailOfBookCoverAsync(bookInfo.Type != Book.Book.BookType.Publication,
//				                                  image => RefreshOneThumbnail(bookInfo, image),
//												  error=> RefreshOneThumbnail(bookInfo, Resources.Error70x70));
Esempio n. 4
        private void HandleThumbnailerErrror(Book.BookInfo bookInfo, Exception error)
            string path = Path.Combine(bookInfo.FolderPath, "thumbnail.png");

                Resources.Error70x70.Save(@path, ImageFormat.Png);
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.WriteError("Could not save error icon for book", e);

            RefreshOneThumbnail(bookInfo, Resources.Error70x70);
Esempio n. 5
        public void DeleteBook(Book.BookInfo bookInfo)
            var didDelete = ConfirmRecycleDialog.Recycle(bookInfo.FolderPath);

            if (!didDelete)

            Logger.WriteEvent("After BookStorage.DeleteBook({0})", bookInfo.FolderPath);
            if (_bookSelection != null)
Esempio n. 6
        public void DeleteBook(Book.BookInfo bookInfo)
            var didDelete = ConfirmRecycleDialog.Recycle(bookInfo.FolderPath);

            if (!didDelete)

            Logger.WriteEvent("After BookStorage.DeleteBook({0})", bookInfo.FolderPath);
            //Debug.Assert(_bookInfos.Contains(bookInfo)); this will occur if we delete a book from the BloomLibrary section

            if (CollectionChanged != null)
                CollectionChanged.Invoke(this, null);
            if (_bookSelection != null)
        public void DeleteBook(Book.BookInfo bookInfo)
            var didDelete = ConfirmRecycleDialog.Recycle(bookInfo.FolderPath);

            if (!didDelete)

            Logger.WriteEvent("After BookStorage.DeleteBook({0})", bookInfo.FolderPath);

            if (CollectionChanged != null)
                CollectionChanged.Invoke(this, null);
            if (_bookSelection != null)
Esempio n. 8
 private void HandleThumbnailerErrror(Book.BookInfo bookInfo, Exception error)
     RefreshOneThumbnail(bookInfo, Resources.Error70x70);
Esempio n. 9
 private Button FindBookButton(Book.BookInfo bookInfo)
     return(AllBookButtons().FirstOrDefault(b => b.Tag == bookInfo));
        private void AddOneBook(Book.BookInfo bookInfo, FlowLayoutPanel flowLayoutPanel, bool localizeTitle)
            var button = new Button()
                Size = new Size(90, 110)
            string title = bookInfo.QuickTitleUserDisplay;

            if (localizeTitle)
                title = LocalizationManager.GetDynamicString("Bloom", "Template." + title, title);

            button.Text = ShortenTitleIfNeeded(title);
            button.TextImageRelation         = TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText;
            button.ImageAlign                = ContentAlignment.TopCenter;
            button.TextAlign                 = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;
            button.FlatStyle                 = FlatStyle.Flat;
            button.ForeColor                 = Palette.TextAgainstDarkBackground;
            button.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0;
            button.UseMnemonic               = false;       //otherwise, it tries to interpret '&' as a shortcut
            button.ContextMenuStrip          = _bookContextMenu;
            button.MouseDown                += OnClickBook; //we need this for right-click menu selection, which needs to 1st select the book
            //doesn't work: item.DoubleClick += (sender,arg)=>_model.DoubleClickedBook();

            button.Font = bookInfo.IsEditable ? _editableBookFont : _collectionBookFont;

            // Setting the AutoEllipsis property is strange but makes it behave the same on
            // Windows and Linux. Despite its name it won't show an ellipsis but wrap the line
            // at a word boundary if the text is too long (at least if the height is large
            // enough - didn't try what happens if the text doesn't fit in multiple lines)
            button.AutoEllipsis = true;
            button.AutoSize     = false;

            button.Tag = bookInfo;

            Image thumbnail = Resources.PagePlaceHolder;;

            _bookThumbnails.Images.Add(bookInfo.Id, thumbnail);
            button.ImageIndex = _bookThumbnails.Images.Count - 1;

            Image img;

            //review: we could do this at idle time, too:
            if (bookInfo.TryGetPremadeThumbnail(out img))
                RefreshOneThumbnail(bookInfo, img);
                //show this one for now, in the background someone will do the slow work of getting us a better one
                RefreshOneThumbnail(bookInfo, Resources.placeHolderBookThumbnail);
                //hack to signal that we need to make a real one when get a chance
                button.ImageIndex = 999;

//			bookInfo.GetThumbNailOfBookCoverAsync(bookInfo.Type != Book.Book.BookType.Publication,
//				                                  image => RefreshOneThumbnail(bookInfo, image),
//												  error=> RefreshOneThumbnail(bookInfo, Resources.Error70x70));