///   <summary>
        ///   Currently used by the image server
        ///   to get thumbnails that are used in the add page dialog. Since this dialog can show
        ///   an enlarged version of the page, we generate these at a higher resolution than usual.
        ///   Also, to make more realistic views of template pages we insert fake text wherever
        ///   there is an empty edit block.
        ///   The result is cached for possible future use so the caller should not dispose of it.
        ///   </summary>
        /// <param name="book"></param>
        /// <param name="page"></param>
        /// <param name="isLandscape"></param>
        /// <param name="mustRegenerate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Image GetThumbnailForPage(Book.Book book, IPage page, bool isLandscape, bool mustRegenerate = false)
            var pageDom          = book.GetThumbnailXmlDocumentForPage(page);
            var thumbnailOptions = new HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions()
                BackgroundColor = Color.White,                                        // matches the hand-made previews.
                BorderStyle     = HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions.BorderStyles.None, // allows the HTML to add its preferred border in the larger preview
                CenterImageUsingTransparentPadding = true,
                MustRegenerate = mustRegenerate
            var pageDiv = pageDom.RawDom.SafeSelectNodes("descendant-or-self::div[contains(@class,'bloom-page')]").Cast <XmlElement>().FirstOrDefault();

            // The actual page size is rather arbitrary, but we want the right ratio for A4.
            // Using the actual A4 sizes in mm makes a big enough image to look good in the larger
            // preview box on the right as well as giving exactly the ratio we want.
            // We need to make the image the right shape to avoid some sort of shadow/box effects
            // that I can't otherwise find a way to get rid of.
            if (isLandscape)
                thumbnailOptions.Width  = 297;
                thumbnailOptions.Height = 210;
                pageDiv.SetAttribute("class", pageDiv.Attributes["class"].Value.Replace("Portrait", "Landscape"));
                thumbnailOptions.Width  = 210;
                thumbnailOptions.Height = 297;
                // On the offchance someone makes a template with by-default-landscape pages...
                pageDiv.SetAttribute("class", pageDiv.Attributes["class"].Value.Replace("Landscape", "Portrait"));
            // In different books (or even the same one) in the same session we may have portrait and landscape
            // versions of the same template page. So we must use different IDs.
            return(_thumbnailProvider.GetThumbnail(page.Id + (isLandscape ? "L" : ""), pageDom, thumbnailOptions));