Esempio n. 1
        public void LoadBoardUIs()
            BoardBLL boardBLL = new BoardBLL();


            this.pnWorkSpace.BackgroundImage = null;

            // boards = boardBLL.GetAllBoard();
            boards = boardBLL.GetAllBoard(user.UserId);

            //foreach (Board bo in boards)
            for (int i = 0; i < boards.Count; i++)
                Board bo = boards[i];
                //BoardUI b = new BoardUI(bo.BoardId,bo.Index,bo.GroupId,bo.Title,bo.Mode,bo.Star,bo.Background);
                BoardUI b = new BoardUI(bo.BoardId, i, bo.GroupId, bo.Title, bo.Mode, bo.Star, bo.Background);


            BoardNoInfor boardNoInfor = new BoardNoInfor(this, boards.Count);

Esempio n. 2
        public ActionResult BoardUpdate(Board iBoard)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // Instantiate BoardMapper object
                BoardMapper lBoardMapper = new BoardMapper();
                BoardDBO    lBoardDBO    = lBoardMapper.MapBoardTOBoardDBO(iBoard);

                // Instantiate BoardBLL object
                BoardBLL lBoardBLL = new BoardBLL();

                // Update the board in database
                bool lResult = lBoardBLL.UpdateBoardByBoardID(lBoardDBO);

                if (lResult)
                    // success
                    iBoard.type    = 1;
                    iBoard.message = "Successfully Updated!";
                    // fail
                    iBoard.type    = -1;
                    iBoard.message = "Failed to Update!";
                iBoard.type    = -1;
                iBoard.message = "Please Fill all required fields.";

            return(RedirectToAction("BoardView", "Board", new { @id = iBoard.BoardIDPK }));
Esempio n. 3
        public ActionResult UserProfile(int id, Common notice)
            // Instantiate objects
            UserBLL         lUserBLL         = new UserBLL();
            UserMapper      lUserMapper      = new UserMapper();
            BoardBLL        lBoardBLL        = new BoardBLL();
            RestaurantBLL   lRestaurantBLL   = new RestaurantBLL();
            BoardCommentBLL lBoardCommentBLL = new BoardCommentBLL();

            // Instantiate object to hold all info about user
            UserRestaurantBoardUtil lUserAllData = new UserRestaurantBoardUtil();

            // Get info about user with id
            lUserAllData.UserData = lUserBLL.FindUserByID(id);

            // Get info about board with user id
            lUserAllData.BoardList        = lBoardBLL.GetAllBoardsByUserID(id);
            lUserAllData.BoardCommentList = lBoardCommentBLL.GetAllCommentsByUserID(id);

            // Get info about order with user id
            lUserAllData.OrderList = lRestaurantBLL.GetAllOrdersByUserID(id);

            // number of rows per page
            lUserAllData.PageSize = 10;

Esempio n. 4
        public ActionResult BoardUpdate(int id)
            // Instantiate BoardBLL object
            BoardBLL lBoardBLL = new BoardBLL();

            // check if the user requesting to edit the view is same user by boardID and UserID
            bool lIsSameUser = lBoardBLL.FindBoolSameUserByUserIDAndBoardID(id, Convert.ToInt32(Session["AUTHUserIDPK"]));

            // if it is different user who is requesting to edit the post, redirect to the view with error message
            if (!lIsSameUser)
                int lBoardID = id;
                TempData["msg"] = "<script>alert('You are not authorized to edit.');</script>";
                return(RedirectToAction("BoardView", "Board", new { id = lBoardID }));

            // Find the board with id as primary key
            BoardDBO lBoardDBO = lBoardBLL.FindBoardByBoardID(id);

            // Instantiate Model.Board object
            BoardMapper lBoardMapper = new BoardMapper();

            // Map to Model.Board
            Board lBoard = lBoardMapper.MapBoardDBOToBoard(lBoardDBO);

Esempio n. 5
        public void TestInsertFunction()
            BoardBLL boardBLL = new BoardBLL();

            if (boardBLL.InsertBoard(2, "Project Test from client", 1, false, "NULL") == true)
                MessageBox.Show("Success insert");
                MessageBox.Show("Can't insert");
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BoardBLL    boardBLL    = new BoardBLL();
            ActivityBLL activityBLL = new ActivityBLL();

            String title = tbTitle.Text;
            int    mode  = cbMode.SelectedIndex;
            bool   star  = false;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbTitle.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("Tiêu đề không được để trống!", "Lỗi!!!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (this.background == "NULL")
                DialogResult r = MessageBox.Show("Bạn có muốn lưu ảnh nền mặc định?", "Cảnh báo", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                if (r == DialogResult.OK)
                    if (cbTeam.SelectedIndex == 0)
                        //----no team---------
                        boardBLL.InsertBoard(this.index, title, mode, star, this.background);
                        //add board for this user in user_board
                        int boardID = boardBLL.GetMaxID();
                        boardBLL.AddUser(Global.user.UserId, boardID);
                        activityBLL.InsertActivity(Global.user.UserId, boardID, Global.user.Name + " Has create new board: " + title, DateTime.Now);

                    this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                if (cbTeam.SelectedIndex == 0)
                    //----no team---------
                    boardBLL.InsertBoard(this.index, title, mode, star, this.background);
                    //add board for this user in user_board
                    int boardID = boardBLL.GetMaxID();
                    boardBLL.AddUser(Global.user.UserId, boardID);
                    activityBLL.InsertActivity(Global.user.UserId, boardID, Global.user.Name + " Has create new board: " + title, DateTime.Now);

                this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Esempio n. 7
        public ActionResult BoardCreate(Board iBoard)
            // check if every input is valid
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //get value from executing query
                int lResult = 0;

                // Instantiate Mapper object
                BoardMapper lBoardMapper = new BoardMapper();

                // Map Model.Board to BoardDBO
                BoardDBO lBoardDBO = lBoardMapper.MapBoardTOBoardDBO(iBoard);

                // Instantiate DAL object
                BoardBLL lBoardBLL = new BoardBLL();

                // Change the UserIDFK to Session["AUTHUserIDPK"]
                lBoardDBO.UserIDFK = Convert.ToInt32(Session["AUTHUserIDPK"]);

                // insert into the database
                lResult = lBoardBLL.CreateBoard(lBoardDBO);

                // Success
                if (lResult > 0)
                    // message on success
                    TempData["msg"] = "<script>alert('Successfully Written!');</script>";
                    return(RedirectToAction("BoardList", "Board"));

                // Failed to insert
                    // message on failure
                    iBoard.type    = -1;
                    iBoard.message = "Failed. Please try again.";
            // ModelState is not valid
                iBoard.type    = -1;
                iBoard.message = "Please Fill all Required Information.";

Esempio n. 8
        public ActionResult BoardList(string category, string searchString)
            // Instantiate Objects
            BoardBLL      lBoardBLL     = new BoardBLL();
            BoardListUtil BoardListUtil = new BoardListUtil();

            // Retreive list of posts that are in the same category and contain search string from database
            BoardListUtil.BoardList = lBoardBLL.GetAllBoards(category, searchString);

            // highlighting search string
            ViewBag.searchString = searchString;

            // categories for search bar
            BoardListUtil.CategoryList = new SelectList(lBoardBLL.GetAllBoardCategories(), "CategoryID", "CategoryName");

Esempio n. 9
 private void cbListUser_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (cbListUser.SelectedIndex != 0)
         BoardBLL    boardBLL    = new BoardBLL();
         ActivityBLL activityBLL = new ActivityBLL();
             boardBLL.AddUser(userDTOs[cbListUser.SelectedIndex - 1].UserId, this.idBoard);
             activityBLL.InsertActivity(Global.user.UserId, this.idBoard, Global.user.Name + " Add " + userDTOs[cbListUser.SelectedIndex - 1].Name + " to " + this.title, DateTime.Now);
             MessageBox.Show("Add succedd" + userDTOs[cbListUser.SelectedIndex - 1].Name + " to " + this.title, "Success!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
         catch { MessageBox.Show(cbListUser.SelectedText + "already exist in this board!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); }
         this.cbListUser.Visible = false;
Esempio n. 10
        public ActionResult BoardRemove(int id)
            // Instantiate BoardBLL object
            BoardBLL lBoardBLL = new BoardBLL();

            // Remove data from database and get bool as return value
            bool lResult = lBoardBLL.RemoveBoardByBoardID(id);

            if (lResult)
                // success
                TempData["msg"] = "<script>alert('Successfully Removed!');</script>";
                // fail
                TempData["msg"] = "<script>alert('Your request failed. Please try later.');</script>";

            return(RedirectToAction("BoardList", "Board"));
Esempio n. 11
        public ActionResult BoardView(int id)
            // Instantiate BCViewModel to pass three models
            BoardAndCommentsViewModel lBCViewModel = new BoardAndCommentsViewModel();

            // Instantiate Mapper Objects
            BoardCommentMapper lBCMapper    = new BoardCommentMapper();
            BoardMapper        lBoardMapper = new BoardMapper();

            // Instantiate BLL Objects
            BoardBLL        lBoardBLL        = new BoardBLL();
            BoardCommentBLL lBoardCommentBLL = new BoardCommentBLL();

            // Retreive data for post from database based on BoardIDPK
            BoardDBO lBoardDBO = lBoardBLL.FindBoardByBoardID(id);

            // if there is no post with the id, redirect to board list with error message
            if (lBoardDBO == null)
                TempData["msg"] = "<script>alert('Error occured while processing your request.')</script>";
                return(RedirectToAction("BoardList", "Board"));

            // Retreive data for comments from database based on BoardIDPK
            List <BoardCommentDBO> lBoardCommentDBOList = lBoardCommentBLL.GetAllCommentsByBoardID(id);

            // Map DB objects to Model.BoardComment
            lBCViewModel.BoardCommentList = lBCMapper.MapBoardCommentDBOToBoardComment(lBoardCommentDBOList);
            lBCViewModel.Board            = lBoardMapper.MapBoardDBOToBoard(lBoardDBO);

            // set values for board comment
            lBCViewModel.BoardComment           = new BoardComment();
            lBCViewModel.BoardComment.BoardIDFK = lBCViewModel.Board.BoardIDPK;
            lBCViewModel.BoardComment.UserIDFK  = Convert.ToInt32(Session["AUTHUserIDPK"]);
