public async Task <IActionResult> PutBodyTypes([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] BodyTypes bodyTypes) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != bodyTypes.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(bodyTypes).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!BodyTypesExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
protected static List <CASParts.Wrapper> GetVisibleCASParts(CASLogic ths, BodyTypes bodyType, uint categories) { uint alteredCategories = categories; ths.AdjustAvailableCategoriesForCASMode(ref alteredCategories); SimBuilder builder = ths.mBuilder; CASAgeGenderFlags age = builder.Age; CASAgeGenderFlags gender = builder.Gender; CASAgeGenderFlags species = builder.Species; List <CASParts.Wrapper> list = new List <CASParts.Wrapper>(); foreach (CASParts.Wrapper part in CASBase.HairParts) { InvalidPartBase.Reason reason = InvalidPartBooter.Allow(part, age, gender, species, false, (OutfitCategories)categories); if (reason != InvalidPartBase.Reason.None) { continue; } if ((part.mPart.BodyType == bodyType) && OutfitUtils.PartMatchesSim(builder, alteredCategories, part.mPart)) { list.Add(part); } } return(list); }
public static bool GetItemEnum(AvatarCustomizationCategory type, BodyTypes currentBodyType, ref IEnumerable<CustomizationItemDefinition> __result) { List<CharacterBodyDefinition> bodiesList = Traverse.CreateWithType("CharacterManager").Field("bodiesList").GetValue<List<CharacterBodyDefinition>>(); foreach (CharacterBodyDefinition item in bodiesList) { item.BodyType = currentBodyType; } List<CharacterHeadDefinition> headsList = Traverse.CreateWithType("CharacterManager").Field("headsList").GetValue<List<CharacterHeadDefinition>>(); foreach (CharacterHeadDefinition item in headsList) { item.BodyType = currentBodyType; } List<CharacterHairDefinition> hairList = Traverse.CreateWithType("CharacterManager").Field("hairList").GetValue<List<CharacterHairDefinition>>(); foreach (CharacterHairDefinition item in hairList) { item.BodyType = currentBodyType; } List<CharacterHeadDecoDefinition> glassesList = Traverse.CreateWithType("CharacterManager").Field("glassesList").GetValue<List<CharacterHeadDecoDefinition>>(); foreach (CharacterHeadDecoDefinition item in glassesList) { item.BodyType = currentBodyType; } return true; }
private static async Task InsertTestData(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { await AddOrUpdateAsync(serviceProvider, g => g.MakeId, Makes.Select(m => m.Value)); await AddOrUpdateAsync(serviceProvider, g => g.ModelId, Models.Select(m => m.Value)); await AddOrUpdateAsync(serviceProvider, g => g.BodyTypeId, BodyTypes.Select(m => m.Value)); await AddOrUpdateAsync(serviceProvider, g => g.CarId, Cars.Select(m => m.Value)); await AddOrUpdateAsync(serviceProvider, g => g.OrderId, Orders); }
public BodyBasic(double weight, double width, double height, double depth, string color, BodyTypes type) { Weight = weight; Width = width; Height = height; Depth = depth; Color = color; BodyType = type; }
public Person() { Name = "Name"; Surname = "Surname"; DateOfBirth = DateTime.Today; Height = 1; Weight = 1; BodyType = BodyTypes.ECTOMORPH; }
public Person(string name, string surname, DateTime dateOfBirth, ushort height, double weight, BodyTypes bodyType) { this.Name = name; this.Surname = surname; this.DateOfBirth = dateOfBirth; this.Height = height; this.Weight = weight; this.BodyType = bodyType; }
public void SetBodyTypes(List <KVPBase> data) { data = data.OrderBy(p => p.Name).ToList(); BodyTypes.Clear(); foreach (var item in data) { BodyTypes.Add(item); } }
private static void PopulatePartsGrid(CASMakeup ths, BodyTypes category) { if (category != BodyTypes.CostumeMakeup) { ItemGrid mGridMakeupParts = ths.mGridMakeupParts; mGridMakeupParts.Clear(); CASPart wornPart = ths.GetWornPart(category); List <object> visibleParts = ths.GetVisibleParts(category); ResourceKey layoutKey = ResourceKey.CreateUILayoutKey("GenericCasItem", 0x0); foreach (object obj2 in visibleParts) { CASPart part = (CASPart)obj2; ths.AddPartsGridItem(mGridMakeupParts, layoutKey, part); if (part.Key == wornPart.Key) { mGridMakeupParts.SelectedItem = mGridMakeupParts.Count - 0x1; } } ths.mButtonColor.Enabled = (mGridMakeupParts.SelectedItem != -1) && (mGridMakeupParts.SelectedItem != 0x0); ths.mButtonDelete.Enabled = ths.mButtonColor.Enabled; } else { ItemGrid mGridCostumeParts = ths.mGridCostumeParts; mGridCostumeParts.Clear(); ths.mCurrentPreset = null; ths.mCurrentFocusedRow = null; ths.mTempFocusedRow = null; List <object> objectList = ths.GetVisibleParts(category); bool shouldEnableCatalogProductFilter = false; CASPart objectToNotRemove = ths.GetWornPart(category); ths.mContentTypeFilter.FilterObjects(objectList, out shouldEnableCatalogProductFilter, objectToNotRemove); ths.mButtonCostumeFilter.Enabled = false; ths.mButtonCostumeFilter.Tag = shouldEnableCatalogProductFilter; foreach (CASPart part4 in objectList) { if (!(part4.Key == ths.kInvalidCASPart.Key)) { CASClothingRow row = UIManager.LoadLayout(ResourceKey.CreateUILayoutKey("CASClothingRow", 0x0)).GetWindowByExportID(0x1) as CASClothingRow; row.CASPart = part4; row.RowController = ths; if (row.CreateGridItems(true).Count > 0x0) { mGridCostumeParts.AddItem(new ItemGridCellItem(row, null)); if (row.SelectedItem != -1) { ths.mCurrentPreset = row.Selection as CASPartPreset; } } CASClothingRowEx.Create(row, MasterController.Settings.mAllowMultipleMakeup); } } ths.mContentTypeFilter.UpdateFilterButtonState(); } }
public void SetPreset(BodyTypes type, string preset) { foreach (SavedPart part in mParts) { if (part.mPart.BodyType == type) { part.mPreset = preset; } } }
internal void Update(IServiseRepository storage) { ClearLists(); Marks.AddRange(storage.Marks); Models.AddRange(storage.Models); BodyTypes.AddRange(storage.BodyTypes); EngineTypes.AddRange(storage.EngineTypes); EngineVolumes.AddRange(storage.EngineVolumes); TransTypes.AddRange(storage.TransTypes); }
public void SetBodyTypes(List <KVPBase> data) { data = data.OrderBy(p => p.Name).ToList(); BodyTypes.Clear(); data.ForEach(o => BodyTypes.Add(o)); if (LoadBodiesComplete != null) { LoadBodiesComplete(this, new EventArgs()); } }
//public Car(string numberPlate, string model, BodyTypes bodyType, Size size, string colour, string mileage, string accidentHistory, Transmissiontype transmissiontype, string price, string dateArrival) //дописать !!completed!! //{ // this.numberPlate = numberPlate; // this.Model = model; // this.bodyType = bodyType; // this.size = size; // this.colour = colour; // this.mileage = mileage; // this.accidentHistory = accidentHistory; // this.transmissionType = transmissiontype; // this.price = price; // this.dateArrival = ToDate(dateArrival);//вызво метода преобразвоания //} // 3 v public Car(string numberPlate, string model, BodyTypes bodyType, string colour, string mileage, string accidentHistory, Transmissiontype transmissiontype, string price) //дописать !!completed!! { this.numberPlate = numberPlate; this.Model = model; this.bodyType = bodyType; this.colour = colour; this.mileage = mileage; this.accidentHistory = accidentHistory; this.transmissionType = transmissiontype; this.price = price; }
public SmallEditor() { InitializeComponent(); DBBodyTypes = new BodyTypes(); DBClasses = new Classes(); DBColors = new Colors(); DBGearTypes = new GearTypes(); DBLanguages = new Languages(); DBManafacturers = new Manafacturers(); DBWorkplaces = new Workplaces(); }
public Car(string numberPlate, string model, BodyTypes bodyType, string colour, string mileage, string accidentHistory, Transmissiontype transmissiontype, string price, string dateArrival) //дописать !!completed!! { this.numberPlate = numberPlate; this.Model = model; this.bodyType = bodyType; this.colour = colour; this.mileage = mileage; this.accidentHistory = accidentHistory; this.transmissionType = transmissiontype; this.price = price; this.dateArrival = ToDate(dateArrival);//вызво метода преобразвоания }
private void Start() { this.Body = gameObject.GetComponent <CelestialBody>(); ScaledBody = this.Body.scaledBody; GameObject stb = this.ScaledTiltedBody = new GameObject( + " Tilted"); stb.transform.parent = this.Body.scaledBody.transform.parent; if (this.Type != BodyTypes.Star) { Collider baseCollider = ScaledBody.GetComponent <Collider>(); SunBlocker = stb.AddComponent <SphereCollider>(); SunBlocker.sharedMaterial = baseCollider.sharedMaterial; SunBlocker.radius = 1000.0F; Destroy(baseCollider); } stb.transform.localScale = ScaledBody.transform.localScale; stb.layer = GameLayers.SCALED_SPACE; if (this.Body.pqsController) { Type = BodyTypes.Rocky; } else { if (this.Body.scaledBody.GetComponent <StarComponent>()) { Type = BodyTypes.Star; } else { Type = BodyTypes.Gas; } } // TODO: rocky bodies. haha. /*if(this.Type == BodyTypes.Rocky) * { * Destroy(sb); * Destroy(this); * }*/ DontDestroyOnLoad(stb); TiltManager.Bodies.Add(this); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PostBodyTypes([FromBody] BodyTypes bodyTypes) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } _context.bodyTypes.Add(bodyTypes); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtAction("GetBodyTypes", new { id = bodyTypes.Id }, bodyTypes)); }
public static bool GetPartPreset(BodyTypes type, SimOutfit sourceOutfit, ref PartPreset result) { foreach (CASPart part in sourceOutfit.Parts) { if (part.BodyType != type) { continue; } result = new PartPreset(part, sourceOutfit.GetPartPreset(part.Key)); return(true); } return(false); }
protected Animal( int legs, DermisProtrusions dermisProtrusion, IncubationTypes incubationType, Habitats habitat, BodyTypes bodyType, params Colors[] colors ) { Legs = legs; DermisProtrusion = dermisProtrusion; IncubationType = incubationType; Habitat = habitat; Colors = colors; }
public Car() //дописать, !!дописано наверно!! { this.numberPlate = ""; this.colour = ""; this.mileage = ""; this.accidentHistory = ""; this.price = ""; this.size = Size.large; this.numDoors = NumDoors.two; this.numSeats = NumSeats.two; this.bodyType = BodyTypes.Saloon; this.accessability = Accessability.sold; this.transmissionType = Transmissiontype.manual; this.dateArrival = DateTime.Today; this.dateSell = new DateTime(); //вернет 01 01 01 }
private static void SetCategory(BodyTypes category) { CASMakeup ths = CASMakeup.gSingleton; ths.mWindowCostume.Visible = false; ths.mWindowMakeup.Visible = false; CASFacialDetails gSingleton = CASFacialDetails.gSingleton; switch (category) { case BodyTypes.FirstFace: case BodyTypes.EyeShadow: case BodyTypes.EyeLiner: case BodyTypes.Blush: ths.mWindowMakeup.Visible = true; gSingleton.SetLongPanel(true); ths.Tick -= ths.OnTick; ths.mButtonCostumeFilter.Selected = false; ths.mContentTypeFilter.Visible = false; break; case BodyTypes.CostumeMakeup: ths.mWindowCostume.Visible = true; gSingleton.SetLongPanel(false); gSingleton.SetShortPanelHeight((float)570f); if (!(ths.GetWornPart(category).Key != ths.kInvalidCASPart.Key)) { ths.mButtonDesignCostume.Enabled = false; break; } ths.mButtonDesignCostume.Enabled = true; ths.UpdateCostumePresetState(); ths.Tick -= ths.OnTick; ths.Tick += ths.OnTick; break; default: break; } CASMakeup.sCategory = category; ths.HideUnusedIcons(); PopulatePartsGrid(ths, CASMakeup.sCategory); ths.PopulatePresetsGrid(CASMakeup.sCategory, ths.GetWornPart(CASMakeup.sCategory), ths.mButtonFilter.Selected); }
protected List <CASParts.Wrapper> SubGetVisibleCASParts(BodyTypes bodyType, uint categories) { CASLogic logic = mCASModel as CASLogic; logic.AdjustAvailableCategoriesForCASMode(ref categories); List <CASParts.Wrapper> results = new List <CASParts.Wrapper>(); foreach (CASParts.Wrapper part in CASBase.sUnboxedParts) { if ((part.mPart.BodyType == bodyType) && OutfitUtils.PartMatchesSim(logic.mBuilder, categories, part.mPart)) { results.Add(part); } } return(results); }
public ElementControlService() { DBAutomobilesData = new AutomobilesData(); DBClients = new Clients(); DBOffices = new Offices(); DBSelledCars = new SelledCars(); DBWorkers = new Workers(); DBBodyTypes = new BodyTypes(); DBClasses = new Classes(); DBColors = new Colors(); DBCountries = new Countries(); DBGearTypes = new GearTypes(); DBLanguages = new Languages(); DBManafacturers = new Manafacturers(); DBWorkplaces = new Workplaces(); }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); // ConnectionWizard ConWiz = new ConnectionWizard(); // ConWiz.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; // ConWiz.ShowDialog(); PageID = DatabaseControlService.LastPage; About = new AboutForm(); //Editor Forms DBAutomobileEditor = new AutomobilesEditor(); DBClientEditor = new ClientsEditor(); DBOfficeEditor = new OfficesEditor(); DBOrderEditor = new OrdersEditor(); DBPresenceCarEditor = new PresenceCarsEditor(); DBSellEditor = new SellsEditor(); DBWorkerEditor = new WorkersEditor(); //Tables DBAutomobilesData = new AutomobilesData(); DBBodyTypes = new BodyTypes(); DBClients = new Clients(); DBColors = new Colors(); DBCountries = new Countries(); DBLanguages = new Languages(); DBManafacturers = new Manafacturers(); DBOffices = new Offices(); DBOrders = new Orders(); DBPresenceCars = new PresenceCars(); DBSelledCars = new SelledCars(); DBSells = new Sells(); DBWorkers = new Workers(); DBWorkplaces = new Workplaces(); dataGridView1.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect; dataGridView1.MultiSelect = false; buttonInsert.Enabled = false; buttonUpdate.Enabled = false; buttonDelete.Enabled = false; ShowDialog(); }
public SmallSelector() { InitializeComponent(); DBBodyTypes = new BodyTypes(); DBClasses = new Classes(); DBColors = new Colors(); DBCountries = new Countries(); DBGearTypes = new GearTypes(); DBLanguages = new Languages(); DBManafacturers = new Manafacturers(); DBWorkplaces = new Workplaces(); DBSmallEditor = new SmallEditor(); DBCountryEditor = new CountriesEditor(); dataGridView1.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect; dataGridView1.MultiSelect = false; }
/* * public void DebugLogColor() * { * if (!Common.kDebugging) return; * * Common.StringBuilder msg = new Common.StringBuilder(null; * * msg += "Hair"; * * Color[] color = GetPresetColor(BodyTypes.Hair); * if (color != null) * { * foreach (Color item in color) * { * msg += Common.NewLine + item; * } * } * * try * { * throw new Exception(); * } * catch (Exception e) * { * msg += Common.NewLine + e.StackTrace; * } * * Common.WriteLog(msg); * } */ public string GetPreset(BodyTypes type) { foreach (SavedPart part in mParts) { if (part.mPart.BodyType == type) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(part.mPreset)) { return(part.mPreset); } else { return(null); } } } return(null); }
public string FormatBodyTypeMessage(BodyTypes bodytype) { string message; switch (bodytype) { case BodyTypes.Flip: message = "This is a flip phone"; break; case BodyTypes.Bar: message = "This is a flip phone"; break; default: message = "Not supported type of phone body"; break; } return(message); }
public static List <BodyTypes> GetBodyType(VehicleContext db) { List <BodyTypes> allBodyTypes = new List <BodyTypes>(); BodyTypes mySedan = new BodyTypes(); mySedan.BodyType = new Sedan().BodyType; mySedan.VehicleType = new Sedan().VehicleType; BodyTypes myHatchBack = new BodyTypes(); myHatchBack.BodyType = new Hatchback().BodyType; myHatchBack.VehicleType = new Hatchback().VehicleType; allBodyTypes.Add(mySedan); allBodyTypes.Add(myHatchBack); return(allBodyTypes); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a body with no parent genes /// </summary> public void CreateBody() { BodyTypes bodyRand1 = (BodyTypes)Random.Range(0, 3); BodyTypes bodyRand2 = (BodyTypes)Random.Range(0, 3); switch (bodyRand1) { case BodyTypes.BROWN: _bodyAllele1 = new BodyBrown(); break; case BodyTypes.BLACK: _bodyAllele1 = new BodyBlack(); break; case BodyTypes.WHITE: _bodyAllele1 = new BodyWhite(); break; } switch (bodyRand2) { case BodyTypes.BROWN: _bodyAllele2 = new BodyBrown(); break; case BodyTypes.BLACK: _bodyAllele2 = new BodyBlack(); break; case BodyTypes.WHITE: _bodyAllele2 = new BodyWhite(); break; } SelectBody(); }
public void Init(SolarSystemBody body, BodyTypes bodyType) { Image = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); Body = body; BodyType = bodyType; switch (BodyType) { case BodyTypes.PLANET: Image.sprite = Assets.Sprites.Instance.SolarPlanet_8x8; break; case BodyTypes.STARGATE: //GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(8, 8); Image.sprite = Assets.Sprites.Instance.SolarStargate_8x8; //GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(Image.sprite.rect.width, Image.sprite.rect.height); Image.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); break; case BodyTypes.SUN: Image.sprite = Assets.Sprites.Instance.SolarPlanet_8x8; Image.color = Color.yellow; GenerateSolarTexture(); break; } //transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>().text = Body.Name; }
protected static List<CASParts.Wrapper> GetVisibleCASParts(CASLogic ths, BodyTypes bodyType, uint categories) { uint alteredCategories = categories; ths.AdjustAvailableCategoriesForCASMode(ref alteredCategories); SimBuilder builder = ths.mBuilder; CASAgeGenderFlags age = builder.Age; CASAgeGenderFlags gender = builder.Gender; CASAgeGenderFlags species = builder.Species; List<CASParts.Wrapper> list = new List<CASParts.Wrapper>(); foreach(CASParts.Wrapper part in CASBase.HairParts) { InvalidPartBase.Reason reason = InvalidPartBooter.Allow(part, age, gender, species, false, (OutfitCategories)categories); if (reason != InvalidPartBase.Reason.None) continue; if ((part.mPart.BodyType == bodyType) && OutfitUtils.PartMatchesSim(builder, alteredCategories, part.mPart)) { list.Add(part); } } return list; }
private static Vector3[] GetMakeupVectorColors(CASMakeup ths, BodyTypes type) { return ths.GetMakeupVectorColors(ths.mCurrentPreset.mPart); }
private static void PopulatePartsGrid(CASMakeup ths, BodyTypes category) { if (category != BodyTypes.CostumeMakeup) { ItemGrid mGridMakeupParts = ths.mGridMakeupParts; mGridMakeupParts.Clear(); CASPart wornPart = ths.GetWornPart(category); List<object> visibleParts = ths.GetVisibleParts(category); ResourceKey layoutKey = ResourceKey.CreateUILayoutKey("GenericCasItem", 0x0); foreach (object obj2 in visibleParts) { CASPart part = (CASPart)obj2; ths.AddPartsGridItem(mGridMakeupParts, layoutKey, part); if (part.Key == wornPart.Key) { mGridMakeupParts.SelectedItem = mGridMakeupParts.Count - 0x1; } } ths.mButtonColor.Enabled = (mGridMakeupParts.SelectedItem != -1) && (mGridMakeupParts.SelectedItem != 0x0); ths.mButtonDelete.Enabled = ths.mButtonColor.Enabled; } else { ItemGrid mGridCostumeParts = ths.mGridCostumeParts; mGridCostumeParts.Clear(); ths.mCurrentPreset = null; ths.mCurrentFocusedRow = null; ths.mTempFocusedRow = null; List<object> objectList = ths.GetVisibleParts(category); bool shouldEnableCatalogProductFilter = false; CASPart objectToNotRemove = ths.GetWornPart(category); ths.mContentTypeFilter.FilterObjects(objectList, out shouldEnableCatalogProductFilter, objectToNotRemove); ths.mButtonCostumeFilter.Enabled = false; ths.mButtonCostumeFilter.Tag = shouldEnableCatalogProductFilter; foreach (CASPart part4 in objectList) { if (!(part4.Key == ths.kInvalidCASPart.Key)) { CASClothingRow row = UIManager.LoadLayout(ResourceKey.CreateUILayoutKey("CASClothingRow", 0x0)).GetWindowByExportID(0x1) as CASClothingRow; row.CASPart = part4; row.RowController = ths; if (row.CreateGridItems(true).Count > 0x0) { mGridCostumeParts.AddItem(new ItemGridCellItem(row, null)); if (row.SelectedItem != -1) { ths.mCurrentPreset = row.Selection as CASPartPreset; } } CASClothingRowEx.Create(row, MasterController.Settings.mAllowMultipleMakeup); } } ths.mContentTypeFilter.UpdateFilterButtonState(); } }
protected static CASParts.PartPreset GetRandomPreset(BodyTypes location, OutfitCategories category, CASAgeGenderFlags age, CASAgeGenderFlags gender, CASAgeGenderFlags species, bool maternity, StringBuilder log) { try { log.Append(Common.NewLine + " Location: " + location); log.Append(Common.NewLine + " Category: " + category); log.Append(Common.NewLine + " Age: " + age); log.Append(Common.NewLine + " Gender: " + gender); log.Append(Common.NewLine + " Species: " + species); log.Append(Common.NewLine + " Maternity: " + maternity); Dictionary<ResourceKey, CASParts.Wrapper> parts; if (AllParts.TryGetValue(location, out parts)) { log.Append(Common.NewLine + " Parts Found: " + parts.Count); List<CASParts.Wrapper> choices = new List<CASParts.Wrapper>(); Dictionary<string,int> reasons = new Dictionary<string,int>(); foreach (CASParts.Wrapper test in parts.Values) { ProcessOptions type = GetType(test.mPart.BodyType); if ((type != ProcessOptions.BodyHair) || (!Dresser.Settings.mIgnoreBodyHairGender)) { if ((test.Gender & gender) != gender) { Add(reasons, "Gender Fail"); continue; } } if ((test.Age & age) != age) { Add(reasons, "Age Fail"); continue; } if (test.Species != species) { Add(reasons, "Species Fail"); continue; } if ((test.Category & category) != category) { Add(reasons, "Category Fail"); continue; } string reason = null; if (!Allow(test, age, gender, species, maternity, category, out reason)) { Add(reasons, reason); continue; } if ((test.ExtendedCategory & OutfitCategoriesExtended.IsHiddenInCAS) != 0x0) { Add(reasons, "HiddenInCAS Fail"); continue; } bool testIgnore = false; switch(type) { case ProcessOptions.Beard: case ProcessOptions.BodyHair: testIgnore = !Dresser.Settings.mIgnoreValidForRandomBodyHair; break; case ProcessOptions.Hair: testIgnore = !Dresser.Settings.mIgnoreValidForRandomHair; break; case ProcessOptions.Accessories: testIgnore = !Dresser.Settings.mIgnoreValidForRandomAccessories; break; case ProcessOptions.Makeup: testIgnore = !Dresser.Settings.mSameMakeupForAllCategories; break; default: testIgnore = !Dresser.Settings.mIgnoreValidForRandomClothing; break; } if ((testIgnore) && (test.ExtendedCategory & OutfitCategoriesExtended.ValidForRandom) == 0) { Add(reasons, "ValidForRandom Fail"); continue; } if (maternity) { if ((test.ExtendedCategory & OutfitCategoriesExtended.ValidForMaternity) == 0) { Add(reasons, "ValidForMaternity Fail"); continue; } } choices.Add(test); } foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> reason in reasons) { log.Append(Common.NewLine + " " + reason.Key + ": " + reason.Value); } log.Append(Common.NewLine + " Final Count: " + choices.Count + Common.NewLine); if (choices.Count > 0) { int tries = 0; while (tries < 10) { tries++; CASParts.PartPreset preset = RandomUtil.GetRandomObjectFromList(choices).GetRandomPreset(); if (preset != null) { return preset; } } } } else { log.Append(Common.NewLine + " No Parts Found" + Common.NewLine); } } catch (Exception e) { Common.Exception(location.ToString(), e); } return null; }
public static bool IsMakeup(BodyTypes type) { return sMakeup.Contains(type); }
private CASPart[] GetVisibleParts(BodyTypes bodyType) { ArrayList visibleCASParts = Responder.Instance.CASModel.GetVisibleCASParts(bodyType); visibleCASParts.Insert(0x0, this.kInvalidCASPart); return (visibleCASParts.ToArray(typeof(CASPart)) as CASPart[]); }
public ArrayList GetUnicornCASParts(BodyTypes bodyType, bool isChild) { return mCASModel.GetUnicornCASParts(bodyType, isChild); }
public void OnHairPresetAppliedProxy(BodyTypes bodyType, ColorInfo hairColors) { try { if (OnHairPresetApplied != null) { OnHairPresetApplied(bodyType, hairColors); } } catch (Exception e) { Common.Exception("OnHairPresetAppliedProxy", e); } }
public override ArrayList GetVisibleCASParts(BodyTypes bodyType, uint categories) { try { List<CASParts.Wrapper> list = SubGetVisibleCASParts(bodyType, categories); //ArrayList list = base.GetVisibleCASParts(bodyType, categories); StackTrace trace = new StackTrace(false); int blackListCount = 0; CASClothingCategory clothingCategory = CASClothingCategory.gSingleton; if (clothingCategory != null) { // Fix for an issue where this listing is never cleared by the Core if (clothingCategory.PartPresetsList != null) { clothingCategory.PartPresetsList.Clear(); } } bool truncate = false; if (list.Count > 0) { bool found = false; foreach (StackFrame frame in trace.GetFrames()) { if (frame.GetMethod().DeclaringType == sDelayedCategoryUpdate) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { foreach (StackFrame frame in trace.GetFrames()) { if ((frame.GetMethod().DeclaringType == sCASClothingCategory) && (frame.GetMethod().ToString() == "Void HideUnusedIcons()")) { truncate = true; break; } else if ((frame.GetMethod().DeclaringType == sCASClothingCategory) && (frame.GetMethod().ToString() == "Void LoadParts()")) { truncate = true; if ((clothingCategory != null) && (clothingCategory.mClothingTypesGrid != null)) { clothingCategory.mClothingTypesGrid.Clear(); } CASClothingCategoryEx.DelayedCategoryUpdate.Perform(); break; } } if (truncate) { List<CASParts.Wrapper> newList = new List<CASParts.Wrapper>(); newList.Add(list[0]); list = newList; } } } if ((!truncate) && (InvalidPartBooter.HasInvalidParts)) { SimBuilder builder = CASLogic.Instance.mBuilder; CASAgeGenderFlags age = builder.Age; CASAgeGenderFlags gender = builder.Gender; CASAgeGenderFlags species = builder.Species; List<CASParts.Wrapper> newList = new List<CASParts.Wrapper>(); foreach(CASParts.Wrapper part in list) { InvalidPartBase.Reason reason = InvalidPartBooter.Allow(part, age, gender, species, false, (OutfitCategories)categories); if (reason == InvalidPartBase.Reason.None) { newList.Add(part); } else { blackListCount++; } } list.Clear(); list = newList; } ArrayList results = new ArrayList(); foreach (CASParts.Wrapper part in list) { results.Add(part.mPart); } return results; } catch (Exception e) { Common.Exception("GetVisibleCASParts", e); return new ArrayList(); } }
protected List<CASParts.Wrapper> SubGetVisibleCASParts(BodyTypes bodyType, uint categories) { CASLogic logic = mCASModel as CASLogic; logic.AdjustAvailableCategoriesForCASMode(ref categories); List<CASParts.Wrapper> results = new List<CASParts.Wrapper>(); foreach(CASParts.Wrapper part in CASBase.sUnboxedParts) { if ((part.mPart.BodyType == bodyType) && OutfitUtils.PartMatchesSim(logic.mBuilder, categories, part.mPart)) { results.Add(part); } } return results; }
protected static List<CASParts.Wrapper> GetVisibleCASParts(CASLogic ths, BodyTypes bodyType) { return GetVisibleCASParts(ths, bodyType, ths.GetForgivingCategoryMask(ths.mCurrentOutfitCategory)); }
private static Color[] GetMakeupColors(CASMakeup ths, BodyTypes type) { Vector3[] makeupVectorColors = GetMakeupVectorColors(ths, type); if (makeupVectorColors == null) { return null; } int length = makeupVectorColors.Length; if (CASController.Singleton.ShowAllMakeupPresetsCheat) { length = 0x4; } Color[] colorArray = new Color[length]; for (int i = 0x0; i < makeupVectorColors.Length; i++) { colorArray[i] = CompositorUtil.Vector3ToColor(makeupVectorColors[i]); } for (int j = makeupVectorColors.Length; j < length; j++) { colorArray[j] = new Color(0xffffffff); } return colorArray; }
public void RequestSetHairColorPreset(BodyTypes bodyType, ResourceKey hairPresetKey) { mCASModel.RequestSetHairColorPreset(bodyType, hairPresetKey); }
/* public void DebugLogColor() { if (!Common.kDebugging) return; Common.StringBuilder msg = new Common.StringBuilder(null; msg += "Hair"; Color[] color = GetPresetColor(BodyTypes.Hair); if (color != null) { foreach (Color item in color) { msg += Common.NewLine + item; } } try { throw new Exception(); } catch (Exception e) { msg += Common.NewLine + e.StackTrace; } Common.WriteLog(msg); } */ public string GetPreset(BodyTypes type) { foreach (SavedPart part in mParts) { if (part.mPart.BodyType == type) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(part.mPreset)) { return part.mPreset; } else { return null; } } } return null; }
public void OnSetHairColorProxy(BodyTypes bodyType) { try { if (OnSetHairColor != null) { OnSetHairColor(bodyType); } } catch (Exception e) { Common.Exception("OnSetHairColorProxy", e); } }
public Color GetHairColor(BodyTypes bodyType, int index) { return mCASModel.GetHairColor(bodyType, index); }
public int FindCurrentHairColorPresetIndex(BodyTypes bodyType, bool filterUserOnly) { return mCASModel.FindCurrentHairColorPresetIndex(bodyType, filterUserOnly); }
public virtual ArrayList GetVisibleCASParts(BodyTypes bodyType) { return mCASModel.GetVisibleCASParts(bodyType); }
public static bool GetPartPreset(BodyTypes type, SimOutfit sourceOutfit, ref PartPreset result) { foreach (CASPart part in sourceOutfit.Parts) { if (part.BodyType != type) continue; result = new PartPreset(part, sourceOutfit.GetPartPreset(part.Key)); return true; } return false; }
public virtual ArrayList GetVisibleCASParts(BodyTypes bodyType, uint categories) { return mCASModel.GetVisibleCASParts(bodyType, categories); }
public static ProcessOptions GetType(BodyTypes type) { ProcessOptions option; if (TypeLookup.TryGetValue(type, out option)) { return option; } else { return ProcessOptions.None; } }
public List<CASPart> GetWornParts(BodyTypes bodyType) { return mCASModel.GetWornParts(bodyType); }
protected static List<CASParts.PartPreset> GetFromNakedOutfit(SimDescription sim, BodyTypes location) { SimOutfit outfit = sim.GetOutfit(OutfitCategories.Naked, 0); if (outfit == null) return new List<CASParts.PartPreset>(); List<CASParts.PartPreset> results = new List<CASParts.PartPreset>(); foreach (CASPart part in outfit.Parts) { if (location == BodyTypes.FullBody) { if ((part.BodyType == BodyTypes.UpperBody) || (part.BodyType == BodyTypes.LowerBody)) { results.Add(new CASParts.PartPreset(part, outfit)); } } else if (location == part.BodyType) { results.Add(new CASParts.PartPreset(part, outfit)); } } return results; }
public void LinkMaterials(BodyTypes bodyType, int flag) { mCASModel.LinkMaterials(bodyType, flag); }
public void RequestSetAllHairColor(BodyTypes bodyType, List<Color> colors, bool includeEyeBrow, Color eyeBrowColor, bool finalize) { mCASModel.RequestSetAllHairColor(bodyType, colors, includeEyeBrow, eyeBrowColor, finalize); }
private static void SetMakeupColors(CASMakeup ths, BodyTypes type, Color[] colors, bool finalize) { ths.SetMakeupColors(ths.mCurrentPreset.mPart, colors, finalize, false); }
public void RequestSetHairColor(BodyTypes bodyType, int index, Color color, bool finalize) { mCASModel.RequestSetHairColor(bodyType, index, color, finalize); }