private void OnPlayerBodyCollision(BodyCollisionInfo info)
     if (info.Penetration.Y < 0)
        private void OnBodyCollision(BodyCollisionInfo info)
            var player = info.CollidingBody.UserData as Player;

            if (player != null)
                player.Damage(new DamageInfo(this, 1, Direction2DHelper.GetDirection(-info.Penetration)));
Esempio n. 3
        private void bodyCollide(Body bA, Body bB, List<BodyCollisionInfo> infoList)
            int bApmCount = bA.PointMassCount;
            int bBpmCount = bB.PointMassCount;

            AABB boxB = bB.getAABB();

            // check all PointMasses on bodyA for collision against bodyB.  if there is a collision, return detailed info.
            BodyCollisionInfo infoAway = new BodyCollisionInfo();
            BodyCollisionInfo infoSame = new BodyCollisionInfo();
            for (int i = 0; i < bApmCount; i++)
                Vector2 pt = bA.getPointMass(i).Position;

                // early out - if this point is outside the bounding box for bodyB, skip it!
                if (!boxB.contains(ref pt))

                // early out - if this point is not inside bodyB, skip it!
                if (!bB.contains(ref pt))

                int prevPt = (i>0) ? i-1 : bApmCount-1;
                int nextPt = (i < bApmCount - 1) ? i + 1 : 0;

                Vector2 prev = bA.getPointMass(prevPt).Position;
                Vector2 next = bA.getPointMass(nextPt).Position;

                // now get the normal for this point. (NOT A UNIT VECTOR)
                Vector2 fromPrev = new Vector2();
                fromPrev.X = pt.X - prev.X;
                fromPrev.Y = pt.Y - prev.Y;

                Vector2 toNext = new Vector2();
                toNext.X = next.X - pt.X;
                toNext.Y = next.Y - pt.Y;

                Vector2 ptNorm = new Vector2();
                ptNorm.X = fromPrev.X + toNext.X;
                ptNorm.Y = fromPrev.Y + toNext.Y;
                VectorTools.makePerpendicular(ref ptNorm);

                // this point is inside the other body.  now check if the edges on either side intersect with and edges on bodyB.
                float closestAway = 100000.0f;
                float closestSame = 100000.0f;

                infoAway.bodyA = bA;
                infoAway.bodyApm = i;
                infoAway.bodyB = bB;

                infoSame.bodyA = bA;
                infoSame.bodyApm = i;
                infoSame.bodyB = bB;

                bool found = false;

                int b1 = 0;
                int b2 = 1;
                for (int j = 0; j < bBpmCount; j++)
                    Vector2 hitPt;
                    Vector2 norm;
                    float edgeD;

                    b1 = j;

                    if (j < bBpmCount - 1)
                        b2 = j + 1;
                        b2 = 0;

                    Vector2 pt1 = bB.getPointMass(b1).Position;
                    Vector2 pt2 = bB.getPointMass(b2).Position;

                    // quick test of distance to each point on the edge, if both are greater than current mins, we can skip!
                    float distToA = ((pt1.X - pt.X) * (pt1.X - pt.X)) + ((pt1.Y - pt.Y) * (pt1.Y - pt.Y));
                    float distToB = ((pt2.X - pt.X) * (pt2.X - pt.X)) + ((pt2.Y - pt.Y) * (pt2.Y - pt.Y));

                    if ((distToA > closestAway) && (distToA > closestSame) && (distToB > closestAway) && (distToB > closestSame))

                    // test against this edge.
                    float dist = bB.getClosestPointOnEdgeSquared(pt, j, out hitPt, out norm, out edgeD);

                    // only perform the check if the normal for this edge is facing AWAY from the point normal.
                    float dot;
                    //Vector2.Dot(ref ptNorm, ref edgeNorm, out dot);
                    Vector2.Dot(ref ptNorm, ref norm, out dot);
                    if (dot <= 0f)
                        if (dist < closestAway)
                            closestAway = dist;
                            infoAway.bodyBpmA = b1;
                            infoAway.bodyBpmB = b2;
                            infoAway.edgeD = edgeD;
                            infoAway.hitPt = hitPt;
                            infoAway.normal = norm;
                            infoAway.penetration = dist;
                            found = true;
                        if (dist < closestSame)
                            closestSame = dist;
                            infoSame.bodyBpmA = b1;
                            infoSame.bodyBpmB = b2;
                            infoSame.edgeD = edgeD;
                            infoSame.hitPt = hitPt;
                            infoSame.normal = norm;
                            infoSame.penetration = dist;

                // we've checked all edges on BodyB.  add the collision info to the stack.
                if ((found) && (closestAway > mPenetrationThreshold) && (closestSame < closestAway))
                    infoSame.penetration = (float)Math.Sqrt(infoSame.penetration);
                    infoAway.penetration = (float)Math.Sqrt(infoAway.penetration);
Esempio n. 4
        private void _handleCollisions()
            // handle all collisions!
            for (int i = 0; i < mCollisionList.Count; i++)
                BodyCollisionInfo info = mCollisionList[i];

                PointMass A  = info.bodyA.getPointMass(info.bodyApm);
                PointMass B1 = info.bodyB.getPointMass(info.bodyBpmA);
                PointMass B2 = info.bodyB.getPointMass(info.bodyBpmB);

                // velocity changes as a result of collision.
                Vector2 bVel = new Vector2();
                bVel.x = (B1.Velocity.x + B2.Velocity.x) * 0.5f;
                bVel.y = (B1.Velocity.y + B2.Velocity.y) * 0.5f;

                Vector2 relVel = new Vector2();
                relVel.x = A.Velocity.x - bVel.x;
                relVel.y = A.Velocity.y - bVel.y;

                float relDot;
//                Vector2.Dot(ref relVel, ref info.normal, out relDot);
                relDot = Vector2.Dot(relVel, info.normal);

                // collision filter!
                if (!mMaterialPairs[info.bodyA.Material, info.bodyB.Material].CollisionFilter(info.bodyA, info.bodyApm, info.bodyB, info.bodyBpmA, info.bodyBpmB, info.hitPt, relDot))

                if (info.penetration > mPenetrationThreshold)
                    //Console.WriteLine("penetration above Penetration Threshold!!  penetration={0}  threshold={1} difference={2}",
                    //    info.penetration, mPenetrationThreshold, info.penetration-mPenetrationThreshold);


                float b1inf = 1.0f - info.edgeD;
                float b2inf = info.edgeD;

                float b2MassSum = ((float.IsPositiveInfinity(B1.Mass)) || (float.IsPositiveInfinity(B2.Mass))) ? float.PositiveInfinity : (B1.Mass + B2.Mass);

                float massSum = A.Mass + b2MassSum;

                float Amove;
                float Bmove;
                if (float.IsPositiveInfinity(A.Mass))
                    Amove = 0f;
                    Bmove = (info.penetration) + 0.001f;
                else if (float.IsPositiveInfinity(b2MassSum))
                    Amove = (info.penetration) + 0.001f;
                    Bmove = 0f;
                    Amove = (info.penetration * (b2MassSum / massSum));
                    Bmove = (info.penetration * (A.Mass / massSum));

                float B1move = Bmove * b1inf;
                float B2move = Bmove * b2inf;

                float AinvMass = (float.IsPositiveInfinity(A.Mass)) ? 0f : 1f / A.Mass;
                float BinvMass = (float.IsPositiveInfinity(b2MassSum)) ? 0f : 1f / b2MassSum;

                float   jDenom = AinvMass + BinvMass;
                Vector2 numV   = new Vector2();
                float   elas   = 1f + mMaterialPairs[info.bodyA.Material, info.bodyB.Material].Elasticity;
                numV.x = relVel.x * elas;
                numV.y = relVel.y * elas;

                float jNumerator;
//                Vector2.Dot(ref numV, ref info.normal, out jNumerator);
                jNumerator = Vector2.Dot(numV, info.normal);
                jNumerator = -jNumerator;

                float j = jNumerator / jDenom;

                if (!float.IsPositiveInfinity(A.Mass))
                    A.Position.x += info.normal.x * Amove;
                    A.Position.y += info.normal.y * Amove;

                if (!float.IsPositiveInfinity(B1.Mass))
                    B1.Position.x -= info.normal.x * B1move;
                    B1.Position.y -= info.normal.y * B1move;

                if (!float.IsPositiveInfinity(B2.Mass))
                    B2.Position.x -= info.normal.x * B2move;
                    B2.Position.y -= info.normal.y * B2move;

                Vector2 tangent = new Vector2();
                VectorTools.getPerpendicular(ref info.normal, ref tangent);
                float friction = mMaterialPairs[info.bodyA.Material, info.bodyB.Material].Friction;
                float fNumerator;
//                Vector2.Dot(ref relVel, ref tangent, out fNumerator);
                fNumerator  = Vector2.Dot(relVel, tangent);
                fNumerator *= friction;
                float f = fNumerator / jDenom;

                // adjust velocity if relative velocity is moving toward each other.
                if (relDot <= 0.0001f)
                    if (!float.IsPositiveInfinity(A.Mass))
                        A.Velocity.x += (info.normal.x * (j / A.Mass)) - (tangent.x * (f / A.Mass));
                        A.Velocity.y += (info.normal.y * (j / A.Mass)) - (tangent.y * (f / A.Mass));

                    if (!float.IsPositiveInfinity(b2MassSum))
                        B1.Velocity.x -= (info.normal.x * (j / b2MassSum) * b1inf) - (tangent.x * (f / b2MassSum) * b1inf);
                        B1.Velocity.y -= (info.normal.y * (j / b2MassSum) * b1inf) - (tangent.y * (f / b2MassSum) * b1inf);

                    if (!float.IsPositiveInfinity(b2MassSum))
                        B2.Velocity.x -= (info.normal.x * (j / b2MassSum) * b2inf) - (tangent.x * (f / b2MassSum) * b2inf);
                        B2.Velocity.y -= (info.normal.y * (j / b2MassSum) * b2inf) - (tangent.y * (f / b2MassSum) * b2inf);
Esempio n. 5
        private void bodyCollide(Body bA, Body bB, List <BodyCollisionInfo> infoList)
            int bApmCount = bA.PointMassCount;
            int bBpmCount = bB.PointMassCount;

            AABB boxB = bB.getAABB();

            // check all PointMasses on bodyA for collision against bodyB.  if there is a collision, return detailed info.
            BodyCollisionInfo infoAway = new BodyCollisionInfo();
            BodyCollisionInfo infoSame = new BodyCollisionInfo();

            for (int i = 0; i < bApmCount; i++)
                Vector2 pt = bA.getPointMass(i).Position;

                // early out - if this point is outside the bounding box for bodyB, skip it!
                if (!boxB.contains(ref pt))

                // early out - if this point is not inside bodyB, skip it!
                if (!bB.contains(ref pt))

                int prevPt = (i > 0) ? i - 1 : bApmCount - 1;
                int nextPt = (i < bApmCount - 1) ? i + 1 : 0;

                Vector2 prev = bA.getPointMass(prevPt).Position;
                Vector2 next = bA.getPointMass(nextPt).Position;

                // now get the normal for this point. (NOT A UNIT VECTOR)
                Vector2 fromPrev = new Vector2();
                fromPrev.x = pt.x - prev.x;
                fromPrev.y = pt.y - prev.y;

                Vector2 toNext = new Vector2();
                toNext.x = next.x - pt.x;
                toNext.y = next.y - pt.y;

                Vector2 ptNorm = new Vector2();
                ptNorm.x = fromPrev.x + toNext.x;
                ptNorm.y = fromPrev.y + toNext.y;
                VectorTools.makePerpendicular(ref ptNorm);

                // this point is inside the other body.  now check if the edges on either side intersect with and edges on bodyB.
                float closestAway = 100000.0f;
                float closestSame = 100000.0f;

                infoAway.bodyA   = bA;
                infoAway.bodyApm = i;
                infoAway.bodyB   = bB;

                infoSame.bodyA   = bA;
                infoSame.bodyApm = i;
                infoSame.bodyB   = bB;

                bool found = false;

                int b1 = 0;
                int b2 = 1;
                for (int j = 0; j < bBpmCount; j++)
                    Vector2 hitPt;
                    Vector2 norm;
                    float   edgeD;

                    b1 = j;

                    if (j < bBpmCount - 1)
                        b2 = j + 1;
                        b2 = 0;

                    Vector2 pt1 = bB.getPointMass(b1).Position;
                    Vector2 pt2 = bB.getPointMass(b2).Position;

                    // quick test of distance to each point on the edge, if both are greater than current mins, we can skip!
                    float distToA = ((pt1.x - pt.x) * (pt1.x - pt.x)) + ((pt1.y - pt.y) * (pt1.y - pt.y));
                    float distToB = ((pt2.x - pt.x) * (pt2.x - pt.x)) + ((pt2.y - pt.y) * (pt2.y - pt.y));

                    if ((distToA > closestAway) && (distToA > closestSame) && (distToB > closestAway) && (distToB > closestSame))

                    // test against this edge.
                    float dist = bB.getClosestPointOnEdgeSquared(pt, j, out hitPt, out norm, out edgeD);

                    // only perform the check if the normal for this edge is facing AWAY from the point normal.
                    float dot;
                    //Vector2.Dot(ref ptNorm, ref edgeNorm, out dot);
//                    Vector2.Dot(ref ptNorm, ref norm, out dot);
                    dot = Vector2.Dot(ptNorm, norm);
                    if (dot <= 0f)
                        if (dist < closestAway)
                            closestAway          = dist;
                            infoAway.bodyBpmA    = b1;
                            infoAway.bodyBpmB    = b2;
                            infoAway.edgeD       = edgeD;
                            infoAway.hitPt       = hitPt;
                            infoAway.normal      = norm;
                            infoAway.penetration = dist;
                            found = true;
                        if (dist < closestSame)
                            closestSame          = dist;
                            infoSame.bodyBpmA    = b1;
                            infoSame.bodyBpmB    = b2;
                            infoSame.edgeD       = edgeD;
                            infoSame.hitPt       = hitPt;
                            infoSame.normal      = norm;
                            infoSame.penetration = dist;

                // we've checked all edges on BodyB.  add the collision info to the stack.
                if ((found) && (closestAway > mPenetrationThreshold) && (closestSame < closestAway))
                    infoSame.penetration = (float)Math.Sqrt(infoSame.penetration);
                    infoAway.penetration = (float)Math.Sqrt(infoAway.penetration);