Esempio n. 1
        protected override bool TryPlacePiece(BoardState board, PieceDefinition piece, out PieceBitmap resultBitmap, out int resultX, out int resultY)
            foreach (var bitmap in piece.PossibleOrientations)
                for (var y = 0; y <= BoardState.Height - bitmap.Height; y++)
                    for (var x = 0; x <= BoardState.Width - bitmap.Width; x++)
                        if (board.CanPlace(bitmap, x, y))
                            resultBitmap = bitmap;
                            resultX      = x;
                            resultY      = y;

            resultBitmap = null;
            resultX      = -1;
            resultY      = -1;
Esempio n. 2
        protected override bool TryPlacePiece(BoardState board, PieceDefinition piece, out PieceBitmap resultBitmap, out int resultX, out int resultY)
            int smallestSize = BoardState.Height * BoardState.Width + 1;

            resultBitmap = null;
            resultX      = 0;
            resultY      = 0;

            //TODO: If we weren't a singleton we could track our used Width/Height
            int currentHeight = CalcUsedHeight(ref board);
            int currentWidth  = CalcUsedWidth(ref board);

            //Console.WriteLine($"Current {currentWidth}x{currentHeight}");

            for (var x = 0; x < BoardState.Width; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < BoardState.Height; y++)
                    foreach (var bitmap in piece.PossibleOrientations)
                        var size = Math.Max(currentWidth, x + bitmap.Width) * Math.Max(currentHeight, y + bitmap.Height);

                        if (size < smallestSize && x + bitmap.Width <= BoardState.Width && y + bitmap.Height <= BoardState.Height && board.CanPlace(bitmap, x, y))
                            smallestSize = size;
                            resultBitmap = bitmap;
                            resultX      = x;
                            resultY      = y;

            return(resultBitmap != null);
        protected override bool TryPlacePiece(BoardState board, PieceDefinition piece, out PieceBitmap resultBitmap, out int resultX, out int resultY)
            resultBitmap = null;
            resultX      = -1;
            resultY      = -1;

            int bestLeastHoles  = BoardState.Width * BoardState.Height + 1;
            int bestLargestHole = BoardState.Width * BoardState.Height + 1;
            int bestDistance    = BoardState.Width * BoardState.Height + 1;
            var holes           = new List <int>();

            foreach (var bitmap in piece.PossibleOrientations)
                //TODO: Try at 0, 0
                if (board.CanPlace(bitmap, 0, 0))
                    TryPlacement(board, bitmap, 0, 0, ref resultBitmap, ref resultX, ref resultY, ref bestLeastHoles, ref bestLargestHole, ref bestDistance, holes);

                for (var x = 0; x <= BoardState.Width - bitmap.Width; x++)
                    //You can only place in a position if you couldn't place in the previous position, or if you can't place in the next position
                    bool couldPlaceBefore = true;

                    for (var y = 0; y <= BoardState.Height - bitmap.Height; y++)
                        var canPlaceNow = board.CanPlace(bitmap, x, y);

                        if (!couldPlaceBefore && canPlaceNow)
                            //Try here
                            TryPlacement(board, bitmap, x, y, ref resultBitmap, ref resultX, ref resultY, ref bestLeastHoles, ref bestLargestHole, ref bestDistance, holes);
                        if (couldPlaceBefore && !canPlaceNow && y > 0)
                            //try at previous place
                            // TODO May have already been tried (optimization, record the last tried place?)
                            TryPlacement(board, bitmap, x, y - 1, ref resultBitmap, ref resultX, ref resultY, ref bestLeastHoles, ref bestLargestHole, ref bestDistance, holes);

                        couldPlaceBefore = canPlaceNow;

                //Do a y then x loop as well
                for (var y = 0; y <= BoardState.Height - bitmap.Height; y++)
                    //You can only place in a position if you couldn't place in the previous position, or if you can't place in the next position
                    bool couldPlaceBefore = true;

                    for (var x = 0; x <= BoardState.Width - bitmap.Width; x++)
                        var canPlaceNow = board.CanPlace(bitmap, x, y);

                        if (!couldPlaceBefore && canPlaceNow)
                            //Try here
                            //TODO May have already tried this in the x,y loop above
                            TryPlacement(board, bitmap, x, y, ref resultBitmap, ref resultX, ref resultY, ref bestLeastHoles, ref bestLargestHole, ref bestDistance, holes);
                        if (couldPlaceBefore && !canPlaceNow && x > 0)
                            //try at previous place
                            // TODO May have already been tried (optimization, record the last tried place?)
                            //TODO May have already tried this in the x,y loop above
                            TryPlacement(board, bitmap, x - 1, y, ref resultBitmap, ref resultX, ref resultY, ref bestLeastHoles, ref bestLargestHole, ref bestDistance, holes);

                        couldPlaceBefore = canPlaceNow;

            return(resultBitmap != null);
Esempio n. 4
        protected override bool TryPlacePiece(BoardState board, PieceDefinition piece, out PieceBitmap resultBitmap, out int resultX, out int resultY)
            var holes = new List <int>();

            int leastHoles      = BoardState.Width * BoardState.Height;
            int largestHoleSize = 0;

            resultBitmap = null;
            resultX      = -1;
            resultY      = -1;

            //TODO: Distance could be < the piece size too
            for (var distance = 0; distance < BoardState.Width + BoardState.Height; distance++)
                //TODO: Min(distance, Width - bitmap.MinSideSize) ?
                for (var x = 0; x <= distance; x++)
                    var y = distance - x;

                    foreach (var bitmap in piece.PossibleOrientations)
                        if (x + bitmap.Width <= BoardState.Width && y + bitmap.Height <= BoardState.Height && board.CanPlace(bitmap, x, y))
                            var clone = board;
                            clone.Place(bitmap, x, y);

                            PlacementHelper.HoleCount(clone, ref holes);

                            //TODO: No Linq
                            if (holes.Count < leastHoles || (holes.Count == leastHoles && holes.Max() > largestHoleSize))
                                leastHoles      = holes.Count;
                                largestHoleSize = holes.Max();

                                resultBitmap = bitmap;
                                resultX      = x;
                                resultY      = y;

                if (resultBitmap != null)

        protected override bool TryPlacePiece(BoardState board, PieceDefinition piece, out PieceBitmap resultBitmap, out int x, out int y)
            for (var oppositeWallGap = 0; oppositeWallGap < BoardState.Width; oppositeWallGap++)
                //TODO: Could use the minimum of the size of the sides of the bitmap in this gap < part to skip some wasteful loops
                for (var gap = 0; gap < BoardState.Height; gap++)
                    foreach (var bitmap in piece.PossibleOrientations)
                        //Try place in x direction
                        if (gap + bitmap.Width <= BoardState.Width && oppositeWallGap + bitmap.Height <= BoardState.Height && board.CanPlace(bitmap, gap, oppositeWallGap))
                            resultBitmap = bitmap;
                            x            = gap;
                            y            = oppositeWallGap;

                        //Try place in y direction
                        if (oppositeWallGap + bitmap.Width <= BoardState.Width && gap + bitmap.Height <= BoardState.Height && board.CanPlace(bitmap, oppositeWallGap, gap))
                            resultBitmap = bitmap;
                            x            = oppositeWallGap;
                            y            = gap;

            resultBitmap = null;
            x            = -1;
            y            = -1;