public void HighLight_HighLightsText_IgnoringCase()
            var text            = "the readiness of the blue ocean, this is a very long";
            var wordToHighlight = "REad";
            var helper          = new JokesHelper();
            var boldHighlighter = new BoldHighlighter();

            var result = helper.HighLight(text, wordToHighlight, boldHighlighter);

            Assert.AreEqual("the <b>read</b>iness of the blue ocean, this is a very long", result);
        public void HighLight_ReturnsSameText_WhenTextToBeHighlighted_DoesNotExistInJoke()
            var text            = "the readiness of the blue ocean, this is a very long";
            var wordToHighlight = "test";
            var helper          = new JokesHelper();
            var boldHighlighter = new BoldHighlighter();

            var result = helper.HighLight(text, wordToHighlight, boldHighlighter);

            Assert.AreEqual(text, result);