public void applyCure(ToolBox.Tool tool, BodyPartType part)
        // Skip if no tool set
        if (tool == ToolBox.Tool.None)

        // Test out the rule system
        bool fixesColor = false;
        bool success    = RulesSystem.EvaluateCure(bodyParts, tool, part, bodyColor, ref heartbeat, out fixesColor);

        // Did color get fixed?
        if (fixesColor)
            bodyColor = BodyPartColor.White;

        // Tell game controller if we did this wrong
        if (!success)
            GameObject     gameControllerObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController");
            GameController gameController       = gameControllerObject.GetComponent(typeof(GameController)) as GameController;
            painLevel = BodyPainLevel.Worse;
            lastOuch  = Time.time;
        sound.playBodyEffect(tool, success);
    // Returns true if the patient is fully healed (no more symptoms!)
    public bool IsFullyHealed()
        if (bodyParts == null)

        foreach (BodyPart bodyPart in bodyParts)
            // We still have a problem: not fully healed
            if (bodyPart.symptom != Symptom.None)

        // Is the skin color non-white?
        if (bodyColor != BodyPartColor.White)

        // Is the heartbeat cured?
        if (heartbeat != kTargetHeartbeat)

        // Graphics change
        painLevel = BodyPainLevel.Cured;

        // Fully healed
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (HeartRateText != null)
            HeartRateText.text = heartbeat.ToString();

        if (bodyMesh != null)
            //Set the current pain level
            if (painLevel == BodyPainLevel.Worse)
                if (Time.time - lastOuch > ouchTime)
                    painLevel = BodyPainLevel.Bad;
            Texture newTexture = bodyTextures[(int)painLevel];
            bodyMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = newTexture;
    public void setPainLevel(BodyPainLevel pain)
        if (pain == BodyPainLevel.Worse)
            lastOuch = Time.time;
        painLevel = pain;

        if (painLevel == BodyPainLevel.Dead || painLevel == BodyPainLevel.Cured)
            foreach (BodyPart part in bodyParts)
                if (part.BloodSpurt != null)
                    Destroy(part.BloodSpurt, 2f);
                else if (part.PainEffect != null)
                    Destroy(part.PainEffect, 2f);
    /*** Symptoms Setup ***/

    void SetupSymptoms()
        //Re-set the pain level:
        painLevel = BodyPainLevel.Bad;
        // 50% chance that the heartbeat is abnormal
        if (Random.Range(0, 2) == 0)
            heartbeat = kTargetHeartbeat;
            heartbeat = Random.Range(85, 121);

        // 50% chance of abnormal color
        int colorCount = System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(BodyPartColor)).Length;

        if (Random.Range(0, 2) == 0)
            bodyColor = BodyPartColor.White;
            bodyColor = (BodyPartColor)Random.Range(1, colorCount);

        // Initialize body parts with no symptom
        int bodyPartCount = System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(BodyPartType)).Length;

        bodyParts = new BodyPart[bodyPartCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < bodyPartCount; i++)
            bodyParts[i] = new BodyPart();
            bodyParts[i].bodyPartType = (BodyPartType)i;
            bodyParts[i].symptom      = Symptom.None;

        // List rof symptoms we randomly shuffle: we will apply these
        int            kSymptomCount = System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(Symptom)).Length;
        List <Symptom> symptoms      = new List <Symptom>();

        for (int i = 0; i < kSymptomCount; i++)
        symptoms.Sort((a, b) => 1 - 2 * Random.Range(0, 1));

        // Shitty performance / approach
        while (symptoms.Count > 0)
            // Pick random body part. If it's not yet assigned, assign it now
            int bodyPartIndex = Random.Range(0, bodyPartCount);
            if (bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].symptom == Symptom.None)
                // Assign a random and unique symptom
                bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].symptom = symptoms[0];

        // Print out for debugging
        foreach (BodyPart bodyPart in bodyParts)
            // Debug.Log("Body part " + bodyPart.bodyPartType + " has symptom: " + bodyPart.symptom);